Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 6, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Projector Obtained With Donation

    Sep 6, 2012

  • School Is In Session In Prescott

    Sep 6, 2012

  • Coach’s Corner

    Jeff Bartlow, Guest Column|Sep 6, 2012

    WP Head Football Coach Wants To Revive Youth Football For His Team's Future W AITSBURG -- Our youth football program has taken a hit these past two years and this concerns me in a great way. The Waitsburg Giants had two programs (Little Giants and Giants) has had a great tradition over the years. When I first arrived in the fall of 1999 this program was on solid ground. Danny Cole and Dick Largent had the older Giants team on a roll year after year, and if I remember right, they coached a full 10 years together. It was a passion they shared...

  • Bulldogs Fall To Stanfield In Season Opener

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs demonstrated their te­nacity Friday in a heartbreaking loss against the Stanfield Tigers, ending the first game of the sea­son with a final score of 47-6. The Bulldogs started the game with momentum, moving the ball down the field and into Tiger territory before a fumble stopped the Dogs in their tracks and moved the Tigers into scoring position. The Tigers pounced on their first oppor­tunity, bringing the ball down into the red zone and scoring at 11:04. The Ti...

  • WP Lays Beat Down On Heppner

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Waits­burg Prescott took on peren­nial Oregon powerhouse Hep­pner here Friday night and did more than win. The Cardinals laid a 41-6 beatdown on the Mustangs that served notice to the rest of the states' 2B schools that WP's quest for a repeat cham­pionship isn't hype. It's real. And it wasn't just the point differential that impressed. It was the nearly flawless pass­ing attack (one incompletion in 13 attempts), and the stifling defense that yielded just 188 yards on the night-just...

  • Sheriff Closes Skate Park

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    DAYTON - Recent van- dalism at the Dayton city skate park was the final tip- ping point for the Columbia County Sheriff's Office after at least three reports of van- dalism, theft and inappropriate behavior in the park recently. The sheriff's office closed the park with a padlock, pending a city council meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 10 at City Hall. It has been almost three years since the park opened after fundraising efforts by a group of 4-H students who call themselves the Colum- bia County Curb Stompers brought in $37,000 to remodel...

  • Fair Court Keeps Busy

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    DAYTON - The Columbia County Fair Court has had its work cut out for its four local girls this summer keeping extra busy attending local fairs and events and spreading the word of Columbia County's best. The court consists of three freshmen from Dayton High School, Sierra Smith, Mor- gan Fatheree and Bryeanna Myrick and one sophomore from Waitsburg High School, Emma Philbrook. Smith enjoys horseback rid- ing in her free time and said she was excited to participate in the Columbia County Fair to...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Dayton School Board When: September 5,2012 Where: 609 South Second Dayton, Wa Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Board Workshop 6:00 -6:30 p.m. Consent Agenda .Approve Minutes Au- gust 15, 2012 .Approve SeptemberBills .Approve August Bills .Approve EmilySchlentz - Volunteerfor Cheer Program . Approve JonathanDom - Volunteer forSoccer Program .Approve Scott Carson- K-12 Music Teacher Reports .Administrative Re- ports .Tech Report - DavePhillips & Scott Under- wood .Superintendent's Re- port -Certified Staff Recom- mendation -2012 State...


    Sep 6, 2012

    WEDNESDAY WINE NIGHT DAYTON -- On Wednesday, September 5th from 5:00-8:00pm, Steve Brooks from Wal- la Walla's Trust Cellars will be joining the cafe to offer guests some tableside tastes of their boutique wines. Trust is located near the air- port and produces small batches of wine that has been well-received by the industry. Steve, a former CNN journalist, traded his fast-paced life in At- lanta for a slower life in the Pacific Northwest. Come chat with him about his product, his process or about wine and life, in general. ROCK AND ROLL OVER...

  • He Wants To Bike For A Cause

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    DAYTON - After losing his legs to polio 60 years ago, David MacNall is ready to make a change and do some- thing big for the Dayton Food Bank and Project Timothy. On Aug. 13 when he woke up at 8 a.m., as usual, Mac- Nall, 62, heard about a man who biked 2,000 miles across the country to raise money for a cause on the Tri-Cities radio station KONA. The thought of biking across the country to help those in need struck MacNall as something he wanted to do and some- thing meaningful he could spend...

  • A New Deputy In Town

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    DAYTON - The newest member of the Columbia County Sheriff's Office is eager to learn and determined to do right in Dayton. The 26-year-old Tri-Cities man, Matt Weins, will fill one of the two recently vacated positions in the office and he said he is ready to learn everything he can to do a job he has been interested in for a while. Weins graduated from Kennewick High School and joined the U.S. Marine Corps where he started his higher education, Weins said. After the Marines, Weins said he...

  • City Actively Looks For Grants To Build Kiosk

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The city of Waitsburg is seeking grant funding for kiosks that would honor the memory and his­tory of Wait's Mill and the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery. The city, with the help of Jeff Broom, the president of the Waitsburg Historical Society, recently applied for a $13,000 grant from the state Community Economic Revitalization Board. Broom said the grant opportunity came across City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe's desk and he de­cided to take a shot at it. "It sounded good," B...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Want to have your club schedule posted each week in the Times right here? Call or email us your monthly meet­ing schedule by Tuesdays at noon and we'll get it in -- for free! Email: Call: 509-337-6631...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners When: Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 Main St. Tuesday .PROPOSAL: 1) Con­sidering amendments to the 2012 County Budget. 2) 2012 09-04 EMD - Authorizing Emergency Management Department Director Jim Duncan to enter into Memorandum of Understanding agree­ments with agencies wish­ing to use Walla Walla County Em...


