Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 32
DAYTON-Since becoming the WSU Dayton Extension Agent fifteen years ago, Paul Carter said youth enrollment in 4-H has increased from 75 to 102, this year, and remains steady. "It is very important to know that we still view the youth of the county as our primary program area," Carter said. "These kids are the future of the community and we see that every day as many of them stay here, or leave, and then return to make this home." "If I could I would have every kid in the county in 4-H sometime...
WALLA WALLA—Che Apalache is a four-man string band who have been taking audiences by storm with their fusion of Latin and American roots music. Led by Joe Troop, the band features three powerhouse Latin American musicians – two from Argentina, Franco Martino (guitar), Martin Bobrik (mandolin), and Pau Barjau (banjo) from Mexico. They will appear in concert at Gesa Power House Theatre on Friday, October 18 at 7:00 p.m. Che Apalache began as a traditional bluegrass band, but eventually incorporate...
Attending the meeting were Walla Walla County Commissioners Todd Kimball and Greg Tompkins, Walla Walla County Director of Public Works Tony Garcia and Director of the Walla Walla County Emergency Management System Liz Jeffries WAITSBURG—A small group of community members gathered at the Lion’s Building in Waitsburg on Monday, September 30 for a Walla Walla County Commissioner’s Open House Meeting. City Councilman Terry Jacoy asked about his recent home assessment value going up and wanted to know if this new valuation would increase his taxes...
Pointed questions were raised about the availability of automated external defibrillator devices (AEDs) and naloxone at the County Commissioner's Open House on Monday, September 30th, revealing two significant public health challenges Waitsburg citizens face. Waitsburg resident Randy Charles, a former career firefighter and paramedic, raised questions about these two vital forms of first aid, which promoted a heated exchange at the meeting. AEDs, or automated external defibrillators, are used to...
DAYTON—The Manhattan Short Film Festival was well attended. Sylvia, written and directed by Richard Prendergast of the United Kingdom, is the Gold Medal Winner of the 2019 Manhattan Short Film Festival. Sylvia is the fact-based story of the deep meaning one car had to a family, a tale that resonated with viewers around the world. Nefta Football Club, directed by Yves Piat of France, won the Silver Medal for its hilarious depiction of a cocaine smuggling operation gone wrong. This Time Away, w...
Ten Years Ago October 15, 2009 Photo caption: Former Waitsburg resident Kathy Rose, of Griffin, Ga, carried a copy of The Times when she attended the 9/12 Taxpayers March on Washington D. C. Her she is on the West Lawn of the U. S. Capitol building among the estimated 1.5 million people who attended the rally. Rose is the daughter of the late Bill and Hazel Rose, long-time Waitsburg residents. About a dozen people met September 29 to discuss possible directions for the site of Waits Mill, now a charred pile of blackened beams and heat warped...
Assuming that reducing greenhouse gases are an ongoing challenge, we need government policies and the “political will” to turn our nation’s entrepreneurs and researchers lose to take risks and innovate. We must establish reasonable laws and regulations that also protect our environment and our citizens’ health and safety while providing jobs and affordable products—no easy task. Science Daily has published some promising research relating to carbon dioxide. Here are three examples: First, resear...
Hi, my name is Rod Johnson and my wife Lisa and I moved here to Waitsburg back in January. I have been told that in Waitsburg you are still new in town until the 2nd or 3rd generation. So I guess we are really new. Now I was actually born in Dayton, and while we moved away when I was an infant, we moved back when I was a teenager and I was there through my early twenties. Now I'm back and we love it here. We have been warmly welcomed here, and I have to say that the folks around here are super...
Do you love to sing holiday music? Following the success of The Blue Mountain Chorus/Sweet Adeline’s Holiday Guest Chorus last year, the chorus is once again offering this wonderful opportunity for women to sing with Blue Mountain Chorus and experience the joys of four-part a cappella music! Singers are invited to join the chorus on Thursday, October 17 for the first session, and every Thursday after that (except Halloween and Thanksgiving), culminating with a performance at Blue Mountain Community Church on Sunday, December 15. Attendance a...
Former Coffey Communications employee Molly Weatherill-Tate was recently named the Executive Director & Events Coordinator of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce. Dayton Chamber of Commerce Vice President Anne Walsh announced the hiring. Previously a Client Project Manager and Client Success Manager at Coffey Communications in Walla Walla, she states on her LinkedIn page, “I’m passionate about two things—project management and customer service. To me, that translates to getting things done and keeping my promises. That’s what motivates me every s...
OLYMPIA, WA—Washington State Parks invites the public—especially youth—to meet “Sage,” a Newfoundland dog, enjoy puppet shows and watch canine skills demonstrations during Newfie Day at Sacajawea Historical State Park near Pasco.Newfie Day celebrates the historical significance of Seaman, the Newfoundland dog who accompanied the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Expedition. The family-friendly event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday Oct. 12, at Sacajawea Historical State Park, 2503 Sacajawea Park Road, Pasco.“Seaman was a devoted com...
