Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Dusty Britches Farmer loves Brianna's gardening article

    The Times|Jul 30, 2020

    Dear Editor: I just wanted to say I absolutely loved Bri’s gardening article. So absolutely true. Gardening is a labor of love full of relaxation, peace and reward if attended and educated upon. I have learned so much the last two years and have so much more to learn, having fun and excited gardening friends with helpful suggestions and advice surely makes the difference. Love the idea of this rump tractor. It’s brilliant! Some of us aren’t so comfortable crawling around on the ground to be certain. I shall keep my eye out for one. Thank...

  • Writer feels Dozier is the best candidate

    Jul 30, 2020

    Dear Editor: It has been my pleasure of knowing Perry Dozier, his wife, and their families for 55 plus years. While Perry was in high school, he excelled in academics, athletics, and Associated Student Body offices. After graduating from Prescott High School, he attended Whitman College and graduated with a degree in economics. Perry eventually returned to operate the family wheat farm. He was a very active member in the Northwest Grain Growers, and he was President of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers. He also served as a Walla Walla...

  • Mike Mitchell will be an effective and proficient Superior Court Judge

    The Times|Jul 23, 2020

    Dear Editor: Mike Mitchell is a man of integrity, honesty and a person who will be an excellent Superior Court Judge. I have known and worked with Mike during my 43-year career at Walla Walla County. When I worked as Director of the Department of Court Services and later as Director of Walla Walla County Corrections, I served at the pleasure of thirteen different Superior Court Judges in both Walla Walla and Columbia counties. I am familiar with the qualities and expertise that Superior Court Judges must possess to be effective and proficient...

  • Writer appreciates City Council's Flood Mitigation plan

    The Times|Jul 23, 2020

    Dear Editor: One of the frustrations I have as a result of reaching out to flood survivors of the February 2020 flood is the need for a plan for flood mitigation. What I heard at last night’s Waitsburg City Council Meeting was a well thought out plan for mitigation. The utility tax will be a community effort to protect our neighbors and businesses in the flood zone. Waitsburg, once again, outstrips neighboring communities with forward thinking and action. In addition, it is much easier to get information in Waitsburg. Thank you to our c...

  • Fenleys for Klicker

    The Times|Jul 23, 2020

    To the Editor, We would like to encourage everyone to join us in voting for Mark Klicker for WA State House Rep. District 16, Position 1. Mark is a man of integrity, hard work, and dedication. He is exactly the person we need to represent southeastern Washington. He is committed to getting our economy back on track, and getting agriculture and the hundreds of small businesses booming again. Mark knows that all businesses are essential, not just Costco, Walmart and Amazon! Vote Mark Klicker for a strong voice in Olympia. Jim & Amy...

  • Dozier only candidate with budget balancing experience

    The Times|Jul 23, 2020

    During this time in our community, an election has never been more important and that is why Perry Dozier has my vote for State Senate, District 16. I have known Perry for years. He is a life-long resident of our area and is a small business owner. Translation: He knows what our businesses are going through right now and how to best serve them and their employees. During my 13 years as Executive Director of the Moms’ Network of Walla Walla, Perry was a consistent supporter concerned about our local families and the ability they had to access l...

  • Listening is an important attribute of maturity and compassion

    The Times|Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor: I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to attend the recent community event in Walla Walla that enabled local speakers to share their feelings about living in a racist society and was utterly impressed by the manner in which both presenters and other attendees respectfully treated one another. My experience has stayed with me and I have built upon it with conversations, readings, and exposure to history via other media. The willingness and capacity to listen to anybody with a very different story to tell are important attributes of matu...

  • Writer supports Mike Mitchell for Superior Court Judge

    Jul 16, 2020

    I am writing in support of Mike Mitchell’s candidacy for Superior Court Judge. While the Superior Court Judges position is not on the primary, only on the general election ballot in November, many of us will be making our choices prior to that. I have known Mike for over 50 years, during which time he has been my attorney, a personal friend, and our family friend. I am supporting Mike, not because of our friendship, but because of his qualifications. He has been a criminal Prosecuting attorney, a criminal defense attorney, Mediator, A...

