Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the August 9, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Kenneth E. Finch

    Aug 9, 2012

    Kenneth E Finch, age 67, of Walla Walla died at home July 24, 2012, following a short but courageous battle with cancer. Ken was born April 29, 1945, in Ordance, Oregon, to Robert and Etha Finch. Ken grew up mainly in Waitsburg, and after many years away from his roots, returned to the Walla Walla area in 2007 after a long career in the airline industry. He was a proud American and served our country in the Vietnam War. He loved fly fishing in local streams and enjoyed countless hobbies and...

  • The Harvest Life

    Dan Groom, Special To The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    This is the third year in a row that I've worked harvest with my cousin and uncle, David and Del White. I am a teacher by trade, so sum- mer break is a great time to make a few extra bucks doing harvest jobs. I drive wheat trucks. Because fewer and fewer people around these parts farm for a living anymore, I thought it a good idea to keep a journal of my days in the field so that the uninitiated might have a better understanding of the ups and downs of harvest life. Saturday, July 28 Harvest...

  • Car Show And Swim This Weekend

    Aug 9, 2012

    PRESCOTT -- Prescott's Dive and Park Show this Weekend! Like to Swim? Like to look at cars? Like to show off your car? On Saturday, Aug. 11, from 2-6 p.m. come to Prescott for an exciting time to see all the cars parked around the pool. Take a swim, then, look at cars again. If you have a car you'd like to show off, pile the kids in it and come to swim in Prescott and show your car at a real small town car show. A daily swim pass costs $4 for adults, $3 for youth and seniors. Children five years and under are free. Hot dogs and refreshments...

  • Prescott Searches For Assistant Business Manager Hire

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    PRESCOTT - With more students enrolled in the Prescott School District, the school board agreed last week it needed to hire a new business manager's assistant to help keep all of the paper- work in order. At the school board meeting on Tuesday, July 31, Superintendent Dr. Bill Jor- dan said with the addition of students from Jubilee Youth Ranch and Vista Hermosa in the school district, the office staff has been handling an influx of about 145 students. For the staff members, this means more student transcripts to track, more grading to record,...

  • Dayton Boosters Looking For Members

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton Booster Club is gearing up for back to school with a banquet and a push to encourage lo- cal residents to become new members. The club's back-to-school spaghetti dinner and silent auction will be from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug 18, in the multi- purpose room. The event will feature themed baskets and an assortment of items for auction, Booster Club Secretary Melanie Mings said. The themed baskets include a car cleaning kit basket, a cooking-themed basket and a fishing themed basket among others. As far as the items, Mings...

  • Press Box Progress

    Aug 9, 2012

  • Coach’s Corner

    Jeff Bartlow, Guest Column|Aug 9, 2012

    WAITSBURG -- Any- time you win a state championship, there is a big target on your back. The success of our team one year ago allows other teams a huge incentive to be able to play and defeat the state champs. Coming off this huge year with a 14-game winning streak and state championship, we will have our work cut out for us. Our league is arguably the best in the state and it will be no different this year. DeSales lost only five seniors and Tri- City Prep only two. Both look to be a huge challenge to us this fall. And TOR will be the best...

  • Theirs To Keep

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    WAITSBURG - When a high school sports team wins a state championship, the trophy to mark that accomplishment only gets to stay at the team's school as long as the team holds the title. This is where Waitsburg's Brian Segraves comes in. Segraves, who owns Coy- ote Custom Cabinets in Waitsburg, makes replicas of these state trophies so the schools can hold onto a memento of the victory forever. WP won two state cham- pionships in 2011 - state football and state soccer. Head WP football coach Jeff...

  • Talbott, Bensel Advance

    Jillian Beaudry and Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    WAITSBURG - A nar- row race in the Primary Election on Tuesday kept three Columbia County commissioner District 2 candidates on their toes with a margin of just 64 votes between the leading and eliminated candidates. With 171 votes Tuesday night, Mike Talbott led the commissioner candidates for that seat, advancing to the General Election on Nov. 6 with 40.62 percent. A total of 1,132 votes were cast in Columbia County with 421 votes for the commissioner candidates. "It looks like it's going to...

