Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
DAYTON - The new owners of Ski Bluewood announced that the mountain will be open for skiers starting Friday, Dec. 3, after more than a foot of new snow covered the slopes on Thursday. quot;We're very excited,quot; general manager Travis Stephenson said about the start of the first season under new ownership. Hours for the resort will be 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily except Mondays and Tuesdays when the operation is closed. For more details, visit:
PULLMAN - To say Monday night's 21-14 semifinal loss to Colfax was bittersweet would be an understatement. The narrow defeat to the number one-ranked team in the state was not what the Cardinals had hoped for on the chilly snowbound turf at Martin Field. A first-ever state championship game in Tacoma on Saturday was more what they had in mind after a first-ever undefeated season. But in the wake of the heartbreaking playoff drama at the big Pac 10 stadium, the 2010 Cardinals drew wi...
Wyatt Withers Wyatt Withers graduated from Naval Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, Illinois, on Oct. 1, 2010. Attending the ceremony from Waitsburg were his parents, Laurie and Ian Withers; sister, Megan Withers; and grandfather, Jack McCaw, himself a Navy veteran. Currently Withers, stationed in Charleston, SC, is a fireman. Upon graduation from Nuclear Field A school, he will be promoted to Petty Officer 3rd class and will become a Machinist Mate. Withers graduated from Waitsburg H...
NO CEMETERY SLEDDING WAITSBURG - The City of Waitsburg would like to remind residents and visitors not to sled on the hill at the City Cemetery. Sledding on these slopes damages the underlining vegetation and material installed by the city for beautificationpurposes, said City Clerk Randy Hinchliffe. COUNTY MULLS HEALTH BUDGET DAYTON - The Board of Columbia County Commissioners has scheduled a workshop open to the public for Friday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m. in the commissioners' office to discuss the county's public health budget. Commissioners fi...
From last week: May 7,1945. My squad was assignedguard duty at Cuxhavento help guard a capitulatingGerman division.This is where my collectionof pistols and rifles are from. The 846th Engineers rebuiltthe airfield at Cuxhavenbefore going south throughKassel to Frankfurt and Wiesbaden,where we built thelarge airbase in use by ourAir Force today... The story continues: August 14, 1945. VJ-Day. The Japanese surrender. Three of us from my company have orders to go to Japan. We got as far as a...
December 9: Russ Hays, Jerry Jeremiah, Jim Bird, Patty Hernandez, Ray Meier, Sarah Reser. December 10: Grant Woodworth, Bess Ammerman, Ron Thompson, Diane Fry, Sara Lytle, Lydia Fancuillo. December 11: Wilma Thomas, Carl Baker, Robert Ezell, Tim Mayberry, Niko Matthee. December 12: Ernest Brunson, John Archer, Allen Huwe, Chad Fry, Dawn Ronning, Patricia Thomas, Ben Antonius, Beth Ann Wood. December 13: Patsy Weber, Marilyn Wilson, Elena Perry, Richard Done, Donald Thiery, Helen Duckworth. December 14: Shirley Wilson, Joy Leisure, Susan...
A tremendous Thank You from the very bottoms of our hearts, to all the people in the Touchet Valley who sent cards, food, gifts, hugs, a listening ear, and gave of your talents out of love for Steve and his family throughout his illness and passing. God Bless you all-you are our extended family. Blessings, the Steve Edwards family....
Recently, someone asked me about the validity of California Cuisine in today's restaurant market. I was surprised by this question because without California Cuisine, we'd still be eating canned foods, meat and vegetables dusted in DDT. In fact, the way we think about and eat food today is based entirely on the fresh food movement of the 1970s and '80s known as California Cuisine. Think about it. Without the early integrated food movement, we wouldn't see regional, fresh vegetables listed on our menus today, including baby carrots, mixed l...
Ten Years Ago December 14, 2000 The proposed tower on Buttercup Hill has been the talk of the town. According to the Waitsburg Planning Commission, the 250-foot tower on 300-foot Buttercup Hill, "would be the single most visible feature throughout the city and all approaches to the City." A public hearing to gather comments has been postponed pending the gathering of more information. A nine-month fundraising project was realized this week when crews from Gillespie Roofing replaced the decades-old asphalt and tar roof with a high-tech r...
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go." Do you know what that means? Christmas is right around the corner and Waitsburg's 25th annual Hometown Christmas is just down the road. Mark your calendars for Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4-5. You may have heard through the grapevine that this year's cherished event will be held back in Ye Towne Hall in downtown Waitsburg. Last year, during renovation, the event was moved to the elementary school. But its back this weekend in its original location downtown, confirmed Ruth Pe...
