Sorted by date Results 146 - 170 of 2504
To the Editor Vote for what’s right in our community and country. I’m a proud Vietnam Veteran and loyal American voting for Jack Miller. Yes, to City Pool. Sincerely, Randy Tewalt Dayton, Wash....
Letter to the Editor: During the Vietnam War, a quote attributed to US Army major P. Booris achieved notoriety: “It became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it.” He was referring to the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town of Ben Tre, regardless of civilian casualties, to rout any Vietcong hiding there. These days, the Columbia County Conservative leadership expresses that same war-time attitude. In order to save Columbia County/Dayton from thriving economically in the modern world and to discourage and sup...
Dear Editor: Leadership is about vision, commitment, hard work and working with others to achieve a common goal. If you’re not committed, what’s the point? The Columbia County Commission and the Dayton City Council have both passed resolutions to place a proposition on the November 2022 ballot to create a Joint Metropolitan Park District (MPD) for the primary purpose of maintaining and operating a community swimming pool in Dayton. Should the voters approve the formation of the District, five candidates (Dianne McKinley, Lisa Naylor, Carol Ande...
To the editor: My 11-year-old daughter attended the Columbia County Library Board meeting last Monday, October 17th. She wanted to show her civic pride and support the library. I am horrified and appalled at the behavior of certain pro-book-banning adults in the audience. My daughter stood up to speak at the meeting, only to hear an adult behind her murmuring for her to sit down and shut up. Another woman delighted in quoting some excerpts from a book that she considered to be the most pornographic section of the book. She said she was...
To the editor: Jack Miller is what Columbia County needs. I have known Jack and his wife, Barbara, for over 30 years. They both have had long, professional careers. Jack has always been up-front and honest. He will never use his ideology ideas to get a personal agenda accomplished. I believe he will work with our local law enforcement, so they have what is needed to make them efficient. I believe he will work on funding and grants to build a public safety building that will house new jails. It is admirable that he can effectively communicate...
If the Metropolitan Parks District proposal passes, then I believe it’s very important to vote for the board that will commit to progressing forward with the long-term goal. This elected board will have a huge job ahead, working with architects to design the building and have community meetings to approve of said design, work on getting funding and grants, appoint a bookkeeper, work on yearly levies to continue maintaining the new pool, among a few. It will be a lot of work. After listening to each candidate describe why they are running and w...
To the editor: There have been some remarks lately that Jack Miller can’t possibly be a true Republican because he has so much support from Democrats in the community. I want to point out that, as a Democrat living in a county with a Republican majority, I have been voting for local Republican candidates for years. Often, both candidates in local races are registered Republicans. I understand that this means I need to learn more about the candidates than just their party affiliation in order to vote my conscience. I am voting for Republican c...
Dear Editor: I abruptly and regretfully left Waitsburg early last spring to become a full-time babysitter for my granddaughter as my son and his wife devote every moment they have to building their home in Montana before the snow flies. Before I left, I was a trustee at the Weller Public Library in Waitsburg. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with fellow trustees, members of the Friends of the Library, Rosie, the adults and children who came to the library, and the hard-working volunteers. They assisted in the clean-up and build-out at the back of t...
To the Editor, Why do I support Jeff Jenkins for Columbia County Sheriff? I base a lot of my opinion on my own experiences dealing with Jeff. When my wife and I had concerns about an issue, his quick response getting back to us the next day was exactly what I expected of Jeff as a professional. I think unanswered responses to questions lead to doubt with community members. Your voice should be heard and not go unnoticed or even worse, ignored. Jeff has always been responsive and professional. I like that he works for every citizen of Columbia...
To the editor, I met Mr. Jenkins several years ago when he was running for Sheriff. We had met in the context of his candidacy. Since then, he has always treated me warmly and with respect. When I approached him about his candidacy a few weeks back he stated a great willingness to talk when he was off duty. When we did meet, his concerns for my thoughts seemed authentic. My opinion of Deputy Jenkins has grown as he speaks of transparency and equality regardless of who you are. I believe Mr. Jenkins will make a good sheriff who is fair, honest,...
Dear Editor After attending the Sheriff’s candidate forum on 9/26/22, I have some concerns. Our Sheriff’s Department has a code of ethics signed by every officer. Historically, most police ethics focus on the relationship between the police and the public. What an officer does off duty weighs as heavily on the public as what they do on duty. A section of the Columbia County’s Sheriff’s office code of ethics states: “While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I accept the responsibilities for my actions,...
Dear Editor: My name is Tim Quigg. For those of you who don’t know me, I am currently the Chief Civil Deputy for the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office. Allow me a moment to present my bonafides. I started my career with the Sheriff’s Office in 1981. I served as a Communications Officer in dispatch for 29 years. 25 years of that I was also a state-certified Reserve Deputy Sheriff, being afforded the unique opportunity to work both sides of the microphone. I was wounded in the line of duty, and am the recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal f...
To the Editor Please vote for write-in County Commissioner candidate Danielle Garbe Reser by writing her name in the space provided on your mail-in ballot. The Board of County Commissioners adopts annual budgets. The 2022 budget is over 125 million dollars. The Board sets policy and oversees its implementation. Commissioners make decisions that affect the general health, safety and welfare of County residents. Commissioners oversee the County’s management and administration, representing County interests at the state and federal level. After g...
