Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Things That Go ‘Beep’ in the Night

    Mar 28, 2013

    I am a self-proclaimed lover of technology. It's a passion that has caused me to be called a few names, and it occasionally costs me a little more money than I should be willing to part with. But it's an incredible and overwhelmingly won- derful field. Technology is a pretty broad term and I am fond of that. Of course my love for all things that go "beep" in the night isn't constrained to the MyFace status updates or those six Chirper posts every second. My love for technol- ogy isn't even...

  • Emma Philbrook: Student Life

    Mar 28, 2013

    The Waitsburg High School Knowledge Bowl team placed ninth at state this year. Last year, we were young- er, less prepared, had poorer team communication, and lacked the snazzy coordinat- ing T-shirts that the Booster Club gave us for the 2013 trip to State. But we managed to place fifth that year. Yes, I'm upset about the drop in ranking. But I'm also relieved that we even man- aged to bring home a plaque. I was shaking as our team walked into Arlington High School last Saturday morning. Having placed first in Regionals, our team would be comp...

  • Traveling with the Governor

    Mar 28, 2013

    Despite being heir to a fortune, Booth Gardner was a humble soul Almost a quarter century ago I worked as a public in- formation officer for the then Department of Trade & Economic Development in Olympia. Among other things, I wrote news releas- es, newsletters and briefing materials about the agency's activities. These included in- ternational trade promotion, small business assistance, tourism, film location servic- es, economic development and business retention. John Anderson ran the...

  • Thank You Morgan!

    Mar 28, 2013

    Assistant Editor Morgan Smith is leaving her posi- tion with The Times after this issue. Smith started with the times in February 2012 as a freelance writer and came on board as a full time reporter in May. Smith came to The Times after a stint as editor of the Daily Evergreen, WSU's student newspaper. She also was a regular columnist there. Her understanding of good reporting and editing, newspaper layout and working to deadline (at the Ev- ergreen, every day was deadline day) have been invalu- able at The Times. Smith became a fixture last...

  • It’s Time to Vote in Waitsburg ... Again

    Mar 28, 2013

    Waitsburg's annual city government elections are take place Monday, April 1. No Joke As the only city in Washington still operating under its territorial charter, Waitsburg has the honor of bring- ing its mayor and city council members before the voters each April. This year, all of the incumbents are running, along with one city council challenger: Mayor - Walt Goble City Council - Deb Callahan Martin Dunn Kevin House K.C. Kuykenall Scott Nettles Karl Newell The top five vote-getters among the council candi- dates will take office for the...

  • Political Cartoon

    Mar 28, 2013

  • Phew! Busy week’s over

    Mar 21, 2013

    Last week was the single busiest week of my high school career thus far. I'll start with Sunday. Sunday was the final perfor- mance of this year's TVAC variety show, 'The Good, The Bad, and Everyone Else.' I was in that production. I hurried to the dressing room half an hour before the show started, shucked off my street clothes and threw on a full-body leotard, a green shirt, a leather belt, a pair of canvas boots and a boyish wig. A few swipes of earth- tone makeup later, I was Peter Pan. Over the course of two hours, I dashed in and out of t...

  • Don’t Let It Fall Apart

    Mar 21, 2013

    PULLMAN - As a mem- ber of the Washington News- paper Publishers Associa- tion, a group that represents smaller newspapers like The Times, I was invited to be a publisher-in-residence at WSU for two days earlier this month. In front of about a dozen different classes and groups of students, I explored the importance of fundamental writing skills in my career and theirs. They were from different majors, including journalism, public relations, advertising and marketing. I also met with the staff...

  • A Way To Honor Jack

    Mar 21, 2013

    We reported last week on the creation of the Jack Smiley Memorial Scholarship Fund and are pleased to announce that The Times will be making a modest contribution to the fund set up in honor of one this area's most respected sports figures. We encourage our readers, particularly those in Prescott and those who knew Jack and what he stood for, to do so as well if they can, even if it's merely your week's coffee money. Prescott alumni are encouraged to contribute the equivalent of their graduation year, so if you were a senior in, say, 2005,...

  • Political Cartoon

    Mar 21, 2013

  • Clarification

    Mar 14, 2013

    The Cowboy Dance during Centennial Days is open to high school students only. This is not a community event. This is a fundraiser for Dayton High School Parents of Graduates 2013 and Waitsburg Associated Student Body. The dance is for area high school students ages 9th grade to 12th grade....

  • Bowling for Knowledge

    Mar 14, 2013

    I promised you this a long time ago and never got around to writing it up, so here you go: the results of Knowledge Bowl Regionals. Yes, they happened a long time ago - two weeks from last Monday, to be exact. But better late than never, right? I came to school at eight o'clock that morning in full "regionals" regalia - my rhinestone-studded Waits- burg Knowledge Bowl t-shirt and coordinating black pants. My hair was tightly braided - I simply cannot think with my hair tickling my ears. I had even lotioned up my hands for extra buzzer...

  • Memorabilia Display Coming

    Mar 14, 2013

    Dear Editor: The Waitsburg Historical Society is planning a special display of historic Days of Real Sport memorabilia in conjunction with the celebration and events to be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013. We have several items in the collection such as programs, buttons, some photographs, and the photo finish camera but we would like to borrow some additional items that may be of general interest to the public. If anyone has photographs, banners, jockey apparel, or any other items having to do with the DRS over the years we would be interested...

