Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the August 19, 2010 edition

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  • Hospital Consultant Reports To Board

    Aug 19, 2010

    DAYTON - The consultant who has been hired to conduct a work environment assessment reportof Columbia County Hospital District #1 will be presenting her findings during the district board's regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday. Unlike previous meetings, a different venue has been set aside for the meeting on Aug. 26. It will be held at the Catholic Church Fellowship Hall, 112 South First Street in Dayton. The presentation by Susan Newton of Development Strategies Plus in Walla Walla is scheduled for 30 minutes about 20 minutes into the...

  • Another Week, Another Fire

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 19, 2010

    PRESCOTT - For several tense hours Monday, Teresa Price experienced a moth­er's worst nightmare. She and her husband Bruce were on one side of the fire along Harvey Shaw Road while their 19-year-old son Kyle was inside the family home on the other side of the flames and smoke. "It's such a helpless feel­ing," said Price, who moved to the area four years ago and was at her job at Walla Walla General Hospital when she received the call about the fire. "We fear this (fire) every fall during harvest...

  • Wine & Country Living

    Aug 19, 2010

    This week I took a drive out along Highway 12 to­ward Pasco and ended up at Ice Harbor Dam and Fishery. If you haven't been out to the dam and watched the indig­enous fish climb the stairs, you simply must. When I walked into the room with the underwater window display, a smile came to my face and remained there for my entire visit. I couldn't help admiring the determination as the fishclimbed the stairs to the river above. It's just fascinating. Ice Harbor Dam's water reserve and fishery is a...

  • New Pharmacist: “This Is Home”

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 19, 2010

    DAYTON - The last time Holly Warner left the Touchet Valley, she cried for days. She was barely 11 and liv­ing with her mom in Dixie, which she says was a tom­boy's paradise. There was a creek close to her house on a 20-acre farm. The property had an orchard, three vegetable gardens and a treehouse. Warner was an avid horseback rider. In the winter, she'd hit the slopes at Bluewood. She liked walk­ing to school, which had just 40 kids kindergarten through 5th grade. "I loved it here. It was th...

  • Turner And Greenwood Lead Walla Walla County Primary

    Aug 19, 2010

    WALLA WALLA - Can­didates John Turner and Richard Greenwood led their respective primary races for Walla Walla County Sheriff and Coroner after an initial and unofficial vote count Tuesday night. At the count, only 751 of the 11,829 cast ballots had not been processed. In the county's two most contested races, Turner led with 5,934 votes followed by Bill White, who came in second with 3,543. The two men will go on to the general election. Greenwood led the Coroner's race with 3,548 votes, while Virginia Romine came in second with 2,396. In...


    Aug 19, 2010

    Ten Years Ago August 31, 2000 Enhanced 911 Mapping and Addressing Project has completed its address assignments. The focus of the Enhanced 911 project is to ensure that each telephone line in the telephone company's database has a corre­sponding Enhanced 911 address. Walla Walla Sheriff's Office deputies arrested a Waitsburg man, Clarence Stearns, and put a warrant out for another after investigating a methamphetamine lab on the North Fork of the Coppei. Twenty-Five Years Ago August 15, 1985 The City Council approved a recommendation from the...


    Aug 19, 2010

    DAYTON - Dayton VFW Post 5549 will give a semi­nar Aug. 20 and 21 to help veterans learn about accessing health care, prescription drugs, counseling, pension funds and more. The Vets Helping Vets Benefits Seminar will take place from 1-6 p.m. both days at the Dayton Veterans Hall at 211 E. Clay. Veterans should bring a copy of DD Form 214. For help acquiring a copy of this form or for more informa­tion on the seminar, call the post commander Jerry Berg at 509-240-2699....