  • Grant Will Update Fair Rain Gutters

    The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON -- The Columbia County Commissioners approved grant money for facility repairs at the Columbia County Fair- grounds last Wednesday, Aug. 1. The repairs will help rain management on the grounds. The county applied for the grant money mid-June and was awarded from the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The commissioners signed the contract and sent the letter to the state mid-July. The contract for the grant money is expected to be finalized by the state in the next few weeks. The $14,285 the county received will reimburse about...

  • ‘Sister Band’ Gaining Notoriety

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON - Best friends Molly Weppler and Abby Chapman met in band class in elementary school and since then they have been inseparable in every aspect of life, including their venture into the Walla Walla music scene. They aren't sisters, but the 18-year old Dayton High School Alumnae still follow the sister-band model, sisters singing and playing instruments to- gether, and have recently been met with success. The women said they are influenced largely by bands in Walla Walla as well as wider...

  • Mother-Daughter Duo Equate Art With Love

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON - Art is love to mother-daughter watercolorists and Dayton natives Iola Bram­hall and Jill Ingram. Bramhall, 92, was born in Dayton and started draw­ing when she was six years old. In the seventh grade she learned how to paint. She painted with oil paints and pastels for most of her life and her passion for art encouraged her daughter, Ingram, to fall in love with art as well. "I remember the first time I got into (painting with) orange and yellow," Ingram said. "I was making autumn c...

  • Auction Earns Thousands For Depot

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON - Community members came out Saturday night to open their check­books to support the Dayton Historical Depot Society, bringing in thousands of dol­lars and bidding as much as $1,000 on auction items. "It went really well," said Jennie Dickinson, the Eve­ning at the Depot committee member. "We had a great turnout." Dickinson estimated prof­its from the evening between about $12,000 and $15,000. She has been working with the event for five years. Dickinson said the auc­tion was plan...


    Aug 9, 2012

    Columbia County Commissioners Aug. 1, 2012 * Drew Woods from public works presented a contract from the Wash­ington State Department of Agriculture for a fair­grounds grant. Commis­sioner Jones approved and moved to sign the grant. *Woods presented a Washington counties risk pool summer conference. Jones moved to continue with the $10,000 deductible and declined the excess coverage. *An executive session was held with Woods for about 10 minutes for poten­tial litigation. No action was taken. Jones recused him­self from the discussion. Comm...


    Aug 9, 2012

    LORANG FAMILY BENEFIT There will be a Ho­sanna Lorang Benefit Concert at 7 p.m. on Aug. 19, at the Liberty Theater, 344 E Main St, Dayton. The event will be a full- length concert featuring area musicians to benefit the Lorang family. All do­nations raised will go to the family to help cover emergency medical and funeral costs for their young daughter, Hosanna, who passed away in June after a fall from a tree. Performances to include The Lentil Bros, Heather Stearns, The Barnstorm­ers, Jake Lorang, Zech Bryan and Missy Daven­port. Seating by...

  • Business Classes Start Next Month

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    DAYTON - Local busi­ness improvement, job cre­ation and education are the goals of a several-months long business program that will be coming to Dayton, Pomeroy and Connell at the end of September. The program is hosted by the Benton-Franklin Council of Governments and the Southeast Washington Economic Development SEWEDA) with help from the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Devel­opment program and the Port of Columbia. The USDA Rural De­velopment program will be funding the classes to help local businesses operate more eff...

