Sorted by date Results 843 - 867 of 2504
A significant segment of Americans sees this nation in decline, if not free fall. Never has the United States been in such bad shape, they say, and it is getting worse. Nothing could be further from the truth. I would ask today’s naysayers to identify a period in our recent history when the nation was in better shape - economically, socially or in any other way than now. It certainly could not be any time between 1925 and 1950, a period of economic depression, war and its aftermath. I am 88 years old. I was born near the end of the 1920s and g...
Listen, punks. You think you can slap on some makeup, pick up an ax and take down a profession? You think one rubber nose and a few prank phone calls can co-opt an art form? You think malice can triumph over joy in these colossal clown wars? Bobo don’t think so. Sure, you’ve had your little fun - scampering across social media, delighting local news producers with reports of scary clowns threatening schools and targeting children. But on Tuesday, Halloween will be over and you’ll probably crawl back into your shadowy bunkers and 11th-...
Dear Editor, Since my announcement in May that I was running for Walla Walla County Commissioner District 2, I have called for continuing the freeze on Commissioner’s salaries. The salary even at the current level is well over the median income for working families in the county. Commissioners do not deserve an increase until the people of the county are doing better. We have county employees who provide valuable services to the public cut back with mandatory furlough days. The Sheriff’s and Prosecutor’s Offices share only 24 hours a week...
Dear Editor, I could talk about when I first met Randal Son, about his family, or his life. I could address his general character. But, that doesn’t give us much indication of his ability to do the job for which we are electing him. While interesting to hear these things, what we need is an example of how Randal Son approaches the problems he is bound to face as Commissioner. Does anyone recall those annual Humane Society fundraisers where Randal Son would spend his November days and nights outside in a dog kennel no matter the weather until e...
Dear Editor, This letter is to support the candidacy of Randal Son for County Commissioner in Walla Walla County, Washington. In these changing times, the priorities and issues that affect rural counties have taken on a new significance. Randal is a tireless advocate for rural interests. He has a solid understanding of the interconnected issues involving agriculture, forestry, industry, and water. He has demonstrated his capacity to work for the common good, by bringing information into the open to inform citizens and to promote transparent...
Dear Editor, I’ve known Randal Son since we attended Whitman College forty years ago. And I have thanked him many times for denying me a loan in 1981 when he was the Director of the Agricultural Development Loan Project. Randal accurately projected my future prospect of success—or the lack there-of—much better than I, saving me much financial pain. Later, I admired his dedication to the Humane Society, especially when generating support by soliciting funds to be freed from 24-hour imprisonment in a kennel stationed outside, subject to all f...
Dear Editor, I am very new to the Walla Walla area. During the Wheelin’ Walla Walla Weekend event, I met Randal Son. Since I use an electric vehicle for my business, I was very interested in his electric car. What does owning an electric car say about someone? I believe it says they are frugal, innovative, interested in efficiency, concerned about the environment and looking toward the future. All good traits of an elected office holder. But mostly, I was impressed by Randal’s sincerity and what a down-to-earth, decent, friendly person Ran...
Dear Editor, Todd Kimball is well qualified for County Commissioner. Todd Kimball has proven leadership skills, extensive educational background, agricultural knowledge, business experience and financial expertise which make him well qualified for the Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 2 position. He is a CPA, farmer and a businessman. Todd Kimball has the needed skills and experience to address the complex county budget. Todd has shown his leadership skills as a president of the Northwest Grain Growers, and while serving on the Walla...
The following editorial appears on Bloomberg View: Voters in Washington state will be asked next month whether they want to adopt the nation’s first carbon tax -- a powerful way to curb greenhouse-gas emissions. You’d think environmental groups would be doing everything they can to back that idea. You’d be wrong. Initiative 732 will be on the ballot on Election Day. It calls for a $25-per-ton carbon tax, and it says how the proceeds should be spent: Trim the state’s sales tax, cut taxes on manufacturers, and give tax rebates to low-income house...
The presidential debates gave the world a chance to watch Donald Trump bluff about his mistreatment of women and lie about mocking a person with disabilities. Nearly as theatrical was the sight of Hillary Clinton spinning convoluted explanations of why people shouldn’t fret about her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. These and other familiar election-season spectacles may have revealed something about the candidates’ character, but shed little light on how they’d approach governing. Missed substantive opportunities in al...
Dear Editor, With the November 8th election approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of Walla Walla County for forty-three years, I, along with the rest of the community, have been fortunate to have had fiscally responsible County Commissioners elected to office throughout the years. For example, we presently have individuals in office that have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel...
