Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    I have known Mike Mitchell for almost 30 years. We met when I took a job scrubbing clubs at Walla Walla Country Club as I was going to college. I later served the Walla Walla Valley in the education system, as coach, teacher, principal, central office administrator and currently work for CH2MHILL. Through it all Mike has treated me the same with a highly level of respect and thoughtfulness. I have found Mike to be trustworthy. There was a time (like everyone) I struggled with a very sensitive issue. I went to Mike for some assistance. Mike was...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    I think Brandon Johnson has the experience, smarts, and personality to be a very good Superior Court judge. I urge you to vote for him. I am a Superior Court judge. I was first elected in 2008. Before that I was in a private law firm. Brandon Johnson was a lawyer in that firm. I know from personal experience that Brandon was, and is, a good lawyer. He studied and understood the law. He worked hard, was fair, and treated people equally. All important qualities for a judge. I have been told some people question Brandon’s experience in criminal l...

  • Dear Editor:

    The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    I have known Mike Mitchell both professionally and personally and believe that he is the most qualified to be our next Superior Court Judge. Mike is a man of the utmost integrity whose legal career has extended over all areas of criminal and civil law. He has 42 years as a practicing attorney including working in the Prosecutors office where he was involved in numerous jury trials. He was also a partner in a local law firm handling criminal cases. Since 1989 Mike has been a sole practitioner where he has gained the diverse skill sets required...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    Garbe Reser shares my values. Perry Dozier is a party line Trump/Culp supporter. According to the Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Dozier said, “He wants Culp to be the man he answers to as the district’s next state senator.” I believe our next state senator should answer to all the citizens he represents. Not to a small-town sheriff who believes you only enforce the laws you happen to like. My vote goes to the candidate who will uphold the law, believes in science and shares my values that all people have a right to be equally represented. My vo...

  • Editor Waitsburg Times,

    The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    I write in support of Brandon Johnson’s candidacy for Walla Walla County Superior Court Judge. Brandon worked for me as a law clerk when I was a judge on the Washington State Court of Appeals. He was smart. He worked hard. And he cared about people. I know that he cares deeply about his family and the Walla Walla Community. He will make an excellent Superior Court Judge and I urge the citizens of Walla Walla to vote for him. Judge Dennis J. Sweeney, Retired Richland, WA...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    Danielle Garbe Reser is uniquely qualified to become the 16th Legislative District’s next Senator. After graduating with honors from Whitman College, Danielle earned a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University. Between 2001 and 2015, Danielle worked for the State Department. During the administration of President Bush, she served on the staff of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She later served on the National Security Council staff of President Obama. During her tenure at the State Department, she was posted to U.S. Embassi...

  • Frances Chvatal is uniquely qualified to serve

    The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    Letter to the editor, Frances Chvatal is running to represent the 16th Legislative District in the State of Washington and I could not be more excited. I met Frances nearly three decades ago when we both served in healthcare management at what is now Providence St. Mary Medical Center in Walla Walla. Before I met Frances, I had the privilege of meeting her parents, Ed and Rosina. Ed, a local farmer, had volunteered for years on the Community Advisory Board at St. Mary and Rosina was legendary as a nurse educator. Ed and Rosina both served our...

  • Letter of Endorsement for Perry Dozier for State Senate, District 16

    The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    Our region must come together to vote and Elect Perry Dozier for State Senate Dist. 16. This election puts us at a crossroads of where we will be in a few years. Will we be more in debt? Will parents’ choices on how to raise their children be infringed on even further? Will hardworking laborers that make our region so vibrant go unrepresented? All these are issues that affect me personally, my parents who work the fields and processing plants, my children who I am choosing to raise in a conservative manner. Perry Dozier will ensure that all t...

  • Mike Mitchell is the best candidate for Superior Court Judge

    The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    I have been a trial court judge in Pierce County for nearly 24 years and have known Mike Mitchell professionally for the last eight years. Our families, however, have been acquainted for well over 40 years. Mike is an exceptional candidate for a critical position. He is devoted to sustaining and improving our current justice system. As a practicing attorney and Court Commissioner, Mike has reflected the highest traditions of the bench, through honesty, integrity, and compassion for others. Mike will bring to the bench a keen knowledge of the...

