Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the November 1, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Boograss Concert a Big Success

    Brianna Wray, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    WAITSBURG-The Plaza theater was haunted by all sorts of spirits Sunday during the annual Boograss concert held by the Touchet Valley Acoustic Music Project (TVAMP). About 80 people attended the concert to see performances from local musical groups and bid on donated items in a silent auction. The lineup began with the youngest musicians: the TVAMP kids fronted by Noah Moser who sang classic "I'll fly away." Noah said he was not nervous to play in front of so many people. "I've been doing it all...

  • Ski Bluewood Readies for the Season

    Michele Smith, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    DAYTON-Kim Clark, General Manager of Ski Bluewood wants to get the word out about $400,000 worth of facility improvements that are sure to make this year's skiing even more "uplifting." "We have just completed the first lift improvement since 1986," he said. Clark said the old platter-pull has been removed and replaced with two conveyor-type lifts, one of which is the 120 ft. Easy Rider, with two separate teaching pods. The other is a completely covered, 400 ft. long, teaching area. The idea is...

  • Charles Eaton is Columbia County's New Public Works Director

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    DAYTON-Charles Eaton and his wife, Nancy, are looking into housing availability before they leave their home in the Portland area and he begins work as Columbia County's new public works director on Dec. 3. Friday will be Eaton's last day as the Engineering Director for the City of Milwaukee, Ore, he said. The Eatons both agree that living in a small community is preferable to the Portland "rat race." "This looked like the perfect job for me," said Charles Eaton. "I worked in Amity, Ore. for a...

  • Pioneer Portraits

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Ten Years Ago-November 6, 2008 Photo caption: Waitsburg-Prescott Volleyball players recognized their parents at Senior Night last Thursday. From left: Angelica Hernandez (15) and Angelina Magalian (Guillermo Hernandez, not pictured); Javin Angela and Laura Berg; Richard Lybecker, Ashley Cola, Gloria Lybecker, Danielle Coila; Vicki, Val and Ross Hamann; Diana, Haily and Troy Larsen: Caris, Elizabeth and Ken Cole Fr.; Linda, Alisha and Gary Marshall; Todd, Morgan, Tami and Jordan Beckman. The...

  • State Park Planning Meeting Tuesday

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    OLYMPIA—The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will hold a meeting in Dayton next week to help develop long-term recreation and land-use plans for three local state parks: Palouse Falls, Lyons Ferry and Lewis and Clark Trail. The public is invited to learn more about the planning process and to provide input at the meeting to be held Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at Dayton Elementary School. Planning for these parks will involve three main objectives: • Classify park lands to determine the appropriate level of recreational use. • D...

  • Waitsburg Holiday Open House

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    WAITSBURG—From Ten Ton Coffee to Waitsburg Town Hall, join shoppers for this year’s Holiday Open House in downtown Waitsburg. The event, organized by Blush Salon, will be held Thursday, Nov. 8 from 5 to 8 p.m. Blush Salon will host local vendors and hold a raffle, with prize baskets for lucky winners. Ten Ton Coffee will have a free iPad greeting card drawing class, taught by Lane Gwinn, to kickstart the holiday gift-giving season creatively. Waitsburg Grocery will have fun specials. Whoop Em Up Hollow Cafe will have a Mingle Pop Up spe...

  • City of Dayton Leaf Pickup

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    DAYTON—Basin Disposal, Inc. will be picking up bagged leaves in Dayton on Nov. 12 and 19 and Dec. 3 – all Mondays. Residents are asked to place only leaves in bags, and not overfill them. Bags should be placed next to the street curb, or in the alley, wherever trash is normally collected. For further information call Basin Disposal, Inc. at: (509) 547-2476....

