Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Why would anyone want a one-way ticket to Mars?

    Elaine Ou, Bloomberg View|Oct 6, 2016

    SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made a splash at the International Astronautical Conference in Mexico with his plans for an Interplanetary Transport System, along with a disturbingly inspirational ultimatum: “There are really two fundamental paths. One path is we stay on Earth forever and there will be some eventual extinction event. . . . The alternative is to become a space-faring civilization and a multi-planet species, which, I hope you would agree, that is the right way to go.” Unless we slip the surly bonds of Earth, humankind is doomed. The onl...

  • Political Cartoon

    Oct 6, 2016


  • Facebook driving huge numbers to the polls

    Caitlin Dewey, The Washington Post|Oct 6, 2016

    There’s been a lot of consternation in recent months about Facebook’s impact on politics. If it’s not fears of partisan censorship and suppressed trending topics, it’s worries about echo chambers or hyper-targeted campaign ads. But in the upcoming presidential election, at least, Facebook’s influence will lie somewhere else: The social network is driving huge numbers of people to the polls -- and most of those people are likely to vote Democrat. This effect is not at all by design. Instead, it’s an accident of demographics. Facebook sk...

  • No Escape from Suffering in Leadership

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Walt Gobel’s cleverly written letter pointing his finger at his neighbors makes one suffer the three pointing back at him. Sorry Walt resigned his leadership as mayor. Apologies do not cost much. One’s faith in what’s right rather than who’s right is redeeming enough. All of us are given more Grace than we deserve. Truth is – there is no escape from suffering in leadership except through suffering. It’s too bad unity suffers in a lack of transparency and trust in our council. Phillip Monfort Waitsburg...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball will be an exceptional Walla Walla County commissioner. I have known Todd for many years and he has the necessary skill to be a successful Commissioner. Todd understands agriculture, which is the foundation of our local economy. He also has financial proficiency as a practicing C.P.A. The most important responsibility of the commissioners is managing a complex county budget. Todd has the expertise to do this and will be a fine addition to our Walla Walla County commission. Harold Cochran Prescott...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (2)

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, My name is Scott Jordan and I am writing this letter on behalf of my wife and myself. We would like to recognize Todd Kimball, who is running for Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 2. Todd and Sandy have two boys who are similar in age to our children, so we have known them for many years. In that time, we have witnessed Todd as a devoted husband and father. We have observed his dedication to be a leader in both community and family. Todd’s roots in the Walla Walla area are six generations strong and it is obvious that he c...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (3)

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball has my support for District 2 County Commissioner. Todd’s experiences as a farmer, certified public accountant, and his service on natural resource related Boards will add important perspective and value to the Commission. I have known Todd for most of his life and can attest to his character and work ethic. He is a collaborator that places service above self. Todd will be the only Commissioner with an extensive agricultural background. He has done his homework on the issues and concerns the County will face, as d...

  • George H.W. Bush's Defection is a Big Deal

    Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg View|Sep 29, 2016

    George H.W. Bush is planning to vote for Hillary Clinton. That’s not considered major news by most mainstream outlets. But it should be. The story, first picked up by Politico late Monday night from a Facebook post by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor, got almost no play, for example, from the New York Times. It created only a very small flurry of interest on Twitter, at least judging from my feed. The only previous exceptions after Franklin Roosevelt to the norm that former presidents support their party’s nom...

  • Robot Rides May Force Error-Prone Human Motorists Off the Road

    Keith Naughton, Bloomberg View|Sep 29, 2016

    New rules of the road for robot cars coming out of Washington this week could lead to the eventual extinction of one of the defining archetypes of the past century: the human driver. While banning people from driving may seem like something from a Kurt Vonnegut short story, it’s the logical endgame of a technology that could dramatically reduce -- or even eliminate -- the 1.25 million road deaths a year globally. Human error is the cause of 94 percent of roadway fatalities, U.S. safety regulators say, and robot drivers never get drunk, s...

  • Political Cartoon - September 29, 2016

    Sep 29, 2016

  • Waitsburg Needs Successful Businesses

    Sep 29, 2016

    Dear Editor, Some think after recent events it may be difficult to entice other businesses to consider Waitsburg as a potential site. Others are of the opinion that would be just fine. At least one individual commented they liked the current small town feel and no new businesses were needed. When Pat and I moved to Waitsburg in 1969 all storefronts had active businesses. Most of them would close Friday afternoons for home football games, since there were no lights on the field for evening games. That’s about as small town as it gets. Those t...

  • Trump Frees Republicans From Rigid Litmus Tests

    Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg View|Sep 22, 2016

    Over the span of two days, the Republican nominee for president has proposed new child-care subsidies, new mandatory benefits to be provided by business, the removal of millions of families from the income-tax rolls, and an increase in tax rates on single people making from $112,500 to $190,000 a year. Oh, and he put in a good word for Medicaid too, leaving the impression with many people that he favors expanding it. Trump’s Republican critics say that these announcements prove what they have been saying all along: that he is no c...

  • Harvard professor: 'It is natural and normal to be physically lazy'

    Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post|Sep 22, 2016

    Imagine you’ve set your alarm to go for an early-morning run before work. But when it goes off at 6, the embrace of your warm, cozy bed is too enticing and you never make it out the door. Or perhaps you’ve packed exercise clothes with plans to hit a spin class after work. But then the allure of happy hour, or even your couch, persuades you to skip it. Even those with the best of intentions often struggle to motivate themselves to work out. There’s almost always a powerful temptation to do something, or anything, else. This can feel like a per...