Waitsburg Waitsburg Hardware Mercantile 134 Main Poinsettias, decorations and lights, toys, gifts, small appliances, cards 337-6671 Waitsburg Grocery 200 Main Meat cheese trays, Christmas candy 337-6641 Etceteras 208 Main Accessories, decorations 337-6150 Rose's Gift Shop 214 Main Candy, piñatas, flowers, toys, gifts 337-3077 Hugs, Gifts Collectibles 109 Main Vintage Christmas decorations, new holiday lace, table décor 539-8773 Dayton Home Baked Goodness 309 E. Main Specialty candy Creative De...
PARTY FOR LOCAL FIREMAN DAYTON - Columbia County Fire District 3 will present an open house for Kris Darby, who will be leaving the Department on Dec. 14. Darby will be the new fire chief for GarfieldCounty Fire District 1 in Pomeroy. The public is invited to come by the fire station, located at 206 W. Main Street in Dayton, between 1-6 p. m. on Dec. 9 to wish Darby good luck in his new position and thank him for 15 years of service to Columbia County as an EMT and firefighter.Coffee, punch, and cake will be served. DONATE TO AT-RISK YOUTH...
3-4 Final weekend showings of The Music Man at the Liberty Theater in downtown Dayton. Local actors and musicians give their closing performances of the Touchet Valley Arts Council's annual live theater production at 7 p.m. Friday and 3 p.m. Saturday. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling (509) 382-1380. Blue Mountain Artisan Guild presents its Holiday Bazaar Art Show & Sale in Pomeroy from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Maple Spinners...
WALLA WALLA - Barrel racing may be for the ladies, but it's not a powder-puff sport. The event combines a horse's athletic ability with the horsemanship skills of a rider to quickly, safely and successfully maneuver through a clover-leaf pattern around three barrels placed in a triangle in the center of an arena. It's also not entirely for women. Boys sometimes race in the youth divisions, and men have been known to compete in amateur races, said Waitsburg resident Rosie Gallaher. Gallaher, n...
PULLMAN - WP Head Coach Jeff Bartlow had a sleepless night on Monday. After the semifinal loss against the Colfax Bulldogs, he kept running different plays, different strategies and different outcomes through his head, wondering what he could have, should have, would have done to win the game he feels the Cardinals had within their grasp. "It was easier last time, when we lost 39-0 (in the 2009 playoff game against the Bulldogs)," Bartlow said about coming to terms with that year's results....
2-29: Burglary. Residential burglary reported on N. Touchet Road in Dayton. Burglary. Residential burglary reported on Valley View, Dayton. Trailer whose occupants were evicted was entered and a couple of items taken. 11-28: Fire. Deputies assisted Fire District 3 with report of smoking wires on Willow Street residence, in Dayton. 11-27: Suspicious. Suspicious vehicle reported on S. Touchet Road, Dayton. Spotlights were in use and may have been hunting coyotes. Traffic Hazard. Vehicle left alongside Payne Hollow Road, Dayton. Not blocking...
Dear Editor, The writer of the Burg opinion piece several weeks ago seemed to be "dissing" the local gridiron program. Who wrote this article? A major klutz whose two left feet wouldn't let him do anything more difficultthan run up the stairs with a handrail? One who never had the chance to hear the roar of the crowd when he sank the basket a second before the game bell? Big time wrong! Paul McCaw was Prescott's quarterback, and a good one, pitched a no hitter that made Touchet cry, and was a guard with a great jump shot. He was also a re...
Last Christmas my daughter Merridy and granddaughter Megan talked about their upcoming trip to Ireland. I became interested as Ireland is a country I have wanted to visit. As time went on, I was encouraged to go along. The first item of business was to update my passport. Megan investigated tours and dates, and it was decided to go with C.I.E. International Tours the first week of September. All flight and tour arrangements were made by Megan and Merridy. I went along for the ride, and what a ri...
Pete's, for years a Walla Walla retailer where many bought their winter gear, went out of business a few weeks ago. Most merchants plan months ahead when it comes to stocking up for holiday and winter sales. Owner Hal White said he simply couldn't hang on until there was certainty about the future of Ski Bluewood, which is scheduled to open this week. But there was another reason he couldn't hang on. Aside from the sluggish recovery, he said Main Street retailers like him are a dying breed, circumvented by manufacturers' direct or indirect...
New Defenses In Place In Time For Flood-prone Seasonbordering WAITSBURG - Like many residents of the Touchet Valley, Phil Monfort has lived through two floods. So he gets worried when the weather patterns start to look like they did in 1964 and 1996. Walla Walla County emergency management officials said last week that the coming winter could be the worst in more than half a century, potentially generating the kind of snowfall, freezes and sudden thaw that contributed to the floods. M...
DAYTON - Last week's arctic-like weather kicked off an early winter in the valley, but it didn't do much to help downtown Dayton merchants with their annual Christmas Kickoff festivities. "Shopping was down significantly from last year, and the number of people was down," said Lisa Ronnberg, executive director of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce. "Overall we had a beautiful setting with the snow, but the weather in the region was not favorable to us." Mindy Betzler's "cookie-ometer" confirmed...