Sorted by date Results 258 - 282 of 2504
Dear Editor, People are quick to believe the bad things they hear about good people. Never has this been more evident. In the last three years I have seen adults I once respected, actively spread rumors and gossip online. They do this because someone else’s views differ from theirs. They leave no room for real open conversation, because their frustration stems from fear. Fear of what? Change? Progress? Spreading misinformation as a public official is something that we should all take a stand against. Vicki Zoller stands for the truth, she a...
Letter to the Editor I have noticed that a number of local shops have discontinued wearing masks and have removed the signs mandating the wearing of masks in public buildings, shops stores, etc. This flagrant defiance of the current law is very discouraging, to say the least. Forgoing all references to science or politics; this is a mandate! Not a suggestion by the State of Washington, but a law. At a minimum, can we all agree that the Miriam Webster dictionary is correct when they define mandate as: Mandate – a verb: to officially require s...
To the Editor, I am writing this letter in support of Korinda Wallace for Dayton School Board District. It has been my pleasure to work with Ms. Wallace since this last spring as we organized the Columbia County Conservatives. Ms. Wallace moved here from rural Oregon where she grew up, to take jobs related to her degree in horticulture from OSU. Coming from a small town she understands the need to become involved in the local community she lives in order to keep it strong. While she is home schooled, I feel this gives Ms. Wallace the...
To the Editor: Dr. James Worthy, a Texas physician addressing a shortage of hospital beds due to non-vaccinated covid variant patients, said that he dislikes the term “elective surgery” because it sounds like “a mere tummy tuck” issue rather than serious procedures that need to happen, even if they’re not considered life-threatening. Some people with pancreatic and cardio procedures have in fact died when a simple operation would likely have saved them. The unending selfishness of those who could safely get the shots, but who think that “fre...
Dear Editor, On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 the Governor of Washington decided to make a decision for most workers residing in the state of Washington: mandating COVID vaccinations. Vaccinations are an extremely personal choice, and they SHOULD be. It is a choice that should be up to the individual receiving the vaccine, and only the receiver. Some people may not have adverse side effects to a vaccine, but there is a large majority of individuals’ who have had heartbreaking reactions from the vaccine that affect either themselves or a loved o...
To the Editor, I am writing to express my support for Vicki Zoller as a write-in candidate for Dayton City Council Position #5. I’ve gotten to know Vicki pretty well, working with her on various projects and committees over the last few years. I’ve had ample opportunity to admire her leadership and character, and there are three things that I think make her a great choice for the Dayton City Council. One is that she doesn’t come into a project or decision with an agenda or preconception of what the final solution will be. She is open-...
Letter to the Editor, At the last Waitsburg School Board meeting, someone was quoted saying that the mask mandate is “harmful against rights and freedoms”. It is harmful to my rights and freedoms that it is mandatory that I stop for red traffic lights, even though it may be for the safety of myself and others. And when you tell your children to wipe their feet at the door before coming in, please consider their rights and freedoms. Even they should get to choose if they want to be inconsiderate of others. Becky Huwe Waitsbur...
Letter to the Editor Recently the residents of Columbia County received a one-page mailer about the Touchet Valley Trail. That mailer was written, printed, and mailed by the Friends of the Trail, a group of local citizens that supports the trail. The group became active in late spring, 2021; its activities have included producing and distributing YES for the Trail yard signs, holding monthly walks on Main Street, working on the recent mailer, and donating funds to cover the costs of all these activities. The mailer contained important...
Letter to the Editor I was present at last Thursday’s school board meeting. As anticipated, there were some there who voiced strong opposition the governor’s mask mandate. The view was expressed that the Waitsburg School Board should vote to defy the mandate. There was rationale given. Unfortunately, though, some were vehement in their demands and seemed to have difficulty considering any perspective but their own. When the time set for public comments was over the board made an attempt to discuss the matter among themselves. This dis...
Dear Editor, I want to give kudos to the wonderful photography and articles by Beka Compton. I live in Seattle and have friends in Waitsburg, so I enjoy subscribing to The Times in an effort to keep up with what’s going on in their world. Beka makes the City of Waitsburg visually captivating. She seems to be at the right place at the right time to capture magnificent images! As a professional photographer, I’m a bit envious. Keep it up Beka and thank you! Kathy Oman, Seattle...
Dear Waitsburg School District Families, It’s hard to believe that we are a little over a month away from starting the new school year. The first day of school for Waitsburg students is Tuesday, September 7th. With the guidelines for schools and all Washington residents continuing to change, we will need to remain flexible and ready to adjust our plans as we begin the 2021-2022 school year. It is crucial that families continue to watch our website ( and social media accounts for any changes or updates in the weeks leading up t...
WALLA WALLA—This past session, the Washington State legislature passed multiple bills addressing “police reform” following various tragic police events that have occurred in other cities around the nation. In May, Governor Inslee signed several of these “reform” bills into law. The majority of these laws take effect July 25th, and they will profoundly impact policing across the state of Washington. Most of these new laws are ambiguous and require profound legal interpretation. We have been asking and waiting for clarification from the Attor...