  • Cheers

    The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    Many thanks to the volunteers of Waitsburg Fire District #2 and Dayton Fire District #3 who responded to the report of a fire that was blazing in the dry grass and stubble at our place on Field’s Gulch Road. Due to the prompt response a potentially serious fire was prevented and our buildings and trees still stand, and people and creatures who live there are safe Neighboring property also could have been threatened if flames had spread. Hooray for the volunteers who jump on their trucks to f...

  • Neighbor's plea for respectful election cycle

    The Times|Oct 1, 2020

    Dear Editor, In 2018, my young relatives in Texas had worked hard for Beto O’Rourke’s bid for US Senate, and they came so close to victory. Out of anger and disappointment, I posted a rude remark on Facebook that included a curse word and then was rightly called out for it by a Facebook friend. I removed the post, apologized in a private message, and agreed that ugly language was not appropriate or necessary; I should be able to make my case without it. We put yard signs up in support of Democratic candidates. Our neighbors across the street pu...

  • Endorsement of Talbott

    The Times|Oct 1, 2020

    Dear Editor, I am writing to endorse Mike Talbott for Columbia County Commissioner, Position #2. I have known Mike for over 40 years. Mike and I have daughters the same age, we both farmed, and have been involved in many similar community activities. Mike is a leader and has demonstrated his leadership skills in many ways. He has been a County Commissioner for eight years and served on the Dayton School Board for 17 years. He also served as President on the Columbia County Grain Growers Board and was a member of that board for many years. He...

  • Mayberry is that person

    The Times|Sep 24, 2020

    It is vital we vote for an effective advocate for our County Commissioner. Jenny Mayberry is that person. A successful local business woman, passionate in her giving and highly invested in our community. Her business supports a variety of projects and fundraisers to help organizations and nonprofits. Jenny selflessly gives countless hours to the care of our community through her volunteer service as a Firefighter/EMT. She has a passion for the health and well being of our community. I met Jenny a couple years ago and my first impression upon...

  • Frances Chvatal is the best candidate

    The Times|Sep 24, 2020

    The 16th Legislative District is changing. While the 16th LD is composed of Columbia and Walla Walla counties, most of southern Benton County, and Pasco, it is no longer predominately an agricultural region. Our region has a rich diversity in its peoples and industry. Even within the agricultural sectors we see a multitude of different agribusiness variations with sometimes competing legislative policy needs. These policy areas are as wide ranging as water use, pesticide application, to immigration and if I dare say —public health! Throw in t...

  • MiTCHELL is trustworthy

    The Times|Sep 24, 2020

    Dear Editor: I’ve known Mike a long time. He was a trustworthy, straight talking friend to all as a teenager and hasn’t changed—he has become more so. His compassion runs deep and he understands how important it is for everyone to be heard. That is how Mike approaches every facet of the law and he has practiced them all! From prosecuting cases in criminal court, traffic court and the State Appellate and Supreme Courts to defending criminals and engaging the breadth of civil law and arbitration, Mike is committed to fairness for every perso...

  • Letter to the editor,

    The Times|Sep 24, 2020

    Letter to the editor, The Mayor and City Council Public Safety Standing Committee (“Committee”) contests claims made by Commissioner Ryan Rundell in the September 10, 2020 edition of The Times. As provided in the June 22, 2020 Press Release, the County did send notice in May 2019 requesting negotiations on the interlocal agreements. Though, at the time, the City and County had actually been in formal negotiations since mid-2017; and, the City had requested level of services (“LOS”) and budget information dating as far back as 2016. Our inquiri...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Sep 17, 2020

    Dear Editor: I’m writing to endorse Mike Mitchell for Superior Court Judge Position 1. Though I retired from the practice of law about four years ago, prior thereto I had a number of cases over the years where Mike was on the other side. Hence, I can tell you from my own experience that Mike is a first-class lawyer and will make a first-class judge. Mike’s knowledge of the law is unsurpassed. He has handled all variety of cases including criminal (both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney); civil (including domestic, personal injury, estat...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Sep 10, 2020

    Voting by mail should replace voting at the polls in its entirety. The two institutions that can definitely be trusted is the County Board of Elections and the United States Postal Service. The money saved by eliminating the need for poll workers could be used to offer free postage on the envelopes used to vote by mail. The person voting would also have more time to consider what they are voting for and would not be confined to the hours of the polling place. It would also prevent unwanted entry to schools and churches from anyone trying to...

