Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Summer Update from City of Waitsburg

    Aug 9, 2018

    The City of Waitsburg does not have a Facebook account and does not participate in social media in any format. Should any citizen have a concern or know of a situation that warrants the city’s involvement, please contact City Hall directly rather than posting complaints and comments online. If we don’t know about the issues, we can’t address them, and simply posting online will not help solve any problems. While it might not be the fastest process, sometimes taking up to a month, the city does have procedures in place to address a great numbe...

  • Five Wishes: A More Personal Advance Directive

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2018

    DAYTON—Chaplain Terry Rice jump-started a conversation about end of life wishes when he presented “Five Wishes,” to folks at the Dayton First Congregational Church, on July 29. “The best time to plan is when things are going alright. Whether you are 30, or 70, this is a good time to talk,” said Rice, who has served with Walla Walla Community Hospice since 2011. Rice said Five Wishes is the brainchild of Jim Towey, a legal attorney for Mother Teresa. Towey lived in Mother Teresa’s Washington...

  • Nysoe Will Bring Non-Partisan Attitude

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am asking you to support and vote for Dain Nysoe for Columbia County Commissioner. As a fourth-generation resident of the community, his educational and public service background make him an ideal person for the position. As manager of his generational family farm and a seven-year member of Dayton City Council, he is fully aware of the problems and assets of our county. He will bring a level-headed and non-partisan attitude to the Commission. Please vote for Dain and elect a person who is not only approachable, but responsible....

  • Good Info Received Regarding Previous Letter

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, Thank you for placing my article about the Winder family in your paper. I have received good information from two sources that is very helpful in continuing my family History. My wife and I will still be in Dayton on the 12-13th of September to see and photograph my family grave sites for our book. Thanks Again Melvin (Mel) Jasmin Warrenton, Ore....

  • McMorris Rodgers' Info Misleading

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, Recently, our household received a colorful mailer from the “PAID FOR CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS FOR US CONGRESS” campaign, indicating that “Liberal Lisa Brown chose to protect dangerous sex offenders instead of our children.” What this mailer doesn’t say is 1) Lisa Brown voted against the 1996 WA State bill because it did not provide protection for pre-schools or child care centers, and would not have accomplished more safety for children, 2) the 1996 bill passed the house, but was never voted on by the Senate, apparently because no o...

  • Deputies Recognize Professionalism of Crider

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, My son is a Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Deputy. Every day, I pray the safety of every deputy because their job is inherently dangerous, unpredictable, and mentally and physically taxing. They do their job without complaint and without looking for any thought of reward. I know they appreciate the public’s support as we are fortunate to live in a county where law enforcement is respected and valued. In recent weeks, however, I have seen a few members of the public take to social media sites and other news outlets attacking the dep...

  • Mark Crider is Most Qualified for Sheriff

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, I know most of you have received your ballots by now and many of you have already voted. If you haven’t, first and foremost, please vote. Every election is an important election and your input is needed. I want to address specifically those people who are still researching for whom to vote. I feel this election is very important for the direction of the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office (WWSO) and for the citizens of Walla Walla County. I’ve been in law enforcement for over 35 years. I was a law enforcement officer for 30 years and t...

  • Crider Demonstrates Competency

    Aug 2, 2018

    Dear Editor, “Cease fire!” The firearms instructor roared. Nervously we looked down the firing line, wondering which cadet had messed up. A mistake was made and now collectively, we were all going to pay. “If you’re not competent with your weapon, you’ll get killed! Holster and assume the position!” We holstered our handguns and knelt down on the snow-covered gravel of the police academy range. On the instructor’s count, we did pushups until we were exhausted and he was satisfied. He ordered us up, took a softer tone and explained. “G...

  • Stroe, a Strong Sheriff Candidate

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, Matt Stroe will be a strong sheriff that will serve with honesty and dignity. Matt started his criminal justice career as a juvenile corrections officer, completing the state academy in 2006. Sheriff Humphreys hired Matt in June 2007 as a deputy sheriff. After months of field training Matt was cleared to patrol prior to going to police academy in the late fall of 2007. At police academy, Matt completed all but the last two-and-a-half weeks of a 20-week academy in 2008 before he was injured by an overzealous instructor during...

