Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • We still need to decide about masks

    Tracy Thompson, The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Sixteen weeks into this pandemic and I’ll admit, I’ve grown a little weary of the mask debate. Excuse me, cloth face-covering discussion. It seems endless, and redundant, and far too enmeshed in emotions and political parties. It’s exhausting! Do I choose to go to the trouble of sewing my own, having someone else make one for me, or buy some to wear when I go out and about these days? Do I always remember to have it on my person when I stop into a grocery store or pick up some takeout? Do I wear one at the home of friends? While seated at an...

  • Only Jesus Christ can clear our minds of hate and anger

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor: Down through the ages whether in chains or cuffs character has been more important than color. Guilt from defying authority brings on bad consequences and defines character. In spite of being either free or prisoner the issue is not color. We need to get our priorities straight by the Book or we get what we deserve. Sometimes it’s death though not always. Seventy years ago, at age 27, I was headed for Hell. Grace was offered to me and I accepted it. I am here to tell you to choose Grace and respect authority. Grace has no color b...

  • Support local businesses

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor: Now is the time to make a big effort to rebuild our community by shopping small. Waitsburg has 600 households. If every household, every month spent $20 less out of town or on line and spent that $20 with our local hometown merchants, it would amount to $12000.00 in additional monies spent in Waitsburg, additional sales tax for our city services, and an opportunity to meet our neighbors. Every dollar spent locally, circulates locally 7 times. When you buy from your local small business neighbor, that proprietor pays her rent, city...

  • Face masks are useful in slowing the spread of COVID-19

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the letter sent to the editor a few weeks ago regarding face masks. I believe the writer is mistaken as to the efficacy of the masks. Community spread has increased, mostly as a result of relaxed “stay at home” orders and more public interaction. The more I read about the spread and the recent uptick in cases, the more I am convinced that masks in public places, although not a panacea, are useful in slowing down the spread of COVID-19. The reason masks were not recommended at the start of the pan...

  • Waitsburg Christian Church to remain closed

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    When I spoke to the congregation as we went into Phase 2 in Walla Walla County, I said that we have been praying heavily over the direction of the church, when to reopen the building, and that it may feel that we are slower moving than other churches in our area. This past week has been a mixture of emotions as the leadership of the church has continued to pray and ask God for answers. On Wednesday night we prayed over a June 28th opening for an outside service. That night was a night of restless sleep as I realized that I was rushing God’s tim...

  • Writer sees wearing a face mask as dehumanizing and humiliating

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    I am extremely worried about the current COVID-19 situation, and my concern has nothing to do with coughing, sneezing, or any other symptoms of the common cold/flu. In the recent video press release on May 31, 2020 Jay Inslee mandated that all workers in Washington state, effective June 8, must now wear a face covering at all times, and if they don’t abide by these rules are subject to all sorts of fines, although, in classic Inslee fashion, he is indefinite about the specifics, leaving us to infer the worst. Inslee loves to talk about S...

  • Taking a R.I.S.K.

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    This last Sunday I was fortunate to be in attendance at the Peace Rally held in Walla Walla. I was there to take photographs for the The Times. I was immediately impressed with the number of people who turned out for the event. As I was taking photographs, I got caught up listening to the speeches from the impressive lineup of scheduled and impromptu speakers. The topic of our country’s systemic racism and its effects on people of color is difficult to hear. It was a big reminder that we must listen, truly listen, to voices other than our o...

  • in appreciation...

    the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    Dear Waitsburg Families, As the final month of the 2019-20 school year approaches, we want to take a moment to thank you all for the tremendous efforts you are making to help your children stay engaged in learning from home. Our staff truly appreciate the partnerships that were made with you during this difficult time in our state and nation. We know that this is a stressful time for students and families, and we are committed to helping all of our students finish the school year strong. With a...

