Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 30
PRESCOTT - The Prescott Joint Parks and Recreation Department hosted their third annual car and truck show at Field View Park on Saturday afternoon. Just over 20 cars, trucks and motorcycles participated in the event, a significant increase over the six to eight entries last year. Four members of the Combat Veterans #10 motorcycle group from Walla Walla joined the show after attending a funeral in Dayton. Spectators enjoyed a relaxing afternoon visiting in the shade while enjoying free chilidogs...
WAITSBURG - The Washington State Penitentiary Employee Association has announced its 2014-15 scholarship winners. Applicants were ranked on goals, achievements, com- munity involvement, recommendation, leadership, financial statements and neatness. Kimmie Hamann, daughter of Ross and Vickie Hamann, received a $1000 scholarship. Hamann will major in Elementary Education at WWCC. Beka Adams, daughter of Ann and Lanny Adams, Chelsey Brannock, daughter of Tad and Kitzi Brannock, and Tre Brannock, son of Tad and Kitzi Brannock, all received $500...
WAITSBURG - Jack McCaw let The Times know of a rather rare event last week - there are currently four generations of McCaws working the harvest. Jack said he's worked his way down to low man on the totem pole and spends his days running parts for the seven combines and associated vehicles in this year's operation. When The Times spoke to Jack around noon on Aug. 6, he said he'd been home all morning but that he had put 120 miles on his truck the day before. Son Guy, grandsons Jesse and John and great grandson Caden round out the other three...
Last week, as I prepared to make dinner, I handed my daughter a five dollar bill and had her run down the street for some candy sweet, freshpicked corn from Ed and Cathy Lambert's garden. As she left, I reflected on just how good we have it. Small town living at its finest! What's a normal part of everyday life to us would be seen as an exciting novelty to many. Believe it or not, we used to have it even better. In years past, the young Lambert boys would drive right to our door, pulling a...
DAYTON - Dozens of children auditioned last week for parts in Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT) production of Rapunzel. Each summer MCT interns visit Dayton complete with scenery, props, costumes and makeup. The interns spend the week rehearsing with local children, ages 6-18, to prepare a live musical production. Performances of Rapunzel will take place Friday and Saturday night, August 15-16, at 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theater. The week-long summer camp helps young actors develop skills in...
DAYTON - The Blue Mountain Station Coop has recently received a Food Establishment Permit for the BMS Commercial Kitchen and Market. "This means that many products that do not require USDA certification can be made in our kitchen and sold in the market with no addition permitting necessary," said Port Manager Jennie Dickinson. Ingredients, recipes and a description of the process must be submitted to the Co-op so that they can determine if the item fits health standards but no additional requirements, aside from a food worker card, will be...
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg High School will host Mr. Robert Vaughn of Prevention Solutions (Red Cross) in a 2.5 hour First Aid/CPR Class on September 29 at 6 p.m. The training and/or refresher course is available to anyone interested. The cost is $31.50 and interested parties should contact Stephanie Wooderchak by email at or by phone at 509-337-6351 to RSVP to ensure there are enough books for everyone....
PRESCOTT - The Prescott Pool will be hosting their Pizza Mile swim on Friday, August 15 at 4 p.m. The pool will be divided into lanes for swimming by age grouping. Those who need to, may use life jackets and/or flotation devices. There is no time limit on swimming, just as long as the mile is completed by closing time. Swimmers will celebrate their accomplishment with free pizza and pop....
SPOKANE - Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers will host 'Conversation with Cathy' events in Walla Walla and Dayton next week. She will give an update on what's happening in congress and she will give local citizens an opportunity to ask questions, make comments and raise concerns. The events next week will take place at the following times and locations: College Place - Tuesday - 2-3 p.m. Conversation with Cathy for Veterans City of College Place Council Chambers, 625 South College Avenue Dayton - Wednesday - 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Conversation with...
DAYTON -- The Dayton Farmers Market is now at its new location at Flour Mill Park next to Banner Bank, where it will remain until the end of the season. The Market, which is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday, is planning to feature a Kid's Day one day each month. Children between the ages of 6 and 18 who have items to sell should call Zonia Dedloff at 509-399-2307. Other interested vendors may call the same number for details on selling at the market. A new vendor, selling handmade blankets, will be joining the regular weekly...
DAYTON - This weekend, the Artisan Food Center at the Blue Mountain Station (BMS) will celebrate the 45th anniversary of Woodstock with a festival of their own - Foodstock. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. According to Port Economic Development Coordinator Christine Jarski, the idea for Foodstock originated with a suggestion from Rey Weldert, co-owner of Rey's Roast. The other Food Center tenants were excited at the opportunity to pair music with food and the idea developed from there....