  • Nysoe is Best Choice

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, Dain Nysoe will be a good county commissioner. His educational background in business and public administration are perfect for the job. He’s a local boy and knows the community. Also, spending the last seven years on the Dayton City Council has given him plenty of experience in local politics. He was involved in the decision to consolidate planning, inspection and compliance services with the county. This has saved thousands of dollars for both the county and the city. Having a good working relationship with the city and county w...

  • Crider is best Candidate for Sheriff

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am the wife of a United States Marine and a Sheriff’s Deputy. In years past, I watched my husband mount up and go to war. I knew he was fighting alongside the best men America had to offer and I knew the leadership he served under was well prepared, experienced, and qualified to get the mission accomplished. Now I watch my husband go out shift after shift and proudly serve the citizens of Walla Walla County. Like his combat deployments, I know my husband is working with an assortment of exceptional men and women and has l...

  • Mark Crider: True born leader

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, From the time I was a young girl, I can remember my parents expressing the importance of having strong morals and values. I knew in my teenage years that I wanted to become a police officer. It was from that moment on that everything I did mattered. I am a woman of integrity, honor, dignity, pride, respect, compassion and so much more. When I became a police officer, I took an oath to be held to a higher standard – to embody these morals each and everyday. Two years ago, I was promoted to a leadership position. I quickly learned h...

  • Seeking Family History

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am seeking those that might have information or are related to Francis (Frank Cleveland) Winder. My Grandfather, Frank, was born in June 1888 in Garfield, WA. He passed away in October 1953 at Walla Walla and is buried at the Dayton Cemetery. His first wife was Leona Van Blaricom – her name at time marriage was spelled, Lena Van Blaran-. Frank and Leona were married in October 1910. Their divorce was in 1915. Frank again married in 1915 to Ethel Smith, and again in 1925 to Lola Myrick (Wilson) both in Dayton. Frank and Leona h...

  • Stroe is Best Choice for Sheriff

    Jul 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, I have had the great fortune of knowing Matt Stroe for 20 years. I’ve lived in the Walla Walla valley for 22 years and was able to meet Matt my second year here. Matt has been a positive presence my life since I first met him! He has coached football, as well as track and field at Wa-Hi and done so with enthusiasm, a strong work ethic, worked well with both coaching staffs, and had an innate ability to relate to kids and establish positive, professional relationships. “Coach Stroe” has an energy that is contagious and it sprea...

  • Support Mark Crider for Sheriff

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, Walla Walla County is at a pivotal point in our history. We have seen an influx of tourism, and along with it we have a booming economy. We have three well-respected colleges. We have great healthcare. We have a strong agricultural sector, world-renowned wineries, and a growing industrial complex. Our community has deservingly earned national recognition for our quality of life, atmosphere, and demeanor. However, we are also seeing an increasing influx of criminality and social problems. Street gangs, mental health crises, and the...

  • Mark Crider is Best for Sheriff

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, I’m a deputy’s wife who enthusiastically endorses Mark Crider for Sheriff, because he is a kind, man of integrity with unparalleled law enforcement experience. I was immediately impressed with Mark Crider, because he is a good guy. He’s nice, humble, likeable and realistic. Crider grew up in a small town, and, like me, was drawn to Walla Walla County to return to a small community. My impression over time, is that he is intelligent, fiscally responsible and has always done the right thing in his personal and professional life....

  • Support Matt Stroe for Sheriff

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, My relationship with Matt Stroe began when I was elected as County Commissioner in 2008. Matt was hired by past sheriff Mike Humphreys, who I had the privilege to work with for two years. As Matt was recovering from a serious knee injury he obtained in the training academy in 2008, Sheriff Humphreys assigned Matt to light duty deputy where he assisted detectives on cases and alleviated the paperwork duties of the deputies. When I took office as a commissioner and visited all the elected and department heads, Matt’s enthusiasm a...