  • Congratulations Dayton High School graduating class of 2020!

    the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    I believe that what starts here at Dayton High School can change the world. Although this year's path has been rocky, twisty, windy and rough, you have overcome and will be the change you want to see in the world. I have always loved Dr. Seuss. One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books declares: "You're off to great places! Today is your day! You're mountain is waiting, so get on your way!" What starts here changes the world, but it will not be on your terms, nor your timeline. As...

  • Dear 2020 Dayton/Waitsburg Graduates

    the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    Congratulations on graduating from high school.That seems normal to say this time of year, but as we all know too well, nothing is normal now. Watching all the social media posts, the downtown banners, and the school pride displays has educated all of us on how special this class of 2020 truly is. As a High School coach, I always think back to what the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) says about participating in High School activities. "Activity programs instill a...

  • To all DW Senior athletes,

    the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    I would first like to congratulate all of you on all your accomplishments and graduating this year! I know this was not the way you seniors had in mind on how you would have liked to end your high school athletic careers, I did not either, but you will move on and accomplish new goals. I would like to thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives. It has, and always will be, an honor and a privilege to work with and get to know you. When you seniors go out to college, work, military, or...

  • To the Class of 2020

    the Times|May 28, 2020

    Congratulations, graduates of Waitsburg High School. What a ride it has been this school year, especially these last few months. There are not a lot of classes that can say that they lived through a flood and a pandemic in the same school year! So, what is next? As you contemplate your plans post high school, I offer you a couple of things to think about. Whatever you have planned for next fall, as best as you are able to, keep those plans. Whether its college, military service, apprenticeship...

  • New traditions honor 2020 graduates' unique year

    the Times|May 28, 2020

    I believe that every teacher has a special place in a school. Some are meant to teach littles, some are meant to teach middle school kids, some are meant to teach high school students. Even within these categories, teachers find that place where they are meant to be; where magic can happen in a classroom. For me, after my long career, I can safely say I am meant to teach older students, especially seniors. Even though they drive me crazy once that Senioritis bug hits (sometimes as early as Septe...

  • Back to the wild

    the Times|May 14, 2020

    Exploring the outdoors feeds our souls and helps keep us healthy, when done responsibly. Yet, as we begin to once again enjoy these benefits, we must keep the wellbeing of all of us in mind. For several weeks, Washington residents have put protecting their families and communities above enjoying our natural landscapes. As leaders in Washington’s outdoor recreation community, we want to say thank you for this sacrifice. Fortunately, as Washington’s state-managed lands, including parks, forests, natural and wildlife areas, begin to reopen for...

  • A Letter from the Columbia County Library Director

    the Times|May 7, 2020

    Dear Editor: While the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly evolving, we will continue to respond as quickly as possible using data and current recommendations from public health and government leaders in our on-going commitment to keeping our staff and patrons safe and healthy. Working in collaboration with other libraries across Washington State we have had to adapt to a new reality, develop new and innovative ways to continue to deliver library services, and implement procedures for staff to work remotely, all while continuing to ensure that we f...

  • 16th District State Senate Candidate Calls for More Testing and Safety Equipment

    the Times|May 7, 2020

    To the Editor: I send my condolences to all the individuals who have tested positive at the Tyson Fresh Meat Plant and my wishes for their healthy recovery. Thank you to Walla Walla County Department of Community Health and Benton-Franklin Health District for your collaboration to address this issue and assist affected workers. I appreciate the ongoing work of local health care providers to assist the more than 790 individuals with confirmed cases across our district. This development at Tyson underscores how critical it is to follow the...

  • Reader appreciates domestic violence article, offers help from the Northwest Justice Project

    the Times|Apr 23, 2020

    To the Publisher: Thanks for running the interview with the YWCA DV advocates and sharing information about domestic violence in the time of stay-at-home orders. I work for Northwest Justice Project, a statewide nonprofit law firm which helps low-income people with legal needs. We’ve been worrying a lot about escalating DV paired with reduced opportunity to seek help. So the article was genius! A related, timely reporting idea is the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums currently in force. In addition to the moratoriums, there are programs whic...

