Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Good Economic News Sprinkled with Caution

    Don C. Brunell, the Times|Dec 13, 2018

    By Don C. Brunell The good news is Washington’s revenues continue to grow and projections for the next couple of years appear promising. That is welcome news, but it is sprinkled with caution about introducing new taxes. Our state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) quarterly update shows a whopping 17.3% increase in state income for the current biennium. That welcome announcement comes just in time for Christmas. For background, Washington’s budget is on a two-year cycle. The current...

  • Land Needed for Community Garden

    the Times|Nov 29, 2018

    Dear Editor, I’m part of a group looking into the possibility of establishing a community garden in Waitsburg. Our vision is for an accessible gathering place where people of all ages can come together and enjoy this activity. Right now, the biggest hurdle we face is finding the land to set the project up on. It would be a raised-bed garden, so the quality of the soil isn’t an issue. But we’d need some way of getting water for the plants (a spigot onsite, for example). If you own or know of a piece of land that we might be able to use, pleas...

  • Columbia County Tax Rates: How We All Benefit from New Business

    Jennie Dickinson, the Times|Nov 29, 2018

    By Jennie Dickinson, Executive Director, Port of Columbia At a recent public hearing regarding a conditional use permit for a proposed new business locating in Columbia County, two themes kept coming up that have caused the Port district concern. The first one was "How is this business helping the community?" and the second one was "The windmills have done nothing for us." The first statement was in regards to a potential blockchain business locating here. Many in the audience seemed to think...

  • Reducing Wildfire Risk Imperative

    Don C. Brunell, the Times|Nov 29, 2018

    By Don C. Brunell While massive wildfires are historic, they are more dangerous today. As our population grows, they are a greater threat to communities adjacent to wildlands. This year, with nearly 4.8 million acres already burned in the U.S. and wildfires finally contained in California, is shaping up to continue a trend that has seen the 10 worst fire seasons since 1960 in terms of acres burned, U.S. News reports. AccuWeather predicts the total economic loss to California when everything is...

  • Mayor's Budget Message

    the Times|Nov 22, 2018

    To: Citizens of Dayton It is that time of the year to present you with the 2019 Budget for the City of Dayton. 2018 went by so fast that I really have to sit and think what we did this past year. Our theme for 2018 was “Building Infrastructure,” and we had a great amount of accomplishments in this area. The biggest project was the street repairs that were completed due to the damage our streets encountered during the freeze of January-February 2017. The city is spending the nearly $1 million that we received from FEMA, the State of Was...

  • In Appreciation

    the Times|Nov 15, 2018

    A special thank you to the many friends of John Stellwagen. Our family wishes to thank you for your prayers, your many visits, and your many thoughtful and generous acts of kindness during his illness. John dearly loved this community. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you, The family of John Stellwagon...

  • Gettysburg Address

    the Times|Nov 15, 2018

    One hundred fifty-five years ago, on Nov. 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered a short address at the dedication of a military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It became one of the most renowned speeches in American history. In just 271 words, Lincoln reminded a war-weary public why the Union was engaged in and determined to win the Civil War. Here is the entire text of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the...

  • Fall Update from the City of Waitsburg

    the Times|Nov 8, 2018

    With colder temperatures and leaves starting to fall, I thought I would provide residents with some information regarding fall activities associated with the city. First, there has been a Washington State Department of Ecology burn ban in effect since January 1, 2007; meaning you cannot burn leaves or branches. The city does not pick up leaves, so please do not rake or blow them into the street as it actually can clog our street sweeper. Instead, residents of the city can dispose of their leaves in the leaf bin at the city shop in either bags...

