Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


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  • Support Urged for Jim Johnson

    The Times|Oct 27, 2016

    Dear Editor It has been my privilege to know County Commissioner Jim Johnson for nearly 30 years. Jim’s commitment to his family and his record of service to our valley are well known. Jim’s appointment to complete the unexpired term of former Commissioner Gregg Loney in 2012 and subsequent election to his first full term has given Walla Walla County a proven leader whose background in accounting and finance as well as a long time business owner has been invaluable to the residents of our valley. I respect his leadership and offer, as an exa...

  • Not Voting for Trump or Rodgers

    The Times|Oct 27, 2016

    Dear Editor, Unfortunately, Cathy McMorris Rodger’s political ambition has left behind any moral principles. My party and Cathy McMorris Rodgers have crossed the line supporting Donald Trump and have abandoned not only standards of decency but true conservatism. I’m not sure who to vote for but it won’t be Trump or Rodgers. Tanner Morgan Walla Walla...

  • Johnson's Character Unquestioned

    The Times|Oct 27, 2016

    Dear Editor, I write this letter in support of the re-election of Jim Johnson as Walla Walla County Commissioner. Walla Walla County has been blessed over the past several years with dedicated, intelligent and hardworking County Commissioners, and Jim Johnson has proven to be one of the very best. Jim’s professional background and experience as an accountant, business owner and commercial property owner has served us well as he has made difficult but pragmatic and common sense decisions as to how our tax dollars can best be allocated and s...

  • How Not to Pick a High-Court Judge

    Editorial Board, The Washington Post|Oct 20, 2016

    “I have very clear views about what I want to see to kind of change the balance on the Supreme Court,” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said during the second presidential debate. “I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United,” she explained, while her Republican rival, Donald Trump, favors judges who would “reverse Roe v. Wade and reverse marriage equality,” she said. Clinton’s emphasis on appointing judges who will rule in specific ways on particular issues echoed her earlier statement that, “I do have a litmu...

  • The End of Trump Won't End the GOP's Problems

    Bruce Bartlett, The Washington Post|Oct 20, 2016

    Last year, I wrote an article calling Donald Trump a godsend for moderate Republicans. Trump, I predicted, would lose so spectacularly that the GOP would be forced to transform itself, surrendering its mindless obstructionism, science denial, xenophobia and plutocracy. After a purge like that, the party would finally be able to compete in future national elections. I was wrong. I now see that Trump’s candidacy has exacerbated the Republican Party’s weaknesses, alienating minorities, fracturing the base and stunting smart policy dev...

  • Political Cartoon

    The Times|Oct 20, 2016


  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (3)

    The Times|Oct 20, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball has shown in several ways that he has the ability, determination, and leadership skills to be the next Walla Walla county commissioner for District 2. On top of his career as a CPA as well as a respected local farmer, Todd also serves by staying involved as a board member to various companies and local groups. From the Walla Walla conservation district board, to his most recent membership as a chairman for Northwest Grain Growers, he truly cares about every aspect concerning our county. Over the past two decades, Todd...

  • Support Urged for Kimball (2)

    The Times|Oct 20, 2016

    Dear Editor, I am supporting Todd Kimball as the next District 2 County Commissioner to maintain a board of diversified knowledge and experience. Todd is a farm manager and a sixth generation steward of the land. His previous involvement as past president of both the Northwest Grain Growers and the Walla Walla County Conservation District as well as past treasurer of the Blue Mountain Land Trust serves as a solid foundation for many land use, water, economic and overall issues significant to Walla Walla County. His rural life experience and...

  • Kids Deserve Improved Schools

    Oct 20, 2016

    Dear Editor, Spence Rogers, a noted educational consultant, says “OUR KIDS DESERVE WHATEVER IT TAKES!” And, some of ‘whatever it takes’ is being placed before you, the patrons of the Waitsburg School District, in the form of a $3.8 million Capital Projects Bond election on November 8. Whatever it takes includes providing the best classroom environment possible through air conditioned classrooms which not only provide consistent, stable temperatures but also quieter learning spaces. Our kids and our community deserve a well-equipped, energy...

  • Russia becomes a global grain superpower as exports explode

    Anatoly Medetsky, Bloomberg View|Oct 13, 2016

    Almost 25 years after watching the Dawn of Communism collective farm where he grew up land in the dustbin of history, Andrey Burdin is helping turn Russia into something the communists never could: a grain-export powerhouse. Over the last few years, Burdin has tripled the size of his farm on the steppe near the Black Sea, winning prizes from the local government for how much wheat he’s produced from the rich soil here and pumping profits back into new tractors and sprayers. His harvest this season will be a third bigger than what it was just f...

  • Support for Randal Son Urged (2)

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, I have had the honor to know Walla Walla County Commissioner candidate Randal Son and call him “friend” since he first moved to the Walla Walla area well over 40 years ago. As the years have gone by, I’ve seen him integrate himself into the community in a variety of roles, all of which have allowed him the opportunity to know people across the economic, social and political spectrums. When I heard he was running for the position of County Commissioner, I took the time to seek him out and sit down with him to hear his thoug...

  • Support for Randal Son Urged

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, Have you been looking for good reasons to support Randal Son for commissioner? Consider these. What better argument than the fact that all three of the sitting commissioners are supporting his opponent? Apparently they would feel more comfortable if a new commissioner was as much like them as possible. How would that be good for the rest of us? What about the UB’s endorsement of his opponent? Son has a clear idea of what the Commissioner’s job can be for the community, rather than just what it has been. What effrontery that a man...