Dear Editor, In Waitsburg, we are fortunate to have a great school system with an accomplished Staff. Please give a “yes” vote for Proposition 1 to maintain and upgrade our facilities. Roger Hevel, M.D. Waitsburg...
Dear Editor It has been my privilege to know County Commissioner Jim Johnson for nearly 30 years. Jim’s commitment to his family and his record of service to our valley are well known. Jim’s appointment to complete the unexpired term of former Commissioner Gregg Loney in 2012 and subsequent election to his first full term has given Walla Walla County a proven leader whose background in accounting and finance as well as a long time business owner has been invaluable to the residents of our valley. I respect his leadership and offer, as an exa...
Dear Editor, Unfortunately, Cathy McMorris Rodger’s political ambition has left behind any moral principles. My party and Cathy McMorris Rodgers have crossed the line supporting Donald Trump and have abandoned not only standards of decency but true conservatism. I’m not sure who to vote for but it won’t be Trump or Rodgers. Tanner Morgan Walla Walla...
Dear Editor, I write this letter in support of the re-election of Jim Johnson as Walla Walla County Commissioner. Walla Walla County has been blessed over the past several years with dedicated, intelligent and hardworking County Commissioners, and Jim Johnson has proven to be one of the very best. Jim’s professional background and experience as an accountant, business owner and commercial property owner has served us well as he has made difficult but pragmatic and common sense decisions as to how our tax dollars can best be allocated and s...
“I have very clear views about what I want to see to kind of change the balance on the Supreme Court,” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said during the second presidential debate. “I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United,” she explained, while her Republican rival, Donald Trump, favors judges who would “reverse Roe v. Wade and reverse marriage equality,” she said. Clinton’s emphasis on appointing judges who will rule in specific ways on particular issues echoed her earlier statement that, “I do have a litmu...
Last year, I wrote an article calling Donald Trump a godsend for moderate Republicans. Trump, I predicted, would lose so spectacularly that the GOP would be forced to transform itself, surrendering its mindless obstructionism, science denial, xenophobia and plutocracy. After a purge like that, the party would finally be able to compete in future national elections. I was wrong. I now see that Trump’s candidacy has exacerbated the Republican Party’s weaknesses, alienating minorities, fracturing the base and stunting smart policy dev...
Dear Editor, Todd Kimball has shown in several ways that he has the ability, determination, and leadership skills to be the next Walla Walla county commissioner for District 2. On top of his career as a CPA as well as a respected local farmer, Todd also serves by staying involved as a board member to various companies and local groups. From the Walla Walla conservation district board, to his most recent membership as a chairman for Northwest Grain Growers, he truly cares about every aspect concerning our county. Over the past two decades, Todd...
Dear Editor, I am supporting Todd Kimball as the next District 2 County Commissioner to maintain a board of diversified knowledge and experience. Todd is a farm manager and a sixth generation steward of the land. His previous involvement as past president of both the Northwest Grain Growers and the Walla Walla County Conservation District as well as past treasurer of the Blue Mountain Land Trust serves as a solid foundation for many land use, water, economic and overall issues significant to Walla Walla County. His rural life experience and...
Dear Editor, Spence Rogers, a noted educational consultant, says “OUR KIDS DESERVE WHATEVER IT TAKES!” And, some of ‘whatever it takes’ is being placed before you, the patrons of the Waitsburg School District, in the form of a $3.8 million Capital Projects Bond election on November 8. Whatever it takes includes providing the best classroom environment possible through air conditioned classrooms which not only provide consistent, stable temperatures but also quieter learning spaces. Our kids and our community deserve a well-equipped, energy...
Almost 25 years after watching the Dawn of Communism collective farm where he grew up land in the dustbin of history, Andrey Burdin is helping turn Russia into something the communists never could: a grain-export powerhouse. Over the last few years, Burdin has tripled the size of his farm on the steppe near the Black Sea, winning prizes from the local government for how much wheat he’s produced from the rich soil here and pumping profits back into new tractors and sprayers. His harvest this season will be a third bigger than what it was just f...
Dear Editor, I have had the honor to know Walla Walla County Commissioner candidate Randal Son and call him “friend” since he first moved to the Walla Walla area well over 40 years ago. As the years have gone by, I’ve seen him integrate himself into the community in a variety of roles, all of which have allowed him the opportunity to know people across the economic, social and political spectrums. When I heard he was running for the position of County Commissioner, I took the time to seek him out and sit down with him to hear his thoug...