Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 27, 2012 edition

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    Pioneer Portraits|Sep 27, 2012

    Ten Years Ago September 26, 2002 It was a good summer for Waitsburg Lions Club, with several fundraising projects bolstering the club's bank accounts. The income offset some ex- penses the club paid out for maintenance around the softball fields over the summer. The Walla Walla Fair ice project delivered 45,000 pounds of ice over four days of the fair. Gross revenues for ice sales amounted to $6,925, netting the club $2,359 after the concession permit and ice bill were paid. The Softball Bash was full with 26 teams, and unfortu- nately had to...

  • A Roping Mentor

    Sep 27, 2012


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Sep 27, 2012

    Wheat prices along with many other markets this week are waiting for a push from any domi- nant factor that will allow a direction. Chicago wheat managed to gain about 15 cents per bushel since last week at this time, but in this environment that is a mere wiggle. White wheat prices for Portland delivery also gained about 14 cents in the same week with current levels near $8.78 per bushel. Few are willing to take major positions ahead of this Friday's USDA Grain Stocks as of Sept. 1 and Small Grains Summary Reports. The trade, including analyst...


    Sep 27, 2012

    When a person leaves this world, you can always tell how loved and special they were by the people who miss themhellip; Jack Himmelberger was such a person. Thank you so much for the Gifts, Plants, Flowers, and delicious food. The beauti- ful cards with such caring notes inside have been a wonderful reminder of our great friends and family. The Family is truly grateful for everything that everyone has done. Thank you to the Columbia REA for the use of their courtyard, to the funeral home for your compassion, and especially the Booker Annex and...


    Sep 27, 2012

    Waitsburg 9-23 A residential burglary was reported on Bolles Road. Dayton 9-18 Vandalism was reported on Second Street. A stray animalwas reported on Payne Hollow Road. Verbal domestic vio- lence was reported on Main Street.9-19 An injured deer was reported on Lower Weinhard Road.Theft was reported on Mustard Street. Children trespassingand smoking were reported on Fourth Street. A violationof a protection order was reported on Main Street. A trafficaccident with injuries was reported on Main Street. A straycalf was reported on Touchet Road. A...

  • Waitsburg FFA Barbecue

    Sep 27, 2012


    Sep 27, 2012

    BERYL WITT RETIRES WAITSBURG - Beryl Witt, who has worked at the Waits- burg Grocery for more than 40 years, is retiring this Friday. The community is invited to the grocery store on Main Street to celebrate her years of service with cake from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 28. POOL FUNDING PROPOSAL WAITSBURG - City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said at the October council meeting a pool funding option would be on the agenda. Hinchliffe says it would not be a pool tax. The idea is for the council to adopt what is known as Real Estate Excise 2...


    Sep 27, 2012

    A photo in the Sept. 20 Times edition that accom- panied the Cardinals Tackle Tigerscots story misidenti- fied a WP player. The cap- tion should have read "Dal- ton LaRue and Alex Dill break up a Tigerscot pass last Thursday in Athena, Ore." Also in the Sept. 20 issue, some of the listings of the fair winners the Times received from the Columbia County Fair Board are incor- rect. Colulmbia County Fair 4-H Beef Showing: Kaleigh White was fitting and show- ing champ. in 4-H....

  • Staff at the Times,

    Sep 27, 2012

    I enjoyed your article on the band uniforms from 1950. I was a member of the band at that time as was my husband Richard Pettichord. The uniforms were made to fit each member with their names sewn into the pockets. Our daughter Cindy also wore the uniforms in junior high in 1969-1971. She was issued my best friend's uni- form. How is that for coin- cidence? With Mr. Russ as our teacher, we took firsts or Superior ratings at all music festivals and parades. Kay Pettichord Spokane...

  • To the Editor,

    Sep 27, 2012

    It's a shame that in this day and age, women still have to fight for equality. However, equality in the workplace is still an issue and especially when it comes to equal pay for equal work. We trust our members of congress to represent the people in their districts and stand up for our rights. Unfortunately, Cathy McMorris Rodgers does not represent us, especially when it comes to equal pay. Cathy McMorris Rodgers voted against the Lilly Led- better Act. Why would she do this? She did this because the Republican leadership was opposed to it...

  • To the Editor,

    Sep 27, 2012

    If elected, Rich Cowan's outlook would be the oppo- site of Romney's writing off 47 percent of the population, most of whom are seniors and the working poor with children. Cathy McMorris- Rodgers voting record fol- lows along nicely with Mitt Romney's outlook. Elect someone who cares about all the citizens, not just the wealthy, banks and billion- aires and vote for Rich Cow- an in November. By the way, he resigned as CEO of a very successful film production company he created, which has brought millions of dollars and many jobs to the re-...

  • Heart BEAT

    Morgan Smith|Sep 27, 2012

    Blue Mountain Action Council Aids Three Counties Council Is Involved With Numerous Local Charities, Puts Americiorps Volunteers In Schools DAYTON - The Blue Mountain Action Council has become an increasingly familiar name in Columbia County. The council has been involved with numerous local char- ities and organizations by offering assistance to groups that help support the community. Americorps volun- teer members and public outreach specialist Em- ily James and other vol- unteers from across t...

  • Some Of Our Favorite Things

    Sep 27, 2012

    Dayton's Youth Competitive Swim Team. Waitsburg's Days Of Real Sport Centennial. Camp Wooten's Outdoor Education Program. Lyons Ferry's access for people with disabilities. As the line from that "Sound Of Music" song goes: These are a few of our favorite things in Walla Walla and Columbia counties. And to nurture these community projects and resources, we want to draw attention to a small local organization that recently moved its offices to Waitsburg and celebrates the 50th anniversary of a nation- wide effort by which it was inspired and,...

  • Political Cartoon

    Sep 27, 2012

  • BMX Bike Track To Get Leveled

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 27, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council de- cided to level the city's BMX bike track at the north end of town because of lack of use in a 3-1 decision last Wednes- day night. About one year ago, the council discussed leveling the track because it seemed as though the local children weren't using it. Former Councilman Orville Branson provided vocal support for the track that the Lions Club installed years ago. Branson monitored the use of the track for one year and the Lions Club provided $300 to spray the track for puncture vine on the track....

  • Grow Suspects Plead

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 27, 2012

    DAYTON - Gerardo Agu- irre-Hernandez and Ramon Estrada-Gonzalez pleaded not guilty last Thursday in Columbia County to charges of growing marijuana and to being illegal aliens in posses- sion of firearms. Both men are expected to appear in court for a two-day trial on Nov. 8 and 9 in Day- ton. Agu- irre- Her- nandez, 41, and Estrada- Gonzalez, 61, were arrested on Sept. 4 in a forested area east of Dayton after the Wash- ington S t ate Patrol's Cannabis Eradica- tion and Reclamation Team...

  • Sixth Graders Learn To Rope Like Cowboys

    Sep 27, 2012

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