  • Reser has experience and a commitment to service

    Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor, We’re truly fortunate to have Danielle Garbe Reser running to represent the 16th Legislative District in the state senate. Danielle’s background and experience make her uniquely qualified for this position. She grew up in Moses Lake and earned a scholarship to Whitman College where she graduated with honors; she then attended Columbia University on full scholarship and earned her Masters in Public Administration. She served our country for 14 years with the U.S. State Department under both Republican and Democratic adm...

  • Writer heralds Dozier's fiscal responsibility and land development work

    Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor: With the August 4th primary election approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of the 16th Legislative District for forty-seven years, I, along with the rest of the District, have been fortunate to have fiscally responsible elected officials throughout the years. Many of which have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel very strongly that this single point should be a...

  • Garbe Reser has political acumen and a demonstrated commitment to the community

    Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor, In the course of her career with the U.S. Department of State under both Republican and Democratic administrations, Danielle Garbe Reser served the United States in a variety of roles. These roles included crisis management in response to both the Syrian war and the Bali terrorist attacks in 2002. As a diplomatic advisor to the U.S. Senate, Garbe Reser performed diligent work with the Armed Services Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, and the U.S. Department of Energy. Returning to her Eastern Washington roots in 2015,...

  • Writer disappointed by negative radio ad

    Jul 16, 2020

    Dear Editor: It was very disappointing to hear the first negative ad on the radio for this local election cycle. It was unclear whether it was supported by either the democratic candidate or the other republican in the race against Bill Jenkin but apparently someone is feeling threatened by him. To me that means he must be doing a good job. Jim Davison...

  • Letters

    the Times|Jul 9, 2020

    Editor, The Waitsburg Times Publisher has this to say after attending the Peace Rally in Walla Walla: “The topic of our country’s systemic racism and its effects on people of color is difficult to hear.” She continues, “It was a big reminder that we must listen, truly listen, to voices other than our own. Listening without feeling the need to respond or debate.” This is awful advice. What if those “voices other than our own” are spewing bad ideas? Bad ideas that meet with no response or debate tend to turn into implemented bad ideas, bad po...

  • Experience Counts!

    the Times|Jul 9, 2020

    Dear Editor: We are fortunate indeed to have a remarkably experienced and qualified candidate running for the State Senate this year. Danielle Garbe-Reser, was born, raised, and educated in Eastern Washington. On September 10, 2001, she began what would be a dozen years of advancing our country’s interests, at duty stations and embassies in the post 9/11 world. Stateside, she also served American interests in the White House during both Republican and Democratic administrations, serving on the Staff of Condolezza Rice at State and, later, on t...

  • Columbia Hospital Chief advocates for assisted-living cottages

    the Times|Jul 9, 2020

    To the editor: Too many times in life an event leads to an abrupt change in a reactive manner versus proactive, planned approaches to change. Sometimes this is hard to avoid but in the case of choosing to age in place, most people will tell you that they want to remain in their homes and community with many feeling that this is completely feasible, and the good news is that studies support this idea. AARP’s most recent survey of adults age 50 and over reveals that 76% want to remain in their homes as long as possible, and that only 5% of the 6...

  • Garbe Reser's experience and accomplishments are unmatched

    Jul 2, 2020

    Dear Editor: Primary election day is approaching. Early voting begins on July 17th. Danielle Garbe Reser is the Democratic Party candidate for the 16th legislative district senate seat. Her experience, accomplishments, and commitment to working for the common good are unmatched. After graduating from Whitman College, cum laude, Danielle earned a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University on a full-ride scholarship from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and the United States State Department. Between 2002-2015, Danielle worked for...

  • Black Lives Matter organizers ask for changes

    Jul 2, 2020

    Dear Editor: On behalf of Black Lives Matter Walla Walla, we, the organizers, demand that the Walla Walla Police Department be held to the highest standards as they work to protect our community. We support Black Lives Matter. We take a firm stance against police use of brutality and force, as well as expect transparency and communication from the WWPD. Our demands are separated into two categories; Use of Force, and Representation and Accountability. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but rather a starting point for authentic, tangible...

