Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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    The Times|Oct 1, 2015

    In the eleven months since voters in the Columbia County Hospital District approved a $5.5 million bond levy for a major remodel of Dayton General Hospital, I’ve heard from a number of readers who are concerned that nothing much seems to be happening. It’s true that most of the action has been behind the scenes so far: a lot of design and budget decisions remained to be made after the vote. But those pieces are mostly in place now, and the curtain will soon lift on a show that’s certain to be action-packed. As we report in the front-page this...

  • Gary Hofer: MARKET BULLETS

    The Times|Oct 1, 2015

    U.S. national winter wheat planting reached 19% as of Sept. 20, down 4% from last year and only 1% off the five-year average. USDA on the 21st rated topsoil moisture in Kansas at 59% adequate to surplus, Oklahoma’s at 49% and Texas at 32%. Washington’s winter wheat crop is 55% in the ground, versus a 56% five-year average. Idaho 27% in v. 24% normal, Oregon 19% v. 15%. There is no stress on the market from these stats! Corn harvest is just beginning to roll, with 7% done versus the 15% five-year average. Soybeans 3% in the bin versus 7% nor...

  • Cartoon

    The Times|Sep 24, 2015

  • Political Cartoon

    The Times|Sep 24, 2015


    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 24, 2015

    The Times was approached recently by an employee of the Walla Walla Cannabis Co. about the possibility of running ads in our paper, and also placing a paper box at the business. My first reaction was the same as it always is when a new potential advertiser approaches us: Hooray! Another customer means more money for us. But my enthusiasm was tempered as I considered the reaction we might get from some of our readers. I know that many people in our area are uncomfortable with having businesses...

  • Gary Hofer: MARKET BULLETS

    Gary Hofer, The Times|Sep 24, 2015

    Chicago wheat just put in a positive price week, the first since August 5-6-7-8. December futures jumped from $4.65 to $5.01, 36 cents in six trading sessions. A two month old trend-line was broken last Friday when the “Dec” closed decisively over $4.85. So now what? In order to confirm a new upward price bias, we have to build a case for higher prices based on more than just a pattern on the chart. And that, oh best beloved, is a tale yet to be told. Some of the enthusiasm for wheat came in sympathy with corn, which received a boost from las...


    The Times|Sep 17, 2015

    Waitsburg’s annual Pioneer Fall Festival will feature a great variety of activities for kids of all ages on Sunday. Pioneers of the Year will be honored and pies will be baked and auctioned off. Waitsburg’s museum complex, including the Bruce Museum and the Wilson-Phillips House, will be open for tours. A community church service will be held at 11 a.m., and, as usual, a vintage style show will be held in the afternoon. But a special treat this year will be on the stage in front of the Bruce Museum. A big lineup of music performers will perform...

  • Case Knowledge is Not Excuse to Ignore Jury Summons

    The Times|Sep 17, 2015

    By Rea Culwell, Columbia County Prosecutor "What trial is scheduled for next week?" I get this question a lot. I used to think that maybe the person was interested in my job as a prosecutor . . . but I quickly learned it wasn't about me or the job. In most cases, the inquirer received a summons from the court to serve as a juror and they wanted to know who was on trial and who was accused of what crime. And usually the conversation includes "I can't be on that jury." In the not too distant...

  • Political Cartoon

    The Times|Sep 17, 2015

  • Cartoon

    The Times|Sep 17, 2015


    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 10, 2015

    First of all, let’s give a big giant 195 pound “BOO” to the judges of the biggest pumpkin contest at the Walla Walla County Fair. What they did was “un-Fair.” (See our Page 1 story for more details.) I would think that fair officials could trust a bunch of hardworking kids who put that much effort into the grand pumpkin to believe them when they say the entry form was mailed on time. But enough about that. We’re coming up on weekend number two of local fair season. Preparations are underway fo...

  • Political Cartoons

    The Times|Sep 10, 2015

  • We Will Continue to Support Firefighting Effort

    The Times|Sep 10, 2015

    This summer our region has been ravaged by wildfires. We’ve seen unprecedented damage—homes burned, communities evacuated, and both civilians and firefighters tragically killed. An area nearly the size of the State of Delaware has burned, and dark, smoke-filled skies across our state remind everyone of the devastation facing our region. Until we are certain you and your neighbors are safe from these catastrophic fires, we will pay whatever it costs to fight them. That is our policy today, and I will ensure it continues to be our policy. Ove...

  • NFL Cartoon

    The Times|Sep 10, 2015


    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 3, 2015

    It’s hard to believe that summer’s over for kids and their teachers (though not for the rest of us – September will, no doubt, bring more warm, sunny weather to the Touchet Valley.) School’s already up and running in Dayton and Prescott, and kids head back to school next week in Waitsburg. Every year at about this time, newspaper editorialists throughout the land write optimistically about the excitement of the upcoming new school year. They also, without fail, give a stern warning to all of...

