Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
DAYTON-"Timeless Traditions" is the theme of the 130th Columbia County Fair, and from the time of the opening ceremonies at 9 a.m., on Fri. ,Sept. 6, until the fair close, at 5 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 9, young and old alike are sure to enjoy this year's line-up. Entertainment Freddie Prez's popular Crazy Contests will return this year. See Freddie Prez at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., on Friday, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., on Saturday, and at noon and 4 p.m. on Sunday. Also, catch Freddie Prez's $5,000 Frisbee...
Waitsburg School District Staff took a break during inservice on Fri., Aug. 30 to pose for the traditional Times cover staff photo. Waitsburg, which started school Tues., Sept. 3, was the last of the local schools to get back to the classroom. Prescott and Dayton both started last week. Meet new teachers and read about how staff spent their summer vacations in this special back-to-school issue....
WAITSBURG—Waitsburg High School faculty is introducing new electives for this upcoming school year. Not only are there new options school-wide, juniors and seniors who have scored favorably on the SDAC, an english placement test, will have the opportunity to earn college credits for their efforts. Unlike the Running Start program, which holds classes only at Walla Walla Community College, Mrs. Liv Leid will teach English Composition I on the high school campus through a College in High School p...
Carol White – Waitsburg: My husband and I built a deck this summer. It’s quite unique as the railings are made of driftwood and have some artwork burned into corner posts. I also spent a lot of time with my super-most-awesome grand-kids! We got our hippy on and made tie dye shirts and bags. It was a great but very short summer vacation. Rebecca Wilson – Waitsburg: This summer was the summer of travel. Shortly after school was out, I went on a trip of a lifetime with the Kirkman house (Joan Helm, etc.) traveling to Ireland. I met some fanta...
Ten Years Ago September 10, 2009 Historic Wait's Mill destroyed by spectacular Sunday morning fire. "The Waitsburg mill is on fire and is fully involved." Dayton Dispatch reported about ten minutes after 4 in the morning last Sunday...We may never know what sparked the fire that destroyed Wait's Mill. We do know an irreplaceable piece of Waitsburg's legacy was lost forever. Another strong contingent of FFA and 4-H members will be showing their animal projects at the Columbia County Fair in...
Thurs., Aug. 29 Pork Chops Au Gratin Potatoes Carrots Broc Salad/Roll Pudding/Juice/Milk Tues., Sept. 3 Smoked Sausage Mac and Cheese Caesar Salad Fresh Fruit Milk Thurs., Sept. 5 Lasagna Mixed Veggie Salad/Roll Fruit Cockail Milk...
Fri., Sept. 6 B: Pancake on a Stick L: Turkey Sub, Chips, Baby Carrots, Cucmbers, Fresh Watermelon Mon., Sept. 9 B: Breakfast Burrito L: BBQ Pulled Pork, Ranch Potato Wedges, Tossed Salad, Fresh Peach Tues., Sept. 10 B: Biscuit & Gravy L: Chicken Drumstick, Whole Wheat Roll & Jelly, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Apricot Wed., Sept. 11 B: Long John L: Biscuits & Gravy Sausage Patty, Sugar Snap Peas, Hashbrown Patty, Fresh Plum Thurs., Sept. 12 B: Monte Cristo Biscuit L: Cheese pizza, Broccoli Florets, Baby Carrots, Pineapple...
When I returned to The Times in January of this year, it was with the goal and intent of helping new publisher Lane Gwinn and The Times staff achieve a shared vision of what The Times should and could be. In my first editorial of this year I wrote, “Our hope is that our readers walk away from each issue with something new to think about, talk about or apply to daily life.” I think we have accomplished that goal, and I hope that you, our readers, do as well. It is with some regret, that I ann...
Dear Editor, As a resident of Columbia County since 2010 and an avid cyclist in both Columbia County and Walla Walla County, I would like to make my voice heard in support of the Touchet Valley Trail. The trail as it is proposed is much needed. As a cyclist who often finds themselves on Highway 12 between Waitsburg and Dayton, I can say with authority that riding a bicycle on Highway 12 is both scary and dangerous. There are alternate routes for a cyclist to take. Those routes add miles and themselves are on roads frequented by large hauling...
Dear Editor and Waitsburg City Leaders, There are many arguments for keeping City Hall where it is, and the same can be said for moving to the former Jehovah’s Witness location. Most for keeping the current location deal with historical issues/opinions rather than practical ones, though this would not be the first time City Hall has been re-located. One of the arguments against moving has been the risk of another flood. My guess is adequate storage of records could be found to keep them safe in the event of another major flood. If there is a n...
September is National Library Card Sign Up Month! If you haven’t already, come to your local library and get sign up today. Additionally, banned book week takes place from September 22-28. Censorship keeps us in the dark. Keep a light on, by reading a banned book. Discovery Kids 10-11 a.m. Every Wednesday A new, revamped and improved interactive story time for those in the toddler years! Come sing, dance, play and learn with our Flash the Sloth. Family Story Time 6-7 p.m. September 5th Story time with the whole family. Take the stories home a...
WAITSBURG—This month’s Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon will take place on Sept. 11 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Waitsburg Town Hall. The meal is $12 and will be catered by Moose Creek Café & Bakery. Speaker Carol Park, from Eagle, Ida. will talk on “Home Improvement.” Carol grew up in a dysfunctional family and lived in at least six different states by the time she was 12. All the moving did not allow her to build friendships, leaving her with self-doubt and low self-esteem in her teenage years. This is Carol’s story of finding uncond...