    Aug 19, 2010

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council will con­sider a request by resident Amy Morris to open Preston Park for more long-term events at its regular meeting Wednesday. Morris, whose homeschooled daughters sell their jewelry and candles at the Dayton Farmers Market each weekend, is hoping that a revision to current city ordinance would allow members of the Dayton Farmers Market to move to Preston Park. Currently the Dayton market is open Friday evenings and Saturdays in the Seneca parking lot just at the edge of town. "There's not a lot of traff...


    Aug 19, 2010

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council at its regular meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday will consider closing the Remote Control track at the Fairgrounds. City Clerk Randy Hinchliffe said the track, which was initiated by former city councilman Bart Baxter, is not be­ing used or maintained. It is covered in weeds. If the council agrees to close it, the area would be reseeded with grass. In other city news, the council will deviate from its regu­lar schedule in the next two months. Because of absences and special events, meetings in September will be c...


    Aug 19, 2010

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott School Board had a special meeting on Monday, Aug. 9, and hired Bill Jordan of Walla Walla as its superintendent search consultant. Other busi­ness items discussed included approving repairs to one of the district's rental houses and the hiring of special educa­tion teacher Nicol Utke for the 2010-2011 school year. The board has set another special meeting for Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. in the board room to evaluate applicant qualifications for the superintendent position during an executive session. In open session, the board c...


    Aug 19, 2010

    WAITSBURG - Waitsburg Parent Cooperative Preschool has openings for enrolling children and families for fall 2010. Join the classes and learn new parenting skills to build stronger and healthier families. Spend meaningful time with your child in preparation for school and for life! The preschool's interactive, hands-on parent-child classes for fall will meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11 a.m. in Preston Hall for children ages 3-5 years old. Classes will start on Sept. 14. A required parent meeting will take place on...


    Aug 19, 2010

    Hannah Marie Haney, daughter of Chad and Alicia Haney of Deer Park, Wash., was born on Aug. 13 at Valley Hospital in Spokane, Wash. Weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, she mea­sured 19 inches. Proud grandparents are Jerry and Kathy Berg of Dayton and Billy and Sandy Haney from Ione, Wash. Great grandmother is Katherine Makepeace of Rochester, Minn....

  • Buzz Cut:

    Aug 19, 2010


    Aug 19, 2010

    Waitsburg/Walla Walla County Dayton/Columbia County 8-17: Mental Health. Deputy spoke with Dayton citizen on Main Street about the inappropriate use of the 911 line. 8-16: Malicious Mischief. Report of malicious mischief on Coppei, Waitsburg. Sprinklers vandalized. Animal Mistreat. Possible animal mistreatment reported on Jackson, Dayton. Suspicious. Suspicious letter received on Main Street, Dayton. Animal Mistreat. Dog in closed car for over 40 minutes on Main Street, Dayton. Prowler. Possible prowler reported on Commercial Street, Dayton....

  • A View Against ORVs In Town

    Don Campbell, Guest Column|Aug 19, 2010

    Recent city council meetings involved heated debate over a proposed city ordinance that, if passed, would al­low unlicensed, uninsured, unsafe, and extremely noisy off-road vehicles (ORVs), including dirt bikes, to be driven on designated streets covering the length of Day­ton heading to Eckler Moun­tain. Furthermore, this ordi­nance would allow loading and unloading of such four-wheel ORVs and dirt bikes from conveying pick-up trucks and flatbed trailers at any point along the route, be...

  • Editorial

    Aug 19, 2010

    When Columbia County Sheriff's Deputy Jeff Jenkins searched Melinda Meske's home at Valley View Court in Dayton on the evening of May 6, he found 14 different colored baggy containers with trace amounts of methamphetamine. He also found one needle, two torches and a metal smoking device - enough evidence of controlled substanc­es to send the 30-year-old woman to jail. It seemed disturbing enough that a mother of three, in­cluding an 11-year-old, a two-year-old and a three-year-old would be in possession of the items. But that's not where the st...