  • We still need to decide about masks

    Tracy Thompson, The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Sixteen weeks into this pandemic and I’ll admit, I’ve grown a little weary of the mask debate. Excuse me, cloth face-covering discussion. It seems endless, and redundant, and far too enmeshed in emotions and political parties. It’s exhausting! Do I choose to go to the trouble of sewing my own, having someone else make one for me, or buy some to wear when I go out and about these days? Do I always remember to have it on my person when I stop into a grocery store or pick up some takeout? Do I wear one at the home of friends? While seated at an...

  • Only Jesus Christ can clear our minds of hate and anger

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor: Down through the ages whether in chains or cuffs character has been more important than color. Guilt from defying authority brings on bad consequences and defines character. In spite of being either free or prisoner the issue is not color. We need to get our priorities straight by the Book or we get what we deserve. Sometimes it’s death though not always. Seventy years ago, at age 27, I was headed for Hell. Grace was offered to me and I accepted it. I am here to tell you to choose Grace and respect authority. Grace has no color b...

  • Support local businesses

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor: Now is the time to make a big effort to rebuild our community by shopping small. Waitsburg has 600 households. If every household, every month spent $20 less out of town or on line and spent that $20 with our local hometown merchants, it would amount to $12000.00 in additional monies spent in Waitsburg, additional sales tax for our city services, and an opportunity to meet our neighbors. Every dollar spent locally, circulates locally 7 times. When you buy from your local small business neighbor, that proprietor pays her rent, city...

  • Face masks are useful in slowing the spread of COVID-19

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the letter sent to the editor a few weeks ago regarding face masks. I believe the writer is mistaken as to the efficacy of the masks. Community spread has increased, mostly as a result of relaxed “stay at home” orders and more public interaction. The more I read about the spread and the recent uptick in cases, the more I am convinced that masks in public places, although not a panacea, are useful in slowing down the spread of COVID-19. The reason masks were not recommended at the start of the pan...

  • Waitsburg Christian Church to remain closed

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    When I spoke to the congregation as we went into Phase 2 in Walla Walla County, I said that we have been praying heavily over the direction of the church, when to reopen the building, and that it may feel that we are slower moving than other churches in our area. This past week has been a mixture of emotions as the leadership of the church has continued to pray and ask God for answers. On Wednesday night we prayed over a June 28th opening for an outside service. That night was a night of restless sleep as I realized that I was rushing God’s tim...

  • Writer sees wearing a face mask as dehumanizing and humiliating

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    I am extremely worried about the current COVID-19 situation, and my concern has nothing to do with coughing, sneezing, or any other symptoms of the common cold/flu. In the recent video press release on May 31, 2020 Jay Inslee mandated that all workers in Washington state, effective June 8, must now wear a face covering at all times, and if they don’t abide by these rules are subject to all sorts of fines, although, in classic Inslee fashion, he is indefinite about the specifics, leaving us to infer the worst. Inslee loves to talk about S...

  • Taking a R.I.S.K.

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    This last Sunday I was fortunate to be in attendance at the Peace Rally held in Walla Walla. I was there to take photographs for the The Times. I was immediately impressed with the number of people who turned out for the event. As I was taking photographs, I got caught up listening to the speeches from the impressive lineup of scheduled and impromptu speakers. The topic of our country’s systemic racism and its effects on people of color is difficult to hear. It was a big reminder that we must listen, truly listen, to voices other than our o...

  • in appreciation...

    the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    Dear Waitsburg Families, As the final month of the 2019-20 school year approaches, we want to take a moment to thank you all for the tremendous efforts you are making to help your children stay engaged in learning from home. Our staff truly appreciate the partnerships that were made with you during this difficult time in our state and nation. We know that this is a stressful time for students and families, and we are committed to helping all of our students finish the school year strong. With a...

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