OLYMPIA—With Washington’s wolf population growing at a steady rate the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) expects that wolves will be removed from Washington’s endangered species list in the next few years. In preparation WDFW is developing a post-recovery conservation and management plan. The plan will be informed by public feedback which can be provided in several ways. Live interactive seminars will take place on Sept. 17 at 6 p.m., Sept. 25 at 12 p.m. and Oct. 15 at 6 p.m. Click the link on the home page at WDFW.WA.GOV to participate. Surve...
Aug. 28 Non-Criminal: Subject making threats of self harm on N. “E” Street in Prescott. Aug. 27 Found Property: Found property near Hwy 124 and Hwy 125 near Prescott....
WALLA WALLA—As summer yields to fall, artists are invited to celebrate the beautiful post-harvest landscape from the perspective of the Cottonwood neighborhood. The event takes place on Sat., Sept. 7 from 2-4 p.m. A number of homeowners will make their yards available to artists who would like to paint, photograph, sketch, write about or otherwise take design inspiration from a vantage point that mixes the valley’s agricultural roots with the grandeur of the Blue Mountains. At this time of year, it is common to see circling haws, darting swa...
WALLA WALLA—Local Walla Walla celebrities will compete on the Gesa Power House Theatre stage on Sat., Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. for the 4th Annual Dancing with the W2Stars fundraiser for Valley Residential Services. Local participants are paired with professional dancers and have a week to rehearse and learn a ballroom dance routine before a live presentation before judges. Local “celebrities” include: Dawn Adams - Retired Director of Home Health/On-Call Chaplain, Providence St. Mary Medical Center Peter Erb - 911 Dispatch Supervisor, City of Walla...
Thanks for sharing! The Times welcomes reader photos. Send your submissions to
Submitted by Tracy Barron Swine Makenna Barron - blue in market, blue in showmanship Levi Boudrieau - red in market, blue in showmanship Ben Stillman - blue in market, blue in showmanship Noah Stillman - blue in market, blue in showmanship Eden Glaus - blue in market, blue in showmanship with a callback Sofia Glaus - blue in market, Grand Champion in showmanship Judah Wenceslao - red in market, Reserve Champion in showmanship Luke Wenceslao - red in market, blue in showmanship with a callback Hunter Pope - blue in market, blue in showmanship...
Sept. 6: Summer Wood, Caris Cole, Jeanette Hansen, Robert Henze, Nancy Wittman, Orrin Anderson. Sept. 7: Scott Rarick, Nancy Crowe, Maxine Mercer, Kristi Kiefel, Bob Danforth, Chris Pearson, Jeff Pierson, Justin Reedy, Joy Lindsey. Sept. 8: Gus Senter, Erma Lee Smith, Jo Gouge, Amy Branson, Patty Mantz, George Lloyd III, Esther Cox, Carol White, Patsy Gouge, Ronda Eastwood, Claire Lyman. Sept. 9: Cadman Donovan, Trevor Johnson, Terry Ferguson, Melissa Christensen, Bob Rea, Amie Green, Brandon Miller. Sept. 10: Bill Stonecipher, Lorna Zajac,...
WAITSBURG/PRESCOTT-Both Waitsburg and Prescott school districts brought new teachers on staff this year. Several were kind enough to take time from their busy beginning-of-the-year schedules to introduce themselves to the community on the pages of The Times. In addition to the new teachers listed here. Waitsburg welcomes Mike Speiss, former DeSales head football coach, teacher and dean of students, who will teach middle school math, social studies and art and Colby Starring who will teach...
eLearning courses offer students a flexible alternative to on-campus classes. Best suited to self-starters or remote participants with unfailing access to the internet, some entire degrees can be earned remotely. Whitman College and Washington State University use Blackboard, a web based LMS used in both academic and business environs to help students and employees take on learning. Blackboard users have options in how the software is implemented: on the premises, managed hosting, or in the...
Central Intelligence Agency Factbook: The CIA’s worldwide factbook containing history, people and society, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military and transnational data for over 200 countries around the globe. Library of Congress: An easy to use reference catalog for accessing the collections in the Library of Congress. National Archives: The online directory of U.S. Federal records, veterans’ service records and...
OLYMPIA-A milder-than-usual fire season has allowed the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to provide assistance in Alaska. On the week of Aug. 26 the DNR dispatched an additional 69 firefighters to help fight the raging, record-breaking wildfires there, according to a DNR media release. This season the DNR has sent a total of 191 firefighters to Alaska to provide resources and support. Alaska has experienced hot and dry conditions this summer with very little rain. Winds have...
I am going to go to my 50th class reunion in Miles City, Montana. True story—part of my job is to type up the Pioneer Portraits, 10 years, 25 years, 50 years, etc and I thought to myself, they sure have kept some old books, until I saw that 50 years was 1969, the year I graduated! When I was 18, the concept of still living at 68 was not anything I could have imagined. If I thought of it at all, it would be me in a flowered dress with pin curls in my hair. One of my classmates started a F...
DAYTON-"The start of a playground kicked off one idea, which led to another, which led to a beautiful town center for all to use," said Dayton Development Task Force (DDTF) Chair Bette Lou Crothers. Caboose Park has been several years in the making and started with a desire by former task force member Cara Watts, to build a small playground in the empty lot near the caboose at the Dayton Historic Depot. From there, the project continued to bloom and grow. A public restroom was added in 2016. In...