  • Letter to the editor

    The Times|Sep 3, 2020

    Brandon Johnson has integrity and skills. I support Brandon Johnson for Superior Court Judge in Walla Walla. He has a sharp mind, excellent skills for this position, and is a man of integrity. He will be an impartial judge and respect all who enter his courtroom. It is wonderful that we have an experienced, young professional equipped to do an excellent job for us. Brandon is dedicated to the law and our community. Walla Walla will be well served by Brandon Johnson as our Superior Court Judge. Please join me and vote for Brandon. Jane...

  • Why I will vote Frances Chvatal

    The Times|Aug 27, 2020

    Why I will vote Frances Chvatal As a woman, I will vote for Frances Chvatal because she knows what it feels like to have to fight for equal opportunity, for respect, and for the right to be who and what she is. As a person of color, I will vote Frances Chvatal because she has shown compassion for our community. She recognizes that we have different struggles and that we have the equal right to work towards our American dream. As a working mother, I will vote for Frances Chvatal because she knows what it means to have to leave the home every...

  • Support for Jenny Mayberry

    The Times|Aug 27, 2020

    My daughter, Jenny Mayberry, is running for Walla Walla County commissioner. Jenny is very honest, intelligent, purposeful and has the drive needed to get things done. I know for a fact that she is passionate about working hard for ALL the people and she will do it with a commitment to excellence and open mindedness. Jenny PROUDLY supports Farmers, Small Businesses, Law-Enforcement and Fire/EMS. Jenny loves Walla Walla County and loves the United States of America. That is why I am voting for my daughter! Won’t you join me in voting for J...

  • Letter of support for Mike Mitchell

    The Times|Aug 27, 2020

    Letter to the Editor I am writing in support of Mike Mitchell for Superior Court Judge, Position 1. It is imperative for our community to elect a judge with depth and breadth of quality legal experience. Mike has been on both sides of almost every fence the court straddles. He understands each side’s arguments and positions having made them as an attorney during the last 42 years. This includes criminal law (both prosecutorial and defense), civil litigation, family law, estate planning and probate, business formation, juvenile law and d...

  • Writer endorses Mike Mitchell for Superior Court Judge

    The Times|Aug 20, 2020

    Dear Editor: Mike Mitchell has earned the vote for Superior Court Judge. His experience and the respect from the community he knows make him the most qualified for this position. I have known Mike for over 50 years. My connection to Mike is both professional and personal. Mike was the Corporate Attorney for my company, Tate Transportation, and we grew up together in this community. Mike was born and raised in Walla Walla. He continues his family’s distinguished legal and civic legacy. Mike’s great uncle Roy Raley was one of the founders of the...

  • Letter to the Editor

    The Times|Aug 20, 2020

    Editor, Before anyone takes the 8/13 Times’ reading suggestion of Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility, they might consider reading John McWhorter’s review of the book in The Atlantic, titled The Dehumanizing Condescension of White Fragility. It’s a great companion piece. Seth Murdock Dayton Editor’s note: The article mentioned can be found at the following link:

  • Inaction to census is not an option

    Aug 20, 2020

    The 2020 Census deadline is September 30, 2020, so you still have time to shape the next ten years of your community. The power to change Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, and SE Washington is in our hands. We can all help inform funding for each of the next ten years for public services like healthcare; law enforcement; employment and training; agriculture; food programs like school meals and SNAP; childcare; special education; transportation; roads; emergency assistance; and community development. Emergency flood assistance and most of the...

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