Sorted by date Results 1314 - 1338 of 2504
I t's 9:06 PM. Do you know where your literary inspiration is? Yeah. Me neither. So here's some lousy poetry. I stare and I ponder the clock Which smugly continues to mock My pent-up frustration And sheer indignation At having obtained writer's block. I'm shoddy at limericks, it's true But reader, you'll have to make do With such clunkified verse On a columnist's curse. (Unless you'd prefer a haiku?) All right, then. Here goes: First Knowledge Bowl meet Tomorrow morning. I should Prob'ly go to bed. ZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ - oops, sorry. Where...
I had an insight recently - which I consider brilliant - and that is that the fewer people who vote, the more influence my vote will have. So I've decided not to encourage other people to vote this year. In fact, I'd rather you didn't. (And ignore what's on the front page. I wrote that earlier.) When I lived in King County many years ago, my vote for county commissioner was one of more than a million votes cast. I voted, but I never felt like it mattered. Now that I live in Columbia County, my...
Dear Editor, No FENCE-SITTING on this one! Our Health District needs to be modernized and renovated as any business must do from time-to-time. The basic facility has been in service to the community nearly 50 years. Over that time the approach to health care has changed dramatically, from long term confinement to out-patient procedures and therapy, wherever possible. The hospital needs to reflect that change. It is the purpose of the bond levy proposal. The hospital commissioners I have talked with also make clear that each component of the...
Dear Editor, A special message to the residents of Columbia County. You have the opportunity to be a part of the election process for the position of County Commissioner. An important function of our County Commissioners is the task of providing the best services utilizing your tax dollars in the wisest manner. I feel that a candidate must listen to the community and have a strong background in finance and management to be effective in the position. Merle Jackson has over 20 years of financial and management experience with the family farm...
Dear Editor, When I first read the information in a couple of the letters in the local papers informing us that the remodel would put the nurses' station closer to the ER thus making it easier to take care of the duties of the ER as well as patients in the hospital and move the kitchen so employees did not have to move the food so far to the patients in Booker Rest Home, my first thoughts were why would we spend 5 million dollars for this??? Well now I feel those letters were, although well intentioned, they were misleading for me and many...
Dear Editor, Unfortunately I-594 goes far beyond simply extending background checks to all sales of firearms as supporters claim. The main sticking point for most opposed is definition (25) "Transfer" and the numerous uses throughout the 18 page document. Would store clerks be guilty of a "gross misdemeanor" for simply allowing a potential customer to handle a firearm ("temporary transfer") without first doing the required back- ground check? You would by allowing a friend to shoot your gun without a prior background check. Hunter safety...
Dear Editor, After attending the candidates forum I was impressed with the level of dedication Rea Culwell has within the community and with the amount of grants she has helped secure. At the Last election I was considering Randy Lewis but he had not passed the Washington Bar, so I felt he was not qualified to be a prosecutor, so I voted for Rea Culwell. Here we are four years later and after I believe 12 write in votes he is back on the ballot. I must admit that with my soon to be wife being a lawyer I understand now more than ever how...
Dear Editor, Merle Jackson has been my supervisor for over 20 years. He has represented the Jackson family well over the years with caring dedication to the family farm land. There is no doubt in my mind that he will bring the same dedication to the position of commissioner of Columbia County. Having worked closely with Merle for such a long time, I have noticed several characteristics about Merle that, in my mind, have been proven over time. Merle is consistent, patient, open to new ideas, loyal and he will ALWAYS do his homework. Rest...
Dear Editor, The residents of Columbia County and Waitsburg have an opportunity to determine the future of health care in our communities. It is an opportunity to pay it forward and in the process ensure that our children and those that follow have the medical services available when needed! Our health system needs to modernize its 1964 structure and enhance selected services to better meet the health needs of the community, sustain financial operations and ensure continuation of current services. A yes on the bond/levy is a vote for the...
Dear Editor, The only choice for Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney is Rea Culwell. I worked for Rea as her Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for six years and saw first hand how dedicated she is to keeping our community safe. Rea is fair. Rea evaluates a case with an eye to not only protect the victims of crime, but also to make sure that the defendantrsaquo;s Constitutional rights are protected. During my time in the office we frequently discussed how to resolve matters. Rearsaquo;s focus was not «can we win», but «what is fair.» Rea is str...
Homecoming Week makes the oft- dreadable task of getting up and going to school infinitely more bearable. The decorations in the common areas, the silly costumes, the midday assemblies, and the competitive spirit can make the daily grind much more bearable. Oh, yeah, and there's a football game at the end or something like that. And possibly also a dance - maybe, but don't quote me on that. I wrote an article somewhere in this paper concerning the dress-up days and various contests that will...
My wife and I moved to Dayton in the fall of 2010 from Bothell, Washington. We selected Dayton as our home because of Dayton's atmosphere and small town charm. Dayton is unique because it possesses many amenities found in larger cities - the Courthouse, a grocery store, banks, City Park, public pool, K-12 school system, public library, fair grounds, nursing home, and hospital. When approached with the current proposed hospital bond levy, I questioned why the hospital district needed $5.5 million in capital improvements to restore the expiring...