  • Support Urged for Kimball

    The Times|Sep 22, 2016

    Dear Editor, I have enjoyed the privilege of working alongside Todd Kimball as a Supervisor for the Walla Walla County Conservation District for over 10 years. Todd is a rare combination of education, talent, experience, and personality. His deep understandings of business and tax law is a tremendous asset for any organization he is involved with but add to that his farming background, work experience, and his ability to communicate effectively, and you have a package that can really make a difference. I believe that having Todd involved in...

  • Support Urged for Kimball (2)

    The Times|Sep 22, 2016

    Dear Editor, I had the opportunity to work with Todd Kimball as a Board Member for nine years while I was Manager of Northwest Grain Growers. Todd was an outstanding board member during his term. His ability to explore opportunities and offer creative solutions greatly contributed to the financial stability of the Co-Op. His experiences as a farmer and a CPA gave him a unique perspective of the farming community as well as the ability to look at our financial statements and recognize potential opportunities. Northwest Grain Growers reached...

  • Congratulations to Gregutt

    The Times|Sep 22, 2016

    Dear Editor, Congratulations to Karen Gregutt for being selected to fill the vacant seat on the Waitsburg City Council for the remainder of the current term. Community members in attendance at the September 15 special City Council meeting to interview candidates learned there was a field of qualified candidates who voluntarily put their names in the running for the vacant seat. The information and answers provided by those candidates made the choice that much more difficult for the existing council members. One of the themes in answer to a...

  • Gary Johnson's Worst Week in Washington

    Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post|Sep 15, 2016

    Everything seemed to be coming up Gary Johnson when the week started. No one liked the two major party candidates. (OK, maybe not no one but lots and lots of people.) The first presidential debate was still almost three weeks off. It looked like there might be a real chance for Johnson to make the debate stage alongside Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump! Then Johnson went on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” And it all came tumbling down. Here’s the exchange between Johnson and Mike Barnicle: BARNICLE: “What would you do, if you were elected, about Ale...

  • Trump and Clinton Are At That Age When Things Start Happening

    David L. Scheine, The Washington Post|Sep 15, 2016

    Eight years ago, I wrote a medical report on the health of then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, whose personal physician I had been for 22 years. That report was 276 words and described Obama’s health as excellent. I was derided for issuing such a brief report, but there was nothing of significance in the medical history of this healthy, 47-year-old male. Meanwhile, Republican John McCain - a 71-year-old with a history of skin cancer - made nearly 1,200 pages of records available for a group of reporters to review. Today, the two major c...

  • Donald Trump's 'Outreach' Isn't Working

    James Downie, The Washington Post|Sep 15, 2016

    Last month, as Donald Trump showed his campaign manager the door (again) amid stalling poll numbers, the GOP nominee started trying to make amends for all the alienating things he had said about minorities and women. He apologized for causing “personal pain” with some of his remarks. He started courting black voters. He tried to “soften” his language on immigration. Finally, it seemed that Trump realized that he could not win in November with just the voters that had won him the primary. But Sunday’s new Washington Post-ABC poll shows tha...

  • Political Cartoon - September 15, 2016

    Sep 15, 2016

  • Town Hall Needs Help

    The Times|Sep 15, 2016

    Dear Editor, The upper windows on the front of Waitsburg Town Hall need be replaced to prevent weather damage to the structure as well as improve efficiency. The Board would also like to replace the street-level windows in the North and South Fireside rooms to improve efficiency. Town Hall is a non-profit trying to take in enough from rentals to cover operating and repair expenses—the same as all homeowners. Even though it has been a reasonably good year financially for Town Hall there are only enough funds to replace the upper windows at t...

  • Who is Gary Johnson?

    The Times|Sep 8, 2016

    For nine years in the 1980s and ‘90s I lived and worked in Albuquerque, N.M. It’s a big sprawling city with a large Air Force base and a large university. Traveling north from Albuquerque will take you into some of the most beautiful country in America: an area that includes Santa Fe, Taos and Los Alamos. In 1994, two years before I moved to Dayton, a guy named Gary Johnson ran for governor of New Mexico as a Republican. I voted for him and he won, though those two facts must surely be unconnected. Right? Johnson had never run for elected off...

  • US Election So Nuts I Just Might Win, Libertarian Johnson Says

    Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Bloomberg View|Sep 8, 2016

    Libertarian Gary Johnson's plan for capturing the White House hinges on voters following through on polls suggesting they dislike the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees more than in any election year in history. "You know how crazy this election cycle is?" Johnson told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday." "I might be the next president." First, Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, has to be allowed into the nationally televised debates that for now are set to...

  • Conflict Should be Learning Process

    The Times|Sep 8, 2016

    Dear Editor, Most of the conversations in this town are told through someone, not to someone. Conflicts need to be resolved and then told to the public. It is a sad day when things don’t get resolved. It makes this town weak and incapable of having a strong sense of community. Conflict should be a learning process not the end of relationships. The seed of bitterness has been planted. Now let’s see if it keeps growing. I am disappointed in our city. We need to resolve issues and agree to disagree and move forward. I am hoping for change. Cin...

  • Nestle Treatment was Discrimination

    Sep 8, 2016

    Dear Editor, Citizens, corporations/companies, and developers interested in Waitsburg, BEWARE!! New “normal” established whereby “MAJORITY” declared by elected officials as he/she who protests loudest, acts rudest/profane/interruptive, and/or displays most signs. Officials acknowledge Waitsburg laws indicate how development should be handled, with Council and Public input only after examination by city staff and planning commission; and that city’s treatment of Nestle was unusual, not how other developments are addressed probably not ethical,...

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