Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Into the light

    The Times|Mar 16, 2023

    To the editor: I have been struggling a little these last few days. I had an attack of ego the other day that I am still trying to get right sized. I recognized it quickly and started measures to alter course. But more troubling is the constant barrage of disparaging words that I hear from state houses around this nation. As a human being in this most marginalized category, it is troubling to read the news or listen to talking heads on our media. Every day, I am met with this negativity. Yet I insist I must take the high road. But I talk to my...

  • Library Board Trustee speaks on appeal decision

    The Times|Mar 9, 2023

    To the editor, I serve on the Board of Trustees for the Columbia County Rural Library District. I would like to speak to the issue of books in the library that some members in the community want removed from the shelves. At our regular meeting a week ago, the board was asked to consider an appeal by Marcene Hendrickson regarding Juno Dawson’s book “What’s the T .” The vote was 4 to 1 to reject the appeal. My reason for rejecting the appeal is because the board is bound by the collections policy. The only two questions we the board had to cons...

  • "Thanks for the laugh."

    The Times|Mar 9, 2023

    To the Editor, Dayton Library Board Meeting February 27, 2023—I was greeted by protestors carrying signs wanting to have a book banned from the library. The meeting room filled up mostly with protesters. Prior to the board’s discussion of the book. There was a lecture about our 1st Amendment rights conducted by Dr. Tamara Meredith. She talked about the rights of each individual to see and receive information from all points of view without restrictions. After the board discussed the book to be banned. The chairperson stated that if you had actu...

  • Concern over council member's ethics

    The Times|Feb 16, 2023

    Dayton deserves great leadership. The City Council members were elected or appointed to handle our tax money and make responsible decisions in the best interest for the City of Dayton. As an elected official in local government, you are responsible for conducting yourself in council and in public with respect and dignity. To ensure you have a complete understanding of acceptable behavior, each of you were required to read, to sign, and to uphold the guidelines within the ethics handbook. I am writing this letter because the council members and...

  • Times Writers recognized

    The Times|Feb 16, 2023

    This letter is to let you know how much I enjoy your local writers. Brad Trumbo’s “ Palouse Outdoors: The Final Day” in the February 2nd issue was so evocative of season and place that although I have absolutely no interest in hunting, I wished I were there in the “crisp bluebird morning” among the golden wheat straw and prickly wild roses. Popo Ott’s vignettes offer really unusual and interesting mini-adventures. Luke Chavez’s recipes look delicious, but I confess to not having made one yet. And last but not least, Vicki Sternfeld-Ros...

  • The Dayton Eagles contribute much to the community

    The Times|Feb 9, 2023

    Dear Editor, As we go about our daily lives in Dayton, WA, we encounter many, many wonderful individuals. I have the privilege of knowing a group of such individuals; a group that works as a team and makes up the Dayton Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary #2618. The Dayton Eagles Auxiliary #2618 have been raising money to support the Aerie and their community they love, for over 70 years. The Aerie and Auxiliary has and continues to fundraise and donate in a multitude of ways. Donated swim passes for all the kids in town Helped with band uniforms for...

  • School Board Recognition month

    The Times|Jan 26, 2023

    Dear Editor: By proclamation of the governor, January is School Board Recognition Month. It's a great time to recognize our elected community members who selflessly give their time and energy in support of high-quality public schooling for our youth. School board members in Waitsburg are entrusted by this community with responsibility for an annual budget of $ 5.2 million, 274 students, 45 employees and 3 academic buildings. School boards are charged with making decisions that can sometimes be q...

  • Asking for more Support for Dayton Senior Center

    The Times|Dec 29, 2022

    To the Editor: During the past three years, our Senior Center has continued to serve meals twice weekly for delivery and added outside pickup when the dining room was closed. Throughout the past three years, practical precautions have been taken to keep everyone safe and healthy, and we can proudly say that not one case of Covid19 has been reported from an exposure at the Senior Center. Is anybody in City or County Government aware that Dayton has a Senior Center? You would never know it by gauging how much attention it has received from the...

