Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 27
It's not every day you get to drive a real, live sheriff's patrol boat. Cody Coulston, cheered on by big brother Tyler, took obvious pleasure in the opportunity to play deputy at Waitsburg's very first National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 4. See the Last Page for more photos of Dayton's and Waitsburg's 2015 NNO events....
DAYTON – Arson has been ruled out in four of the five suspicious fires here between June 28 and July 22, according to incident reports released by Columbia County Fire Marshal Kim Lyonnais on Monday. "But all of the cases are going to remain open," Lyonnais said. "We hope that eventually a witness hears some kids bragging or overhears something else that gives us a lead." Each report that discounts arson includes the language "at this time." The marshal's office was not called to investigate o...
WAITSBURG – Waitsburg School District's July 29 budget hearing was followed by a brief public discussion "entertaining the idea" of combining Waitsburg and Dayton for middle school football. Those in attendance responded in favor of the suggestion. Superintendent Carol Clarke stated the concerns of Waitsburg middle school football coach Jeff Bartlow, who was unable to be present at the meeting. With only 44 seventh- and eighth-grade students (about 52 percent boys), Bartlow is worried about t...
DAYTON – Leadership changes are in the works for the Columbia County Health System. Board Chair Ted Paterson and interim CEO Jon Smiley will both leave the organization at the end of September. The resignations were announced at the July CCHS board meeting last Thursday after a lengthy meeting discussing the future of the hospital district and planned remodel of Dayton General Hospital. "Jon has done a great job, but it's time to get someone else in here," Paterson told the board. Both s...
DAYTON – Three wanted subjects were arrested in Dayton last Friday after attempting to flee from a Columbia County Sheriff’s Office Deputy. The deputy had planned to pull over the gray Chevrolet Lumina in the 100 block of North Front Street, but the driver failed to yield and stopped instead at 101 Klingenstein Drive. The driver then fled on foot. Deputies searched the area and located the driver, 25-year-old Milton-Freewater man Salvador Saucedo, Jr. Saucedo was already wanted on a warrant out of Walla Walla for failure to appear on charges in...
Ten Years Ago August 11, 2005 Fire fighters from all over the country are streaming into Pomeroy this week to fight the 41,000 acre School Fire, which started last Friday in School Canyon along the Tucannon, and, aided by heavy fuel loadings of timber and grass, ballooned daily while hot, dry conditions, steep ground and an abundance of grass caused the fire to “exhibit extreme burning conditions” which hampered fire suppression efforts. Tuesday will be a crucial day for Camp Wooten, a popular spot in the Tucannon River valley. The sturdy const...
DAYTON – Project Timothy has received two grants to assist in meeting the basic needs of individuals and families in Dayton and the surrounding areas. The grants were contributed by the “Live United” mini grant from the United Way of Walla Walla County and the Blue Mountain Community Foundation. Project Timothy is a Christian-aid organization that provides emergency financial assistance primarily to people living in Dayton, Waitsburg, Starbuck and the surrounding community. Financial assistance is provided primarily for emergency housi...
WAITSBURG – A parent information meeting for all Waitsburg Cardinal fall sports will be held Monday, Aug. 10, at 7 p.m. in the Waitsburg High School Auditorium. A coaches meeting (for all coaches, assistants and volunteers, for all sports for the school year) will take place Monday, Aug. 10 at 8 p.m....
WAITSBURG – According to the OnlyInYourState website, Waitsburg ranks among “20 of the Most Beautiful, Charming Small Towns in Washington.” A July 29 post on their website listed Waitsburg as one of the small-town Washington communities filled with “northwest charm.” “You won’t want to miss a meal at one of the tasty restaurants in this town by Walla Walla, like the Whoopemup Hollow Café! The rustic buildings and cozy vibe will make you feel right at home alongside about 1,200 other residents,” reads the caption below a photo of north Main St...
FREE SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM Monday - Friday Breakfast 8-8:30 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m. – noon All children 18 & under receive meals free of charge....
Waitsburg Nothing to report. Dayton July 26 Caller reported 16-year-old female at Cameron Courts out of control and yelling at her mother; deputies cited the juvenile female for disorderly conduct and released her to her father’s custody. Open door with keys in the lock reported at the fairgrounds; keys returned to owner. July 27 RV parked blocking the yield sign on S. 2nd Street. Report of possible fireworks on N. Touchet Road turned out to be people target shooting. Non-injury collision on E. Main Street as truck pulling a trailer e...
August 7: Dale Ford, Tim Huwe, Kevin Richardson, Brooklyn Smith. August 8: Ginny Butler, Jeremiah Bennett. August 9: Kaye Wagoner, Tish Hulce, Adam Rogers, Tracy Gluck, Robert Anderson. August 10: Skylar Wood, Connie Langlo, Tyson Cole, Jim Leid, Dean Smith, Glynn Davis, Alan Jackson, Sr., Janice Bode. August 11: Alfred Peters, John Wood, Gary Pierson, Kim Townsend, Dorothy Anderson, Bradley Grende. August 12: Seth Deal, Gordon Gilmore, Abby Hyder Barrantes, Darleen Dozier, Shawn Smith, Suzanne Schulke, Mia Becker, Bess Herndon, Patsy Fouste,...
