Sorted by date Results 26 - 42 of 42
On Tuesday morning, the wheat market was camped out squarely on the middle of the range line going all the way back to the third week of July. Chicago leading futures contracts were at about $8.70 per bushel, while Portland white wheat showed $8.78 or so. The center trend line is gently lower for the period. If Chicago futures break below $8.25-$8.35 in the December contract it will imply accelerating weakness. If the market can find the drivers to push above $9, a new upward trend-line will be created. Until one of these happens, it seems...
Waitsburg 10-17 The theft of a generator was reported on Lost Springs Lane. 10-22 A suspicious vehicle was reported on Stonecipher Road. Dayton 10-16 A suspicious person was reported on Third Street. Domestic violence wasreported on Valley View Court. A residential burglary was reported on FourthStreet. Road kill was reported on Thorn Hollow Road. A suspicious personwas reported on Cottonwood Street. 10-17 A stray cow was reported on Patit Road. A reckless vehicle was reportedon Highway 12. The destruction of property was reported on...
MASS BAND IS WEDNESDAY WAITSBURG -- High School MASS Band and Choir is coming once again to Waitsburg High School on Wednes- day, Oct. 24. Southeast Washington's small schools send their high school musicians to a very special annual event called "MASS." The groups all learn the same pieces of music, then come together for an afternoon of rehearsal and an evening concert. The groups are large, and the music thrilling. This year's conductors are the legendary directors of Walla Walla High School's band and choir, Mr. Glen Mitchell and Mr. Paul...
Chris Blackman is best candidate for Commissioner I would like to express my support for Chris Blackman's campaign to become County Commissioner for District #2 and give my reasons why: Chris has a diverse back- ground and education. When I first met her she was em- ployed by Washington State Division of Children's Ser- vices, more commonly referred to as Child Protective Services. She handled everything from families in poverty to families suffering from abuse or drug addiction. I was immediately impressed with her tenacity, energy, and...
When I first met Mike Talbott some 35 years ago, he impressed me with his honesty and dedication to his job. He is well read and keeps on business developments. He also has the ability to listen and hears and understands what people say to him .He keeps up with the latest world and regional events so he is able to make decisions whether it be for his successful farm, the downtown busi- ness he and his wife operated for ten years, or the other important positions he has held like the Dayton School Board, County Planning Commission or the...
For decades, Walla Walla County has been an agricultural economic based community and history has shown when agriculture is successful, the rest of our community benefits by cir- culating those dollars, over and over. Agriculture, in the broad sense, is the third highest employer in Walla Walla County and the second larg- est employer in Washington State. It is logical that the Walla Walla County Board of Com- missioners should have a member that is not only acutely aware of the issues relating to that specific eco- nomic base in our...
I recently listened to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers talk about how the Afford- able Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare, has increased health insurance rates. This isn't fair since it doesn't fully kick in until 2014. The fact is health insur- ance rates had been increasing annually prior to The Af- fordable Healthcare Act. My premiums were going up 15 percent or more every year for years and 39 percent the last year before I moved to Washington where I couldn't get health insurance at all because of a pre-existing condition! McMorris...
If you haven't watched the only televised debate that Rep. Cathy McMor- ris Rodgers would partici- pate in with Rich Cowan, I suggest you watch it on the internet: video/2288981922 It is a shame that Rep. McMorris Rodgers was un- willing to do a debate in every one of her counties, as Mr. Cowan requested, in- stead of only two debates in Spokane. If she had debated in Walla Walla, I would have asked her why she signed a pledge of allegiance to Gro- ver Norquist, a pledge that many other Congresspeople who signed it have ended...
It's time to send someone to Congress from the 5th District who has richer and more varied life experience than the incum- bent, who is a career politician. Rich earned the rank of Eagle Scout in his youth and qualified for a pilot's license in high school. Rich Cowan worked his way through WSU by living in the Fire Station and working as a fireman and EMT. After receiving his BA and MS, he worked for KHQ-TV in Spokane for ten years. Then, in 1990 he took a big risk by starting the film production company North x Northwest which has made over...
A couple of weeks ago, about 30 representatives from charitable foundations in several states came to Dayton for a presentation by community leaders. The presentation was about how Dayton has transformed its downtown in the past 25 years. The bottom line in the presentation was that we were successful because the entities and agencies in our community were able to work together and get the funding necessary to com- plete this transformation. As budgets get squeezed, it will be important that we continue to work together to keep our county...
I wasn't surprised to learn the Union-Bulletin's en- dorsement of Johnson, Dozier, and Walsh. After all, the U-B rarely endorses anyone other than the incumbent. But I continue to be disappointed with the U-B's lack of fairness or actual reporting of the candidates' strengths. The U-B indicated that Walsh's opponent, Mary Ruth Edwards, had "no pub- lic service" yet she is a public school teacher and served this country as a Marine. The U-B criticized Mark Spinks for wanting to micromanage the budget, yet couldn't have the arrest of former...
Biography of Sen. Mike Hewitt Elected to the state Senate in 2000, 2004 and 2008, Senator Mike Hewitt rep- resents Washington's 16th Legislative District, a com- munity he has been connected to for a lifetime. Senator Hewitt's peers elected him to serve as Senate Republican Leader in 2005, a position he has held since that time. Prior to serving as leader Hewitt served as Senate Republi- can Whip, Majority Whip and Republican Assistant Whip. Senator Hewitt serves on several standing Senate...
Trick-or-treaters notwithstanding, these are scary times for some of our households. As the Times reported last week, more families are showing up at the local food bank needing basic support. Ac- cording to board members who run the Waitsburg Resource Center, 10 more families are stopping by regularly these days compared to the same period last year. That brings the number of neighbor families in need to 65, for a total of 157 people in Waitsburg alone. In Dayton, the local food bank puts its number of clients there at 160 per month. There...
DAYTON - The Dayton City Council took action Monday night to continue the safety and security of students who use the city skate park. The city council unanimously passed an ordinance during Monday's meeting that could inflict fines on skaters who dis- obey the rules posted at the park. Violations of the ordi- nance may result in a civil infraction and may be pun- ished by a civil fine. The first infraction fine is $100, second infraction is $150 and third and subsequent infractions could be up to $250. City Clerk-Treasurer Trina Cole said the...
WAITSBURG - Deer hunting season opened Oct. 13 and the Department of Fish and Wildlife said the week had been quiet in terms of the numbers of hunters. But, local law enforce- ment still reports instances of trespassing on private lands and poaching in the Touchet Valley area. "Trespass during hunting season is a problem," said Madonna Luers, a public information officer with the Washington State Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife's Spokane Valley office. "It's their responsibility to know where...
WALLA WALLA - Corn and costumes made a perfect pair- ing last Thursday for the 45 Preston Hall students who visited the corn maze in Walla Walla. It was a warm, sunny fall day for the students who rushed off of the bus at the maze. Many donned costumes. Teacher Maddie Martin sported a crab hat and the kids were dressed as WP football players, serial killer monsters and even a dark fairy. Lori Bartlow, the school's administrative assistant and middle school athletic director said the kids who...