Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the December 15, 2011 edition

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  • Kids Cross Off Their Lists

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Dec 15, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Waitsburg's Town Hall was turned into a child's Christmas-shopping paradise last Thursday night. For about 15 years, community volunteer Rose Englebrite said the hall has played host to vendors who set up tables and sell gifts for $10 and under for the community children to purchase as gifts for their families. "It's just a night for the kids to come out and shop for what they want to," Englebrite said. Children love the event because they get to leave the parents behind and take...


    Dec 15, 2011

    COALITION MEETING SCHEDULED DAYTON -- A Coalition for Youth and Families meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7:45 a.m. at the Delany Building. One of the items on the agenda is to vote on the Bylaws revision for the Community Network. The Coalition acts as the full board for the network and so the revision of bylaws must be approved at the Coalition meeting. If you have agenda items please contact Rea or Sandra. Information, contact Nancy Butler at 509-382- 1511. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP DAYTON - Starting in January, Teeny McMunn will begin...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Dec 15, 2011

    To the Editor, I have been privileged to attend several adaptations of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Among them have been the version performed on Broadway starring Hal Linden and Roddy McDowell, the Houston Texas Alley Theatre comic adaptation and the Raleigh North Carolina's Theatre In The Park production starring Ira David Wood III. I would stack our own Touchet Valley Arts Council Productions' adaptation up against any of those, Chapman and Ferrians could take the show on the road. The Liberty Theater experience started with the...

  • The BURG

    Jane Butler, Guest Column|Dec 15, 2011

    Elvira Laidlaw, co-author of Wait's Mill, told about the early 1900s worship at the new Little Brown Church on the corner of Main and Fifth streets (the First Presbyterian Church). This church was built in 1887. Before that time (1869), the citizens of Waitsburg celebrated at the new school house on Academy Street for Christmas. Her very first remembrance was of the Christmas exercise. She remembered dimly "the first Christmas tree and the decorations - the filling of bags of popcorn and nuts. There were recitations and dialogues by the...

  • Heart BEAT

    Jillian Beaudry|Dec 15, 2011

    Lions Are Always There WAITSBURG - When anyone in the community needs a new pair of glasses, funding for after-school programs or new lights for athletic fields in Waitsburg, the Lions Club is always there to help. "Our community would be lacking very dramatically if it hadn't been for the (Lions Club's) fundraising efforts," said Bret Moser, the club's president. The club, chartered in Waitsburg in 1964, now has 80 members and about 25 to 30 members who attend the club's bi-monthly meetings,...

  • Valley’s Future Is Up To You

    Dec 15, 2011

    It's 2015. Waitsburg is a thriving town with every store front filled with merchandise, customers and activity. Visitors come from all over to experience a one-of-a-kind Main Street. During the day, families wander up and down the sidewalks, patronize the hardware and grocery store, browse at the retail stores and linger at the coffee shop or the diner or the Mexican restaurant. At night, they move their feast from one downtown restaurant to another, one bar to the next, while all together supporting several dozen jobs and helping to pay for...

  • Political Cartoon

    Dec 15, 2011

  • Commissioner Retires After 25 Years

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Dec 15, 2011

    DAYTON - After 25 years as a commissioner for the Port of Columbia, Lawrence Turner has decided it's finally time to hang up his hat. "I thought it was time to go home and farm for a while," Turner said with a laugh. Turner, now 83, was asked by the manager of the port in the mid-1980s if he would be interested in filling a vacancy on the board of commissioners. Turner had public service experience. He had served Columbia County as a commissioner from 1972 to 1980. He has lived in Dayton all of...

  • Levy Likely For District

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Dec 15, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Thi s Wednesday night, the Waitsburg School Board will be deciding whether to place a levy on the Feb. 14, 2012, ballot asking voters to pay $882,000 over two years to maintain school programs and facility operations. Last Wednesday, the board directed Dr. Carol Clarke, district superintendent, to prepare a levy resolution for the board to vote on this week. The levy is a maintenance and operations levy that would run for two years if approved, and would replace a current maintenance and operations levy. If approved, the district...

  • Troublemakers Rob Xmas Cradle

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Dec 15, 2011

    WAITSBURG -- It seems like a grinch, or perhaps a group of young grinches, was bent on stealing the spirit of Christmas last week. Police and citizens' reports indicate they stole outdoor Christmas lights, decorations and even absconded with a plastic likeness of Baby Jesus. The spate of vandalism and theft throughout the city started last Tuesday and continued through the weekend. Some called it the worst the town has seen in years. In all, half a dozen reports of stolen or damaged Christmas...

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