Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 38
DAYTON - The Dayton Chamber of Commerce's 66th annual Chamber Awards Ban- quet will honor a local business, employee, citizen and youth from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1, at the Running T Ranch. The banquet will feature an address by George Sharp, the executive director of the Olym- pia, Tumwater, Lacey visitor's bureau, Dayton Chamber of Commerce Director Brad Mc- Masters said. "(Sharp is) very charismatic and very energetic," McMasters said. "Anyone could learn from him." Awards for business of the year, citizen of the year, em- ployee of...
PRESCOTT - The Prescott School District is one of four that will receive grant money through a Ken- newick reading foundation. The Prescott School Board learned it obtained grant money from Superin- tendent Dr. Bill Jordan last Thursday. The Kennewick-based national Children's Reading Foundation recently received a two-year, $2.87 million federal grant to help local kindergarten programs. The grant specifically supports a program called READY! For kindergar- ten programs that target children ages birth to 5. It also supports Read Up, a program...
PRESCOTT - One of Prescott's school buses is about to be set up with Inter- net access as part of a pilot project to make it a study hall on wheels. Last Thursday at the Prescott School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan said one of the district's buses will be out- fitted with a wireless router to provide Internet access for students who sometimes have lengthy bus rides to and from school. The wireless Internet access would be a tool students could use to complete schoolwork while they are riding the bus, he said. Sara Fletcher,...
PRESCOTT - Susan Matley, also known as Cimarron Sue in the community, says her "voting rights were compromised" when an error made at the Walla Walla County Au- ditor's Office meant she didn't receive a ballot for the upcoming election. "It was a serious poten- tial infringement on my right to vote," Matley said. Matley, known for the cowboy poetry she per- forms with her husband Bruce, also known as Ne- vada Slim, has been vot- ing consistently in Walla Walla County since 2007, she said. When last week a ballot came for her husband to the...
SPOKANE - The Dayton Bulldog soccer team fell in the first playoff game against St. George, 9-0, in Spokane last Tuesday. The loss comes after the triumphant extra overtime win against Valley Christian last Thursday. Head coach DJ Frame said the Bulldogs gave up a few easy goals, which didn't help out in the long run. "St. George is a good team," Frame said. "Our future looks bright and we started the process for next year." Frame said the whole team played hard for the seniors' final game. T...
SPOKANE - The Tigers handily won their first loser- out playoff game last Tuesday against Northport in Spokane, 7-0. The Tigers advance in playoffs and will compete at 2 p.m. Friday in Prescott against the winner of the Glenwood/Trout Lake and Northwest Christian game. The Tigers' assistant coach Jay Potts said the team's performance was a great comeback from last Saturday's game against Northwest Christian, which the Tigers lost, 6-1. "We played well," Potts said of Tuesday's game. "We played much better than Saturday." He added Tuesday's g...
CLARKSTON - WP's varsity men's team is off to state! Coach Joanna Lanning said she was thrilled all seven of her varsity men competed together for the first time at the 1B/2B District 7/9 Cross Country Championships last Saturday in Clarkston. "In my nine years of coaching cross country I never seen effort like I did Saturday," Lanning said. "It was exciting and inspiring." The men's varsity teams were led by Tri Cities Prep. WP came in fifth place overall, which qualified the team to compete...
WAITSBURG - The pub- lic works crew for the City of Waitsburg is almost done with a two-year project to remove vegetation from the city's Touchet River levee that would hold back high water and hopefully protect the city from flooding. However, after the veg- etation removal is finally complete, the city still has a laundry list of to-dos ordered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to bring the levee up to the current requirements. Waitsburg City Ad- ministrator Randy Hinchliffe said there is no...
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg Prescott's seniors refused to end their high school football careers as anything less than league champions for an unprecedented fourth consecutive year. Dalton Estes' 251 all- purpose yards, Sterling Eastman's 250 passing yards, and Roy Ebong's two stellar kick returns, five receptions and key first half interception stopping a sure Tri-Cities Prep score fueled the Cardinals' title-clinching, 34-14, victory over the visiting Jaguars. "That second half was gutty," a sm...
MABTON - Dayton head football coach Dean Bickelhaupt told his team they had to open big against the Mabton Vikings to gain enough momentum to score their first win of the season. And the team took his advice to heart, taking the Vikings down in a shutout, 39-0. The Bulldogs took the field and didn't waste a play. Lowden Smith returned the first kickoff 99 yards for a touchdown in the first seconds of the game. The point after attempt was unsuccessful, but the Bulldogs weren't satisfied wi...
The Touchet Valley Women's Golf Club The months of July, Au- gust and September brought much sunshine and excel- lent golfing conditions. The ladies of the Touchet club finished the season with a brunch on Oct. 10 at the Sandtrap Restaurant. Officers for the 2012- 2013 year will be: President, Sue Little; Vice- President, Jean Nelson; Treasurer-Secretary, JoAnn Poolman. The annual junior golf program will be headed by three of the club mem- bers. This is set for June 24-28, 2013. Awards were given for birdies and chip-ins. The members who...
Columbia County Health System Board 10-25 meeting minutes *The meeting was called to order. *All were present except Lisa Naylor. *Minutes from Septem- ber were reviewed and ap- proved. *The board reviewed up- coming events. The hospital auxiliary luncheon was at 11 a.m. on Oct. 26. The hospital Halloween contests and public trick-or-treat is on Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 3 p.m. The quality team will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 20. The finance commit- tee will meet at 12 p.m. on Nov. 22. *The next meeting, sched- uled for Thursday, Nov. 22, was...
