Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 35
WAITSBURG - Six residential burglaries have been reported in the Waits- burg area since the end of September and Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office officials say they're con- cerned because in some of the burglaries firearms have been stolen. The first burglary was reported on Sept. 23 on Bolles Road. Since that time, five others have been reported, about one each week, until the most recent burglary on Oct. 27 on Whetstone Road. Undersheriff Edward Freyer with the sheriff's of- fice said a rise in residential burglaries has been occur- ring...
DAYTON - Two local churches worked together to create a safe trick-or-treating environment for local kids on Wednesday, pioneering trunk- or-treat and sparking a tradition two local pastors hope to continue and grow. Pastors Marj Johnston of Dayton's First Congregational Church and Bill Peck of Dayton's United Methodist Church had a serendipitous moment when both were inspired to put a trunk-or-treat day together. They were greeted with the sweet taste of success when the event was w...
DAYTON - Dayton's new Best Western located on the north corner of Main Street and Fourth Street is progressing on schedule so far, with its completion projected for late February or early March if the crew can continue to avoid any major delays or setbacks. The hotel project broke ground during All-Wheels Weekend on June 16. Groups of about a handful of locals led by Project Manager Fred Smith toured the building on Thursday, Nov. 1, throughout the day, checking out room layouts and swatch boa...
PRESCOTT - The Prescott City Council last Monday hopped on board to help create a new sol- id waste plan for Walla Walla County by nominat- ing Councilmen Chuck Kimzey and Gene Alandi to the Solid Waste Advi- sory Committee. Melissa Warner, the Walla Walla County Solid Waste sustainability coor- dinator, visited the Prescott council meeting last Mon- day to tell the group about her project with the hope of selecting new representa- tives for the city of Prescott and to get the group to sign an interlocal agreement. The plan Warner is work- ing...
SPOKANE - The Dayton volleyball team closed its season at playoffs for the state tournament at West Valley High School last Saturday after two back-to-back losses. The Bulldogs faced off against the Reardan Indians at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, but couldn't match the Indians' speed. The Bulldogs fell quickly in the first set, 25- 10. Unable to keep up with the Indians' quick hits and aggressive playing style, the Bulldogs struggled to make any points. In the second set, the Bulldogs gained a l...
PASCO - The WP men's varsity cross country team walked away from the state competition last Saturday in ninth place overall and boasting a new personal record for E.J. Meserve. WP coach Joanna Lanning said she is sad the season is over and that her team's performance on Saturday at Pasco's Sun Willows Golf Course "wasn't up to expectations." Tri Cities Prep won overall for the men's varsity teams last Saturday and Northwest Christian - Lacey won overall for the women's teams. In the men's va...
PRESCOTT - One win was all the Waitsburg- Prescott soccer team needed to punch its ticket to the Class 1B/2B State Playoffs. The Tigers struck out in their first attempt at home against Northwest Christian last Friday, 4-2, but bounced back to knock off Riverside Christian in a loser-out contest, 6-1, at Spokane and claim the No. 3 seed to state. WP built a 2-0 halftime lead over Riverside Christian on the Gonzaga Prep pitch. Captain Lino Diaz and fellow forward Ernesto Valdovinos tallied the...
WAITSBURG - When drawing up pass coverages, most teams scouting Waitsburg Prescott know that success rests in slowing down the receiving triple threat of Dalton Estes, Roy Ebong and Chance Leroue. But after James Thompkins' 205-yard, four-touchdown reception performance in WP's, 47-8, win last Friday over Mary Walker of Springdale, opposing teams will have to account for the 5-foot-7 Jubilee Leadership Academy senior too. Thompkins pulled in four receptions on the night and all went for six...
DAYTON - As Veter- an's Day approaches, the Times is turning the spotlight to two local vet- erans who have served our country and now serve our community with their active participation and patriotism. Waitsburg veterans will be honored at an assembly at Waitsburg High School at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 9. The Times will have coverage of this event in the next issue. MARINES, WWII Local veteran Owen Agen- broad fought with the U.S. Marine Corps and served as a message carrier on the front lines at...
Dayton School Board Nov. 7 Agenda I. Call to Order II. Flag Salute III. Recognition of Representatives IV. Public Comment V. Additions or Changes to the Agenda VI. Consent Agenda - Approve Minutes Octo- ber 17, 2012 - Approve November Bills VII. Reports - Construction Manage- ment Group Presentation - Scholarship Report - Jana Eaton - Administrative Reports - Superintendent 's Report - Attendance Waiver Report - Bullying Intimidation Harassment Report - Wrestling Request - Building Improvement Plans VIII. Policy Review - Policy 3207 -...
DAYTON - Three com- munity members and one business were honored dur- ing the 66th annual Dayton Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Thursday, Nov. 1. Chamber of Commerce Director Brad McMasters said about 170-180 people attended the event at the Run- ning T Ranch in Dayton. The banquet featured guest speaker George Sharp, the ex- ecutive director of the Olym- pia, Tumwater, Lacey Visi- tor's Bureau, who reminded attendees to continue to work on making storefronts catchy and maintain the quality in...
WAITSBURG - Waits- burg's Michaela Nordheim came away from the Make It With Wool competition in Yakima Oct. 27 with a new sewing machine. Nordheim was the senior alternate winner and she tailored a plum jacket and skirt. The competition was held in conjunction with the annual convention of the Washing- ton State Sheep Producers Association. The contest and fashion show involved 16 contestants who modeled garments they had sewn with fabric that was at least 60 percent wool. The Washington Make...
