Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the August 4, 2011 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Hermanns Sentenced To 13.5 Years

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - Former Waitsburg resident Adam Hermanns, who pleaded guilty earlier this week to armed robbery and residential burglary, was sentenced to 13 ½ years in prison, the maximum term possible under state sentencing guidelines. A fierce protector of the idea that one's home is one's castle, Walla Walla County Superior Court Judge Donald W. Schacht said he took seriously victim impact statements, particularly from 81-year-old Dorothy Schneider, whose residence was invaded by Hermanns and...


    Aug 4, 2011

    August 4: Rebecca Vaughn, Alex King, Benjamin Bloor. August 5: Dale "Skip" Buroker, Jonathan Schuler, Jo Ann Hansler, Bill Clayton, Dianna Riggs, Debra Davison, Michael Collie, David Murphy, Melanie Hevel. August 6: Seth Reese, Adelle Smith, Rita Pierson, Elizabeth Cole, Doris Hulce, Kelly Zuger, Abigail McKinley, Jackie Helm, Kathy Baker, C.J. Horlacher, Les Hyder, Bill Ramsey, Billie Jean Towers. August 7: Dale Ford, Tim Huwe, Kevin Richardson, Brooklyn Smith. August 8: Ginny Butler, Jeremiah Bennett. August 9: Kaye Wagoner, Tish Hulce, Adam...

  • Pointing The Way

    Aug 4, 2011

  • WP’s Goenen A Powerhouse At Fast Pitch

    Tracy Daniel, The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    CENTRALIA-Waitsburg senior softball standout Hailey Goenen participated in a three-day invitational softball tournament beginning last Monday July 25. Sponsored by Fast Pitch Northwest, the tournament is in its second year running. Selection process for the tournament began back in June. WP softball head coach Angie Potts nominated players for the first round S.P.A.R.Q. testing at Columbia Basin College's softball day camp. Here, the players are scored on their speed, agility, and core...

  • Taking The Leid

    Clarissa Caldwell, Special To The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    DAYTON-When the students of Dayton Elementary School achieved their reading goal, Principal Katie Leid spent the day on the roof. "The kids brought me lunch up there," she says. "It was so much fun." Fun is part of Leid's agenda at Dayton Elementary, and also as President of the Elementary School Principals Association of Washington (ESPAW). Leid's yearlong term as president began in April. She will preside over four board meetings throughout Washington state. During board meetings, Leid and...

  • Show Time

    Dustin Holden, Special To The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg "One-of-A- Kind" Auto Show & Swap Meet is quickly approaching, scheduled for Friday night, Aug.5 and Sat., Aug. 6.. The Friday night cruise from Preston Park to Prescott and back is from 7-to-8 p.m. An ice cream social follows at 8 p.m. On Saturday, the car shop and swap meet run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with live music and entertainment for part of this time. Food vendors will be set up in park. Coffee is available from the newly opened Coppei Coffee Co. on Main Street....


    Aug 4, 2011

    3-7 Macbeth opens the Shakespeare Walla Walla Summer Festival playing August 3rd though August 7th. Thrill in the journey of a good man seduced by witchcraft, vaulting ambition, and a persuasive wife. Returning from battle, heroic Macbeth is met upon a heath by three "weird sisters" who prophesy that he will one day be King of Scotland. Not in line to the throne, Macbeth's bloody ascension cuts down all who rightfully stand in his way. Macbeth is a marvel of theatricality packed with blood, battles, and the supernatural. Director Tim Hyland's...

  • Wine & Country Living

    Judith Henderson, The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    One of the perks of living with a wine professional is to visit my wine-loving vagabond on the road in California wine country. This week, I joined Wine Guy in Silicon Valley and we had lunch at one of his away-from-home haunts; the Los Gatos Brewing Company or "The Diners Pub," in historic Los Gatos Village. Los Gatos, is one of Santa Clara Valley's bedroom communities and best known for its quaint gift shops lined along cobble stoned streets, edged in manicured olive trees and lavender. It's also known for its pricy real-estate and fabulous...


    Aug 4, 2011

    Waitsburg/Walla Walla County & Dayton/Columbia County 7-26 Report of Injured Blue Heron on Green Giant Labor Camp Road. Report of Dangerous animal on South 5th Street, Dayton. Threats. Report of threats on South Willow, Dayton. 7-27 Property found on Preston Ave. turned over to authorities. Reckless vehicle reported east bound on State Road 12. Suspicious activity/possible trespass reported on Tucannon Road, Dayton. Suspicious activity reported on E Dayton Avenue in Dayton. 7-28 Report of possible gang graffiti found on Lower Waitsburg Road. Su...


