Sorted by date Results 26 - 37 of 37
Be it exporting the millions of tons of wheat harvested by local farmers, transporting essential cargo, or cultivating Eastern Washington's growing tourism industry, our community relies on its waterways in order to thrive. We need a healthy "river highway" in order to foster a healthy economy - yet our federal navigation channel on the Lower Snake River has not been maintained since 2005. While I am pleased the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing much-awaited maintenance dredging on the...
EVENTS-FESTIVALS PROMOTE YOUR REGIONAL EVENT for only pennies. Reach 2.7 million readers in newspapers statewide for $275 classified or $1,350 display ad. Call this newspaper or (206) 634-3838 for details. FINANCIAL LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED DRIVER OR RECENT GRAD? With Swift, you can grow to be an award-winning Class A CDL driver. We help you achieve Diamond Driver...
September 26: Karl Newell, Shirley Dunn, Betty Myers, Christi Baim, Faye King, Mike Hubbard, Heidi Kinart, Ellis Erikson, Keith Brodhead. September 27: Jean Everly, Randy Culley, Gloria Simonis, Ryan Ahler. September 28: Timber Frohreich, Alana Fox. September 29: Margaret Fischer, Marie Feryn, Charles Zuger, Mary Yancey, Dr. S.R. Hevel, Christopher Conrath. September 30: Charles Parker. October 1: Quinton Powers, Jeff Dicus, Peggy Dicus, Christopher Goff, Jerri Ann Newbill. October 2: Ted Collins, Quinton Pettichord, Harry Peterson, Lane...
Waitsburg Nothing Reported Dayton Sept. 12 Civil issue on S. 4th Street. Erratic Vehicle on Hwy 12. Civil issue on Main Street in Starbuck. Assault on S. Cottonwood. Theft reported at Dayton High School. Suspicious circumstances o E. Richmond Avenue. Sept. 13 Theft reported on Bundy Hollow Road. Civil issue on Main Street in Starbuck. Suspicious circumstance on Payne Hollow Raod. Sept. 14 Assault on S. 3rd Street. Suspicious activity on Main Road. Lost Property on Lower HOgeye Road. Sept. 15 Theft reported on E. Commercial Street. Assault on S....
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg Commercial Club will meet at Waitsburg Town Hall (121 Main Street) on October 7 at 6:30 p.m. Sheriff John Turner will give an annual report on issues concerning Waitsburg and Walla Walla County. Dinner is $12 per person and there is no charge for attending the meeting only. Please RSVP for dinner to BA Keve at or 509-337-6546. Waitsburg Commercial Club is a 501C6 Chamber of Commerce representing the business interests of the Waitsburg Community. Incorporated in 1903, dues are...
8 Soup for the Soul First Christian Church (410 S. 3rd, Dayton) 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and enjoy a free community sponsored dinner on the last Friday of each month. For more info contact Judi Brooks at 382-4771. Transportation is available. For a ride call public transportation at 382-1647. Marriage Retreat Movie Waitsburg Presbyterian Church 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to enjoy this comedy. A trio of unhappily married couples head to a mountain retreat where they are subjected to unorthodox and seemingly comical methods by the Dr. Su...
Ten Years Ago September 30, 2001 Fred Hamann received the first Booster of the Year plaque presented by Jeff Pietila during halftime of the Waitsburg/Mac-Hi game last week. Columbia County Transportation now offers transportation to Walla Walla three times daiy Monday through Friday. The service began September 20 and for the time being will be on a trial basis. For once, Terry Mc Coy, a former Waitsburg resident and a former Waitsburg School Board member, was being pursued by a hurricane rather than him following a hurricane and providing...
DAYTON - A ribbon cutting was held September 17 to officially open the new Booker Sidewalk, which connects the Booker Rest Home to the Touchet River and the dike path that parallels it. Kevin Ball, a Booker resident, used a special set of scissors to cut the ribbon. The sidewalk begins at the parking lot in front of Booker Rest Home and runs on city of Dayton property adjacent to the baseball and soccer fields. Columbia Cares, a coalition of organizations in Dayton promoting a healthy...
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg students will be in for a special treat on October 2. Last month, Gov. Jay Inslee proclaimed October 1 as Taste Washington Day, a day where schools partner with farmers to include fresh Washington-grown foods in their cafeteria meals. That date didn't work for Waitsburg, motivating Food Services Supervisor Susan Wildey to take the program one step further and offer an even more locally focused Taste of the Valley day on October 2. Taste of Washington began in 2010 when the...
WAITSBURG - "WHAT??? I'm a what now?" responded The Times' own Emma Philbrook in response to fellow reporter Dena Wood's request for a quote regarding how it felt to be a National Merit Scholarship semif inalist. Philbrook, a WHS senior, did not receive the National Merit Scholarship Corp. semifinalist notification that was supposed to have been mailed the first part of September and assumed she hadn't qualified. She was greatly relieved, and more than a little excited to learn, through a Google...