  • Checking in with others, news from friend in Brooklyn is stark

    Tracy Thompson, the Times|Apr 23, 2020

    While at the time of this writing, there are only 37 cases of COVID-19 in Walla Walla County, I have been keeping pace with the spread of the outbreak by checking in with friends around the country. On my return from my recent trip to the Dominican Republic in late February, I had the opportunity to visit with some dear friends in Brooklyn, in Kings County, New York. As of Monday, April 20, Kings County, NY was second only to Queens County, NY for total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, with 34,476 cases and 2,606 deaths. My...

  • From the Waitsburg Resource Center

    the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    Dear Editor, Once again, we at the Waitsburg Resource Center (the food bank) extend gratitude to the Waitsburg Community. Ten Ton Coffee gave out 85 free bag lunches and raised $523 for the Waitsburg Resource Center. At this time, our neighbors are in extra need. And we find that some of the supplies we usually receive from BMAC are not available, and as a result require extra purchases from our food bank account. It is our hope, that we reach those neighbors in the Waitsburg/Prescott School boundaries who normally do not need the food bank,...

  • Deanna Tipton seeks birthday greetings for her mother Doris Huffman, on her 90th birthday

    the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    Dear Editor, My mother, Doris Huffman, is going to be 90 years old on April 20th. Due to COVID-19 we can't have a party, but I was wondering if you could put an announcement in The Times and ask people to drive by her home at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 20th and honk their horns and wave, and shout Happy Birthday to her. She lives at 416 Orchard street. Signs on your vehicle would also be greatly appreciated. And you can go around the block and say it several times. Thank you! You are so welcome,...

  • Writer applauds legislation that provides care for early-onset Alzheimer's disease

    Apr 9, 2020

    Dear Editor: I’m so grateful that in all its understandable focus on the COVID-19 virus, Congress did not lose sight of the need to improve care and support for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. Approximately 5% of the more than five million Americans living today with Alzheimer’s have younger onset. Until now, these folks have been ineligible to receive vital Older Americans Act help like nutritional programs, in-home services, transportation, legal services, elder-abuse prevention and caregiver support. I lost my mother way too s...

  • Help the Helpers

    the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the Walla Walla Valley. This means for most of us doing things very differently in the weeks ahead. Those fortunate to have work they can do from home are doing it. Those of us with reliable broadband and a smart phone are learning new technologies to stay connected to people we work with and care about. These are trying times for us all. For those in our Valley in need, the COVID-19 pandemic is especially troubling, both in terms of accessing necessary services and in taking those precautions that mini...

  • State House candidate offers encouragement, revamps campaign strategy

    the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    To the Editor: When I announced my candidacy in January for position 1, Washington State House of Representative – Legislative District #16, I imagined discussions on neighbors’ doorsteps and forums with engaged citizens. I imagined listening, learning, agreeing and agreeing to disagree. However, the word pandemic did not come to mind, yet here we are. According to the 4 county health departments that make up LD#16, each have confirmed cases of COVID 19 and sadly, 4 people have died in Benton county. My campaign plan and strategy required a s...

  • Letter to Walla Walla County Residents

    the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    To the residents of Walla Walla County: Due to the restrictions put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, you, your friends, or your family members might be out of work, missing personal contact, favorite activities, or living and working in extra-stressful conditions. As officials elected to serve the residents of this county, we’d like to thank everyone who is helping to keep our Valley safe and working to maintain a sense of normalcy during this crisis. Everyone has a part to play, including health care workers, first responders a...

  • City mayoral candidate has concerns

    the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    Waitsburg is a community we all can be proud of. Neighbors standing shoulder to shoulder shoveling mud from each others homes. Salvaging what could be salvaged. We are Truly “One Of a Kind.” But there were events happened during our recent disaster that have me concerned. Events that should have every resident of Waitsburg concerned. Our leadership failed us in this disaster. Plain and simple. Especially the east side of town. The east side did not have a warning even though we have a flood siren and emergency protocol in place, or so I tho...

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