Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the August 22, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • Tools of the Trade

    Aug 22, 2013

  • Schools in the Touchet Valley

    Aug 22, 2013

    Dayton Elementary School 302 E. Park Street Dayton, WA 99328 509-382-2507 Open House Meet & Greet August 26 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. This is an op- portunity to meet new staff and enjoy a hot dog dinner. K-5 First day of school is August 27. School begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 3p.m. Wednesday dismissal is 3 p.m. Breakfast is served at 7:45 a.m. Dayton Jr. High/ High School 614 South Third Street Dayton, WA 99328 509-382-4775 School begins August 27. Enrollment and consent forms can be found online at Waitsburg High School 420...

  • Swim the Snake

    Aug 22, 2013

  • ‘No Place I’d Rather Be’

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    WAITSBURG – For those who are fa­miliar with Markeeta Little Wolf’s unique personal style, the way she views her garden should come as no surprise. “It’s like the way I dress,” she said dur­ing a recent interview at her home on Fourth Street. “Cowboy boots and a silk dress. Not everyone would dress like that. But I know what looks good on me.” As part of their monthly meeting Saturday, 20 members of the Waitsburg Garden Club toured the former entertainer’s lush landscape a few doors down from t...

  • “I Needed a New Creative Outlet”

    Dena Wood, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    DAYTON -- While the idiomatic silver lining in the cloud isn't always immediately evident, Nick Page is testament to the fact that a bit of effort and the right attitude can make the difference between darkness and light. While bedridden for seven weeks with a herniated disc, Page chose to focus his energies on learning a new skill -- one that has resulted in a burgeoning photography business. Page grew up in Dayton and graduated from Dayton High School before spreading his wings to experience l...

  • Hunting to be Restricted During Wind Construction

    The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    DAYTON - Portland General Electric, which begins construction of the new Tucannon River Wind Farm next month, has an- nounced that hunting will be prohibited within the wind farm boundaries during the construction period. According to company spokesperson Brianne Hy- der, the restriction will begin September 1, and will be lifted on June 1, 2015, upon completion of the project. Hyder told The Times that, once the wind farm is in operation, PGE expects to landowners within the proj- ect...

  • The Photography of Nick Page

    Aug 22, 2013

  • Free Swim Lessons a Big Success

    Dena Wood, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    WAITSBURG - With a closing date of August 22, swim season at the Waits- burg City Pool is quickly nearing the end of what Pool Manager Kelly Steinhoff describes as the "smoothest season yet." Attendance numbers for 2013 are a bit of a mixed bag, with daily swim counts averaging 70 swimmers a day this year as opposed to 80 a day in 2012. In contrast, the number of children taking advantage of swimming lessons doubled. Last year, 16 children took lessons, while 32 attended this year. The pool...

  • Community Council Prepares for Transition

    Aug 22, 2013

    WALLA WALLA - Com- munity Council is beginning the search for its second ex- ecutive director. Julie Reese, the organization's first direc- tor, will retire in December. President Craig Christensen said, "This is Community Council's fifth an- niversary. The organization was just months old when Julie was hired. Since that time, it has grown, its finan- cial stability has increased, and it has fully implemented its study-action process for community enhancement. She has helped us get off to a good start. We are confi- dent that our next...

  • Funds Sought for Access Path

    Ken Graham, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    DAYTON - Booker Rest home sits just a few doz- en yards away from the Touchet River and the dike path that runs along its east side. It’s an easy walk through the grass next to the city’s soccer and baseball fields. But it’s not an easy roll for a wheelchair. The Columbia Cares Coalition of Dayton has begun a project to build a path from the Booker parking lot to the paved dike path. It will run alongside the north fence of the athletic fields. The path will allow Booker residents and other...


    Pioneer Portraits|Aug 22, 2013

    Ten Years Ago August 28, 2003 The Waitsburg High School fall cheerleaders hurrahed their way to two top honors at cheerleading camp held July 15-17 on the University of Idaho campus. Cheerleaders Haly Ingle, Jessica Sullivan, Jessica Huxoll, Bertha Poirier and Ashleigh Bertsch received the Camp Championship Trophy for best cheer. They also secured a trophy for the most im- proved cheer squad. The squad's team captain, Jessica Huxoll was chosen as a member of the all-star team for the second consecutive year. The girls spent their days at camp...


    Aug 22, 2013

    August 23: Babs Cerna, Coleen Langlo, Dan Donavan, Brian Hopkins, Wayne Pelley. August 24: Zach Bartlow, Cathy Lambert, Audeana Ritter, Bryan Harris, Denise Reid, Matt Everett, Taelor Carter. August 25: Michaela Nordheim, Marion Spear, Roland LeVasseur, Alan Stephens, Anne Hubbard, Bryan St. Clair and Monroe McCaw. August 26: Ann Barr, Betty Mason, Beverly Harper, Jackie Savage, Darin Mayer, Jeff Katsel, Steven Lybecker. August 27: Brian Richards, Bonnie Brookshire, Amy Far- ley, Tom Mock, Kippy Counts, Steve Gusse, Shannon Bloor, Justin...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Aug 22, 2013