Emergency services have been on the minds of Touchet Valley residents a lot this summer, what with four major building fires in Dayton and the Blue Creek Fire in Walla Walla County. None of the causes of these fires has been determined for sure, but they’ve kept a lot of firefighters and other emergency personnel up a lot of nights in the last few weeks. So it’s fitting that this week, Dayton and Waitsburg residents got to see many of these emergency management people during daylight hours and...
I’m an avid Dear Abby reader, and I’ve always thought that I’d be good at writing something like that. The only problem seems to be that nobody wants my advice. So I’ve decided to write down everything that’s been on my mind this week, put it in a safe, unlock the safe as soon as time travel is possible, answer my own questions, and send them back to today. Here are the results of this experiment: Dear future self: I’m in the process of writing a novel. I’m almost to the exciting part, but I c...
Greg Butler nabbed this shot of recent visitors to his home at Shilo Farm, just west of Lewis & Clark Trail State Park, last month. . ....
Jacob Dunn, an incoming junior at Waitsburg High School, pitched a complete game Thursday to lead the Walla Walla Bruins American Legion baseball team to the Washington State Junior AA state championship in Olympia. The Bruins trailed 3-2 going into the bottom of the seventh and final inning against Kennewick, but rallied for the 4-3 win on a walk-off RBI single by Carter Davis. Dunn gave up all three Kennewick runs in the sixth inning, but was otherwise almost flawless, giving up only six hits...
DAYTON – The Missoula Children’s Theatre is returning to Dayton to mount a production of its original play, Aladdin, at the Liberty Theater. Auditions will take place at the Liberty on Monday, Aug. 10. Youth entering first grade through their senior year of high school who want to audition must pre-register at the Liberty on Friday, Aug. 8, between 2:30-5:30 p.m. Students can also sign up for three afternoon workshops open to any young person, regardless of whether they are cast for the play. There is no cost to participate in either the pla...
WALLA WALLA– The Walla Walla County Emergency Management Department, in partnership with Walla Walla County Fire District 4, has scheduled a FireWise workshop at Walla Walla County Fire District 4 – Station 45 on Aug. 11 from 6-7:30 p.m. The address is: 6549 Mill Creek Road. Discussion topics will include the remaining fire-season outlook, defensible space, fire response, and potential mitigation projects. Residents who reside, or own property, in the Wildland Urban Interface are encouraged to attend the FireWise workshop. Discussions will be...
Temperatures topping 100 degrees did nothing to melt the enthusiasm of fans of Elsa from the movie "Frozen." Youngsters flocked to Whiskey Creek Sports Bar & Grill on Sunday afternoon to join Elsa for ice cream sundaes on the patio. Many of the young ladies arrived wearing blue dresses and braids, just like Elsa. The children enjoyed ice cream and karoake while Elsa signed autographs and served up hugs and smiles....
DAYTON – Columbia County Health System leaders have selected an architect team for the planned $5.5 million Dayton General Hospital upgrade, they announced last week. Two architects responded to the hospital district’s request for letters of interest last month, according to Chief Operations Officer Shane McGuire. Both were invited to the bidding process with RFQ (request for quotation). Rather than respond individually, the two architects decided on their own to come back to the table as par...
DAYTON – When teachers at Dayton High School ask their students to write an essay on what they did over their summer vacation, more than two dozen will have a ready answer: Teen Scene. Teen Scene is managed by leaders and volunteers with Blue Mountain Counseling, who also run the Summer Youth Program for younger children in the community. Both programs this year took place from the last part of June through July 31. This isn't the first year of this summer recreation program for older youth, b...
WAITSBURG – During the months of July and August, the Touchet Valley is buzzing with activity as farmers harvest their crops, reaping the rewards of the year's labor. Even those not actively involved in the process take part as witnesses. Drivers respectfully give heed as combines crawl along highways, making their way between fields, and children pump their arms in the air, begging truck drivers to blow the horn on their way through Main Street. And while it doesn't require grain elevators or b...
Board members: Ross Hamann, Greg Zuger, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson and Christy House with Zuger absent. *Superintendent Carol Clarke read a letter from OSPI congratulating the district’s transportation department for receiving “exceptional results” in the Washington State Patrol bus inspections, for the second year in a row. *Late legislative action dropped the end-of-course proficiency exam requirement in biology for the Class of 2016.The class of 2017 will be held to meeting that standard. *Thirty new computers will be ordered for the hig...
WAITSBURG – During the July 29 public budget hearing, the Waitsburg School Board unanimously approved the proposed $4.1 million budget for the 2015-16 school year. The 2015-16 budget is based on a total K-12 projected enrollment of 281.75 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students. For the 2014-15 school year, the district budgeted for 269.4 FTE and ended the year at 292.48. Total expected revenues for 2015-16, based on projected enrollment and anticipated grant funds, is $3.9 million. Total p...
When Arrah Lee Wilson and Benjamin Moser arrived to clean the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church on the morning of Thursday, July 30, they entered to find the sanctuary "covered with hundreds of tiny shards of glass," according to pastor Bret Moser. Vandals threw rocks and broke three of the antique glass panels in the sanctuary window that faces Main Street. Church members were hopeful that they had enough glass to replace the broken panels. The antique glass is filled with tiny bubbles and tinted...