Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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    The Times|Jul 8, 2021

    To the editor, Here we are, at the beginning of what could prove to be worst wildfire season ever and the world’s best firefighting tool sits unused and not ready to go because of decisions made by the US Forest Service and states not to use it. Unfortunately, in 2002 two Lockheed C-130 Hercules airplanes crashed while fighting fires, one in California and one in Colorado. In 2004 the Forest Service made the decision not to use the large tanker firefighting airplanes, instead relying on helicopters and smaller planes. The Supertanker would h...

  • Letter to the Editor

    The Times|Jul 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, The past year and a half has been an eye opening experience for me; I have learned that straying away from the pushed narrative, thinking for myself, and getting opinions or advice from other sources is considered dangerous, resulting in myself being labeled a conspiracy theorist. If asking questions about basic subjects and questioning what the “experts” say is labeled a conspiracy theorist, then yes, I suppose I am. Critical thinking and questioning are not things that should be discouraged – if your mind, body, and soul tell...

  • Time to reinvest in local commentary

    The Times|Jun 24, 2021

    Some may have read this article in the June 13th issue of the Union-Bulletin: Local newspapers can help reduce polarization with opinion pages that focus on local issues. It was written by Matthew P. Hitt of Colorado State University. He states, “We are scholars who study politics and the media. We have found that local newspapers-and local opinion journalism in particular- can bridge political divisions and attract more readers.” The local paper can facilitate a vibrant community forum. “…no more national politics?” he asks. “…getting rid of n...

  • Support of two Waitsburg Candidates

    The Times|Jun 24, 2021

    Dear Editor: Communication is key for city council candidate Henze You just couldn't make up Jillian Henze; she seems rare as an ostrich in winter wheat. Her well-earned attributes just keep building on each other and, when you hear them, building onto your enthusiasm and optimism for positive change. A three-generation local, a wife and mom, who was deeply engaged in the area's disaster recovery last year and civic issues daily. Her career has led her to a full-time position, remotely providing...

  • Support for Waitsburg candidate Henze

    The Times|Jun 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, My husband and I are writing in support of Jillian Henze’s campaign for city council. We worked with Jillian during the flood efforts last year, and we were very impressed with the team work, dedication, and leadership qualities that she showed during that time. She and her family are also members of Waitsburg Christian Church, where my husband and I serve as co-chairmen of the church board. Jillian is very dedicated to her family and raising her children in a safe and thriving community that operates and makes decisions with f...

  • in Support of City assets

    The Times|Jun 3, 2021

    Dear Editor I am Twila Johnson-Tate, a new resident to Waitsburg. Imagine my surprise when I received the Walla Walla valley Visitor Guide, which listed Waitsburg as a place to visit. The magazine featured lively and inviting images of outdoor Waitsburg venues such as the Swimming Pool (closed), Bruce Mansion Grounds (closed), Waitsburg Fairgrounds with Grandstands (closed). In fact, most of what would attract people to the city is closed or in the process of being closed. The Weller Public library downtown will soon be added to the list of...

  • In support of Jillian Henze Candidacy

    The Times|May 27, 2021

    Dear Editor, My oldest daughter, Alyssa, loves being at Weller Public Library. As her mom, I love that she loves it! What better way to foster a passion for reading and learning than to place her in such an environment at an early age?! Also, it has been a wonderful way for her to be introduced to other adults and children outside of our family. She’s learned how to share, practice her manners, and has learned how to be respectful of others (adults and children alike). On a few different occasions, I have taken Alyssa to the library to spend o...

  • Letters to the Editor: Picture of Love

    The Times|May 20, 2021

    Every community should like the picture of Bill Rodger’s iris garden. Everyone growing up together and looking their best indicates being created for a great purpose by a Great God. With every glance, my eyes catch the beauty which illuminates my attitude with a feeling such as having been forgiven of sin. Only God can make a flower. Pictures are taken by photographers: no fooling around. Bill Rodgers has an eye for what’s been created for the created. Enjoyed by a sinner like me. Phillip Monfort Waitsburg...

