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In keeping with a longtime Times tradition, images of the McCaw operation harvesting the field surrounding the City water tower grace this week's cover. Above: A combine makes the final cuts around the water tower. Left: A loaded bankout wagon heads off the hill as a harvest truck heads over the Main Street Bridge....
Running a small business is a huge undertaking. Seemingly endless resources pour into a venture that, hopefully, will service its community successfully. It's no wonder owners often refer to their business as their "baby." Even if a business owner is independently wealthy, supporting their baby isn't easy. Determining what a business needs to thrive sometimes isn't wholly possible until the running is already underway. The best way to mitigate some of the risks associated with starting a new...
WAITSBURG—The Touchet Valley was buzzing with police activity on Saturday as a a manhunt in Waitsburg Saturday morning was followed by a multi-county high-speed chase and officer-involved shooting Saturday afternoon. Multiple law enforcement agencies responded to both events. Vehicles from Columbia County, the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office (WWCSO) and the Washington State Patrol slowly patroled, with lights flashing, the area between Main Street and Highway 12, between third and fifth streets in Waitsburg late Saturday morning. Law e...
DAYTON-—A trial in the case of the State vs. Benjamin Orozco is going forward, with jury selection taking place on the morning of Tues., Aug. 20, in Columbia County Superior Court, according to the County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack. Orozco was taken into custody in San Francisco, Nayarit Mexico in March, 2016. He was brought to the U.S. and served at the Tri-Cities Regional Airport on Dec. 15, 2016. He was arraigned in the Columbia County Superior Court, on Dec. 21, and charged with second degree murder, in the July, 1996 shooting death o...
Deb Callahan organized Waitsburg's first Market in the Park which took place at Preston Park last Saturday. Plans are for the market to take place each Saturday, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. through Labor Day. All vendors are welcome. The only cost to sell is a $5 contribution toward the city park permit. Vendors should show up at 8 a.m. and have set up complete by 9 a.m....
Ten Years Ago August 13, 2009 Kurtis Reser, son of Frank and Judy Reser of Waitsburg graduated Magna Cum Laude from Eastern Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) in English Education. Dustin Smith, son of Janet and Red Smith of Waitsburg and Seattle, Wash, received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. Wheat harvest in the Touchet Valley area is 60% complete, despite a rain delay. Countywide, harvest is about 75% complete, according to J. E. McCaw, local...
Dayton Senior Round Table Lunch Menu Dayton Senior Center 403 E. Patit St. 12 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 8 Pulled Pork Baked Beans Coleslaw Brownie Juice/Milk Tues., Aug. 13 Chicken Alfredo Diced Carrots Tossed Salad Dinner Roll Banana/Milk Thurs., Aug. 15 Baked Fish/Rice Pilaf Stewed Tomatoes Salad/Roll Sunset Gelatin Milk Waitsburg senior Lunch Menu Waitsburg Presbyterian Church 504 Main St. 11:30 a.m. Tues., Aug. 13 Swedish Meatballs Over Egg Noodles Bread Fruit Milk...
Sweden and Washington State are very similar. Both have strong “green” movements and are quickly moving to eliminate all carbon-emitting fuels from cars and power plants. The caution for Washington elected officials is not to jam through hastily mandate programs which have significant unintended consequences such as has happened recently in Sweden. Washington and Sweden are aggressively working to put more electric vehicles on the road. Transportation is Washington State’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, but our GHG levels are p...
Correction: Last week’s Page 13 story on ‘Finding the bike you like . . . ‘ was written by Brianna Wray not Dena Martin. Addition: Col. Co. Public Transportation employee Mark Haney was not named in the employee photo on page 9 of last week’s issue. Haney was third from left in the back row. Clarification: In last week’s story on Tamara Demean as a new health care provider, Michele Smith reported that CCHS CEO Shane McGuire said that Kortney Killgore-Smith ARNP had retired. Killgore-Smith contacted The Times to let us know that she has not r...
PRESCOTT—The Ninth Annual Prescott Car Show will take place on Sat., Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Field View Park in Prescott. The swimming pool will be open and lunch will be available on a donation basis. All are welcome to participate or just enjoy the cars. Registration is free at the event and trophies will be awarded for first, second, third and Best of Show. For more information contact Bob Hillweg at (509) 629-7525 or Mike Skeeter at (509) 629-2569....
WAITSBURG—It’s Waitsburg Wednesday for Ladies only on Aug. 14 at Waitsburg Town Hall from 6-9 p.m. Tickets are $10 and include food, Bunco, shopping and fun. This Waitsburg Commercial Club event is open to ladies 21 and older. Tickets are available until 10 a.m. on the day of the event. Tickets are available at or by contacting Joy Smith....
STARBUCK, Wash.—Columbia County Public Health, Blue Mountain Counseling and Aging and Long Term Care (ALTC) will host a special event, focusing on the health of the aging population, in Starbuck, on Aug. 15 from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Starbuck Community Church (110 Main St.). The event will showcase: Blood pressure checks Aging and Long Term Care Services Basic Food Assistance Washington Health Plan Finder Insurance Mental Health and Substance Abuse The event is free to the citizens and community members of Starbuck and surrounding areas. This m...
Good food, good drink, good music and good fun were enjoyed by attendees of the annual Evening at the Depot auction fundraiser in Dayton last Saturday....
