Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
WAITSBURG - Some par- ents believe their legal rights were violated when they were asked to leave the Homecoming dance last month because of new rules created by the Associated Student Body and staff members. The new rules were a collabo- ration to help end complaints of inappropriate dancing at school functions. However, after the Oct. 20 Homecoming dance for Waits- burg High School students, school board Chairman Ross Hamann said last week parents complained about having limited access to attend the dance. The new rules, dated Sept. 10,...
DAYTON - After five months in Waitsburg, Bee Still Photography could be still no longer. Bee Still Photography founder Belinda Cook decided it was time for a move in her personal life as well as professionally. Cook was managing several businesses in a retail store-sized space and Bee Still's new location is at the front of a 5-acre lot at 101 Poverty Lane off Highway 12. The studio and Cook's office are set off from the house she and husband Mike Cook recently moved into. The studio and o...
PRESCOTT - Prescott students experienced a musi- cal treat last Friday at a special performance of "Peter and the Wolf" by the Walla Walla Symphony at Cordiner Hall. The fourth and fifth graders hopped in a bus to the Whit- man College campus to join other students from districts in Washington and Oregon for the performance. Prescott fifth grade student Alicia Stansell said she had been on a field trip like Fri- day's before. Her class had been to an author reading at Cordiner Hall previously...
DAYTON - Dayton athletic coaches took an evening to recognize hard-working athletes and dedicated supporters at the fall sports banquet on Tuesday night. The coaches echoed many of the same sentiments in their speeches, thanking the supportive families and fans, the super- moms who brought snacks and made dinner, the athletes who made the season happen and the organizations that helped keep the teams operating. "None of this could have been done without the boosters," Football head coach D...
WAITSBURG - Seventy- three student athletes from Waitsburg, Prescott and Jubilee schools were honored at this year's fall sports awards ceremony Monday night at the Waitsburg High School auditorium. Participants in cheerleading, cross country, volleyball and football were honored. A separate event honoring soccer participants was held Tuesday at Prescott. Cheer coach Vickie Hamann led off the festivities introducing her fall varsity and junior varsity cheer squad. Margaret Potolicchio, of...
SPOKANE - Waitsburg- Prescott's quick-hit offense scored the first three touchdowns of its quarterfinal match- up with Reardan here Saturday, while its defense held the grind-it-out Indian running attack scoreless over the game's first 21 minutes. The Indians mustered a fight before the final siren sounded, but the early deficit proved too much to overcome. The Cardinals fly on to a state semi-final tilt with No. 2 ranked Lind-Ritzville/ Sprague on the wings of the, 39-12, quarterfinal victory...
Columbia County Public Hospital District #1 When: November 20,2012 Dinner starts at 5:30 pm, meeting starts at 6:00 pm Call to Order Roll Call Open Comment Period .Suggestion Box Review of PreviousMinutes Calendar Review .Care Crew ChristmasParty - December 7 at6:00 pm .Staff Christmas Breakfast- December 13 at 7:30 am .Quality Team - Decem- ber 18 at 12:30 pm .Finance Committee - December 25 at noon? .Next Board Meeting -December 27 at 6:00 pm Financial reports .October Monthly Financial Report .Warrants/Write-offs/Col- lection Approval 2013...
DAYTON - City Council- man Arthur Hall announced Kim Lyonnaise was hired as the city planner at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13. Lyonnaise began work on Tuesday and will work 20 to 24 hours per week, Mayor Craig George said. Lyonnaise will have an office in City Hall and is scheduled to work weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday. City Clerk/Treasurer Trina Cole said Lyonnaise has been working periodically for the city for the last few weeks getting acquainted, but his official start date was Nov. 13. George said...
DAYTON - A 12- by 15-foot American flag will descend from the ceiling by a motor in the Dayton High School gym while the gym full of students, faculty, alumni and veterans recite the pledge of allegiance, led by the preschoolers from Susan's Home Child Care run by Susan Schlenz. The massive gym flag was purchased by the Day- ton Alumni Association and will be presented at a dedication ceremony at about 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 1 between the boys and girls basketball games in the Dayton High School...
DAYTON - The Dayton City Council discussed an increase in sales tax as an option to bring in more revenue for the 2013 city of Dayton budget. Several increases have been proposed to help pad revenue in the 2013 budget, which were presented at the city council meeting Tues- day, Nov. 13. Those ideas proposed includea2percentincrease in utilities fees, a 1 percent increase in regular property tax and increases in garbage, sewer and water rates. The city will also consider increasing dog licensing fees, pool fees and certain cemetery service...
Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners When: Monday November 19, 2012. Tuesday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday's workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 Main St. Monday .ACTION AGENDA : 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Action Forms. 2) Resolution - Declaring certain equipment as surplus. .ACTIVE AGENDA: 1) possible discussion/ decision re: any pending claims against the County .CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Resoluti...