  • Bone Marrow Donation: Giving Hope, Saving Lives

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 3, 2015

    I've known Gabe Kiefel (now referred to as "Mr. Kiefel," by my two youngest sons, which continues to throw me for a loop) since he was in elementary school. He graduated from WHS, along with my oldest son, as a member of the Class of 2005. These days, he is a busy husband, dad, Waitsburg middle school teacher and coach. When my youngest son returned home from football practice one night, saying that coach Kiefel, wasn't at practice because he was donating bone marrow, I was surprised, but...

  • Political Cartoons

    The Times|Sep 3, 2015


  • 2015 Session Makes History - In Several Ways

    The Times|Sep 3, 2015

    By Sen. Mike Hewitt, Rep. Maureen Walsh and Rep. Terry Nealey The 2015 session lasted much longer than anticipated – a record 176 days – but a number of good things came of this extended session. We passed a new, balanced, bipartisan operating budget that did not rely on new general tax increases. The new budget makes historic investments in early learning, K-12, higher education and the mental-health system. Additional funding was allocated to in-home health care providers, long-term care, and developmental-disability programs for our mos...

  • A Fond Farewell to Philbrook

    Dena Wood, The Times|Aug 27, 2015

    Emma is saying farewell this week. Our Student Life columnist, Emma Philbrook, plans to keep in touch with us, perhaps submitting a column on a monthly basis, but it just won't be the same. While we're pleased to see her set forth on her college adventure, it's hard to say good-bye to someone who has become such a familiar face on the pages of The Times. As a matter of fact, Emma has been here longer than the rest of us. Her first published column, featuring gift-giving tips, was printed on...


    Ken Graham, The Times|Aug 27, 2015

    Columbia County Commissioner Dwight Robanske said it best on Monday: “The ban will not stop pot use. It probably won’t even slow it down.” And so, on Monday, the commissioners voted 2-1 against a proposed ban on marijuana businesses in the unincorporated parts of the county. (See story on Page 1.) I’m encouraged to see a big dose of realism by the commissioners on pot businesses. Even Commissioner Merle Jackson, who made the motion for the ban, and lost the vote, made some very constructive sugg...

  • Emma Philbrook: STUDENT LIFE

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Aug 27, 2015

    Hey there, everyone! Okay, so maybe that was a bit too peppy a start for the last regular edition of this column, but if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s when the final book in a series gets all moody and broody just because the author’s sad it all has to come to an end. I’ve been thinking about how to write the piece you’re currently reading for ages. For a while, I contemplated printing my “lost first column”, which was about getting a column, but then I decided that I really needed a...

  • Gary Hofer: MARKET BULLETS

    Gary Hofer, The Times|Aug 27, 2015

    Commodities prices as a class have been declining since 2011, according to the CRB Commodities Index. Created by The Commodities Research Bureau, it is an indicator based on a wide selection of commodity prices; that is, prices for real-world “stuff” from burlap and copper to crude oil, wheat and zinc. There are 23 different items whose prices go into making the numerical index for the CRB. Watching the chart for this index is to observe what is happening in the real world. We all know that crude oil has dropped from $107 per barrel 14 mon...


    Ken Graham, The Times|Aug 20, 2015

    I drove with trepidation toward Walla Walla on Friday morning, waiting for the inevitable back-up of cars. I knew I would have to carefully thread through the line of young hipsters in their cars at the airport exit waiting to get to their camping spots. I brought walking shoes with thick socks in case I had to park somewhere beyond College Place and hike back to downtown Walla Walla. As I breezed through town on Highway 12, the cluster never appeared, (though all the left turns were blocked)....

  • Emma Philbrook: STUDENT LIFE

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Aug 20, 2015

    As the nurse at my last doctor’s appointment so delicately put it, my vision is down the toilet. I am, according to that infamous test with the rows of progressively smaller letters, 20/70 in my right eye and 20/40 in my left. Somehow, they manage to collaborate and produce overall vision of 20/30, which is still deep enough into the metaphorical plumbing to necessitate an appointment with an eye doctor and possibly a pair of glasses. I just got back from a trip to Long Beach. During the s...

  • Gary Hofer: MARKET BULLETS

    Gary Hofer, The Times|Aug 20, 2015

    Wheat is an actively traded market, with participants ranging from individual small speculative traders, farmers and local cooperative elevators to billion dollar trading funds and multi-national grain handling firms. There are futures contracts trading all over the world, but soft red wheat futures at the Chicago Board of Trade are the best known and most widely followed. This is partly because of its reputation as a reliable indicator of global wheat prices, and partly due to its great liquidity or ease of trading, from “one-lots” of 5,0...

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