  • Support Urged for Kimball

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, As a former Walla Walla County Commissioner, I believe that I understand the job duties and the skill sets needed to perform these duties. One of the most important responsibilities is being a good steward of the tax payer’s money in developing and overseeing of the County budget. While every County department has certain mandated responsibilities, budget needs, and desires, the Commissioners have to balance these with available funds. This task is not done without the input from all of the departments and assistance of the C...

  • Support Urged for Kimball (2)

    Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter in support of Todd Kimball for Walla Walla County Commissioner. As family man, private land owner, and CPA, Todd has the life experience that is necessary to relate to the citizens and the County that he desires to represent. Todd knows the rigors that the citizens of Walla Walla County go through to raise a family. Todd and Sandy Kimball have two sons, Shea 16, and Scott 18, both fine young men as a result of loving and devoted parents. Todd has coached the kid’s teams and contributed greatly to the schola...

  • Support Urged for Kimball (3)

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball would make a great County Commissioner. At a dinner amongst friends this past summer, I had the pleasure of listening to Todd explain the various aspects of the job of County Commissioner. As I listened to the explanation, I couldn’t help but note how Todd was truly made for the job. I have known Todd for many years and have had the pleasure of coaching basketball with him at a few state tournaments. Todd is a family man, farmer, business man and accountant. He has a rich family history in the Walla Walla Valley t...

  • Support Urged for Kimball (4)

    Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball would make a great County Commissioner. At a dinner amongst friends this past summer, I had the pleasure of listening to Todd explain the various aspects of the job of County Commissioner. As I listened to the explanation, I couldn’t help but note how Todd was truly made for the job. I have known Todd for many years and have had the pleasure of coaching basketball with him at a few state tournaments. Todd is a family man, farmer, business man and accountant. He has a rich family history in the Walla Walla Valley t...

  • Vote for Capital Project Bond for Schools

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, This November we face a very important decision concerning a vital aspect of our community. Our local school is in need of some crucial modernization to keep it healthy, functioning and safe. The school modernization advisory committee has recommended a very conservative plan to achieve these results without extravagance. In point, based on the amount the project is seeking, an individual’s total tax obligation would actually decrease compared to their current responsibility. Today’s families have a choice concerning the education...

  • Dayton Auxiliary Needs Members

    The Times|Oct 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, Dayton General Hospital Auxiliary members are excited about the changes happening in our community hospital facility! The plan shows the Gift Shop being relocated to the north side near the new main entrance. In preparation for the relocation of the Auxiliary’s Gift Shop they are actively seeking new members. Especially needed, as the membership ages, are able-bodied members to help with the Fall Luncheon on October 28, and to staff the Gift Shop as they would like to increase the hours they can be open. The Luncheon and Gift S...

  • Why would anyone want a one-way ticket to Mars?

    Elaine Ou, Bloomberg View|Oct 6, 2016

    SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made a splash at the International Astronautical Conference in Mexico with his plans for an Interplanetary Transport System, along with a disturbingly inspirational ultimatum: “There are really two fundamental paths. One path is we stay on Earth forever and there will be some eventual extinction event. . . . The alternative is to become a space-faring civilization and a multi-planet species, which, I hope you would agree, that is the right way to go.” Unless we slip the surly bonds of Earth, humankind is doomed. The onl...

  • Political Cartoon

    Oct 6, 2016


  • Facebook driving huge numbers to the polls

    Caitlin Dewey, The Washington Post|Oct 6, 2016

    There’s been a lot of consternation in recent months about Facebook’s impact on politics. If it’s not fears of partisan censorship and suppressed trending topics, it’s worries about echo chambers or hyper-targeted campaign ads. But in the upcoming presidential election, at least, Facebook’s influence will lie somewhere else: The social network is driving huge numbers of people to the polls -- and most of those people are likely to vote Democrat. This effect is not at all by design. Instead, it’s an accident of demographics. Facebook sk...

  • No Escape from Suffering in Leadership

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Walt Gobel’s cleverly written letter pointing his finger at his neighbors makes one suffer the three pointing back at him. Sorry Walt resigned his leadership as mayor. Apologies do not cost much. One’s faith in what’s right rather than who’s right is redeeming enough. All of us are given more Grace than we deserve. Truth is – there is no escape from suffering in leadership except through suffering. It’s too bad unity suffers in a lack of transparency and trust in our council. Phillip Monfort Waitsburg...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball will be an exceptional Walla Walla County commissioner. I have known Todd for many years and he has the necessary skill to be a successful Commissioner. Todd understands agriculture, which is the foundation of our local economy. He also has financial proficiency as a practicing C.P.A. The most important responsibility of the commissioners is managing a complex county budget. Todd has the expertise to do this and will be a fine addition to our Walla Walla County commission. Harold Cochran Prescott...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (2)

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, My name is Scott Jordan and I am writing this letter on behalf of my wife and myself. We would like to recognize Todd Kimball, who is running for Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 2. Todd and Sandy have two boys who are similar in age to our children, so we have known them for many years. In that time, we have witnessed Todd as a devoted husband and father. We have observed his dedication to be a leader in both community and family. Todd’s roots in the Walla Walla area are six generations strong and it is obvious that he c...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (3)

    Oct 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball has my support for District 2 County Commissioner. Todd’s experiences as a farmer, certified public accountant, and his service on natural resource related Boards will add important perspective and value to the Commission. I have known Todd for most of his life and can attest to his character and work ethic. He is a collaborator that places service above self. Todd will be the only Commissioner with an extensive agricultural background. He has done his homework on the issues and concerns the County will face, as d...

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