  • Mark Crider is Best Fit for School Safety

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am a Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Deputy wife and I endorse Mark Crider for Sheriff. I am also a School Counselor and former Walla Walla Public School employee. School safety is always a concern of mine and unfortunately is in our everyday world. While working for the Walla Walla Public Schools, I felt the district was constantly communicating with local law enforcement on school safety procedures and then each school would prepare (as best as one can) for a possible crisis situation. In these crisis situation, a person needs t...

  • Stroe Deserves Highest Consideration for Sheriff

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, My name is Eric Bridgeland. I am the head men’s basketball coach at Whitman College. Our program stands for character, integrity, community service, servant leadership, common sense, and fostering leaders that will depart Whitman to make a positive difference in our world. In part, I have just described Matt Stroe. I have known Matt Stroe for 6 years. I have witnessed firsthand, all the traits and actions listed above from his service to our College. Matt Stroe CARES. He cares about making a difference. He would literally give y...

  • Support Dain Nysoe for Commissioner

    Jul 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, The responsibilities of County Commissioners is varied but none is more important than the assembling and overseeing of the expense budget of the County. Dain Nysoe is the candidate for Columbia County Commissioner more qualified to be able this handle this task. The budget for Columbia County is millions of taxpayer dollars and it is vital we elect someone with the background and ability to understand the finances of the County. Dain is the right person for this position. His background in business and economics qualifies him to...

  • Sheriff Turner Endorses Crider

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, As this season unfolds, I unfortunately hear more and more inaccurate information about the candidates for Sheriff. Due to this, I feel compelled to share with our community, so they may make an informed choice. Mr. Stroe was hired as a deputy by Sheriff Humphreys in 2007. Matt attempted and did not graduate from the basic police academy on two separate occasions. Upon my taking office in 2011, the Criminal Justice Training Commission advised that Stroe had not achieved state certified peace officer status due to not successfully...

  • Crider is Best Choice for Sheriff

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, I support Mark Crider for Sheriff. Mark is not your average administrator. One of the first interactions I had working with Mark Crider in the field was while responding to a drunk driver, who had attempted to flee into Oregon from College Place Police. As I responded to the area, I heard the dreaded sound no patrol officer wants to hear as they respond to a call…… The sound of an administrator calling over the radio that they are on scene. Instantly your day is ruined. You know exactly how it’s going to go. You are going to pull...

  • Crider is the Man Needed for Sheriff

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor Walla Walla and law enforcement are in my blood. My uncle, Arthur Klundt, was Sheriff of Walla Walla County in the 1960s and 1970s. My cousin, Kenneth “Buzz” Klundt, was Sheriff in the early 1980s. They inspired me to pursue a career in law enforcement, which I started at the Walla Walla County Jail in 1983. In 1984, I became a deputy with the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office. By March of 1985 I had transferred to the Washington State Patrol, where I’ve spent the last 33 years. The last 23 years of my career have been spent w...

  • Experience Over Origin for WW Co. Sheriff

    Jul 5, 2018

    Dear Editor, “He’s not from here.” “He didn’t go to Wa-Hi.” “He doesn’t even have a 509-area code.” “I don’t know him, so I’m not voting for him.” These are all comments I’ve seen on social media or heard in public sphere regarding Mark Crider and the current race for Sheriff. The insinuation is that since Mark wasn’t born here, didn’t attend local schools, and has a different phone number, he isn’t capable of being our next Sheriff. As an immigrant by way of the United Kingdom, I find this way of thinking ridiculous. The idea that somebod...

  • Mark Crider is Best Candidate for Sheriff

    Jul 5, 2018

    Dear Editor, I’ll be the first to admit it. When Mark Crider first stepped into the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office last Fall to interview for the position of Chief Criminal Deputy, I was skeptical. Who was this FBI agent from the Spokane Field Office? Sure, he’d been involved with our Office over the last few years providing tactical and firearms training to some of our members, but what made him think he could come on down and help lead our agency forward? Well after Mark opened his mouth and spoke for about thirty seconds, I ate a big pi...

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