WAITSBURG -- Boy Scout Troop 305 of Walla Walla will hold an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Alex Leathers on Saturday Nov.10 at 2 p.m. The ceremony will be held at Christ Lutheran Church, 1420 S. 2nd in Walla Walla. This high- est award in scouting is achieved through merit badge and rank advance- ment, training in leadership, citizenship, camping and survival skills, community service hours and an Eagle Service Project. Leathers' project involved the building and installation of fishing line...
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Historical So- ciety recently received a $1,000 grant to make some major headway on a new exhibit at the Wilson- Phillips House. Jeff Broom, the presi- dent of the group, said the Blue Mountain Community Foundation gave the money to the society to help it complete an ex- hibit in the Wilson-Phillips House garage on Waits Mill, the town's namesake. The society applied for the grant last spring, Broom said, and now the group will focus on getting some work done on the ex- hibit this winter. "We'll do it as we find the...
Prescott Joint Park and Recreation Dis- trict Board Commissioners Meeting When: Monday, No- vember 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Where: PJPRD Activ- ity Center, 101 S. D St. Suite A; Prescott WA Mission Statement: The mission of PJPRD is to provide recre- ational and educational activities for persons living within the boundaries of the Prescott School District and nearby/adja- cent communities. Approval of Agenda- November 2012 Regu- lar Meeting Approval of Minutes- October 2012 meeting Introduction of guest present Public Comments- (Limited to 3...
WAITSBURG - The Leos Club at Waitsburg High School is hoping you'll clean out your cup- boards, do an extra grocery run or write a check to help meet its goal of collecting 500 pounds of food on Thursday, Nov. 8. Leos Club President Emma Philbrook said the club will split the community into four equal parts and each part will be assigned a class at the high school and the food drive will be turned into a class competition. "The class with the most - wins," Philbrook said. Each group of students...
The 2012 Fall Wine Release held throughout the region this weekend was a huge success. Thousands of people converged in Walla Walla and Columbia counties for this yearly wine event. Wine sales were brisk. One thing remains the same each year: wine enthusiasts standing elbow to elbow, swirling and listening to tasting room managers explaining just why our regional wines are so deli- cious. Saturday's tasting room talks surrounded the recent years' mild winters and wet springs influencing the 2009 to 2012 wines with unusual velocity, deeply hued...
Ten Years Ago November 7, 2002 Voters may not know the outcome of the Waitsburg Park and Recreation District Maintenance and Op- eration Levy until election officials at the Walla Walla County Auditor's Office tally all the votes - those cast on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, and those ballots sub- mitted by absentee or mail. As of final count Tuesday evening, the proposition was just three votes shy of the 60 percent margin needed for approval. The final tally showed 269 for, 181 against; 59.78 percent for, 40.22 percent against. Walla Walla...
November 8: Bruce Gen- try, Melvin Keiser, Jennifer Harwood, Kristen Baker, Dana Weir. November 9: Frances Scott, Robert Hawks, Jodee Liebermann, Alan Jackson Jr., Corrie Cozier. November 10: Ruth Han- sen, Kaitlin Vaughn, Ruby Potter, Stephanie Zuger, Na- than Stroobants. November 11: Wes Moors, Judy Annabel, Dick Beck, Freda Kay Price, Nadine Branson, Sherill Roberts, Kathy Carpenter, Barb Knopp, Herb Bessey. November 12: Randy Hal- ley, Blaine Pasley, Terry Hofer November 13: Delores Gohlman, Toni Jones-Riggs, Tom Manley, Anne Bickel-...
Robin Dickinson-McQuary and Christopher Billow were married on June 25, 2012 at a sunset ceremony on Tunnels Beach on the North Shore of Kauai, HI. The officiant was Amorosa DeGracia of Lihue. A reception was held for family and friends in Dayton, WA. The bride is the daughter of Dallas Dickinson and Michael McQuary of Dayton, WA. She is currently employed as an elementary school teacher in Clarkston, WA. The groom is the son of Janet and Jim Rose and Barry Billow of Lewiston, ID. He is...
A memorial service celebrating the life of Carol Ann Hinchliffe James, formerly of Waits- burg, will be held Saturday, November 10, 2012, at 10 a.m. The service will be held at The Christian Church of Waitsburg, with Pastor Mike Ferrians presiding....
The path of least resistance for wheat is positive this week. The election dominated most of the trade's mental effort until Wednesday at least, although there really is no mandate from either party that could drive wheat or other prices rapidly in any particular direction. There is a lot more on the table than economic policy, even though a listening outsider would not think so, although clarity on fiscal outlook is valuable stuff, a kind of relief-based tonic for the markets in general, so the balance of the markets may take something positiv...
Deborah and Travis Larsen announce the birth of their baby girl, Quincy Ennis born Nov. 27 at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. She joins her brother Porter, 4 years and sister Keaton, 2 years. Grandparents are Ed and Lynna Larsen, of Waitsburg, and Gil and Sandy Cragen, of Anchorage, Alaska. S cott And Jennifer Lambert announce the birth of their baby boy, Ryan Scott Lambert born Sept. 24, 2012 at 2:08 p.m. weighing 8 pounds, 14 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He joins a sister Katelyn, 4 years. Grandparents include Toby and Kelly Gable, Ed and Cathy...