Sorted by date Results 26 - 38 of 38
The city needs your help. The Public Works Director has informed me that we would greatly benefit from an upgrade to our current press used for processing of waste at the wastewater treatment plant. The city currently has a gravity-fed press and would like to up- grade to a belt press in order to improve the ease of use and function of the city's wastewater treatment plant. This type of press would also save us money on the power and materials we buy to process the waste, as it is much more efficient than our current press. As you can guess,...
I am writing for your vote for Tom Bensel for Place 2 County Commissioner. I first met Tom at the Community Bible Church. My memory goes back to Vernon Marll, a former 20 year county commissioner. I once answered a phone call from Congressman Tom Foley since I lived at Vernon's during the summer between college semesters. Vernon spoke with the similar honesty, friendliness, open- ness as I have noticed with Mr. Bensel. Vernon was also a lifelong Republican and a member of the United Brethren Church. I live in Texas since the army stationed me...
I have never really con- sidered myself Democrat or Republican. Instead, I vote for the person because belief systems don't always fit nicely into one party or another. I have voted for just as many Democrats as Republicans. When it comes to local races, I pay even more attention to the person because I believe they have a greater impact on Walla Walla, the place I've called home most of my life. This November, I urge you to vote for Chris Blackman because she's a candidate who has a reputation for working hard, listening to others about what...
With the Nov. 6 elec- tion approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of Wal- la Walla County for 39years, I, along with the rest of the community, have been fortu- nate to have fiscally respon- sible county commissioners elected to office throughout the years. For example, we presently have three individ- uals in office that have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel very strongly that...
This letter will serve as a strong endorsement of Mike Talbott for position 2, Columbia County Com- missioner for the next four years. I have known Mike on a personal level since we were Green Giant Pre-graders back in the mid to late 1960s. After retiring from the WSU faculty in 2007 and moving to Dayton, I have gotten to know Mike again at that personal level, as well as a fellow member of the Columbia County Planning Commission for the last 4 years. I have seen how Mike works with others and how he addresses difficult issues with fairness...
I have had the pleasure of serving with Commissioner Perry Dozier while he was involved in the Washington Association of Wheat Grow- ers. I sat on the Executive Committee of WAWG, Perry was elected as a WAWG State officer. In preparation for a lobbying trip to Wash- ington DC, we both attended the Ambassador Training Program at Princeton where very valuable skills in com- municating with our federal lawmakers was the focus of the program. I have attended lobbying trips with Perry, both in Olympia and Wash- ington, D.C. and have found him to be...
I've known Perry my en- tire life and believe he has the right financial tools to help oversee the county's $55 mil- lion budget. The agriculture economy is very cyclical and planning for the future is critical for sustaining your business. My background in agriculture and commercial banking, 23 years, allow me to have an understanding of budgetary needs. Perry has held strong at keeping the county's current expense reserves at 25 percent, which is used for unexpected emer- gencies. For example, if one case of Tuberculosis happens in Walla...
Why am I running for State Senate? Throughout my life I have always been taught that when something is broken one should try to fix it. As a state employee I have seen things become more and more broken costing the working family more and more. The cur- rent way of doing in busi- ness in Olympia must be changed. My opponent has shown time and time again that he only has his eye on the people at the top and pays less and less attention to the little guy. The work- ing family, the actual small bus...
A t a recent Dayton City Council meeting, skateboarder Michael Milan described the city's skate park facility as a "second home." "I think the skate park is a good place where kids can go and relax," he said, explaining that he "went there all the time." Now, thanks to the thoughtful action of the Dayton City Council and involvement of the Columbia County Sheriff's Office, Milan and at least a dozen other kids who enjoy the park can return there. We want to applaud the council, law enforcement representa- tives and the community for coming toge...
DAYTON - In anticipa- tion of tightening regulations and changes in technol- ogy in the health care indus- try, the Columbia County Health System board voted on Thursday, Oct. 25, to purchase a new intravenous (IV) mixing hood and automatic dispensing machines that will be complete with a round-the-clock tele-phar- macist. Sean Thurston, a doctor of pharmacy for Elk Drug in Dayton, presented two new styles of machines that will help expedite and organize the distribution of medica- tion to patients in the hospital district. The first purchase T...
DAYTON - Students and parents in costumes filled the gym at Dayton High School for the annual fall carnival last Saturday. Parent Teacher Student Organization President Ash- ley Kilts said the event was a success and raised about $1,300 to $1,500 for the or- ganization. The organization uses the money to support the staff and students, Dayton Elementary School Secretary Dallas Dickinson said. In the last few years, the organiza- tion has donated money for accelerated reader awards, helped provid...
WALLA WALLA - When about 20 women take the stage in harmony the sound sure is sweet. The Blue Mountain Chorus Sweet Adelines have been hitting the high and low notes since 1975 and have several awards to prove their musical chops. Just this year the group placed third for small chorus at the annual contest the group participates in. The Sweet Adelines proved their musical skills to the community in their recent Broadway music con- cert last weekend in Walla Walla. Chorus member and Waitsburg...