  • Her Resort

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The 1889 "Vollmer House" has finally come to be known as the "Davis House" after about 50 years of the family inhabiting it. Joyce Davis, who moved into the home on Highway 12 right outside of Waitsburg in the early 1970s, said every- one around town had always called it the Vollmer House because the Vollmer Fam- ily had built it in 1889 and owned it until it was sold to Bill and Joyce Davis. Joyce said she recently was about town and asked someone - "Do you call the house the Vollme...

  • Traveling Horses And Carriage

    Aug 9, 2012


    Aug 9, 2012

    Walla Walla CountyBoard of Commisioners When: Monday, Aug.6 Meeting starts at 9:30a.m. Monday County Commisioners-Chairman TompkinsConsent Agenda Items Action Agenda Items Human Services Department -Daryl Daugs Department update and miscellaneous Technology Services De- partment -Kevin Guteir- rez Department update and miscellaneous Prosecuting Attorney-Jim Nagle/Jesse Nolte Public Works Depart- ment -Randy Glaeser Consent Agenda Items Emergency ManagementDepartment -Jim Duncan Action Agenda Items(rescheduled from 7-23- 2012) Personnel/Risk...


    Aug 9, 2012

    ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL WAITSBURG -- Mark your calendars! The Fall Festival is right around the corner on Sunday, Sept. 16. The Waitsburg His- torical Society is working hard to host a festival to in- clude more of Main Street while keeping the event's traditional entertainment and church service. The Salmon Feed will be Sept. 15. Don't miss out on all of the fun. Details to come in the Times as the date approaches!...

  • Food Needed For Fall Festival

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 9, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Or- ganizers of this year's Pioneer Fall Festival are hoping Waitsburg mer- chants will step up to provide food for the event's numerous guests now that the traditional buf- falo barbecue has been discontinued. "We're now almost ready to begin publiciz- ing the event and would like to mention the food," said Jeff Broom, presi- dent of the Waitsburg Historical Society. "We would like to include a list of those who will par- ticipate." Broom said he hopes local restaurants and busi- ne...

  • Pauline Ketcherside Tedrow

    Aug 9, 2012

    Pauline Ketcherside Tedrow, Born November 6, 1942, passed away July 6, 2012, Pauline passed away at home & private services are pending....

  • PIONEER PORTRAITS Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Pioneer Portraits|Aug 9, 2012

    Ten Years Ago August 1, 2002 The Waitsburg Downtown Revitalization Com- mittee has raised $25,000 to initiate planning a proposed downtown streetscape renovation in its first year of existence. The group recently got a boost from the Washington Office of Trade and Economic Development (OTED) in the amount of $15,000.The plan allows Waitsburg to go after the eight tenths from taxes that is earmarked for economic development. Susan Kempf, head of the Downtown Revitalization Program for OTED took a two-hour tour of the downtown businesses and...


    Aug 9, 2012

    August 9: Kaye Wagoner, Tish Hulce, Adam Rogers, Tracy Gluck, Robert Ander- son. August 10: Skylar Wood, Connie Langlo, Tyson Cole, Jim Leid, Dean Smith, Glynn Davis, Alan Jackson, Sr., Jan- ice Bode. August 11: Alfred Peters, John Wood, Gary Pierson, Kim Townsend, Dorothy An- derson, Bradley Grende. August 12: Seth Deal, Gor- don Gilmore, Abby Hyder Bar- rantes, Darleen Dozier, Shawn Smith, Suzanne Schulke, Mia Becker, Bess Herndon, Patsy Fouste, Keaton Jean Larsen. August 13: Shawn Thomas, Tammy Wood, Mark Leid, Angela Williams, Forrest Wal-...


    Aug 9, 2012

    A lister and Sarah Torrens are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Thaddaeus Phillip Torrens. He was born April 28, 2012, in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, weighing in at seven pounds and 20-inches long. Proud grand- parents are Phillip and Jeanetta Monfort, of Waits- burg, Ron and Alison Torrens, of Kilrea, Northern Ireland, and great-grandfather, Samuel Torrens, of Kilrea, N.I. He joins an older sister, Saphira....

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