Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Eat, Shop, Live

    Dec 13, 2012

    Read this first, then turn to page 15 for your local shopping guide. It's no secret that this has been a tough year for local businesses. This time of year, it gets even tougher. At the same time, 2012 may go down in history as the most dif- ficult year yet in recent memory. In one respect, that might be a good thing as things can only go up from where they bottom out. But in other ways, it's bad news because some businesses may not be there for the upswing. They'll simply be shut- tered and become one more empty store front. As winter is...

  • Political Cartoon

    Dec 13, 2012

  • Dear Editor,

    Dec 6, 2012

    As Mayor of the City of Waitsburg, I am proud of all of the folks that worked so hard to once again bring our tradi- tional "Hometown Christmas" to town, on December 2. The efforts were led by the Com- mercial Club, and its president, Joy Smith. Great job, Joy! The Ye Town Hall was buzz- ing with vendors, music and ac- tivities, it was a lot of fun! I was really impressed with the new FFA Festival of Trees project, it was a wonderful idea and one that we hope will continue to be a part of our traditional Home Town Holiday! Thank you FFA and...

  • Dear Editor,

    Dec 6, 2012

    Do you ever notice street lights out or blinking in your neighborhood or during your walks? Aside from making your walk more hazardous that darkness could also be more inviting to those who believe what's yours should be theirs for the taking. You can easily help! Write down the POLE NUMBER (usually located on a yellow metal plate attached to the pole about 6-7 feet off the ground) and the NEAREST CROSS STREETS. If you have internet access log onto http://www.mypowerop- and enter that information along with your...

  • Editor:

    Dec 6, 2012

    Prescott was my home until I graduated from college. I still have a good spot in my heart for Prescott. Thanks for the articles you have on Prescott. It is appre- ciated. Keep it up! Ernest Collard Class of 1945 East Wenatchee...

  • New Dayton Special Education Programs

    The Times, Heart Beat|Dec 6, 2012

    DAYTON - High school is difficult for many students. For students with special needs or disabilities, connecting with peers and the community is a major challenge. Dayton School District Special Education Director Larry Bush understands the challenges these students face and said the special education program is working to do a better job of meeting student needs with two new options. One program, implemented last year, allows students with special needs to job shadow at local businesses and...

  • Keep It Clean

    Dec 6, 2012

    Last week, a Waitsburg resident walking his dog north of town spotted about a dozen bags of leaves dumped by the side of the Touchet River down from the old mill site. It isn't the first time waste has been found out and about in our communities. Last year, we took to task the individual or individuals who dumped the remains of several deer, pigs and even a sturgeon by a culvert on Mill Race Road. Another local resident finally took it upon himself to clean up that illegal dump. In the case of the bagged leaves by the river, city crews rounded...

  • Political Cartoon

    Dec 6, 2012

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 29, 2012

    To The Editor, If someone ask, "Who comes to mind when you hear the word Capitalist?" it's a good bet that Wall Street's Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, would spring to mind for many. Scott Pelley of CBS News recently interviewed Mr. Blankfein. According to CBS, Blankfein's central message to Congress was " Make a deal." They quote him as saying, "Their job is to make the country function, not to -- it's not a winning game, it's a get-along game." Blankfein predictably notes in the first part of the interview that Social Security,...

  • A Place For Kids After School

    Jillian Beaudry|Nov 29, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Kathy Carpenter and her team at the Cardinal's Nest in Waitsburg make sure kids have a place to go after school where they can get homework help and do fun projects. Carpenter, the director, said the Cardinal's Nest afterschool program was funded by a No Child Left Behind 21st Century Community Centers grant through the federal government. Educational Service District 123 helped facilitate the grant money and the funding allowed the Cardinal's Nest, located at Waitsburg Elementary, t...

  • Heads Held High

    Nov 29, 2012

    The W-P Cardinals may not have shown up during Saturday's semifinals at Lampson Stadium until the third quarter when they finally scored against the Broncos. But we're deeply proud that they showed up consistently during the rest of the season and got the combine to this point for the third year in a row. Thanks to head coach Jeff Bartlow and his assistants, thanks to the support of the schools and to Jubilee Leadership Academy, thanks to the parents and the team's ardent fans, it was another great season, coming close to repeating last year's...

  • Political Cartoon

    Nov 29, 2012


    Nov 22, 2012

    In a photo accompany- ing a story titled "Waitsburg Veterans Thanked, Remem- bered" in the Nov. 15 edition of the Times, two Army vet- erans were misidentified. The veterans are David Donnelly and Delbert Mock....