    Sep 6, 2012

    ANNUAL PIONEER FALL FESTIVAL WAITSBURG -- Mark your calendars! The Pioneer Fall Festival is right around the corner on Sunday, Sept. 16. The Lions Club annual salmon barbecue is Sept. 15. The Waitsburg Historical So­ciety is working hard to host a festival to include more of Main Street while keep­ing the event's traditional entertainment and church service. Don't miss out on all of the fun. Details to come in the Times as the date ap­proaches!...

  • City May Ask For Tax Increase For Pool

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    WAITSBURG - As sum­mer draws to a close, the city of Waitsburg is contemplat­ing how it can alleviate the cost burden of operating the city pool every summer. City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said at the last city council meeting that the city is looking into finding other options to fund the pool - he even mentioned raising property taxes to do so. At the meeting Hinchliffe said the city could ask the voters to approve a small increase in local sales tax to generate money to operate the pool. And some think it's a good idea. "We are g...

  • Waitsburg Kids Head Back To Class

    Sep 6, 2012

  • Barrel Racing At The Fairgrounds?

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Waits­burg City Councilman Scott Nettles believes bringing barrel racing to the Waits­burg Fairgrounds could re­vive the facility and possibly bring back the horse races of Days Of Real Sport. Nettles mentioned at the most recent city council meeting that he is working with some barrel racing contacts to start planning events. Nettles told the Times that he has several friends involved in the equestrian sport and that the facilities in the area for this kind of racing are li...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Ten Years Ago September 5, 2002 Pat Mohney will represent Walla Walla County in 9/11 ceremony in Seattle. Next week on September 11, he will be in a special place of honor, joining 38 other "everyday heroes" from Washington's 39 counties, carrying the Walla Walla county flag in a memorial ceremony in Seattle on the first anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Pat is recognized for his actions on April 21, 2001. That Saturday in April 2001, Mohney came upon the scene of two Rott- weiler dogs attacking a toddler as her mother attempte...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Sep 6, 2012

    With the promise of a new day and a new wine, partnered with friend and cookbook test kitchen gourmet, Desi Kitchens, we happily ushered in Labor Day Weekend visiting wineries of the region. The Wine: Vine crawling and leaf-peeping through the Southern end of Walla Walla County, we came upon Bunch- grass Winery. This well-established Walla Walla winery produced its first vintage in 1997 and continues to produce a scrumptious line of white and red wines. On this particular tasting, the 2009...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Sept. 6: Summer Wood, Caris Cole, Ed Larson, Jeanette Hansen, Robert Henze, Nancy Wittman, Orrin An- derson. Sept. 7: Scott Rarick, Nancy Crowe, Maxine Mer- cer, Kristi Kiefel, Bob Dan- forth, Chris Pearson, Jeff Pierson, Justin Reedy, Joy Lindsey. Sept. 8: Gus Senter, Erma Lee Smith, Jo Gouge, Amy Branson, Patty Mantz, George Lloyd III, Esther Cox, Carol White, Patsy Gouge, Ronda Eastwood, Claire Lyman. Sept. 9: Cadman Donovan, Trevor Johnson, Terry Fergu- son, Melissa Christensen, Bob Rea, Amie Green. Sept. 10: Bill Stonecipher, Lorna Zajac,...

  • Ride On!

    Sep 6, 2012


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Sep 6, 2012

    There are corn shipments from Brazil unloading on the East coast for feeders in the mid-coastal region. The price of corn has arrived at a tipping point that is the market must seek a price for United States corn that does not destroy demand any further than it has already. On the other hand too much relaxation of prices could kick demand up enough to over-run available supplies being harvested now. The price range for corn is thus de- fined loosely between about $8.50 and $7.50 for a while. The recent range for December corn is between $8.49 o...


    Sep 6, 2012

    Waitsburg 9-03 A dispute over hunting on private land settled by deputycontact was reported on Jasper Mountain Road. A violationof a protection order was reported on Preston Avenue. Dayton 8-28 Harassment was reported on Dayton Avenue. Vandalismwas reported at the skate park; park closed until further no- tice. The theft of a bicycle was reported on Dayton Avenue.Telephone fraud was reported on Harlem Road. The theftof a jump starter off of a boat was reported on Lyons FerryRoad. 8-29 A civil issue between a landlord and tenant was reportedon...


    Sep 6, 2012

    CAR SHOW DONATION WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Classic Auto Show donated $200 to the Waitsburg Resource Center last Thursday. The show has donated money to the center for the past four years, said orga- nizer Ken Lenhart. This year's auto show has been scheduled for May 17-18, 2013. SENIOR CENTER OFFERS LUNCH DAYTON - The Columbia County Senior Center will contin- ue to offer lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. for $4 per senior and $7 for non-seniors. Before lunch, the center offers music and games and the lunches consist of good...

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