  • Weller Library; a sum of all parts

    The Times|Dec 29, 2022

    Dear Editor, As the year closes on 2022 for Weller Public Library, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the people and organizations that have contributed to the success of the library this year: Weller Public Library Board of Trustees, who give their time volunteering in support of the library and staff. Library support staff Sarah Roberts, whose skill and experience have been responsible for the new library webpage, social media posts and overall organization of the face of Weller online. Library support staff Amanda With...

  • Rebecca's Lodge Will Be Missed!

    The Times|Dec 22, 2022

    Madam Editor, I write to bid fond farewell to a Starbuck, Washington institution. Rebecca’s Lodge closed its doors after serving its last meal on Saturday, December 17, 2022. Tiina and I drove to Starbuck from Waitsburg that morning to mark the end of an era and to enjoy a great breakfast. The house was full of folks catching up with family and friends. Being a small town (population 120), everyone minded their own business. More or less. It was about 9:30 a.m. when a young couple sat with their children at the next table. They began by o...

  • Letter from Santa

    The Times|Dec 22, 2022

    Dear Editor and readers of The Times, As I began my exit through the hallways behind the scenes at a mall last week, I saw my Santa's Helper and asked if the reindeer were okay. He smiled and said the young ones always think the grass is greener outside the pens. This time not only was that grass greener, but it was artificial. Alas, a learning experience for another young reindeer. You see, Santa's sleigh is pulled by experienced reindeer, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner,...

  • A thank you to town from Santa

    The Times|Dec 8, 2022

    Dear Editor and readers of The Times, I am taking the time to send a follow-up letter to the Editor of the Waitsburg Times after a fabulous weekend spent in the Waitsburg area visiting with children of all ages. Not only did I visit with children in Waitsburg at Ten Ton Coffee but had the opportunity to visit the Walla Walla Senior Center and the Kirkman House Museum. The Senior Center hosted a bazaar to welcome the holiday season. I was invited to visit the vendors, staff, bazaar patrons, and their children. I had a surprise visit from the...

  • Waitsburg letter brings Santa back to town for a visit this weekend

    The Times|Dec 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, Every year thousands of letters pour into my Inbox. Believe it or not, they trickle in all year long, but for the most part, they come in during the month of December. The letters range all over the map, from a request for a doll or car to miraculous healings. By and large, these letters are dripping with sweetness and wide eyes, literally dreaming of the items requested. Some are written very formally, and others are scratched out on scraps of paper with smeared crayons. I am particularly touched when a letter mentions others and...

  • Kellie Rose is the bomb!

    The Times|Nov 24, 2022

    The recent Waitsburg Times interview with pop artist Kellie Rose is what drove me to attend her recent concert at the Royal Block. Her life story told in the Times article about her years of hard work, dedication and unwavering determination to become the professional that she is made me really want to see her do her thing. Her live performance and sound was way, way bigger than any solo performance I’ve ever seen! She not only sang and played guitar, she used a doubling pedal unit to a beautiful effect often sounding like a 5-piece band! I f...

  • Deputies positive role in DSD

    The Times|Nov 17, 2022

    To Whom It May Concern, First, a big thank you to the new deputies & Joe Helm! I would like to inform my community about this topic and recognize the benefits of the deputies in our high school. Joe Helm hired a lot of new deputies this year. Many of which have been involved within Dayton High School. The deputies are here during school hours, greeting kids and making our school experience fun and safe. Joe Helm did a wonderful job hiring these deputies. They each have their own personalities and are very involved with all the kids. “Deputy B...

  • Honesty in Candidate ads is needed

    The Times|Nov 10, 2022

    The recent election has, once again, been filled with negative ads with questionable “facts.” A while back, a news item on CBS Morning News stated it was legal and acceptable for candidates to lie in campaign materials and ads. My question is, why should those paying for political ads not be held to the same standards as average citizens? Shouldn’t they be held legally accountable, as would the citizens they hope to represent? It seems like a no-brainer that this should not be acceptable nor allowed by any reasonable standard. The quest...

  • Support for Jared Hawkins

    The Times|Nov 3, 2022

    Jared Hawkins is the clear choice for Walla Walla County Part Time District Court Judge. Not only does he have the necessary relevant experience and personal character, he has also dedicated countless volunteer hours over the past decade to serve and improve all corners of Walla Walla County. He leads by example and genuinely cares about our community. Jared can be trusted to take the time to listen, analyze, and provide sound and impartial judgment, free from external influence. He will be a judge who balances compassion with accountability...