All breast cancer survivors and a guest are invited to a free celebration Oct. 15 from 6 to 8pm at Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center. The evening of fellowship will include hors d’oeuvres, gifts, prizes, and vendors for massage therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, genetic testing, dietary counseling, rehabilitation, survivorship and local breast cancer support groups. An RSVP is requested by calling 509-897-5700. This is the 3rd annual event and is made possible by support from Providence St. Mary Foundation....
Halloween is almost here...does the prospect of a tour of a cemetery at dusk with flashlights sound fascinating? If it does the Mt. View Cemetery Halloween tours are for you! On Saturday, October 26th, the City of Walla Walla Parks and Recreation will be holding the first ever Haunted Halloween Tours in conjunction with the Walla Walla High School Drama Club. For the not-so-brave the “Non-Scary Tour” will begin at 4 p.m.; for the courageous the “Scary Tour” will be at 6 p.m. The tours are free to the public, but pre-registration is require...
Providence will offer its annual free drive through adult flu shot clinic Oct. 26 at Providence St. Mary's Medical Center from 9 a.m. to noon, or until the vaccine is gone. People can be vaccinated without leaving their cars, and no appointments are necessary. Walk-ups also are accepted. The free immunizations are available to adults age 18 and over. Although the clinic is open to all adults, Providence particularly would like to encourage people to come who are low income and do not have health insurance. The clinic also is ideal for people...
Brooke's new metal sign is classing up Main Street. Designed and made with the help of a family friend, Darrel Fusselman, from Tri-cities who owns DF Ironworks....
October 4 Theft and burglary committed by an unknown suspect(s). on the 6500 block of HWY 12 in Walla Walla County. October 5 A lost wallet was reported at the Walla Walla County fairgrounds. October 6 An underage female was arrested for consumption of alcohol in the 1400 block of Monroe Street in Walla Walla. Suspect entered a 7th Avenue residence in Waitsburg and took the keys to the resident’s vehicle. Suspect then took the vehicle. Officers were Dispatched to an address on B. St. in Prescott, WA in reference to a protection order v...
Instructor Melissa Lambert teaches three one-hour fitness classes on non-consecutive days to folks in Waitsburg who are 60 years old and older. A low-cost, evidence-based group exercise and falls prevention program, the class helps older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. Each class focuses on dynamic cardiovascular exercise, strength training, balance, and flexibility - everything older adults need to maintain health and...
STARBUCK-With generous donations from Columbia Pulp and the Blue Mountain Community Foundation, the Starbuck School District is now able to provide 37 K-8 graders with lunches, five days a week, until the end of the school year, according to Martha Lanman Columbia County Public Health Director. A donation of $1,000 from Columbia Pulp and another $5,000 from the Blue Mountain Community Foundation will more than meet the original request, which was for $1500 to provide lunches four days a week....
Waitsburg emergency medical services volunteers needed The need for emergency medical services (EMS) volunteers is reaching a high-point, and rural communities are feeling the effects. If you're interested in becoming a volunteer Emergency medical technician (EMT), there are training options in the area. I did a lot while I lived in Alaska. Plenty of hiking and fishing, and other outdoorsy sorts of things, but my favorite was the time I spent as an EMT with the Sitka Fire Department....
Felting "acorns" using fluffy natural wool is a relaxing and enjoyable fall activity for all ages. It's especially suited for young children who like to get their hands in soapy water to shape and change the structure of the soft wool into dense felted wool balls. The material used for making the soft balls is called wool roving, available at some craft stores, yarn shops or online (resources below). It is wool that has been cleaned, combed and sometimes dyed. You'll discover that the lovely...
The annual Frenchtown Rendezvous will be held on October 12, 2019, at Assumption Church Parish Hall, located at 2098 E Alder St. in Walla Walla, WA The Rendezvous is the Frenchtown Historical Foundation's biggest annual fundraiser. This year's gathering will include a family history workshop by Donna Cummins, a silent auction featuring Walla Walla wines and gifts, a raffle for a "Thunder and Earthquake" Pendleton blanket, a tri-tip dinner catered by Marty Bray, and a keynote presentation by...
PENDLETON, OR-Umatilla National Forest officials ask hunters and forest visitors to use caution, plan ahead and know the weather and forest conditions before heading out into the woods. Fall weather can be unpredictable and is a busy time of year on the Umatilla National Forest. Hunting is a primary activity during this time and the Forest may be implementing its prescribed burn program. Prior to heading to the woods, forest officials encourage the public to always contact your local district...
DAYTON-Chayton Gatlin's family will be holding a fundraising gathering on Saturday, October 12 at the Dayton Eagles Club located at 222 E. Main. From 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Chayton's cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment in Spokane was covered by the Times in March of this year. The shocking diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft and connective tissue, was initially thought to be a swollen gland --Chayton and his mother Danica were Life Flighted to Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, f...
On Friday, October 11th, Whitman College’s Sheehan Gallery is pleased to present Karl Davis, the Executive Director of Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, who will speak about the development of this world-class art studio at 5:30 p.m. Formed in 1992 by regional artists James Lavadour (Walla Walla) and Phillip Cash Cash (Cayuse and Nez Perce), Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts (CSIA) is located on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in the foothills of Oregon’s Blue Mou...