  • Portland Shipyard Building Wave of the Future

    Don C. Brunell, the Times|Nov 8, 2018

    By Don C. Brunell Shipyard workers in Portland are building the first commercial-scale wave energy buoy which, if it works, could be part of a system providing electricity to communities along our nation’s coastline. Vigor’s shipyard has a $6.5 million contract to construct an 826-ton buoy which can generate 1.25 MW (megawatts) of electricity. Its principle selling point is it generates electricity without CO2 or other greenhouse gas emissions. Vigor estimates each buoy would offset 3,000 ton...

  • Support Urged for Chuck Amerein

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am urging you to support Chuck Amerein for Columbia county commissioner. He will be a fresh new face in our county government. While experience is helpful, change is good too. I think we need Chuck. He has many qualities that will make for a good commissioner. Leadership – he commanded soldiers Decision Making – His decisions were life and death decisions Business – He has owned and operated 2 fitness businesses which involves people skills, perseverance and a work ethic. Currently he is a journeyman carpenter as well as an in...

  • Crider is Best Qualified for Sheriff

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, This current race for Sheriff has been contentious. Not necessarily between the two candidates, but amongst their supporters. Some of the more troubling attacks I’ve seen revolve around the support the deputies have shown for Mark Crider. In one previously published UB letter to the editor, a former sheriff’s deputy wrote about the unprofessionalism of the deputies for voicing their opinion on whom the next Sheriff should be. He stated there was “a great deal of quiet support” for Matt Stroe amongst the “professional” deputies. E...

  • Thank you, Matthew Stroe

    the Times|Nov 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, As the election is winding down, I would like to personally thank Matt. Being Matt’s pastor, I have had the honor to sit front row to this process from beginning to end with the family. I will always remember the conversation that we had when he felt the call to run for Sheriff. I asked him one simple question: Why? He responded: I feel called to serve. Although he was confident that God was leading him in this direction, he had his concerns. He knew the attacks would come against his character, against his family, against his f...

  • Support Urged for Shochet

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am writing to urge you to support Cathy Loftus Shochet for Columbia County Treasurer. Cathy has all the necessary experience to be the next Treasurer. She has been the Chief Deputy Treasurer for 3 years which makes her extremely well qualified to move up to the Treasurer position. She already knows all the routines and computer systems that are used in the Treasurers’ office so there would a seamless transition to Treasurer. Cathy recently received training in the new systems that will be implemented at the office. She has e...

  • Support Urged for Crider

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, As the race for Walla Walla County Sheriff continues, I keep seeing and hearing how the Sheriff’s Office needs to go back to the way it was. Why would some of the citizens of Walla Walla County want the operations of the Sheriff’s Office to go backwards? Even though there have been changes at the Sheriff’s Office throughout the years, the last eight years have seen improvements that help serve the citizens of Walla Walla County better. Deputies have also benefited from this with more training, better equipment, hiring of quali...

  • I Endorse Dain Nysoe with No Reservations

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, Awesome! I’m writing today to encourage you to support my nephew Dain Nysoe for Columbia County commissioner. Yesterday I was driving around and ended up at the ranch, the home where I grew up. It’s so beautiful here! Everywhere you look there is a panorama of color, blue sky, the mountains: it’s awesome. It’s great to be home: this is where the heart is. Dain grew up here too and he loves it like I do. One of my early memories of Dain is when he was a kid and I was driving wheat truck: he would flag me down, “Stop, stop, sto...

  • For Love of Community, Vote for Brown

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, I personally know three people, owners of businesses on Dayton’s Main Street, who left them—closed them or otherwise got out—to take jobs with public agencies that offered benefits that included health insurance. I also know three others--young, talented employees of Dayton businesses--who left those jobs to take employment with public agencies that offered benefits that included health insurance. And I count three storefronts on Dayton’s Main Street that were occupied by private sector businesses, but after lying empty for som...

  • Support Urged for Nysoe

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, At the AAUW Candidates Forum in Dayton, both of the Columbia County Commissioner candidates appeared to be intelligent, conscientious and likeable citizens. The obvious and most important difference, however, was their level of administrative experience. The County Commissioner position is not a political position - - - it is an administrative position. Commissioners are expected to raise and wisely use funds from a variety of sources, administer a budget of about $15 million annually, manage a lot of county employees and their act...

