Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the October 25, 2012 edition

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  • WP Senior Night For Volleyball And Cross Country

    Oct 25, 2012


    Oct 25, 2012

    1 Dayton Chamber of Commerce Sixty-Sixth Annual Chamber Awards Banquet 6-9 p.m. Running T Ranch 820 N. Touchet Road Each year, the chamber banquet recognizes those in the community who have made outstanding efforts on behalf of the community, business, as an employee and youth. This year the event will be at the Running T Ranch at 802 North Touchet Road. There will be a social time beginning at 6 p.m. with entertainment, dinner at 6:30 and presentation program at 7:15, followed by awards. Tickets are $25 per person and are avail- able at the...


    Oct 25, 2012

    Prescott City Council Prescott City Hall 101SDStreet,Prescott Call (509) 849-2262 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Prescott Community Club Prescott Lions Hall (509) 849-2892 Second Thursday At 2:00 p.m. Prescott Fire Commissioners Call Tim Mayberry for info: (509) 849-2262 Prescott Lions Club Call Chris Scudder (509) 849-2478 Prescott Parks & Rec. District Board Community Center of the Lion's Hall, corner of D St. & Hwy 124, Prescott. For more information 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Prescott School Board Last Thursday, 7:00 p.m....

  • Event Money Helps Feed Families In Need

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - After two successful years of Mule Mania, one of Dayton's new­est summer events, two local charities are reaping rewards from the weekend. The Columbia Rural Elec­tric Association donated $500 each to the Dayton Food Bank and Project Timo­thy as a token of gratitude and support for the two groups. The money was raised during the Mule Mania golf tournament, organizer Doug Krueger said. "It was a fun event," Krueger said. "Usually the winner donates the winnings to the food bank." While p...

  • Club A Haven For Bookworms

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott Public Library is offering up a way for community members to make friends and get noses in good books with its second year of book club. Book club will meet once a month, for the first time at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 25 at the library. Amy Rosenberg, the branch supervisor, said the first book to kick off the year will be "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. At the first meet­ing, the group will decide on the rest of the books members will read and set a meeting schedule,...

  • Dogs Struggle With WWVA, Rain

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - The Day- ton soccer team took the field against Walla Walla Valley Academy Monday but couldn't gain their footing, falling 4-1 to the Knights. The loss to the Knights follows two losses against Trout Lake last weekend. In the first half of Mon- day's game, the cold, wet field slowed down the usual quick action between the teams. The Knights kept the pres- sure on the Bulldogs from early on, finally breaking through and scoring halfway through the first half. The Bulldogs fought back,...

  • Service Errors Plague Cardinals

    Dan Groom, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    WALLA WALLA - Waitsburg-Prescott failed by the narrowest possible margin to DeSales on Senior Night for the Irish. WP lost the 5-set heart­breaker last Tuesday, 16- 25, 25-12, 22-25, 25-20, 13-15. The Lady Cards over­came the Irish in an error- plagued set one by nine points. WP broke open a 10-9 lead with a 10-3 run built without the aid of a single ace or kill by either side. The Cards closed the set out with an ace however, when Krystal Harris' hard serve tripped the net, and fell to an e...

  • Tigers Get Into Their Passing Game

    Times Staff|Oct 25, 2012

    PRESCOTT - Domi­nating from the outset, the WP Tigers beat the Irrigon Knights, 5-1, at home last Friday. The Tigers Tuesday night beat Riverside Christian in Yakima, 3-0/ The team's victories give the Tigers a, 10-2-1, record for the season. "We controlled the ball from the start," assistant soc­cer coach Jay Potts said in a telephone interview. "It was our best passing performance of the year. We're getting bet­ter at that." Senior Lino Diaz was the first to score in the fourth minute of the game on an as­sist from senior Jesse Alb...

  • WP Nabs Must-Have Victory

    Dan Groom, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    ASOTIN - Two big plays proved the difference in Waitsburg-Prescott's must- have victory at Asotin last Friday. The, 26-14, win nearly guarantees the Cardinals control of their own destiny in the chase for the Southeast 2B title as they go into their final regular season game this Friday against Tri-Cities Prep. After a first half defen­sive slog, the Cards posted the two, long-field scores in the span of just a minute-and- a-half late in the third quarter to put some distance between...

