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While a junior high basketball game was under way November 19, somebody was playing their own game in the parking lot. Several people came back to their cars after the game to find purses and other person belongings missing. Valuables were taken from at least ten cars, and guess what: none of them were locked, according to Public Infor- mation Officer Dian Ver Valen. The Columbia County Sheriff's office issued a statement last week saying that numerous car prowls were reported Tuesday, most occurring near the gym. The statement also said that 3...
DAYTON - According to the Columbia County Sher- iff's Office, a female student at Dayton High School re- ported last week that a man she didn't know attempted to entice her into his vehicle. She said the man had a white beard and was driving a white sedan. She reported that he asked three times and she declined all three times. Sheriff's Office spokesperson Dian Ver Valen stressed that anyone witnessing a similar incident should report it immediately, so that deputies can attempt to locate the offender. The Dayton School District has reported t...
DAYTON - Schools here started two hours late Mon- day morning after a threatening note was discovered on the entrance to the high school by a custodian at about 6:30 a.m. The hand- written note is reported to have threatened harm to the schools and its students if the schools held classes this week. According to Columbia County Sheriff's Of- fice spokesperson Dian Ver Valen, sheriff's deputies, local fire fighters and other responders secured district buildings by 10 a.m. All streets with...