  • Klara Lovise Walthew

    Aug 19, 2010

    Clyde resident Klara Lo­vise Walthew passed away June 23, 2010. She was born in Norway on October 12, 1947, to Nils Rasmussen (de­ceased) and Suzanne Estes. Klara is survived by her mother, Susanne Estes of Walla Walla; her husband Wayne Walthew at the home in Clyde, Wash., north of Prescott; a sister, Sonja Hen­derson of Walla Walla; a daugther and son-in-law, Michelle and David Brock of Prescott; a son, Eric Walthew of Clyde, Wash.; and two grandsons, Preston Brock of Walla Walla and David Sevrin Brock of Prescott. She was so loved and wi...

  • Jesse Donald Nettles

    Aug 19, 2010

    Long-time area resident Jesse Donald Nettles, 75, of 733 S. 3rd St. Dayton, Wash., died August 12, 2010, at the Dayton General Hospital. There are no public services. Don was born February 11, 1935, in Arlberg, Ar­kansas to Jesse and Gladys Dobbs Nettles. He came to Waitsburg with his family in 1947 where he attended school. He joined the Air Force and specialized in Radar operations and also attended Indiana State Col­lege. Upon discharge from the service he worked as an electrician for Northwest Mobile Homes in Spokane. He married Betty B...

  • Bennie Warren Janes

    Aug 19, 2010

    Long-time Dayton resi­dent Bennie Warren Janes, 81, of 208 E. Tremont St., died suddenly and peacefully at his home on August 11, 2010. A Remembrance Gath­ering in Bennie's honor will be held on Thursday, August 19, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Dayton Senior Center. Friends are invited to stop by to greet the family and share a memory or story of Bennie. A private family service will be held at a later date on the Lochsa River in Idaho. Bennie was born January 28, 1929, in Pickens County, Alabama, to James Morris Janes and Sarah Perrigin J...

  • Carl W. Henze

    Aug 19, 2010

    Waitsburg resident Carl W. Henze, 89, of 250 W. 6th St. Waitsburg died August 14, 2010, at the Booker Rest Home in Dayton. Funeral Services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, August 19, 2010, at the Waitsburg Christian Church with Pastor Mike Ferrians officiating. Burial will be in the family plot in the Waitsburg City Cemetery. Carl was born February 3, 1921, in Lima, Ill., to Frederick and Beulah Murfin Henze. He attended school in Marceline and Ursa, Ill. He suffered with chronic asthma and at an early age moved to Tucson, Ariz., where he found...

  • Cartoon

    Aug 19, 2010


    Aug 19, 2010

    WAITSBURG - In an­other step to reach its readers in cyberspace and to become the Touchet Valley's pre­dominant news source, the Times has launched its own website: www.waitsburg­times. com. Earlier this year, the Times established its first online presence with a Facebook page which now has nearly 750 fans. On, fans get updates, discussions and photos from the Times. They can also share comments, but there is no full access to the newspaper's content. The new website,, gives the newspaper,...

  • Dayton’s About History

    Dian McClurg, The Times|Aug 19, 2010

    DAYTON - When it comes to envisioning a more attractive, more prosperous downtown Dayton, the ideas flowfrom far and wide. Focus on the Green Giant and the history of the can­nery, some say. Develop along the Touchet River, our most valuable as­set, say others. Concentrate on children - have an All Children's Week­end, they continue. But members of the Day­ton Development Task Force, which has been around for over 25 years, say the town already has a theme - "His­toric Downtown Dayton." Now...

  • $11 Million Marijuana Raid

    Dian McClurg, The Times|Aug 19, 2010

    UMATILLA NATIONAL FOREST - A wilderness raid in the upper Tucannon watershed Tuesday morning earned Columbia County Sheriff's deputies the larg­est marijuana seizure since 2008. Deputies pulled 4,562 pot plants from a steep slope inside the Umatilla National Forest about fivemiles from a site where 11,000 mari­juana plants were seized in 2008. No arrests were made in either case. "We're speculating that it may be the same group that set up this new grow site," said Jeff Jenkins, narcotics deputy...

  • New Mural

    Aug 19, 2010