  • Columbia County Planning Commission Openings

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Planning Commission is accepting applications for three planning commission terms expiring Dec. 31, 2018. The terms expiring include: Seat #2, District 2, new term set to expire Dec. 2020; Seat #3, District 1, new term set to expire Dec 2021, and Seat #4, float district, set to expire Dec. 2022. A district map may be found at The planning commission addresses issues related to zoning, land use and development regulations, and is currently working on the county c...

  • Birthdays

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    October 26: Paul Wolfe, Ed Bird, Payton Ng, Dick Buerstatte, Dennis Averill, Jackie Brock, Daniel Pettichord, Jason Delp. October 27: Warren Talbott, Nichole Zuger, Rod Bailey III, Quincy Larsen. October 28: Mary Senter October 29: Daniel Reese, Kaia and Ania Larsen, Paul Presler, Nicholas Lodato, Seamus House. October 30: Judy Bradley, Barbie Thompson, Ken Colby, Cindy Hofer, Robert Peddinani, Meghan Conrath, Aryn Davis. October 31: Virginia Nichol, Ben Lincoln, Pami Wallis, Sarah Henze, B.A. Keve. November 1: Connor Talbott, Phyllis Eaton,...

  • When Life Gives You Lemons

    Brianna Wray, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    -Jelian Marie Knox...

  • Support Urged for Chuck Amerein

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am urging you to support Chuck Amerein for Columbia county commissioner. He will be a fresh new face in our county government. While experience is helpful, change is good too. I think we need Chuck. He has many qualities that will make for a good commissioner. Leadership – he commanded soldiers Decision Making – His decisions were life and death decisions Business – He has owned and operated 2 fitness businesses which involves people skills, perseverance and a work ethic. Currently he is a journeyman carpenter as well as an in...

  • Crider is Best Qualified for Sheriff

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, This current race for Sheriff has been contentious. Not necessarily between the two candidates, but amongst their supporters. Some of the more troubling attacks I’ve seen revolve around the support the deputies have shown for Mark Crider. In one previously published UB letter to the editor, a former sheriff’s deputy wrote about the unprofessionalism of the deputies for voicing their opinion on whom the next Sheriff should be. He stated there was “a great deal of quiet support” for Matt Stroe amongst the “professional” deputies. E...

  • Thank you, Matthew Stroe

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, As the election is winding down, I would like to personally thank Matt. Being Matt’s pastor, I have had the honor to sit front row to this process from beginning to end with the family. I will always remember the conversation that we had when he felt the call to run for Sheriff. I asked him one simple question: Why? He responded: I feel called to serve. Although he was confident that God was leading him in this direction, he had his concerns. He knew the attacks would come against his character, against his family, against his f...

  • David Ross Sanders

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    David Ross Sanders, 74, passed away on October 17, 2018 at Salem Hospital with family by his side. David was born in Dayton, WA to Richard "Bud" Sanders and Fern Myrtle Rogers on March 30, 1944. David graduated from Dayton High School in 1963. After high school David married Kathy Gagnon of Waitsburg, WA. After their wedding David and Kathy moved to Portland, OR. where he was employed for many years as a computer programmer. They had a child Annette Louise Sanders/Erickson (Becker). Years later...

  • Michael Crothers

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Mike was a constant explorer of news, politics and history. So it was only fitting he passed while on an “exploration” cruise ship while sailing the New England coast line from Halifax to New York City. Officially, James Michael Crothers, died October 13, 2018 in Salem, Massachusetts of cardiopulmonary arrest. Mike was born in Bend, Oregon on October 3, 1944. He and his family moved to Dayton when he was in the 2nd grade. He was with the Dayton High School graduating class of 1962, when he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. “Once a Marine, alwa...

  • Edna Marie Downing

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    At age 74, Edna Marie left with the angels on October 22, 2018, in her home in Waitsburg, WA, after succumbing to lung disease. Edna Marie was a deeply spiritual, caring person loved because of her devotion to family and friends, her generosity, energy, originality and the joy she received from doing favors for others. Her passions included being outdoors, camping, riding motorbikes, ATV's, crafts, observing nature, collecting "purdy" things, photographing old barns, trees and waterfalls, writin...

