Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 29, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Sizing Up The Salmon

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    People came from far and near to attend the Waitsburg Lions Club annual Salmon Bake last Saturday. The event went off without a hitch and the weather was the best it's been in recent years, according to one club member. The Salmon Bake, along with the Rib Feed, are the main fundraisers for the local club that provides strong support for the community. Club treasurer Kevin House said attendance was close to the same as last year, with approximately 630 tickets sold. He said the fish was more...

  • Waitsburg Council Pulls Reins On Equestrian Center Proposal

    Sep 29, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg City Council was encouraging but said there was no way they could approve the 17-page Equestrian Use Proposal and corresponding community work day presented by the Friends of the Waitsburg Fairgrounds Committee at the council’s regular Sept. 20 meeting. Council members were impressed with the proposal, but called it conceptual and said there were many questions that still needed to be addressed, especially legally and contractually between the city and the proposed fairgrounds co-op entity. Equestrian Committee Cha...

  • Dayton On Tour Coming Saturday

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    Art Crawl Partake in the Art Crawl through a variety of venues downtown. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Artists will show their work in eight locations throughout downtown Dayton. Artist demonstrations will take place in Dingle's and the Wenaha Gallery. Kid's Fall Festival The Kid's Fall Festival will take place at 1st and Main. Activities include Face Painting, Bobbing for Apples, Pumpkin Art, and more. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides will be provided by A.J. Carriages during those hours. Historic...

  • Playing in the Plaza

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    Members of the Inland Empire Cello Choir played in the Prescott Plaza on Sept. 21. Members of the Walla Walla Symphony will play again on Wed., Oct. 4 from 5-7 p.m....

  • Student Reps

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    Waitsburg High School and middle school officers and representatives traveled to Pomeroy on Sept. 21 to participate in a leadership conference....

  • Pioneer Portraits - September 29, 2016

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    Ten Years Ago October 5, 2006 Photo caption: Bettie Chase was honored by the Organization of Eastern Star with her 50-year-pin, presented by Worthy Matron Nancy Otterson as Tom Baker, Worthy Patron, looks on. Chase was initiated in 1956 and was a regular member just one year. The next 49 years, she served in elective office, including 43 years as secretary. Other offices Chase has held include Associate Conductress, Associate Matron and Worthy Matron. Odako Club met Thursday, September 28 at the home of Deanne Johnson. Arrah Lee Wilson was the...

  • Court News

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    Trial Dates Set -Julia L Richardson, 32, Lewiston; charged attempting to elude a pursing police vehicle. Bench trial set for Oct. 13. -Brandon Wayne, John, 33; charged with escape in the first degree. Bench trial set for Dec. 9. -Johan Martin Filla, 50, Dayton; charged with 2nd degree assault – domestic violence, 3rd degree assault, domestic violence, and unlawful imprisonment – domestic violence. Trial re-set to Jan. 26-27, 2017. Plea Agreements Mary Anne Maier, 63, Dayton; charged with possession of Lorazepam, Possession of Clonazepam, and...

  • Blue MTn. Comm. Foundation Supports Waitsburg

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    WALLA WALLA – Three Waitsburg programs were approved to receive $11,100 in grant funds from the Blue Mountain Community Foundation at the foundation’s Sept. 20 board meeting. Add those funds to the $24,987 in scholarships awarded to 17 Waitsburg students earlier this year and support from the foundation for Waitsburg will total over $36,000 this year. A $2,600 grant was made to Rural Youth Enrichment Services (RYES) with $1,000 designated to Friends of the Waitsburg Pool and $1,600 to support RYES operating expenses. The Cardinals’ Nest after s...

  • Cong. Church Fashion Flea Market Extravaganza

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    DAYTON – The Dayton First Congregational Church-UCC is hosting a Fashion Flea Market Extravaganza fundraiser on Sat., Oct. 15, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Purses, shoes, jewelry, scarves, and accessories in better condition, along with gently used clothing, and ties and belts for men, can be purchased on the 15th at the church, which is located at 214 South Third Street. Also, join Connie Jungman between the hours of 11 a.m. and noon, to learn how to tie scarves. Donations are currently being accepted, and there are three ways to participate, a...