Dear Editor, On October 1 at the AAUW Candidate's Forum in Dayton, Randy Lewis read a pledge to the citizens of Columbia County if elected prosecuting attorney. This pledge promised, in part, that he would be "civil and courteous," and he would "uphold the honor and dignity of the court." I want to respond this pledge. I am now retired from 16 years as a victim advocate in domestic violence and sexual assault cases. The last seven years were here in Columbia County. I first encountered Mr. Lewis in a hearing for a domestic violence protection...
Dear Editor, It is very obvious! John Turner's term as Sheriff has been filled with conflicts, disagreements, and turmoil. He has had serious confrontations with deputies, county commissioners, and other courthouse elected officials. FACT: Turner had major conflicts with three Senior Sergeant Deputies that had faithfully served Walla Walla County Sheriff's Department for 25 to 35 years-a total of 92 years. Under the previous sheriff's reign, these sergeants had been recognized for their dedication and commitment to the people of Walla Walla Cou...
Dear Editor, Cooper's stories are unraveling As the November election comes near, the stories that sheriff candidate Cooper wants us all to believe are falling apart. At a recent debate Cooper reluctantly admitted he has filed bankruptcy and left his creditors high and dry. So he can't balance his own checkbook, has filed a full bankruptcy, screwed his creditors, drives around in his big black Hummer, and bought a police car for his campaign, but claims Turner is the one who spends frivolously by buying equipment for deputies? And Cooper now...
Dear Editor, This letter is to endorse Merle Jackson for Columbia County Commissioner. Jim and I have known Merle since we were kids. Merle has always been involved in our community by serving with intelligence and rock solid integrity. He has been Mayor Pro-Tem served on the city council, Dayton Task Force, Alumni Association, grain growers, historic preservations, & Mule Mania to name a few. Merle is an open-minded individual without an agenda. He is interested in and dedicated to the people of Columbia County. Please join us in voting for...
Dear Editor, This is a thank you letter to the Waitsburg School District, cafeteria staff, school officials and local farmers for a terrific lunch last Thursday, October 2. My friend and I called ahead for reservations for an early lunch and were not disappointed! The menu was expansive! Fresh potato salad with spuds and other veggies from Deer Pond Garden in Dayton and freshas can-be salad greens also from Deer Pond. A yummy burger on home made Country Cupboard buns made from wheat flour raised on Eric and Elizabeth Thorn's farms. Fresh local...
Dear Editor, We are writing this letter in support of Merle Jackson for Columbia County Commissioner. Merle had a 37 year career in the nuclear energy industry, 25 in management. He has been active in our local government and has participated in many civic activities. We have worked with Merle for many years as he manages our family farms, in which he has done an excellent job. Merle's background is broad and varied, including Federal, Local, Civic and Agriculture. Because of his career, local activities and farming experience, we believe...
Dear Editor, I have served with or worked for the past six Walla Walla County Sheriff's including myself. I respect each of the other past sheriff's but in all fairness in my opinion sheriff John Turner has more qualifications and proven talents for the position of sheriff then any of the (including myself) previous sheriff's. I'm glad I voted for Sheriff Turner in the previous election as he has met all my expectations and more. We need a proven leader as sheriff who makes tough decisions regardless of political ramifications and he has...
Dear Editor, Rea Culwell is the best candidate for the office of Columbia County Prosecutor. She is currently serving in this office and has done an outstanding job. I worked for the Richland Police Department for 32 years and was assigned to the Detective Division for 21 years. I have worked with Prosecutors on hundreds of cases, up to and including, homicides. I now work as the Benton County Coroner so I speak from a strong knowledge base. I know the work ethic and qualifications needed for the job. Rea Culwell exceeds all of them. One only h...
Dear Editor, Let's look at Cooper's September 26 Facebook post about his vision and goals for the Sheriff's Office. Provide exceptional law enforcement services. We already provide exceptional law enforcement services, improved in fact due to the training Sheriff Turner has brought to us. Appoint only Washington State certified administrative staff. What is Cooper implying? First, Sheriff Turner and his staff are all Washington State certified. Second, is Cooper saying that if you're not from here you have no value? I wonder if he asks that of...
Most everybody, at one point or another, finds themselves wishing that their life was like a movie. Random plot twists? Attractive people of the opposite gender? Spontaneously breaking into song? Count me in. Recently, I finished plowing through a big pile of homework and was preparing to plow through a similarly-sized pile of scholarship paperwork when I found myself dwelling on that thought. At that point, in the middle of all that paperwork, my life could have used a little Hollywood-style...
When election filing time rolled around in May, Columbia County Prosecutor Rea Culwell was one of several local county incumbents who received no opposition. But due to a little-known state law, Culwell now has an opponent in the general election. Randy O. Lewis, who unsuccessfully challenged Culwell when she ran for a second term in 2010, received 18 writein votes in this year's primary. Because he received more than one percent of the total votes cast in the race (Culwell received 901),...