  • All Roads Lead Me Back

    Mar 14, 2013

    A lice Andison's Standfast ranch is somewhere in the hills near Waitsburg, per- haps just across the county line in Columbia County. Our town isn't described in any great detail in "All Roads Lead Me Back To You,' the debut novel by Walla Walla-based author Kennedy Foster. It's the place the main characters pass through on their way to Walla Walla and it's home to Alice's sister Janet and her kids who help out at Standfast where Alice, the lone patrona, is woe- fully shorthanded until a Mexican...

  • It’s Visitor Season

    Mar 14, 2013

    Why would anyone want to visit little towns like Dayton, Waitsburg, Prescott or Starbuck? They're out in the sticks - hundreds of miles from the nearest big city. There's nothing to do but watch the wheat grow, right? Wrong. As we've been working on preparing the latest edition of the Touchet Valley Visitors' Guide, we're struck once again by the amazing number of great things there are to see and do in our area. We encourage all of our readers to be travel promoters and guides, inviting your friends to visit and then blowing them away with...

  • Political Cartoon

    Mar 14, 2013


    Morgan Smith|Mar 7, 2013

    The Liberty Theater started the month with the Oscar-winning comedy/drama, "Silver Lin- ings Playbook." The rest of the month will bring crime, excitement, humor and some animation to entertain the masses this March. This weekend, the crime thriller "Side Effects" will be playing. The film stars Rooney Mara, Channing Ta- tum and Jude L aw and was directed by Stev en Soder- bergh. When Emily Taylor's husband is sent to prison, she suffers from severe depres- sion that persists after her husband...


    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 7, 2013

    I n last month's review of SketchUp, I credited the discovery to Pinter- est. Truth be known, nearly all displays of astounding creativity and impressive know-how on my part can be attributed to Pinterest. For those unaware, Pin- terest is a visual bookmarking site with a social twist. Users create "boards" in different categories, then "pin" relevant photos and captions. A click on the photo takes you to the original blog or website. Unlike browser bookmarks which often leave me mystified as to...


    Mar 7, 2013

    Dayton resident Roslyn Edwards is well known in the Touchet Valley as a terrific actress and great supporter of local live theater. Roslyn doesn't know a stranger and is one of my favorite book friends. It doesn't matter where we meet or how long we have to chat, the topic of books - what we're reading or have recently read - always comes up. She usually has two or three books going at one time and isn't afraid to try different genres. As librarian at Dayton Elementary School for the past 15...

  • Facebook & Forget It

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Mar 7, 2013

    I t started out as a bit of daredevilish investigative reporting. It ended up being the worst two hours of my entire weekend. The trouble began Mon- day before last, when a rather disturbing announcement was made at school: A group of students had set up a Facebook page where teen- agers from Waitsburg could express their, er, true feelings about one another. Some- times, apparently, that sim- ply meant saying that they thought someone was attrac- tive. Other times, it meant anonymous...

  • The Answer to Washington’s Budget Crisis is Jobs

    Rep. Terry Nealey, Special To The Times|Mar 7, 2013

    The Washington State Su- preme Court recently struck down a requirement for a two-thirds vote in the Legis- lature to increase taxes. The two-thirds majority rule had been approved five separate times by voters in a series of initiatives. The requirement was challenged by a coalition of House Democrats and education groups, who had grown increasingly frus- trated by the inability to "raise revenue" (buzzword in Olympia for raising taxes) to address budget shortfalls. This year, the Legislature must close a budget short- fall of just under $1 bi...

  • Dear Jeff: Thank You Nice Neighbor Improves Move

    Mar 7, 2013

    I think we can all agree that movingww is stress- ful. It's time-consuming and exhausting. Last weekend, my boy- friend and I moved out of our rental house and into an apartment, and all of the things I despise about mov- ing came rushing back. Every stage of moving is "the worst part of moving" to me. Packing up all of my worldly possessions - that's worst part of moving. An- other 9x13 pan? What am I, a one-woman bakery? Then there's the physical act of moving all of the box- es, the...

  • Children Learn

    Mar 7, 2013

    I n a presentation to the Commercial Club in Waits- burg last month, Waitsburg school superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke spoke about the changes she sees in the school, the greater community and the country. In the wake of the school shootings in Newtown, school security and bullying issues are a high priority right now with all schools, including the ones Dr. Clarke Runs. It's an unfortunate fact of life. In the Times editor's column on Page 5w, Clarke talks about the hope she has for improving the level of personal interaction, not only within...

  • Political Cartoon

    Mar 7, 2013

  • Your Second Amendment

    Rep. Maureen Walsh|Feb 28, 2013

    Like you, I am shocked and saddened by the mur- ders that have occurred in our country. The slaughter of innocent children in Newtown, Conn. still con- tinues to haunt me as my heart aches for the families of the victims. People suf- fering with mental illness are responsible for these horrific deaths, and no legislation will ever be able to prevent all of these atrocities. The state Legislature is carefully considering several approaches to ad- dressing gaps in our cur- rent laws that could help prevent some of these mass shootings. School...

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