  • Dayton Falls To WWVA In Thriller

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - Coming off of two wins against Waitsburg-Prescott on Oct. 16 and DeSales on Oct. 18, the Dayton volleyball team was poised for attack on its senior night against the Walla Walla Val­ley Academy last Tuesday. However, the Bulldogs fell in a nail-biting finish after five sets against the WWVA Knights Tuesday. The game began by honoring Dayton seniors Jessica Tate and McKayla Bickelhaupt. The Bulldogs opened the first set keeping close to the Knights' scores. The score was close un­til the...

  • WP Runners Deal, Adams On Top

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    PENDLETON - Two WP cross country athletes came out on top last Saturday and placed first in a large meet in Pendleton, Ore. Both Seth Deal, a senior on the varsity men's team, and Emily Adams, an eighth grader on the middle school team, placed first in their respective races last Saturday at the Kyle Burnside Wild­horse Meet. "I was very proud of all my athletes, said WP coach Lanning. "You could see the determination and effort on all their faces as they came into the finish line chute." The...

  • Anti-Bullying Group Unites

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - A group of six students and six parents met at Dayton High School last Friday armed with signs and an agenda to call attention to bullying in the Dayton School District. Parent Kim Suchodolski was one of the leaders of the parent-student group who made the meeting at the high school last Friday a call to ac- tion for parents and students. The group carried signs outside the school that said "National Anti-Bullying Day," "Stop the bullying," "Please help the students" and "We won't stand for it." "I believe our children have had enough...


    Oct 25, 2012

    Want to have your club schedule posted each week in the Times right here? Call or email us your monthly meeting information by Tuesdays at noon and we'll get it in -- for free! Email: Community@ Call: 509-337-6631...


    Oct 25, 2012

    American Legion Legion Hall 211 E. Clay, Dayton 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Blue Mountain Artists'Guild Delany Room at Dayton Memorial Library, 111 S. 3rd Meredith at (509) 382-2372 Last Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Blue Mountain Heritage Society Delany Room at Dayton Memorial Library, 111 S. 3rd Contact Elizabeth Thorn At (509)382-4820 2nd Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Columbia County Commissioners Commissioners' Chambers 3rd Floor, County Courthouse, Dayton. Call (509) 382-4542 1st and 3rd Monday At 10:00 a.m. and 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m....


    Oct 25, 2012

    Dayton City Council Monday October 22, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA- Action, Approved1) Approval of CouncilMinutes for September24, 2012 and October 8, 2012. 2) Approval of ClaimsVouchers as audited byFinance Committee 3) Approval of October15, 2012 Payroll War- rants SPECIAL GUESTS AND PUBLIC COMMENT - 1) Public Hearing -Discuss proposed rev- enue sources for 2013 Budget including a proposed increase in property taxes 1%.2) Public Hearing- Discuss 2013 Preliminary City of Dayton Budget. COMMITTEE/ BOARD/COMMIS- SION REPORT REPORTS OF...

  • A New Face At Blue Mt. Counseling

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - Blue Mountain Counseling's newest Prevention Coordinator Laura Tolman is get- ting paid to work with kids and families, and for Tolman, nothing could be better. Tolman, who lives with her husband of 27 years in Waits- burg, has always worked with children. Her background lies primarily in volunteer work. "I'm new in a way (as a pre- vention coordinator)," Tolman said. "(But) I've always found myself working with kids." Tolman took on the position in early October to replace Peggy...

  • Case Load Cap Could Hurt Defenders

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    DAYTON - The Sixth Amendment guarantees an attorney for any defendant in need of one, but recent caseload concerns moved the Supreme Court to adopt new standards that will impose a cap on the number of cases attorneys can handle and could restrict private prac- tices for the public defenders the state has relied on. This change will impact local defenders. At the last Columbia County Commissioners meeting, public defenders C. Dale Slack, of Dayton, and Andrea Burkhart, of Walla Walla, discussed the new standards, called indigent defense...

