Sorted by date Results 26 - 41 of 41
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg FFA Chapter has again been recognized as one of the top chapters in Washington and one member of the chapter is traveling to the National FFA Convention in October to accept the award in person for the first time. FFA Adviser Nicole Abel said the Waitsburg FFA chapter was rated two stars this year, one star being the highest and three stars being the lowest. The chapter's ranking puts it in the top 10 percent of chapters in the state. "We have earned this award severa...
It's hard to miss the giant rolls and bundles of hay dotting the countryside today. For the small rancher, the no. 1 step to success- fully storing hay is to first lay a layer of rock to support the hay weight and help in drainage. Stacking hay bundles into a pyramid helps air flow freely, keeping hay rot at bay. The crush is on! Wineries across the valley are busy with harvest. I stopped at Tertulia Cellars, 1564 Whiteley Road, Walla Walla, to sample a rose wine, so perfect with fall foods. The Wine: Tertulia Cellars 2011 Rose, a luscious...
Ten Years Ago September 19, 2002 Just more than 800 hungry people helped the Waitsburg Commercial Club, in its primary fundraiser of the year, consume about 1, 100 pounds of Copper River salmon at the annual salmon barbecue held Sept. 12 in Waitsburg. Some 805 people paid to get a plate of the succulent seafood dinner, up from 782 in 2001, according to Ivan Keve, one of the chairmen of the event. Keve didn't have all the figures in by press time, but he did know that beverage sales were $170 higher than last year. Patrons of the fall classic...
Sept. 20: Owen Senter, Rhonda Newbury, Monte Dun- can, Robyn Dunleavy. Sept. 21: Bob Rabern, Ken- neth Crawford, Fred R. Grit- man, Diana Larsen. Sept. 22: Marty Dunn, Phyl- lis Rubel, Cheryl Hansen, Ma- rie Gagnon, Misty Nix, Lynn Rohlfing, Kyle Sickles, Dale Holloway, Matt Stoutenburg, Dorothy Rude. Sept. 23: Kathryn Greenwell, Jim Langdon, David Johnson, Gregory Liebermann, Brad Green, Jayden Dunleavy. Sept. 24: Nydia J. Oliver, Virginia Gumm, Chris Lam- bert, Ethan Carpenter. September 25: Kenneth Jones, Cricket Harris, Tam- bra Manley,...
A rmelia J. Zaharevich and Mathew Rupp were united in marriage on August 24, 2012 at St. Mark's Catholic Church in Waitsburg, with Rev. Robert Turner officiating. This bride is the daughter of Marci and Lyle Perkins, of Waits- burg and John J. Zaharevich of Seattle. Armelia is a graduate from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science in Psy- chology. She is currently a Certified Professional Guardian with OmniGuardianship Services, Waitsburg, and an agency affiliated counselor with Lour...
The trend in wheat has not been positive for nine weeks, although depending on what week you chose, it was either at the high end or the low end of an 88-cent range that was defined right at the beginning of the period since the last two weeks of July, with the upper end around $9.44 and the lower about $8.56. 88 cents per bushel is a lot of money. A single futures contract, or "one-lot", is 5,000 bushels. Around here that might represent all of the production of 45 to 65 acres of good wheat ground. In the Midwest it reaches 100 acres or more....
Waitsburg 9-13 A driver cited for driving while suspended in thethird degree was reported on Murphy Street. An un- known male suspect entering a backyard and letting adog out was reported on Wheatland Drive. 9-17 A one-vehicle collision was reported on Main Street.The driver lost control of the vehicle and struck a rail- road crossing sign. Dayton 9-11 A subject arrested for domestic violence was report- ed on Fifth Street. Domestic violence was reported onCottonwood Street. A suspicious vehicle was reportedon Spring Street. A civil dispute...
SEASONAL FLU SHOTS DAYTON -- A Flu Clinic will be held at the Co- lumbia County Senior Center, 403 East Patit Street, Dayton, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Adults (19 & over) only $30. Medicare, Medicaid and Private Pay accepted. Questions: contact Columbia County Public Health at (509) 382-2181. SKATE PARK DISCUSSION CONTINUES DAYTON - Mayor Craig George encourages all parents or guardians of children and young adults us- ing the skate park in Dayton to attend the city council meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 24, at the Catholic church parish hall...
Dear Editor, The quote "the Kids are the Problem" was a mean and terrible misquote and a botch of the message that was trying to be pre- sented. If I said anything close to that, it surely was taken out of context. The problem is the few kids and young adults who refuse to follow the skate park rules, and because there have been no consequences, have made the environment unac- ceptable. If "the kids are the problem" I sure have wasted over 30 years (18 in Dayton) volunteering with kids to help prove they do matter. The point that I was making...
Camp Wooten Creates Environmental Stewards Local School Districts, Parent Volunteers, Provide Outdoor Education, One-Of- A-Kind Experiences For Our Kids WAITSBURG - From this editor's perspective students learning about nature and how to pro- tect it for generations to come is a true need. And our local schools are wonderful enough to provide that kind of outdoor education to our students by sending the sixth graders to Camp Wooten each school year. Camp Wooten is a state park and an...
Before we get into the question of whether our kids get enough to eat, we need to explore the meaning of a word that has been used in a healthy and, we hope, ongoing discussion in our community about the new federal guidelines for school breakfasts and lunches. (See story on page 1.) The word is hunger. We looked up its definition online and it varies greatly from "a desire for food" to a "painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need for food." That's an interesting range, a spectrum almost, spanning from something that could pass...
DAYTON - For one hour every year, Dayton's football field goes dark during the Re- lay for Life ceremony in honor of those who have faced cancer. The only glow on the field during the fifth annual Blue Mountain Relay for Life on Saturday, Sept. 15, came from candles inside hundreds of paper-sack luminaries along the inside of the track. The stage set up in the cen- ter of the field was a congrega- tion point in the darkness, as relay speaker and coordinator Gerry Richter used a small flashlight...
PRESCOTT - Could Prescott and Waitsburg share a full-time deputy to keep the communities more safe? Both the city of Prescott and the city of Waitsburg are working on new contracts for service with the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Of- fice. Prescott Councilman Doug Venn said he would like to explore a coopera- tive venture with Waitsburg to establish the presence of a deputy in their area of the county. The Prescott City Council discussed the Prescott's con- tract with the sheriff's office at...
DAYTON - Contract negotiations will likely come to a close at the end of the month for the new CEO of the Columbia County Health System. CEO candidate Dale Polla, of Missoula, Mont., said he has been in the Dayton area looking for a house to buy after sending a counter offer back to the hospital board negotiation committee last week. The board will likely ac- cept the offer and proceed with the hiring process at the next board meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27, Hospital Board Chairman Ted Pater- son said. The CEO position has been vacant since...