  • Birthdays - Week of September 29

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    September 29: Margaret Fischer, Marie Feryn, Charles Zuger, Mary Yancey, Dr. S.R. Hevel, Christopher Conrath. September 30: Charles Parker. October 1: Quinton Powers, Jeff Dicus, Peggy Dicus, Christopher Goff, Jerri Ann Newbill. October 2: Ted Collins, Quinton Pettichord, Harry Peterson, Lane Savage, Travis Larsen, Kellen Gerke, Holly Robinson. October 3: Coe Richards, George Hodges, Dorothy Mays, Lee Nora Finch, Carolyn Thompson, Heather Jackson, Stacey Vaughn. October 4: Jeff Nichols, Tom Collins, Sharon Speiss, Amanda Marshall. October 5:...

  • George H.W. Bush's Defection is a Big Deal

    Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg View|Sep 29, 2016

    George H.W. Bush is planning to vote for Hillary Clinton. That’s not considered major news by most mainstream outlets. But it should be. The story, first picked up by Politico late Monday night from a Facebook post by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor, got almost no play, for example, from the New York Times. It created only a very small flurry of interest on Twitter, at least judging from my feed. The only previous exceptions after Franklin Roosevelt to the norm that former presidents support their party’s nom...

  • Robot Rides May Force Error-Prone Human Motorists Off the Road

    Keith Naughton, Bloomberg View|Sep 29, 2016

    New rules of the road for robot cars coming out of Washington this week could lead to the eventual extinction of one of the defining archetypes of the past century: the human driver. While banning people from driving may seem like something from a Kurt Vonnegut short story, it’s the logical endgame of a technology that could dramatically reduce -- or even eliminate -- the 1.25 million road deaths a year globally. Human error is the cause of 94 percent of roadway fatalities, U.S. safety regulators say, and robot drivers never get drunk, s...

  • Political Cartoon - September 29, 2016

    Sep 29, 2016

  • Waitsburg Needs Successful Businesses

    Sep 29, 2016

    Dear Editor, Some think after recent events it may be difficult to entice other businesses to consider Waitsburg as a potential site. Others are of the opinion that would be just fine. At least one individual commented they liked the current small town feel and no new businesses were needed. When Pat and I moved to Waitsburg in 1969 all storefronts had active businesses. Most of them would close Friday afternoons for home football games, since there were no lights on the field for evening games. That’s about as small town as it gets. Those t...

  • Makenna Barron Needs Votes for Anthem Contest

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    LAS VEGAS - Last year, local songstress Makenna Barron made the top ten in the National Finals Rodeo National Anthem Contest. This year, the talented 10-year-old again made the top ten by popular vote, and was then chosen by a selection committee as one of the top three youth competitors. Barron’s goal last year was to sing the National Anthem at all of the Big 4 Rodeo Association rodeos in one year. She didn’t make her goal of singing at the NFR last year, but is giving it another shot this year and is already one step closer. Popular vot...

  • Waitsburg City Admin. is A Finalist for College Place City Admin.

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The City of College Place will interview three candidates to become the city’s next City Administrator on Sept. 29. Among those is current Waitsburg City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe. Hinchliffe is a Waitsburg High School graduate and has served as City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer for Waitsburg since 2004. The other candidates are current Director for the Walla Walla County Community Development Department, Thomas Glover, and Colfax City Administrator Michael Rizzitiello. The City of College Place hired Prothman, an exe...

  • Waitsburg and Dayton Receive School of Distinction Awards

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    PASCO – Waitsburg Elementary School and Dayton Middle School are among seven southeast Washington schools recognized statewide as winners of the 2016 School of Distinction award. Other schools recognized in ESD 123 include Paterson Elementary, Wahitis Elementary (Othello), Touchet Elementary and High School, Pasco High School, and Chiawana High School (Pasco). The award is in its 10th year and honors staff, students, and school leaders who improve performance for all students over a sustained period of time in English Language Arts and m...