DAYTON - Dayton's First Congregational Church bubbled with activity last Friday as com- munity members and volunteers filed in for the annual Dayton General Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon. The dining areas filled quick- ly as attendees greeted each other like old friends, making the entire event feel more like a family re- union than an annual fundraiser. That feeling is exactly what keeps luncheon organizer and auxiliary President Aleta Shock- ley coming back. "My favorite part (of the lun-...
DAYTON – The Dayton City Council for the first time in three years is considering a 1 percent increase in property tax in its 2013 budget. “We are looking to (in- crease the property tax) for the first time in three budget cycles,” Mayor Craig George said. The tax increase will bring in an extra $3,300 in revenue for the city. George said revenues are projected to be down for 2013. He added the relatively small price tag on the property tax increase was the reason the 1 percent hadn’t been imposed for the last few years. The grand total o...
WAITSBURG - Cans for a penny drive and other fundraisers are popping up around Waitsburg for the Preston Hall students who are trying to pay their way to Washington, D.C. Teacher Maddie Martin said right now she has three kids and three adults who have signed up to raise $2,000 a piece to travel to the East Coast to learn more about the country's history next spring. The group will leave on the trip June 18-22. The $2,000 covers airfare, room and board and the tours the group will take part of. The tour group will spend two days in...
Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners When: Monday October 29, 2012 and Tuesday October 30, 2012. Monday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 Main St. Monday .ACTION AGENDA 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Action Forms. 2) Resolution - Application of Bergevin Williams/Old Lowden Ditch Company for a franchise to construct, operate, and continue to maintain an irriga...
WINTER SPORTS MEETING WAITSBURG -- A Winter Sport Meeting for WP parents and athletes will be Nov. 5 at the WHS Auditorium at 7 p.m. All athletes who plan to go out for girls and boys basketball or wrestling are encouraged to attend. Come meet the coaches, go over game and practice schedules and make sure all athlete paperwork is complete so athletes can begin practice November 13....
SEATTLE – Normally, it would be the kind of notoriety a small town wants to avoid: A murderer rents a home on a quiet leafy street as his base of operation to knock off a former lover and pin the blame on her ex- husband. But that’s only if the story were true. In the case of “Killer Cuvee,” a new book by Steven Wells, it’s harmless fiction and Waitsburg is merely an edge-of-the-wine country backdrop to a larger plot that unfolds thrillingly in Walla Walla, Seattle and London. Wells, who lives...
The importance of being local rings in my ears as wine lovers ready for the regional 2012 Fall Release Wine Tasting events of Nov. 2, 3 and 4. Before I join in the celebrations, I'll cater a spread of whole fine foods for Three Rivers Winery, served to wine club members and weekend tasting room guests. Then, I am off for wine tasting at three distinct French finished wineries; Chateau, Rotie and Mackey Vine- yards. When I first became acquainted with Roger and Phil Mackey, I sat listening intently to their story of how they left California,...
Ten Years Ago October 31, 2002 Voters will go to the polls on Nov. 5 to decide a number of state measures, pick a congressman, select a state representative and settle races for county commis- sioners and district court judge. Waitsburg and Prescott voters will vote upon maintenance and operation levies for their respective park and recreation districts. Waits- burg voters will decide on a proposed maintenance and operation levy for the Waitsburg Park and Recreation District. The proposition would levy a $.35 per $1,000 of assessed valuation...
November 1: Connor Tal- bott, Phyllis Eaton, Courtney Mock, Curtis Johnson, Jack Osburn. November 2: Dean Her- manns, Richard Webber, Shane DuPree, Sondra Keith. November 3: Lori Bart- low, Barbara Erwin, Marga- ret Rohde, Geoff Baker, Don Abbey. November 4: Jim Nel- son, Rick Davis, Dean An- gell, Taryn Streeter, Allyson Hurd, Victoria Brewer. November 5: Dwight Thomas. November 6: Josh Wilson, Greg Zuger, Dave Dilts, Al- bert Meyer, Pauline Tedrow, Sharon Bode, Jacob Mulhair, Heath Pierson. November 7: Dan Wood, Robin Hilton, Stan Mock,...
The biggest news this week for the wheat market was not about the wheat market. Hurricane Sandy shut down New York markets for a couple of days, squeezing the damper down on every other market. Money decision-makers don't like to take significant actions in a half-absent market, and the money-boys do have an impact on commodity futures, including wheat, virtually every day. Outside of outside markets, wheat has little solid footing on any new fundamental changes. The relatively tight range of prices that has contained wheat markets for the...
Waitsburg 10-27 A residential burglary was reported on WhetstoneRoad. Dayton 10-23 The theft of gas from a vehicle was reported on MainStreet. An accident without injuries was reported on ThirdStreet; a truck struck a light pole. Threats were reported onCottonwood Street. Illegal burning was reported on FourthStreet. A dead deer was reported on Highway 12. 10-24 A dead deer was reported on Wolf Fork Road. Lostproperty was reported on Fifth Street. A noise complaintwas reported on Range Grade Road. A civil dispute wasreported on Willow Street....
COMMERCIAL CLUB WAITSBURG -- Joe Jacobs of the Small Business Administration will be the speaker at the Nov. 6 meeting of Waitsburg Commercial Club. He will advise the com- munity on programs and assistance available to businesses through the Small Business Administration. VETERAN'S DAY PROGRAM WAITSBURG -- The theme for this year's Waitsburg High School's Veteran's Day program is honoring our past and our present. Roseann Groom is looking for pictures of WHS graduates who are currently serving in the U.S. military. She is requesting pictures a...
In a story titled "Council Raises Tax To Benefit Pool" in the Oct. 25 edition, the calculations for how much tax would have to be paid on a $100,000 property were incorrect. One-quarter of 1 percent would be $250 on a 100,000 home. With the recent increase of the real estate excise tax to one-half of one percent, sellers will now pay $500 on a $100,000 property within city limits during closing costs....