  • Valley Girls Barrel Racing Assoc. Ends Season

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    WALLA WALLA—The Valley Girls Barrel Racing Association has completed their 56th season of barrel racing in the Walla Walla Valley with the Autumn Daze Race at the Walla Walla County Fairgrounds. Touchet Valley racers took first place in Overall, Open, Junior, Honors and Novice categories. Dayton racer Shayla Currin was first in the Senior division and Milton-Freewater racer Tamra Morris was first in the Amateur division. The annual awards dinner will be Nov 12 at Frenchtown Hall. Champions will receive custom-made Corriente Saddles, and r...

  • Undefeated TCP Buries DW, 63-0

    Ken Graham, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    PASCO—The Dayton-Waitsburg football team traveled to Pasco Friday to face undefeated Tri-Cities Prep. The outmatched DW team fell, 63-0, to the Eastern Washington Athletic Conference champions. TCP scored four touchdowns in the first quarter, and three more in the second, to take a 49-0 lead into the half. DWs defense stiffened up against the opponents’ reserves, allowing only two more touchdowns, both in the third quarter. For the game, running back Chris Andrews carried the ball 13 times for...

  • Mask-Making Party

    Brianna Wray, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Nina Jake, Lane Gwinn, Issaac Jake, and Lu Murano don their handmade masks at Ten Ton Coffee Saturday. The event was the first of its kind in the area and an instant hit....

  • CCHS to Lease Port Office for Training Facility

    Michele Smith, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Health System is close to signing a lease for the Port-owned building formerly occupied by Columbia County District Court, according to CEO Shane McGuire. During last week’s hospital district board meeting, McGuire said that the space will be used for the Certified Nursing Assistant program, as well as for an offsite education facility. McGuire told the hospital district commissioners that the first round of payments have been received from Washington Rural Health Acc...

  • Dia de los Muertos in Walla Walla

    Brianna Wray, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    WALLA WALLA-Waitsburg artist Bill Rodgers volunteered at the fourth-annual Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. The two-day event, held on Walla Walla's Main street Saturday and Sunday, included a live DJ, a Shakespearean-themed "Pageant of the Dead" performed by local student groups, vendor booths, face-painting, food trucks and a steamroller printmaking event. For only five dollars, a person 12 or older could carve their own plate and have their design printed. Fabric prints are made by inki...

  • Waitsburg School Board Report

    Brianna Wray, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    WAITSBURG—Preschool teacher Marci Jo Lanning shared photographs of her students during a recent field trip to Klickers for pumpkins. Secondary Principal Report – Stephanie Wooderchak Parent-teacher conferences for middle and high school are Oct. 24 and 25. Character Strong Preston Hall Middle School and Waitsburg High School students and staff have been working with a new program called Character Strong. Middle school students and staff, and high school students and staff, are working together to learn the value of kindness, community and sup...

  • The Fractal Photography of Debbie Lind

    Carolyn Henderson, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Some people have very few nice things to say about broccoli. Culinary preferences aside, it's worth looking at broccoli closely to marvel at its makeup: each head consists of many little heads – florets – repeated over and over In the world of mathematics as well as art, this is called fractalization: the repetition of the same shape, in various sizes and formats, to create a cohesive whole. "Both cauliflower and broccoli are one big shape, and when taken apart, they are still the same sha...

  • Braided Egg Bread with Cream Cheese & Chocolate Filling

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    This recipe is shared from Savonnah Henderson, who, most of you know, works at Wenaha Gallery in Dayton. But most may not know what a gourmet baker she is. She posted this picture on Facebook, so I contacted her. I haven't made it yet but it's on my list. A thought-if you don't make bread, then maybe share with someone who does and hopefully they will share back. A quick note: if you know someone who is struggling for any reason, but don't know how to reach out or what to say, take them food,...

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