WAITSBURG - The 14th annual WP Quarterback Club Golf Scramble and Barbeque will be held Sunday, August 24 at the Touchet Valley Golf Course in Dayton. The first players in the three-man bestball tournament will tee off at 9 a.m. A barbeque dinner will be held in the golf course restaurant immediately after play completes. Proceeds from the tournament will go to support the WP football and basketball programs. "This is the first time the golf scramble has been held in August," said WP football...
Dear Editor, The Columbia County Hospital District Board decision to seek tax payer support for your health system was not an easy one, but one that is of utmost importance to our community. The coverage provided by both the Dayton Chronicle and The Times was on target regarding the major issues supporting the need for a levy. Their timely coverage is greatly appreciated. While both touched on the areas of need there are a couple of issues that need to be brought forth now and more in-depth during the immediate future. First: I know that the...
Dear Editor, I would like to thank the great people of Waitsburg for once again supporting the summer reading program. Special thanks go to the Classic Auto Club, Waitsburg Grocery Store, Waitsburg Hardware Store, Hubbard Law Office, Columbia County Health District, Blue Crystal Screen Printing, Midway Market, Laht Neppur and an extra big thank you to the Waitsburg Lions Club for their very generous donation. Becaue of these donations we were able to have a successful reading program for the children this summer. Thank you, thank you so very,...
People ask me all the time if I'm looking at any colleges in particular. My stock answer is "No, but a bunch of them seem to be looking at me." It's the eternal curse of anyone who's taken a standardized test and checked the little "Yes" box for "Give my address to colleges which I might be interested in". You get deluged with e-mail, snail mail, and even small packages. It's all glossy and neatly formatted, and after about three days, it all starts to sound the same. And it doesn't matter how well you perform on the test, either - that only...
A bout half a mile from my house in the South Touchet valley is a small business called Octopus Garden Honey. It's run by a couple named Paul and Susan Hosticka. They are beekeepers and they make wonderful honey there, which they sell at farmers markets and other venues. (The have a Facebook page if you want to learn more.) Each day, when I drive to Waitsburg, I pass near another business called Monteillet Fromagerie. It is run by a couple called Pierre Louis and Joan Monteillet. The...
August 15: Kathy Patton, Courtney Durkee, Erica Grende, Jean Hofer, Nicholas Lloyd, JoAnn Gagnon, Jennifer Lambert. August 16: Roberta Long, Jerry Hall, Tammy Pauley, Patty Froke, Maita Hagedorn. August 17: Addisen Ford, Pauline Stanton, Kenneth Leaverton, Casey Davison, Lance Munden, Larry Williams. August 18: Kay Pettichord, Wiley Miller, Angela Hopkins, Clark Hulce, Nicole Page, Levi Fluharty, Paula Cooper, Jeanie White, Keith Williams, Alex Dill, Janell Groom, Chris Wood, Vincent Wright, Madison McCaw, John Stellwagen. August 19: Nicki...
Waitsburg Nothing reported. Dayton August 5 Vandalism on E. Washington Avenue. Civil issue on W. Richmond Avenue. Farud reported on N. 5th Street. Wanted person reported on S. Cottonwood Street. Residential burglary on E. Patit Avenue. Aggressive animal reported on railroad bridge. Sick/ injured animal reported on Highway 12. August 6 Fire on cemetery Hill Road. Disturbance on S. 4th Street. Theft reported at the City Pool. Report of harassment on Lyman Hill Road. Driving under the influence on Highway 12. Theft on N. Touchet Road. Erratic...
5 Dayton Senior Round Table Senior Center (403 E. Patit St.) Noon Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meals are $4 for those over 60 and $7 for those under 60. Enjoy a hot meal in a social setting. Play pool, cards or spend time visiting. Call 382-2836 to RSVP by the day prior. Family Game Night Prescott Library 4-7 p.m. Columbia County Planning Commission Planning Office (114 S. 2nd Street, Dayton) 7 p.m. 15 Pizza Mile 4 p.m. Prescott Swimming Pool Swimmers who swim one mile can celebrate their accomplishment with free pizza and soda. 16 Foodstock 10...
Ten Years Ago August 19, 2004 In the heat of summer, ice is a real treat. Fort Walla Walla Museum's fourth annual Olde-Fashioned Ice Cream Social is on Sunday, August 22. Waitsburg's Blue Mountain Troublemakers will present their special brand of music in the afternoon. Members of this group include Austin Beasley, Nicholas Carpenter, Will Garcia, Zach Beasley, Christopher Carpenter, Maya Garcia and John David Hockersmith. Plenty of local kids brought their pets to Weller Public Library Pet Day last week, including Mariah Hofer, who showed up...
Former resident Daniel (Dan) Knell died at the age of 91 in Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix Az. He had been a resident of Quartzsite Az for the last 10 years. While in Waitsburg, he had been a mechanic at his own shop - Dan's General Repair....
Born to Jordin and Ty Gratlin of Dayton, a girl, Talia Reece Gratlin. Born on August 8, 2014 weighing 4 lbs 3 oz....