    I love beets - every inch of the earthen orb in every con- ceivable beet recipe ever concocted, beginning in late summer through the long winter months. I even love the frilly green beet tops stir-fried in sesame oil sided with clean grass-fed beef patties smothered in garlicky mushrooms de- glazed in pan-juices and a splash of sweet vermouth. Over the weekend I got down and dirty in the garden, scooting along a row of beets freeing four firm burgundy beauties from their earthen womb. Even the twist and "squeak "the beet makes when it's freed...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    I f we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it. - Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858 To ignore a trend is to step into the path of a stampeding herd of steamrollers. The only practical tasks for anyone who wishes not to be rolled out like a piece of dough are to study the environment to be aware of trends, then to make duly educated judgments and thoughtful actions followed by ad- justments and alternates. Every trend has its end. It remains for us to manage when. As of the...

  • Starbuck Swap Meet & Redneck Games

    Aug 22, 2013

    Starbuck's first annual Swap Meet and Redneck Games will take place Satur- day, August 31, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Games include Outhouse Races, Oversized Cov- erall Three-Legged Race, and Toilet Seat Horseshoes. Vendors will be selling veg- etables, fruits, crafts, household goods, beauty supplies, homemade gifts, tools, cedar chests and more. Anyone in- terested in joining the games or having a booth should inquire at the Rawhide Bar 'n Grill at 509-399-2222 or call Ronica McCoy at 509- 540-5981....

  • Hospice Hosts Twelfth Annual Pond and Garden Tour

    Aug 22, 2013

    Walla Walla Community Hospice will host its twelfth annual Pond and Garden Tour on Saturday, Septem- ber 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This hospice fundraising event is a self-guided tour of ten gardens in the Walla Walla area. It is a delight- ful tour of unique and creative gardens incorporating ponds, creeks & other water features. Tickets for this event include a tour map and provide entrance to all ten gardens. Other features will include a raffle for pond and garden accessories, fea- tured vendors of garden art, musicians, and "Artists in the...

  • Photo

    Aug 22, 2013


    Aug 22, 2013

    Waitsburg 8-15 Subject at Waitsburg fairgrounds reported that he wasthreatened with assault. Dayton 8-13 Subject trespassing at a business on E. Main Street. Sub- ject with warrant located in alley on N. 3rd Street. Reportof subject digging through trash on N. 4th Street. Animalmistreatment reported on E. Richmond Avenue. Report ofvehicle theft on E. Main Street; deemed unfounded. Illegaldumpster diving on S. 3rd Street. Theft of bike on StocktonRoad. 8-14 Vandalism; car egged on S. 4th Street. Vandalism at CityPark, towels and toilet paper...

  • Listen to the Silence

    Aug 22, 2013

    Last night, when I took Dizzy for a walk up the alley, past the el- ementary school and back down Main Street, I looked up at the night sky. The moon wasn't quite full since it had an oval side, but it was bright. Around it, stars hung quietly above Preston Hall. One of them was on the move. Or, wait, it had a very small flashing light that hinted at its linear progress across the sky at least a mile high: a jet making its way west, probably to Portland International. In Waitsburg, I had never s...

  • Things I Learned this Summer

    Aug 22, 2013

    Summer is finally winding down. With mere weeks until school’s back in session, it’s time for me to start panicking and finish up all my break-time projects before I’m saddled with classwork again. At the end of every summer, I like to take stock of all the little things I’ve learned, if only to reassure myself that I haven’t entirely blown my vast expanse of free time. The (partial) list is as follows: • If you attempt to make divinity candy on a humid day, even if the weather looks perfe...

  • To Forgive: Divine...

    Aug 22, 2013 err: human. A hundred years from now, scholars and anthropolo- gists who dig through the archives of The Times (and why wouldn't they?) will think that most of the content in last week's issue was published on July 18, rather than August 15. All of the proofreading that was brought to bear last week didn't catch the fact that the date listed at the top of each page - except Page 1 - contained the incorrect date. One thing we love about newspaper publishing is its per- manence. While we regret our error last week, we promise it won't be...

  • It’s Back to School Time

    Aug 22, 2013

    The purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. ~Sydney J. Harris S ydney J. Harris wasn't anybody particularly important (he was a newspapermanhellip;in Chicago) but he was well-known for his pithy quotes. We like this one. Over the next couple of weeks, nearly 1,000 students in the Touchet Valley will be back on campuses in Waitsburg, Dayton, Prescott, Starbuck and at Jubilee Academy. And for many local students recently graduated, they'll be back on campuses throughout the country. Hopefully many mirrors will be converted. For...

  • Political Cartoon

    Aug 22, 2013

  • A Safer Trip to School

    Dena Wood, The Times|Aug 22, 2013

    WAITSBURG - This September, many Waitsburg schoolchildren will find the trek to school significantly safer than in recent years. Designating specific ar- eas of town as "hazardous walk routes" will allow for students to be bused to the school, rather than walking in dangerous conditions. In years past, students living east of the Touchet River Bridge were eligible to ride the bus safely to school. Shortly before Dr. Clarke's appointment as Waitsburg School District Superintendent in 2004,...

  • Swimming the Snake

    Aug 22, 2013

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