To the Editor, We invited the Christian Church to join us for our 4th of July worship at Waitsburg Presbyterian. This last Sunday, the 25th, we were invited to join them for their service. This has been a taste of the past. Years ago our congregations met together for two months every summer. July meetings were in one of the churches. August meetings were in the other. Those times are fondly remembered by the many who took part in them. In August we will look forward to sharing with the Christian Church as they welcome their new pastor,...
Remembering my awesome Sister, Pam Conover on her birthday July 30. I usually came to Waitsburg on her birthday. So enjoyed spending the day with her and her friends on her special day. Love and miss her, Judy...
Over the last two years, I have had the pleasure of serving as one of the six Fire Commissioners for Columbia Walla Walla Fire District 2. Many of you know, better than I, about the long history of community members volunteering for the Waitsburg Fire Department, now the “CWWFD2”. Past volunteers may include you, your family members, neighbors, and/or friends. Those who have volunteered and are part of this history know the amount of time and effort required to train, obtain the needed certifications, and, most importantly to respond to EMS...
To the Editor, Recently, I have had a series of incidents at my home in Waitsburg. Someone has been knocking on the door, going into the backyard from the alley and trying to peek through the window late at night. I want this person to knock it off or the next time I will call the sheriff. Diane Zuger Waitsburg Comment from the editor: This is one of several complaints we have received in recent weeks concerning unusual late-night activity around homes in Waitsburg. Walla Walla County Undersheriff Joe Klundt asks that anyone who feels...
I remember how vibrant and alive Waitsburg was when I was a kid. I remember my sister and I riding our horses into town to get ice cream from the Delta Connection and having dinner at the White Stallion after a soccer game. I remember going to the pool with all of my friends on hot summer days and re-energizing with a candy bar from the grocery store, likely paying for it with a certificate I earned from the summer reading program (then hosted by Jan Cronkhite). I remember attending the 2010...
Dear Editor, Several items have been seen regarding animals getting burned feet from hot pavement yet folks are still observed walking their pets, sometimes in mid-day on the hot concrete and asphalt--or even leaving them in the hot metal bed of a pickup. If it is too hot for your bare hand or foot it is too hot for them. Please, don’t leave your pet in a car in this heat or force them to burn their paws by walking in the heat of the day. If you MUST walk during the heat of the day make sure they are on the grass and you have water for both o...
To the editor, Here we are, at the beginning of what could prove to be worst wildfire season ever and the world’s best firefighting tool sits unused and not ready to go because of decisions made by the US Forest Service and states not to use it. Unfortunately, in 2002 two Lockheed C-130 Hercules airplanes crashed while fighting fires, one in California and one in Colorado. In 2004 the Forest Service made the decision not to use the large tanker firefighting airplanes, instead relying on helicopters and smaller planes. The Supertanker would h...
Dear Editor, The past year and a half has been an eye opening experience for me; I have learned that straying away from the pushed narrative, thinking for myself, and getting opinions or advice from other sources is considered dangerous, resulting in myself being labeled a conspiracy theorist. If asking questions about basic subjects and questioning what the “experts” say is labeled a conspiracy theorist, then yes, I suppose I am. Critical thinking and questioning are not things that should be discouraged – if your mind, body, and soul tell...
Some may have read this article in the June 13th issue of the Union-Bulletin: Local newspapers can help reduce polarization with opinion pages that focus on local issues. It was written by Matthew P. Hitt of Colorado State University. He states, “We are scholars who study politics and the media. We have found that local newspapers-and local opinion journalism in particular- can bridge political divisions and attract more readers.” The local paper can facilitate a vibrant community forum. “…no more national politics?” he asks. “…getting rid of n...
Dear Editor: Communication is key for city council candidate Henze You just couldn't make up Jillian Henze; she seems rare as an ostrich in winter wheat. Her well-earned attributes just keep building on each other and, when you hear them, building onto your enthusiasm and optimism for positive change. A three-generation local, a wife and mom, who was deeply engaged in the area's disaster recovery last year and civic issues daily. Her career has led her to a full-time position, remotely providing...
Dear Editor, My husband and I are writing in support of Jillian Henze’s campaign for city council. We worked with Jillian during the flood efforts last year, and we were very impressed with the team work, dedication, and leadership qualities that she showed during that time. She and her family are also members of Waitsburg Christian Church, where my husband and I serve as co-chairmen of the church board. Jillian is very dedicated to her family and raising her children in a safe and thriving community that operates and makes decisions with f...
Dear Editor I am Twila Johnson-Tate, a new resident to Waitsburg. Imagine my surprise when I received the Walla Walla valley Visitor Guide, which listed Waitsburg as a place to visit. The magazine featured lively and inviting images of outdoor Waitsburg venues such as the Swimming Pool (closed), Bruce Mansion Grounds (closed), Waitsburg Fairgrounds with Grandstands (closed). In fact, most of what would attract people to the city is closed or in the process of being closed. The Weller Public library downtown will soon be added to the list of...
Dear Editor, My oldest daughter, Alyssa, loves being at Weller Public Library. As her mom, I love that she loves it! What better way to foster a passion for reading and learning than to place her in such an environment at an early age?! Also, it has been a wonderful way for her to be introduced to other adults and children outside of our family. She’s learned how to share, practice her manners, and has learned how to be respectful of others (adults and children alike). On a few different occasions, I have taken Alyssa to the library to spend o...