Sorted by date Results 26 - 38 of 38
I rresistible force meets immovable object - the old football cliché may be applied to the cur- rent wheat market; high emotion and heavy money on the move are making sparks and noise, but theses forces of buying and selling are, for the moment, balanced. For the last week, the price of wheat has been vibrating between $9.15 and $8.60. Granted, it has been a large vibe, with a 55-cent range from high to low, fully explored almost every day. But it is becoming better defined as the days pass. What this allows, for the chart traders among us,...
Waitsburg 8-01 A one vehicle rollover collision was reported onMcKay-Alto Road. The driver received minor injuries.A complaint of a dog being attacked by a neighbor dogwas reported on Sixth Street. 8-03 A possible DUI was reported on Main Street. 8-04 Subjects squatting on property were reported on Maple Street. The subjects were served trespass noticesto vacate. 8-06 The theft of 136 gallons of gas was reported on Cork- rum Road. 8-07 Assault was reported on Highway 12. Dayton 7-31 Trespassing was reported on Payne Hollow Road. Anaccident with...
LORANG FAMILY BENEFIT DAYTON - There will be a Hosanna Lorang Benefit Concert at 7 p.m. on Aug. 19, at the Liberty Theater, 344 E Main St, Dayton. The event will be a full-length concert featuring area musicians to benefit the Lorang family. All donations raised will go to the family to help cover emergency medical and funeral costs for their young daughter, Hosanna, who passed away in June after a fall from a tree. Performances to include The Lentil Bros, Heather Stearns, The Barnstormers, Jake Lorang, Zech Bryan and Missy Davenport. Seating...
Nikki Fisher was not iden- tified in the Rainbow Girls photo that ran in the Aug. 2 edition of the Times. Fisher is located in the foreground of the group photo on page 15....
Lately I have taken a real interest in reading the blogs regarding the county commission- er's race. It seems that two issues keep repeating themselves. The first is the fact that at age 18, Chris changed her first name from Billie Jo to Chris. Her first name has been Chris longer than she was Billie Jo and that is how her friends and colleagues know her. It's not an issue. The second issue that appears to be of concern is the alleged conflict of interest with her husband employed by the sheriff's office (a career he has had for nearly 32...
A huge thank you to all who donated to the summer reading program. Thank you to the Friends of the Library, Waitsburg Hardware Store, Waitsburg Grocery Store, Blue Crystal, Betty's Diner, Midway Market, American West Bank, Coppei Coffee, Columbia County Health System, Home Depot and Heppler's Big Cheese Pizza. Another huge thank you to my super volunteers for the summer: Selena Bundy, Jaidyn and Zac Brown, Mor- gan Breland, Devon Watts, Tucker Alleman and Walt and Tim Warehime for the little free libraries. You all helped to make the summer...
Dean Wass Is A Great FFA Volunteer Coach Wass Donates His Time And Money To Help Waitsburg FFA Trap Team Members Learn To Shoot WAITSBURG - For the Waitsburg FFA trap shoot- ing team, volunteer coach Dean Wass is a blessing. FFA adviser Nicole Abel said she has many wonder- ful FFA volunteers who donate their time and some- times money to help out the chapter. Wass stands out. He has been a volunteer with the chapter for five years, Abel said, and coaches trap shooting one day a week after...
Late one evening last week, as the sun was about to set on Cardinal Field, Ross Hamann toured the new press box with a visitor. On the ground floor, entered from the track, he showed off the new storage area, a new home for the teams' outfits and equipment. Then, he walked upstairs to the top floor, pointing to the places from where the coaches, team videographers, officials, media and VIPs will be breaking from or taking in the WP football games this fall. The press box structure, which has been months in the making and two years in the planni...
Waitsburg Fall Festival O r - ganizers of this year's Pi- oneer Fall Festival are hoping Waitsburg merchants will step up to provide food for the event's nu- merous guests now that the traditional buffalo barbecue has been discontinued. Dayton Business Program Local business improvement, job creation and education are the goals of a several-months long business program that will be coming to Dayton, Pomeroy and Connell at the end of September. Prescott New School Hire With more students...
PRESCOTT - The Wal- la Walla County Rural Library District over the next couple of months will be looking into expanding the Prescott Public Library into the empty lot next door or buying land or a building from the Prescott School District, officials say. Aletha Bonebrake, the interim executive direc- tor, said the library district owns the empty lot next to the current library, but she doesn't know if the library should expand into the space. Bonebrake said South D Street, where the current li...
WAITSBURG - Some farmers in the northern Touchet Valley area are pushing back harvest even further this sum- mer because wheat crops are still too green. Waitsburg wheat farmer Neil Carpenter said his harvest work had been held up four days last week because of unripened wheat. "It doesn't thresh real well," Carpenter said. "It's tough." Carpenter said it's not a happy sight to see green wheat kernels in his tank. He be- lieves he's still got some green wheat because of the wet, cold spring....