  • Weller Public Library future accessable for all

    The Times|May 13, 2021

    Dear Editor- I am writing in regards to the recent article about the future of the Weller Public Library. I grew up in Waitsburg and I agree that libraries are definitely the heart of the community. The Weller Public Library was a space I attended as a child, and then later in life it became a place that my children attended when we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I frequently helped my mom plant or water flowers out front of the library throughout the summer. Although the Weller Public Library has special memories for me, and the staff...

  • Malden-Pine City events and the Touchet Valley Trail

    The Times|May 6, 2021

    To the editor, There are sudden dramatic changes and there are slowly moving changes. Both affect the overall temperament of the citizens of a community. The first challenge brought about by change is to come together and talk with each other. It is never simple but always important. Residents of the towns of Malden and Pine City, located in northern Whitman County, experienced a sudden devastating change last August when a wind-driven fire burned their homes to the ground. The event, and its consequences, are literally unimaginable to those...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Apr 22, 2021

    The taxpaying citizens of Columbia County have approved and are paying for bonds supporting Education and schools, Hospital and Health Care and Fire Department and Ambulance Services, all which support our quality of life. We are now being asked to soon support and help pay for a decades overdue new Justice Center and Jail, also which affects our quality of life. Very limited tax dollars are available in Columbia County to pay for these essential quality of life services. With COVID’s impact it will take months if not years to recover. The P...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Mar 4, 2021

    Dear Editor, I am concerned about the conflicting messages we as small business owners are receiving from our government leaders. I thought small (Ma & Pa) businesses were viewed favorably by most Americans. Some of the policies that have been put forth lately will have a significant negative impact on small businesses and small towns. 1. Low Carbon Fuel Standard: If this legislation passes it will raise the price of fuel for everyone and eventually raise the price of everything for everyone. All this with no guarantee of improving our...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Mar 4, 2021

    To the Editor, Recent articles in this publication and others have told only part of the story that is the first semester of the COVID era in Dayton. Here is the reality: A recent article in the Waitsburg Times misquoted our MS/HS Principal claiming truancy didn’t contribute to the D and F grades as only 3 students were truant; this is not true nor is it what was said by our Principal in the Board Meeting. What she stated in that Board Meeting (conducted via Zoom and recorded) is that little to no support is given to the school district by t...

  • Kudos to Dayton Health System

    The Times|Feb 25, 2021

    Dear Editor The town of Dayton is fortunate to have Dayton General Hospital with its professional caring staff. Especially the PT staff who went over and above their duty to make sure I had what I needed and make me comfortable. Kudos to Dayton General Hospital. Diana Black...

  • Letter from the Port Columbia to Dayton Chronicle

    The Times|Feb 18, 2021

    February 10, 2021 Dear Editor, Over the past 18 months, there have been several inaccurate headlines and stories printed in the Dayton Chronicle related to our work at the Port of Columbia. This misinformation has caused unnecessary concern among citizens and has inaccurately portrayed the intent of our work. One example is the recent headline stating “Port Proposes Annexation.” The Port did not propose annexation, and this fact could have been verified with a quick phone call or email to the Port office for confirmation. This headline cau...

  • Call for transparency

    The Times|Feb 4, 2021

    Dear Editor, The decision to fire Walla Walla Columbia County Dist. 2 Fire Chief, Michael Moynihan, should be rescinded immediately. It was made secretly in executive session at the Fire Commissioners' most recent board meeting. This amounts to character assassination despite the fact that section 5 in Moynihan’s contract states that termination can take place at will, without cause for any reason, and without available grievance procedures. Even he has no explanation as to why he was dismissed. Moynihan knows his position as a Chief and how t...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Feb 4, 2021

    Waitsburg Community, Pastor Matt Wyatt and his wife Krystal have a new adventure ahead. How profound a contribution they have made in the life of the Christian Church and in the life of Waitsburg! They will be missed greatly. But not too fast! With their departure set for August we will still benefit greatly from their friendship and their ministry. Stan Hughes Pastor, Waitsburg Presbyterian Church...

