Sorted by date Results 910 - 934 of 2504
RIO DE JANEIRO - During the Opening Ceremonies, they would have waved a green flag that featured a cartoon duck and marched between the small Olympic teams from Oman and Pakistan. They would have had more athletes than either country. In fact, had the University of Oregon seceded from the union or somehow been granted sovereignty and entered these Rio de Janeiro Olympics as an independent nation, it’d likely fare quite well. With 18 current and former Ducks competing in track and field events here, the school can lay claim to more Olympic a...
Overlooked so far is how some folks gained information of Nestle’s interest in Waitsburg’s water. “Rumor has it” was the reference given in a letter to the editor which appeared in the June 30, 2016 edition of The Times. If Nestle’s interest in Waitsburg was discussed during Executive Session at the June 15 Waitsburg City Council Meeting and the “rumor” mentioned in the June 30 letter-to-the-editor came from an attendee within that executive session, that is troublesome, since the purpose of an executive session is to allow confidential...
Dear Editor, A reasonable and mature individual, purporting to have the community at heart, upon hearing that a major corporation is interested in establishing a widget factory in their city would and should be gaga, as in Lady Gaga. Heck, color me William Gaga. I see Waitsburg as the lonely school girl sitting against the wall at the ‘sock hop,’ just a wishing and a hoping someone will ask her to the dance. Hoping someone will think her worthy of at least one dance. In her mind she says, “Won’t someone see me and care?” In my mind I see her l...
My name is Ian Smay, and for the last three months, I have spent my summer break as an intern/freelance writer for The Times. In less than a week, I will move back to Pullman to start my sophomore year at Washington State University. I attended Dayton High School where I graduated with the class of 2015. When I was younger, journalism was not the route I had planned in life. I wanted to work in sports as a trainer. Sometime around my freshman or sophomore year of high school, that changed....
There has never been a worse time to declare your politics publicly, according to a new and nationally representative online poll conducted by the Rad Campaign, Craig Connects and Lincoln Strategies. This year’s survey, the second in a biannual series, found that nearly a third of all Internet-using adults self-report that they’ve been “harassed online for expressing political opinions.” That abuse is highest among Democrats, the highly political and those ages 55 to 64. It’s also nearly double the rate of political harassment that users report...
I was one of those who attended the community meeting last Tuesday, August 2nd. I found it really ugly. It is really sad to see the Waitsburg community torn apart like this. But a few things I noticed – one woman stated she did not want a water bottling plant in the Walla Walla Valley. Until one is planned for the Walla Walla Valley, I am not sure if she personally has anything to protest. Waitsburg is in the Touchet River Valley. I heard one woman say she wants to keep Waitsburg the way it is and does not want it to change. It is too late – Wa...
I don’t live in Waitsburg, but I own a business here, and I definitely have a stake in its economic future. So it’s been puzzling to me to see the reaction of many Waitsburg residents to the news that Nestle Waters is considering purchasing water from the city and building a bottling plant here. This has the potential to provide new revenue for the city, create some good new jobs and increase the tax base. The outrage started as soon as word got out that there might be rumors that Nestle mig...
The Democratic line on Donald Trump is beginning to sound - bear with me on this - a little like arguments made for continued government funding of public broadcasting. One the one hand, we’re told, public money makes up only a small part of the Public Broadcasting Service’s budget. On the other, cutting that allegedly small amount would do irreparable harm to American civilization. You understand what’s meant by these arguments, but you want to say, “Well, which is it?” Hillary Clinton’s general-election campaign hasn’t begun in earnest, but...
Dear Editor Thank you to all the fire departments and the farmers with equipment who came to fight the fire at my place on Saturday night. I also want to thank everyone who stopped by with kind words and phone calls to commiserate. Your support means a great deal. Ivadell Nordheim Waitsburg...
[Editor’s note: This article, including the above heading and subhead, appeared on the front page of The Waitsburg Times in its July 28, 1916 edition. Harvest was running a little late that year.] The past week has proven ideal for the ripening of grain altho (sic) a little breeze Monday and Tuesday started the shattering of the wheat a little. The first of the week will see many machines in the field as most of the farmers are all ready and have their harvest crews together, awaiting only the sufficient ripening of the grain. Harvesting is a...