WALLA WALLA—Sherwood Trust CEO Danielle Garbe Reser has announced her decision to leave her position in January 2020 to pursue other opportunities to serve the region. Garbe Reser had led the Sherwood Trust since 2015. “Danielle has excelled in leading Sherwood Trust during a critical period of transition for our organization. She has been an effective and passionate advocate for Sherwood Trust and this region, and we are grateful for her leadership in delivering on our vision that everyone in the Walla Walla Valley has a sense of belonging and...
Removal of debris from a January house fire on 4th Street in Dayton was a community project coordinated by the Dayton Lions Club. The project depended on several partners who made donations and/or stepped up to help. "The Lions and the Cush family greatly appreciate the help of Dan Culley, Jesse Yost and Kim Korsberg for their time, expertise and equipment. We also thank Mike Talbott, Twane Shuman and Tim Trump for their contributions and assistance. This was a great community project and we...
August 3 Warrant Service: Deputies arrested a man in Waitsburg on a warrant. Burglary: Deputies investigated a reported burglary on Clodius Road. July 30 Non Criminal: Deer struck by patrol car on E. Hwy 12/Bolles Road in Waitsburg. June 27 Assault-Simple: Deputies were dispatched to the 100 block of Mill Street in Prescott for unwanted subjects refusing to leave. Investigation revealed that all parties involved had assaulted each other and there was damage to the property as well. Report to be forwarded to the PA’s office for c...
August 9: Kaye Wagoner, Tish Hulce, Adam Rogers, Tracy Gluck, Robert Anderson. August 10: Skylar Wood, Connie Langlo, Tyson Cole, Jim Leid, Dean Smith, Glynn Davis, Alan Jackson, Sr., Janice Bode. August 11: Alfred Peters, John Wood, Gary Pierson, Kim Townsend, Dorothy Anderson, Bradley Grende. August 12: Seth Deal, Gordon Gilmore, Abby Hyder Barrantes, Darleen Dozier, Shawn Smith, Suzanne Schulke, Mia Becker, Bess Herndon, Patsy Fouste, Keaton Jean Larsen. August 13: Shawn Thomas, Tammy Wood, Mark Leid, Angela Williams, Forrest Waltermire....
HELP WANTED MAIN STREET SALON DAYTON Private room with restroom available for rent Salon station for rent Call Christine 509-382-2060 Practice Route Bus Driver wanted. Must be available to work in the Spring and Fall from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and in the Winter from 2:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Benefits are available. Class B CDL with school bus endorsement is preferred but not required. Training is available. Contact Danon Griffen at 382-2292 or Jana Eaton at 382-2543. Open until filled. EOE SALE Large Garage Moving Sale. Friday & Saturday, 9th &...
If you want to know about grain elevators you can ask two of Northwest Grain Growers longtime employees Lupe Benevides and Tim Mayberry. Both have worked at the local elevators as warehousemen and foremen for over 37 years each. If you ever had a summer job working at the local elevators or driving trucks for the local farmers, you know them well. Lupe Benevides Lupe Benevides lives in Dayton and oversees the Columbia County, Waitsburg and Coppei elevators and is on call to help out at all the...
WALLA WALLA County—In a July 31 press release, the Washington State Department of Health declared Walla Walla County in outbreak status for both male and female gonorrhea cases. Washington Disease Reporting System data shows 27 cases in the county of the last three months as compared to only six cases during the same time period last year. According to the release, Walla Walla County is currently the only county in Washington State having a gonorrhea outbreak. The county communicable disease unit is on high alert as an increase in syphilis o...
A supportive community turned out to celebrate Ju's Traveling Pages move to a new location and name change last weekend. Newly renamed 'Words-n-Print' the book and gift store now offers custom screen printing services, hence the new name....
WAITSBURG—The Waitsburg Planning Commission is looking for someone to fill an empty seat. The Commission meets the second Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Lions Club Building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds. Those interested may download and fill out the General Position Application form from the City website ( under the Government tab or stop in at City Hall for more information. Applications should be returned to City Hall by 4 p.m. on Tues., Aug 13....
TOUCHET Valley—Columbia Energy, LLC is now doing business as Columbia iConnect. The adoption was made to more accurately reflect the service provided and to more closely brand the business to its parent company, Columbia REA. Columbia iConnect offers high-speed broadband wireless and fiber-optic Internet, satellite Internet and voIP phone services in Walla Walla, Columbia, and Umatilla counties as well as surrounding areas. The name change will have no impact on contracts, service and will not mean changes in contact emails, phone numbers or b...
WALLA WALLA—Columbia has chosen Fire District No. 3 and the Starbuck School to receive 2019 Community Grant funding. Following a review of 40 applicants from Walla Walla, Columbia and Umatilla County, a Columbia REA staff volunteer panel decided to divide the $10,000 in grant funds equally between Columbia County Fire District No. 3 and the Starbuck School District. “We had a tremendous response to our request for applications, and it was a very difficult decision for our selection,” said REA Media Contact Steve Owens. “Columbia REA has a l...
This week's photos, which fall in the "things you don't see very day" category, were taken by Times Editor Dena Martin. Two barges passing one another on the Snake River, near Sheffler Elevator. The barge on the left was a juvenile fish transport and the one on the right looked to be an empty cargo barge. Justin Gleason, who has added a bit of flair to his ATV, possibly to make his yard service business more noticeable. If you capture a photo that is beautiful, strange, funny or otherwise...