PRESTON HALL HONOR ROLL BASED ON TERM 1 GPA 8th Grade 4.0 Jacob Dunn Taylor Hays 3.25 or Above Analisea Araya Aisy Pope Jade Alleman Emily Adams Selina Mercado Jasmine Foxe Lexi Brannock Taylor Spoonemoore Nathan aronson Morgan Forney Dylan Knowles Landon Callas Collette Ray Kyle Gradwohl Nick Kitselman Joe Leamy Julia Taylor Cameron Terry 7th Grade 4.0 Leighton Dorman Chloe Pearson 3.25 or Above Clarissa Espana Korben Duffy Tyler Wood Iris Turnipseed Taylor Jones Tom House Robert Walsh Sam McGowen Gilian Pope Anna Nerf Brandon Boudrieau Cade...
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg FFA has come up with a new way to spread Christmas cheer through the town. Students and FFA members Heidi Miller and Kim Hamann asked the Waitsburg City Council last Thursday whether it would a Festival of Trees event to run from Dec. 2, to coincide with Hometown Christmas, and to end Dec. 31. "It's something bright and special," Miller said. FFA Adviser Nicole Abel said the topic of the Festival of Trees came up at a meeting and all of the students liked the idea and voted to try to make it happen this year to gi...
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council last Thursday took a look at a proposed budget for 2013 that doesn't include property tax or utility hikes and provides dedicated raises for city employees for the first time in four years. City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said last Thursday night the draft budget includes work to Seventh Street in 2013, the proposed amount for the new contract with the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office and small additions like new turnouts for the fire department. The city will also continue to fund work on th...
Unanimously, I'll be making this year's Thanksgiving Day turkey gravy, again. The honor inspires me to change things up introducing a little taste of France to the traditional American table. Holding the credential of "Grand Saucier" from Cordon Bleu, France does help a bit in the gravy department. I adore making sauces, chutney and smears of all kinds. For those of you who want to know, I'll be in a Nouville state of mind us- ing a red wine to extend a deeply reduced Cordon Bleu-style turkey gravy. If you want to change things up at your...
November 22: Betsy Har- kins, Connie Creswell, Tanya Vargas. November 23: Miles Re- ese, Bill Johnson, Robbie Johnson, Cecile Carpenter, Heather O'Brien, Jennifer Wheeler, Alice Clifton, Jean Lawrence. November 24: Orville Branson, Clay Lindsey, Betsy Beck, Lisa Gosney, Brian Newbury, Melissa DeCoria. November 25: Brandon Leroue, Kelly Maib, Lucas Olona, Jody Lehr, Carey De- maris, Tyler Green. November 26: Devon Harshman, Donna Lee Har- ris, Donald Land, Greg Gabel. November 27: Peggy Light- foot, Nita Snider, Rose Worth, Rod Baker, Jaidyn...
Ten Years Ago November 21, 2002 Most of the faculty of Waitsburg Elementary School attended the Waitsburg School District board meeting last week to express concern about staffing levels in the elemen- tary school after a vacancy created by one teacher's resigna- tion was not filled for the 2003-2004 school year. Carolyn Rittenhouse, who last year taught a 2-3 combination, re- signed at the end of last school year to accept a position in another school district. A replacement teacher was not hired following last summer's budgeting process and...
The price of Chicago soft red winter wheat on Tuesday, Nov. 20 was 70 cents below the highest price traded on November (a week ago Friday). The slightly down- ward sloping trading range is unbroken, but is being threat- ened. The current price is a battleground. Buyers that see wheat at the low end of its range about to return to higher lev- els as expectations for increased U.S. exports finally emerge. Sellers see the weak pace of exports to date and importers tak- ing only small amounts from the market at a time along with a potential range-f...
Waitsburg 11-16 The possession of drugs was reported on Lower Whetstone Road. 11-17 A vehicle prowl was reported on Wheatland Drive. Debit cards and medication were taken. Prescott 11-13 Malicious mischief and theft were reported on D Street. Pop machines were broken into and money was taken. 11-15 A residential burglary was reported on Second Street. A back- pack with numerous items and three guitars were taken from the residence. Dayton 11-13 A disabled vehicle was reported on Highway 12. A civil dispute was reported on Main Road. Vandalism w...
WAITSBURG - At the beginning of this school year, school staff members began hearing complaints that students weren't eat- ing enough to feel full and energized after lunch. Now, some local schools are stepping up to accommodate kids and prevent their tummies from rumbling in fourth period. Susan Wildey, the food services supervisor for the Waitsburg School Dis- trict, said in September the amount of food offered for breakfast and lunch by the district's cafeterias has been reduced this school year. The change in nutritional guidelines for all...
TOYS FOR TOTS WAITSBURG -- The Annual Walla Walla Toys for Tots Campaign kicks off this week with 21 local drop off locations. This is the 65th year for Toys for Tots and the 6th year of the Walla Walla Campaign. Last year in Walla Walla, new unwrapped toys were distributed to 1196 local children from Dayton to College Place. Everything col- lected will be distributed to local children from newborn to 18 years of age. New unwrapped toys or cash donations can be delivered in Waitsburg at Waitsburg Hardware & Mercantile - 134 Main Street,...
In a photo accompany- ing a story titled "Waitsburg Veterans Thanked, Remem- bered" in the Nov. 15 edition of the Times, two Army vet- erans were misidentified. The veterans are David Donnelly and Delbert Mock....