The presidential nominee quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt and Thomas Paine, the most radical of the Founding Fathers. He asked all Americans for their support. “More than anything else,” he said, “I want my candidacy to unify our country; to renew the American spirit and sense of purpose. I want to carry our message to every American, regardless of party affiliation, who is a member of this community of shared values.” This was Ronald Reagan, accepting the nomination of the Republican Party on July 17, 1980, at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit with a...
Canada’s wheat farmers still have more than a month before they start the bulk of this season’s grain harvest, but they’re already worried about where to store a bumper crop. Even though growers planted less after prices fell last year, beneficial weather boosted the outlook for yields across Canada’s Prairies. The potential for near-record output means farmers are stocking up on grain bags to store wheat on the ground amid expectations that bins and silos will be overflowing. “There’s such a demand because the crop looks so big this year,...
Dear Editor, I want to take a moment and thank Perry Dozier for his eight years of passionate service to our community and for his outstanding leadership on the Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners. We should all thank Perry for his excellent representation on the board which serves our community. Whoever takes Perry’s place on the board of commissioners not only has big shoes to fill but also must be a good representative of our community. The commissioner of a district deals with the constituent issues in that district but that same c...
Dear Editor, To all the brave fire fighters who fought the fire at Mace Matheny’s property here at Starbuck, Washington, on Sunday, July 17 and Monday, July 18, I cannot express to you how grateful I am that no one was injured and none of the equipment was damaged. Had the hitch not been broke on “Big Red” (my wheel tractor), I could have quickly disked a fire line to try and contain the fire. Both Mace and I thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts. Doris Matheny Starbuck...
Dear Editor, As has been reported, area residents provided significant input at the well-attended city council meeting on July 20 when Nestlé Waters North America (NWNA) announced its interest in evaluating Waitsburg as a potential location for a bottled water facility. Given the initial concerns voiced, it is understandable the city council unanimously moved to halt field investigation by NWNA until they have had more time to evaluate the proposed project. NWNA respects the city’s decision and has ceased all field activities. We are co...
The tensions at the 2016 Republican National Convention aren’t like those typically seen at the party’s divided gatherings: Teddy Roosevelt challenging the hierarchy in 1912; or the moderates versus conservatives, Dwight Eisenhower against Robert Taft in 1952, or 12 years later, Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller, then Ronald Reagan taking on President Gerald Ford in 1976. Republicans meet in Cleveland on Monday to anoint their presidential nominee amid deep schisms: Never have so many of the party’s prominent governors, senators, House mem...
It just got a lot easier for conservatives to vote for Donald Trump in November. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is a solid, traditional, respectable conservative whose presence on the presidential ticket will reassure conservatives who may understandably have concerns about the top of the ticket being held by a recent convert to the party whose eclectic views are often at odds with the principles and tenets of conservatism. In fact, the most striking aspect of Trump choosing Pence is how extensive are the differences in their stated views. Trump...
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank those who completed and returned the recent proposed capital projects survey. The responses have given the Board guidance in determining its next steps regarding the upgrading of district facilities. Additionally, your comments provided a deeper understanding of how to better communicate the needs of the district, as well as the funding limitations and challenges which we face. Results of the survey can be found on the District’s website: As a result of...
Dear Editor, We are writing to endorse Todd Kimball for County Commissioner, District 2. We have known Todd personally for nearly 20 years and consider him a good friend. He has brought his boys out hunting on our property over the years and has always been a conscientious and responsible hunter and has brought his boys up to be the same. His stewardship of wildlife goes along with his stewardship of the land. As a farmer, he has a unique perspective on the relationship between wildlife and crop ground and that there is give and take in both....
Dear Editor, What is really happening with Nestle and our spring water? I plan to go to the Waitsburg City Council meeting Wednesday night, July 20, for more information. I am hoping that the Mayor and the City Manager are willing to schedule a public meeting devoted to the pros and cons of this issue before City Council has to decide whether or not to allow Nestle access to our water. Nestle, a multi-national corporation, is only responsible to its shareholders. Our city government (which should be as transparent as a plastic water bottle) is...
On August 25 the National Park Service is celebrating its 100th birthday. To mark the occasion, my traveling partner and I set out from Dayton on June 25 for an eight-day whirlwind tour of some of the Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota National Parks, national historic memorials, and other places of interest for a westerner to see. The first leg of our journey took us 622 miles across the aptly-named "Big Sky Country" of Montana, where there is plenty of "elbow room," to the historic site of the...