  • Council Raises Tax To Benefit Pool

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council last Wednesday night voted to raise a tax levied when property in the city is sold to raise about $10,000 to help operate the city pool. A public hearing was held last Wednesday be- fore the vote, but no citi- zens commented on the tax. The tax is real estate excise tax that is typically paid by the seller when property in Waitsburg is sold. The rate of the tax was previously a quarter of one percent, or $2,500 on a $100,000 home and is paid with the...


    Oct 25, 2012

    Waitsburg Commercial Club Ye Towne Hall, Waitsburg (509)337-6533 1st and 3rd Tuesday At 6:30 p.m. Waitsburg Historical Society Call Anita Baker for More information: (509) 337-6157 Waitsburg Legion and Auxiliary For location information Call Ike and B.A Keve At (509) 337-6546 First Monday at 7:00 p.m. Waitsburg Lions Club Lions Memorial Building Scott Branson, President (509)337-8895 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Waitsburg Rainbow Girls Waitsburg Lodge #16 2nd St, Waitsburg Contact: Karen Mohney at (509) 337-8201 1st and 3rd Wednesday at...


    Oct 25, 2012

    PRESCOTT SCHOOLBOARD When: October 25, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Where: 207 South AStreet Prescott Wa. Meeting to begin imme- diately following ES Additional items may be added to the agenda by the Principal and/or Superintendent Approval of September27, 2012 regular MeetingMinutes Report of the Association Report of the K-12 Prin- cipal and the Superintendent Business Items Info/Report Items Enrollment WP Combine Report Legislative report Student demographics - October 2012 Info/Discussion Items Review of Policy 4130 -Title I Parent Involvement MAP...

  • Proposal Cuts Coverage By 38%

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Oct 25, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The most recent contract proposal the Waitsburg City Council took a look at last Wednesday reduces the amount the city is paying the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office cur- rently by 36 percent and reduces services by 38 percent. Councilman KC Kuyken- dall told Sheriff John Turner last Wednesday that if the city of Waitsburg is already being patrolled in the deputies' daily beat, "I can't figure out for the life of me why we couldn't cut the contract." Kuykendall said for $125,000 a...


    Oct 25, 2012

    Waitsburg Ambulance Memorial In Memory of Elmer Hays From: Mary Hays, Mary Philips, Doris Jean Stacy, Bob & Mary Rickel,and Dr. S. Rogers & Laura Jean Hevel,Rena Johnson, Jim and Pat Davidson,and Bob, Cay, Brian and Angela Hays. Black Dog & Cat Rescue Fund In Memory of Elmer Hays From: Jack & Lauretta McCaw, Waits- burg Ambulance Board Member, Bob &Marie Estes....


    Oct 25, 2012

    Ten Years Ago October 24, 2002 There will be a UNICEF Trick-or-Treat event and carnival at the Waitsburg Elementary Multi- purpose room on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002. Parents and children are asked to meet at 3 p.m. They will be canvassing the town asking for donations for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). UNICEF sponsors nutrition, health care, water, education and emergency relief programs for children in 118 developing countries throughout the world. The afternoon will conclude with a carnival in the multi-purpose...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Oct 25, 2012

    There's something exciting about the pomp and circumstance in marketing wine. This time of year, the wine tasting rooms of the Walla Walla region are especially beautiful and welcoming. Wineries have made their homes in restored historic build- ings or new, state-of-the-art facilities bringing the vineyard into the tasting room with seasonal panache. Where today you will see fall vignettes lining the wine and gift shelves, tomorrow you'll be dazzled by the cheer of holiday displays. With winter approaching, I visited local win- eries to taste...


    Oct 25, 2012

    October 25: Judy Skillings, Jacqueline Glover, Jody Peck, Christine Penner, Debbie Moore, Alfred Rit- ter, Al Peters, Lizzette Craw- ford. October 26: Paul Wolfe, Ed Bird, Payton Ng, Dick Buerstatte, Dennis Averill, Jackie Brock, Daniel Pet- tichord, Jason Delp. October 27: Warren Tal- bott, Elsie Mock, Nichole Zuger, Rod Bailey III. October 28: Mary Senter October 29: Daniel Reese, Kaia and Ania Larsen, Paul Presler, Nicholas Lo- dato, Seamus House. October 30: Judy Bradley, Barbie Thompson, Ken Colby, Cindy Hofer, Robert Peddinani, Meghan...

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