  • Control Line Enthusiast Hosts Worldwide Fly-A-Thon Site in Waitsburg

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    WAITSBURG – This weekend, for the third year running, area hobbyists will meet at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds to fly copies of the Sterling Ringmaster line-controlled model airplane. The model pilots will have their flight numbers added to those of hobbyists around the world as part of the Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon 2016. The Fly-A-Thon will take place in the parking area on the west side of the fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. until about 3 or 4 p.m. each day. Local model enthusiast J...

  • Grandstands Get the Go Ahead

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    WAITSBURG – At their Sept. 20 regular meeting, the Waitsburg City Council approved a $4,500 purchase of design plans to aid in the structural assessment of the Waitsburg Fairgrounds grandstands, which have been deemed unsound. Council member KC Kuykendall said that structural engineer John Raby, who specializes in older, pole barn style buildings, had inspected the grandstands last month and was confident that it would be a “very doable renovation, with no reason that the building cou...

  • Council OKs One Sidewalk on Main Street Bridge

    Sep 29, 2016

    WAITSBURG – After hearing from Anderson Perry Project Manager Eric Zitterkopf, the Waitsburg City Council opted to stick with plans for just one sidewalk on the Main Street Bridge replacement. The council was faced with the options of deciding between a one-sidewalk or two-sidewalk design now, or paying an additional $18,000 for two separate sets of plans and deciding later. The original design plans submitted by Anderson Perry show one sidewalk, which is how the bridge plan currently stands. At community input sessions held earlier this y...

  • Local Stylists Hit the Big Time

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    DAYTON – Main Street Salon stylists Melissa McCowen and Bridget House headed to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to attend Behind the Chair (BTC) Color, the largest single-stage hair show in the country, last weekend to showcase their EmBee Meche product line. In addition, House was nominated as a finalist in the Rainbow Haircolor category. House said that having the opportunity to attend the invite-only show is a huge honor. Nearly all of the booths are operated by "big" companies such as TIGI, L...

  • DHS Youth and Govt. Club Shares Experiences with School Board

    Michele Smith, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    DAYTON-Dayton High School Youth and Government Club advisor Shayna Hutchens and her students, Colton Johnson, Cal Martin, Luis Ortiz and Alex Jenkins, were present for show and tell at the Dayton School Board meeting on Sept. 21. The students shared their experiences in Olympia in May, where they went to simulate the legislative process at the capitol building. Brent Gaither, the Washington State program director for Youth and Government Clubs was also at the meeting to give the directors a...

  • Changes in Store for Tucannon Meats

    Michele Smith, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    DAYTON--Jim Westergreen, the owner of Tucannon Meats in Dayton, is in the process of handing over day-to-day operations of the butcher shop on East Main Street to his son, and to his son's army buddy. "He's going to stick with us for awhile and make sure we're good to go," said Josh Westergreen, about his father's diminishing role. The younger Westergreen said the focus of the business will still be on custom slaughter, retail sales of cured meats, and processing of wild game. "We have already...

  • Second-Half Rally Pushes DW Past TCP, 35-20

    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    PASCO – Nothing went right for Dayton-Waitsburg in the first half of the game here against Tri-Cities Prep, save for Travis Crockett's 150 yards rushing. But the DW team came out after the half with a new offensive backfield lineup, and romped in the second half to pull out a 35-20 victory. Crockett again led the offense, scoring three touchdowns and accounting for 373 yards total offense. After only three games played, Crockett has scored 11 TDs and is 27 yards shy of 1,000 total yards in o...

  • Dayton Sweeps DeSales in 3 Sets

    The Times|Sep 29, 2016

    DAYTON – The Dayton volleyball team hosted DeSales on Sept. 22 and easily swept their league match, 25-21, 25-13, 25-17. The Lady Bulldogs were led by Jenna Phillips, who went 14 for 14 serving, with six aces. Game stats: Jenna Phillips - 14/14 Serving, 6 ACES, 7 Digs, 3 Kills, 2 Blocks Mia Becker - 6/7 Serving, 1 ACE, 8 Digs, 3 Kills Josilyn Fullerton - 5/6 Serving, 1 ACE, 9 Kills, 6 Assists, 1 Block, 6 Digs Hanna Becker - 7/7 Serving, 2 ACES, 7 Kills, 7 Assists, 6 Digs Megan Robins - 7/8 S...

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