  • A letter of thanks

    The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    Dear Waitsburg Community, We are writing you on behalf of the Waitsburg Resource Center and the Waitsburg Ministerial Association. We want to thank you all so very much for your generosity. These have been difficult times, but because of your gifts, we have been able to help meet the needs of many. Yours, Pastor Matt Wyatt, Waitsburg Christian Church, (916) 622-9932 Pastor Stan Hughes, Waitsburg Presbyterian Church, (509) 607-5409 (Please do feel free to contact either of us.)...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    Washington State, under the leadership of Governor Jay Inslee, recently received national recognition for adopting the pandemic protocol established by scientists and health care professionals: “Against all odds some states have managed to keep the virus under control. Washington State, which recorded 37 of the nation’s first 50 coronavirus deaths, has kept in place a steadily adjusting suite of mitigation measures and now ranks 44th in deaths per capita. If the nation had achieved a rate comparable to Washington’s, about 220,000 fewer peopl...

  • A New Year, a Good year

    The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    This is the insert I wrote on my New Year’s cards for 2021. Since last year was so depressing, I wanted to do something positive, and this has helped me as well as several of my friends, so I thought I would share it with you so more people can benefit from it. Most of my friends have put the card where they can read it each day. I hope it will help others! Let’s make 2021 productive and fun! Let us not dwell on this past year for what might have been. We cannot change it, but we can learn from it and enter into 2021 with strong desires to ful...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    Dear Neighbors, I am writing to express my concern for this lovely community that I have just become a part of. May God bless and protect you because I have some serious doubts that the Fire Department knows how. As you may be aware, my husband, Michael Moynihan, was recently let go from the Columbia-Walla Walla Fire District after only three short months of employment. Since he has yet to learn why he was let go, I can only assume it has something to do with the transition to a more professional fire department, one that would be respected by...

  • Waitsburg's "One of a Kind" pride attacked

    The Times|Jan 21, 2021

    Change is the only thing permanent in the world since the beginning of time. Though not popular or easy, it can be progressively profitable. Absolute honesty and unselfishness are usually the missing factors omitted from decisions made in secrecy. Discharging Fire Chief Michael Moynihan is a blemish on the character of Waitsburg’s “One of a Kind” pride. It must be challenged. Sincerely, Phillip Monfort Waitsburg...


    Lane Gwinn, The Times|Jan 14, 2021

    Over the last four years, there has been an increased narrative that the mainstream media and print journalism are purveyors of ‘fake news.” The news media has repeatedly been presented as “the enemy of the people” by our president; when, in fact, it is one of the most essential and critical elements of our success as a democracy. The Constitution protects and encourages the free press. Without this protection, the press would not be able to alert citizens to government abuses and corruption. As a locally published paper, The Times works u...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Jan 14, 2021

    Dear Waitsburg Parents, We want you to know that we are thinking of you every day. We thank the reporting from the Waitsburg Times which helped us do that. We have copied the pictures the paper published of each of your elementary children, and every week are stapling a photo to each bulletin. This past Sunday we encouraged this week’s prayer be for 2nd graders and their families. A number of our congregation, out of health concerns, are viewing our messages online. They all are receiving our bulletins by mail, including the photo of a child t...

  • Support for affordable housing

    The Times|Jan 7, 2021

    Affordable housing means stability for families and community members; homeownership is one of the best ways to build financial comfort. The availability of affordable housing attracts families to help support our schools and businesses. Many local employers have difficulty attracting qualified, quality employees when housing is at a premium. Rents and home prices in our region have increased faster than incomes. In Walla Walla County, the median home resale value increased from $174,700 in 2013 to $249,300 in 2018, a 43% increase over five...

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