  • A Vote for Jan Corn

    The Times|Nov 3, 2022

    To the Editor, Residents of Washington’s 16th legislative district would be better served by Jan Corn as their representative in Olympia. Jan was a business owner in Walla Walla for over 25 years and knows the challenges facing entrepreneurs in our community. She has demonstrated her leadership skills by serving on the boards of local organizations including Rotary where she was president. She appreciates differing points of view and can work across the political aisle. Our current representative portrays himself as a moderate but he blames t...

  • Co-chair of Friends of the Pool speaks out on misleading information about JMPD

    The Times|Nov 3, 2022

    Dear Editor, I endorse Proposition #1. The creation of a Columbia County Joint Metropolitan Park District. Columbia County Resolution 2022-23 and the City of Dayton Resolution 1498 signed by all county commissioners and city council members to put forth Proposition #1 for voter approval to create a Columbia County Joint Metropolitan Park District. The resolutions state, “Stable funding is essential to provide citizens of Columbia County and Dayton the best possible recreational opportunities and facilities, provide proper operation and m...

  • Jan Corn is committed to Community

    The Times|Nov 3, 2022

    To the editor: Skyler Rude has claimed that “affordability concerns,” including healthcare, housing, and childcare are among his top priorities. However, as state representative he voted against the development of affordable housing (HB 1220), against establishing a state-funded rental assistance program (HB 1277), against expanding the coverage of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Program (HB 1073), and against providing a monthly diaper subsidy for parents and caregivers who receive temporary assistance from the state (SB 5838), to name but a...

  • Darren Goble for County Commissioner 

    The Times|Oct 27, 2022

    To the Editor Darren Goble exemplifies the motto family and community first. Goble is a small town man, in every positive sense of the word. A fire department volunteer for decades, Goble always steps forward. When Goble was putting out his first road signs, he asked if he could place one in my yard. Without asking his position on things, I told him absolutely, I knew the man he is. Before he got in the political arena, Darren had my vote. Darren Goble is an American man. The kind we desperately miss these days. A man who looks up at the flag...

  • Vote for Positive Change

    The Times|Oct 27, 2022

    To the Editor: I urge you to vote for Jack Miller for Columbia County Commissioner and Jeff Jenkins for County Sheriff. These two men will work well together to reunite the community and lead with integrity. Jack Miller has the experience and knowledge to help lead this County using sound economic wisdom. Jeff Jenkins promises to use his law enforcement experience to protect the community with integrity and transparency. The current administration has led us toward more radical and adversarial tactics and has divided the community on many...

  • Appreciation for farming experience Miller brings

    The Times|Oct 27, 2022

    Letter to the Editor On Thursday October 20th, Port Commissioner Seth Bryan made the following statement on social media about County Commissioner Candidate, Jack Miller: “He has experience at nothing except farming.” And he didn’t follow it up with anything nice after that line. WOW, at least we all know how the CCC elected leaders really feel about the farmers in the area. Commissioner Amerein must have had to really carry more than his own weight sitting on the same commission as Farmer Marty Hall. Poor Marty must have to struggle every...

  • Support for Jared Hawkins

    The Times|Oct 27, 2022

    Dear Editor Walla Walla County has two fine choices for Part Time District Court Judge. However, Jared Hawkins is exceptionally qualified for this role. District court hears the disputes that normal people will likely experience at some point in their lives– traffic violations, minor criminal offenses and civil disputes less than $75,000.00, among others. For District Court, these issues are routine, but for most people, appearing before the court to resolve these problems may be the worst day of their lives. Jared has the temperament, e...

  • Appreciation for farming experience Miller brings

    The Times|Oct 27, 2022

    Letter to the Editor On Thursday October 20th, Port Commissioner Seth Bryan made the following statement on social media about County Commissioner Candidate, Jack Miller: “He has experience at nothing except farming.” And he didn’t follow it up with anything nice after that line. WOW, at least we all know how the CCC elected leaders really feel about the farmers in the area. Commissioner Amerein must have had to really carry more than his own weight sitting on the same commission as Farmer Marty Hall. Poor Marty must have to struggle every...

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