  • Letter to the Editor:

    Nov 22, 2012

    I am writing this letter to make my sugges- tions to the city council or anyone else who may have dealings with Christmas music that was at one time regu- larly played downtown during the holidays. I have lived in Waits- burg for 14 years and I loved to be able to go downtown over the holi- day season and hear the Christmas music. For some reason the last few years we have not had it. Was there complaints? I am not sure what the deal is, but I miss it and I am not alone. I miss the Santa music and the religious Christmas music that so many of...

  • Volunteer Keeps Hearts Healthy Through Dance

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Nov 22, 2012

    DAYTON - Working isn't always fun, but local volunteer Melissa McCow- en is doing what she can to help a local Zumba group lose weight, get in shape and stay healthy. The Zumba class, which is sponsored by the Columbia County Health System, was created last year to pro- vide another method for local residents to get healthier. The class is free to attend and is hosted every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7 at the Dayton Elementary School gym. McCowen attended the Zumba class last year when it...

  • Season Of Light

    Nov 22, 2012

    I t's barely a month until the Winter Solstice when the shortest day of the year is upon us in the northern hemisphere. From late afternoon to morning, we're wrapped in the darkness of night. Often, the days too are darker than usual, given to grim tempestuous weather that drives us inside. So why do we welcome this time of year as the Season of Light? For Christians, it's about the birth of Jesus bringing light into the world. For Jews, it's about Hannukah - the Festival of Lights. For African Americans, it's Kwanzaa, the tradition of gift...

  • Political Cartoon

    Nov 22, 2012


    Nov 15, 2012

    In a story titled "Budget Proposal Includes Tax Hike" in the Nov. 1 edition of the Times, the city planner's salary was incor- rectly stated. The city has bud- geted $55,400 for the entire planning department and $39,400 for the planner's salary. Also, only the union city employees could receive the 1.3 percent increase of cost of living allowance....


    Nov 15, 2012

    Waitsburg High School SENIORS 4.0 Seth Deal 3.25 and above Samantha Moss Alex Hays Alex Leathers Logan Dozier Katy Hofer Alexander Dill Benjamin Shafer Rhiannon Chapman Jessica Foxe Jennifer Nichols Samantha Henze Madeleine Witt Elizabeth Xaudaro Donovan Leroue Dakota Baker Dalton Estes Cheyenne Frohreich Tucker Alleman Brandon Gusse Michael Smith Riley Stevens JUNIORS 4.0 Heidi Miller Nicholas Pearson 3.25 and above Haley Dorman Nathan Bartlow Thibault Martinelle Chao Lei Dai Meara M. Baker Kimberly Hamann Kendra Roberts Kyle Dozier Rebekah...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 15, 2012

    To The Editor, Running for a political position has been one of the most challenging and exhausting activities I've ever engaged in. But it has also been one of the most reward- ing and learned experiences too. Every parade, every festival, and every door I knocked on became an opportunity for me to build a relationship and engage in conver- sation about what people in Walla Walla County care about-afford- able housing, counseling services for youth, and public safety to name just a few. These issues and more are what drive people like me to...

  • A Place To Bond

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Nov 15, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Some time before Coppei Coffee Co. opened on Main Street in August of 2011, Allison Bond and her husband Bruce Donohue had their eyes on a downtown building to start a café just like it. They had the same thought I did when they took one look at the Burg: This place needed a coffee shop. Now they'll have it, or rather, Bond will have it. Coppei Coffee Co., Llc., has leased its premises and equipment to Bond's Llc, Bitey Parrot. The papers were signed recently and she officially took...

  • Your Service Our Gratitude

    Nov 15, 2012

    This column reaches our readers a few days after we celebrated this year's Veterans Day, but this message's delay by a few days may be a good thing. As they say about other holidays and their unique attributes, such as the peace we promote at Christmas or a sense of nationhood we mark on the Fourth of July, every day should be Veterans Day. Not that setting aside a day to be off more than once a year would be all that practical. But the spirit of Veterans Day may certainly live on throughout the year and does for many in our valley's...

  • Political Cartoon

    Nov 15, 2012

  • To the Editor:

    Nov 8, 2012

    I am very disturbed to read, yet again, that the city council voted down the flood control dis- trict "because the council mem- bers believed the citizens would not support a new tax." The volunteers of the flood control district put in their time and energy to line up grants that would have paid for the levee work. All they needed was to be ratified by the council as an entity, so that they were legally able to receive those grants, and then to submit a plan. There was never any intention of a tax, and the volunteers had made it well known,...


    Nov 1, 2012

    In a story titled "Council Raises Tax To Benefit Pool" in the Oct. 25 edition, the calculations for how much tax would have to be paid on a $100,000 property were incorrect. One-quarter of 1 percent would be $250 on a 100,000 home. With the recent increase of the real estate excise tax to one-half of one percent, sellers will now pay $500 on a $100,000 property within city limits during closing costs....

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