  • Crider is Clear Choice

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, In these last few days before Election Day I’ve been thinking about respect. In a recent letter to the Union-Bulletin editor a man wrote that he didn’t think being a fighter pilot would make Mark Crider a better sheriff. Crider served this country for 10 years as a Naval aviator, commanding men & women and managing million-dollar budgets. He obeyed orders from superiors while looking out for the welfare of his troops. That is leadership, and that is what will make him a better sheriff than his opponent. Crider served his country in...

  • Why I Support Mark Crider

    the Times|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Editor, I support Mark Crider for Walla Walla County Sheriff. I was born in Mexico and came to the United States in 1990 at the age of 10. I have lived in Walla Walla since 1992 and attended Walla Walla public schools; graduating in 1999 from WA-HI. As a legal resident, I served in the Marine Corps for four years and received an honorable discharge. After my enlistment, I worked 6 years for BMAC conducting community outreach work as a neighborhood organizer for Commitment to Community. I’ve worked as an intervention specialist at both E...

  • Wives Support Crider

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, For over two decades, I have watched my husband come home shift after shift, proud of the work he does as a Walla Walla County Sheriff’s deputy. I take seriously his career decisions because they affect his life in a way few outside law enforcement understand. Like the other wives whose husbands daily put their lives on the line for this county, I don’t stand behind my husband in support; I stand alongside him. That is why a group of us came together when we saw that Mark Crider was running for Sheriff and that our husbands wan...

  • Please Support Stroe for Sheriff

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, This election year we do not have an incumbent running for County Sheriff. This means that we have an open seat race, and that equates into an opportunity for the citizens of Walla Walla County. It means that it is an opportune time to change direction if needed, to improve and to strengthen what already is functional. To accomplish any of the above, a candidate must have a working knowledge of the needs, challenges and issues that have transpired in our local community. It will take a sense of history to know what needs to be...

  • Support Urged for Francik

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, Sixteenth Legislative District Candidate Rebecca Francik, teacher and librarian, served on Pasco City Council: 1996-2017. She was: Mayor Pro Tem for more than 10 years; elected to the City Council five times as a nonpartisan. As a city council member, she worked for these projects: developing farm circles within Pasco’s urban growth boundary with the Department of Natural Resources; developing the Rivershore plan with the Port of Pasco; remodeling the Pasco Library and opening the West Pasco branch; expanding water and sewer s...

  • Support Dain Nysoe

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, In the present political climate, it is easy to become partisan and blindly vote for our chosen party. However, the work of a county commissioner is not driven by partisan ideology. Instead, professional experience, expertise, and the proven ability to listen and communicate are what create a strong commissioner. Dain Nysoe is the strongest candidate for Columbia County Commissioner. He has an educational background in economics and public administration, and he has taught business administration at the college level. He has...

  • Support Cathy McMorris Rodgers

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, I have known Cathy McMorris Rodgers for much of my life, as my father, Perry Dozier, worked with Cathy when he was State officer for Washington Association of Wheat Growers, and later as Walla Walla County Commissioner. She is a leader that I have looked up to becoming one day. Her knowledge, attention to detail, innovation, and leadership make her the reasons why the 5th district needs her. When it comes to being an advocate for education, Cathy is the leader of the charge. I was fortunate to interact with her when I was a leader...

  • Stroe Understands the Community

    the Times|Oct 18, 2018

    Dear Editor, It’s not just showing up to events to introduce yourself to just a few at community events, but rather it is complete community involvement in youth activities, church, community service, and school events that make an individual have a keen awareness of their community. Matt Stroe is that person. After raising my family in this community, I understand the importance of what Matt says: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Matt has involved himself on every level of community connection, and that is why he understands best the c...

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