    Pioneer Portraits|Aug 4, 2011

    Ten Years Ago August 9, 2001 Was Robin Hood here? The discovery of an arrow in the Bull's Eye Tavern's sign on Main Street is the talk around town. The consensus is Robin Hood would've hit the bull's eye-not the second ring. The Walla Walla County Sheriff's deputies are investigating. Growing up in Prescott, Linda Flathers Parsley, began to research her family history. After hours of research she has compiled the information she has gathered about hundreds of families into a book, "Dancing With Mules, a history of Northern Walla Walla County",...

  • One More Time

    Aug 4, 2011

  • Photos

    Aug 4, 2011


    Aug 4, 2011

    NEW WINE WORKS FORMAT DAYTON - Dayton Wine Works wants to try something new: the wine potluck. Manager Carl Cramer said he'll open the tasting room for guests who want to order or bring their food in from outside, listen to good music and drink his company's wine. "All through August, we'll do dinner at 6 p.m. and music at 7 p.m. on Fridays," he said. "Bring your families, bring your lawn chairs, bring your dinner." Attendees can bring their own home-cooked meals or order from any of Dayton's restaurants that do takeout: Ray's, Manila Bay...

  • What’s For Breakfast?

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    WAITSBURG - By the time this edition of the newspaper comes out, Coppei Coffee will be open or be just about to have its soft opening. Our grand opening, as we reported last week, is scheduled to coincide with the openings of Betty's Diner and the Anchor Bar on Classic Auto Show weekend this Friday and Saturday. As part of our continuing introduction of Coppei Coffee, we thought we might discuss our menu and go over some espresso terms. With the evolution of espresso culture in our country, it m...

  • No Offense Intended

    Aug 4, 2011

    A n interesting discussion ensued after we ran the story about the marijuana growing operation in the upper Tucannon watershed the week before last. It was actually more about the headline than the story. It read "Mexican Jailed In Mountain Pot Raid." Several people raised eye brows at our use of the word "Mexican" in the headline. When we picked up leftover papers in Walla Walla last week, we found that one super market put our stack of newspapers behind the counter after several customers complained about the paper carrying that headline. For...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 4, 2011

    To the Editor: This letter will serve as a strong endorsement of Mr. Jack Otterson and Mr. Blaine Bickelhaupt for election to the Columbia County Hospital District board. Both of these people are life-long members of the Dayton and Waitsburg communities, so you know them well as your neighbors and friends. Both have completed successfully, long-standing service commitments to their respective communities in various capacities and both have earned the respect of their two communities for their honesty and integrity. I have known Jack Otterson...

  • Political Cartoon

    Aug 4, 2011

  • Prescott’s Smiley Goes To Dayton

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    DAYTON - Harvest is barely underway and it's still a month before the new school year starts, but in the Touchet Valley it's never too early to start talking about upcoming high school sports. The 2011-2012 season will see some big changes for students, parents and coaches who meet in Dayton this Thursday and in Waitsburg on Aug. 15 to prepare for fall sports. The biggest shift at the top comes from the resignation of Jack Smiley as Athletic Director for Prescott High School after two decades...

  • Beaudry Is Times’ New Managing Editor

    Times Staff|Aug 4, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Jillian Beaudry, an editor and reporter for the Daily World in Aberdeen, Wash., will become the new managing editor for the Times based in Waitsburg, the newspa - per's publisher announced on Monday . S h e will re- place Dian McClurg, the previous managing editor who left the newspaper in May. Beaudry will assume her position as day-to-day news manager for the Times on Thursday, Aug. 18, just in time for the busy school year and sports season. "We are lucky to be able to welcome...

  • Post Office In Starbuck May Close

    Dustin Holden, Special To The Times|Aug 4, 2011

    STARBUCK - The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is losing money and looking for ways to save. It recently announced that it may close about 3,700 of its 32,000 offices around the country, including the one in Starbuck - which has offered service since 1883. Starbuck, population 130, is one of 39 retail outlets in Washington state are on the list for possible closure, along with Wallula in this area. Under the proposed plan, which will take several months to implement and be subject to a community...

  • Gone With The Wind

    Aug 4, 2011