Dear Editor, As the community should be aware by now, the Weller Public Library is under new management. When the new head librarian, Twila Tate, was hired she was also a Trustee of the Library. Seeing this as a conflict of interest and concerned about the future of the library, I attended the Library Board of Trustees meeting on September 20th, 2022. At the start of the meeting Twila shared that she will be voluntarily resigning as a Trustee. The fact that she wasn't given the ultimatum when offered the job to begin with is startling. After so...
To the editor, I read the following statement at the meeting of the Columbia County Board of Trustees on Monday, September 19: I have a master’s degree in library science from the University of Washington, and I was the branch manager of the Dayton Memorial library. In that capacity, I was in charge of collection development for the children’s materials, and then for the whole library. I’d like to commend Todd on prioritizing an inclusive collection that reflects the diverse experiences of the youth in our community. and for having good polic...
To the Editor, There has been a recent uproar about which books should be available to children in our public library. The people who have voiced their concerns have stated repeatedly that their concerns are not political, homophobic, transphobic, or anti-sex. Many have stated, on social media and in letters to the editor, that their concern is merely for the safety of the children, and the protection of their innocence. Some have said they are not asking for books to be banned, just removed from the children’s section. It’s true that the boo...
To the Editor: An article on the front page of the September 1 issue of the Dayton Chronicle reported that Commissioner Charles Amerein responded to a community member at the Aug. 22 commissioner’s meeting by saying that he has “learned to investigate first before making accusations”. I found this to be in contrast to recent statements made by Commissioner Amerein. Mr. Amerein claims that a flag rally, where he gave opening comments, was held at the Dayton Historic Depot “because that was where it was believed the ‘Betsy Ross’ flag was pulled f...
To the Editor: I would like to address the fear-filled letter submitted to the Chronicle in the 9/1 edition from Seth Murdock. Mr. Murdock, there is simple way for you never to have to worry about a “Drag Queen Story Time” and it is so easy that anyone can do it: Don’t go to one. Otherwise, please rein in your fear mongering. I’m happy that you believe that Commissioner Amerein possesses conviction and courage. But convictions are personal and subjective, as is courage. There isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all suit of conviction that we all can pul...
To The Editor, In last week’s Dayton Chronicle, Seth Murdock’s letter of support for the re-election of Commissioner Chuck Amerein took issue with, among other things, a drag queen storytime in Ketchikan, Alaska, gender nonconformity, noodle spined citizens, and blue hair (a color he seems to find particularly disturbing, as his letters often make reference to it as a hue most despised). I personally had a hard time making the connection between drag queens and the reelection effort of a county commissioner, but I have an incomplete und...
To the Editor: The recent negative controversy about book selection at our local library is really frustrating. It is so easy these days to be critical of the trustees, director and staff when it comes to book selection. In order to serve the entire community a wide selection of books needs to be offered. Having this wide selection, the public is then able to check or not check them out. It is really the parent’s responsibility to guide and supervise their children in the book selection process. Director Vanderbark and his staff are doing a w...
Dear editor, It has come to my attention that one of our elected officials has taken it upon herself to block people from commenting or engaging with her on her official government page. The First Amendment does not permit a public official who utilizes a social media account for all manner of official purposes to exclude persons from an otherwise-open online dialogue because they expressed views with which the official disagrees. This behavior offends the constitution and the principles of transparency. Shutting down discourse and creating...
To the Editor: Recently, the Walla Walla Union Bulletin published an article on Columbia County Undersheriff Robbie Patterson, and how he preaches sermons while wearing his sheriff-department uniform. The Freedom from Religion Foundation wrote to the sheriff’s office concerning this matter, claiming that this behavior is inappropriate, because such action violates the separation of church and state. “There are a startling number of instances where Undersheriff Patterson has published videos of himself, to both YouTube and Facebook, wearing an...
We seem to live in an ever-increasing political state of division. But I think it’s an illusion caused by the far-right and far-left and the media that is constantly scrambling for viewers. There are lots of dog-whistles being blown that raise hackles and get people frothing at the mouth about some lefty-libtard or some right-wing-nutjob. But I don’t think that’s where the majority lives. And it certainly hasn’t historically been where the majority lives. Some of us are old enough to remember how closely Republicans and Democrats worked...
To the editor, The following is a letter, dated June 28, 2022, sent to Columbia County Sheriff Joe Helm. The letter pertained to his Under Sheriff wearing the County Law Enforcement uniform and badge while giving a political/religious speech on the streets of Dayton. June 28, 2022 Sheriff Joe Helm Columbia County 341 E. Main St. Suite 1 Dayton, WA. 99328 Sheriff Helm: As an introduction: I left Dayton in 2015 but still remain connected to the community that I lived in and served for 24 years. Additionally, I’m retired with over 28 years in l...
To the editor, I would like to thank the Waitsburg Ambulance Service and Walla Walla Ambulance Service for saving my life on July 25, 2022. If it was not for them, I would no longer be here…they resuscitated me twice. And I want to thank Patty Gleason for calling 911 for help… I was stubborn and said, “just call Rosie, she can take me in the car to the Emergency Room” …she is not only a good horseshoeing client but a wonderful friend. Had it not been for the great care of the paramedics/volunteers I would not have made it. So, thank you again...