Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Commentary / Letters

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  • Support Dayton Fairgrounds

    Nov 23, 2017

    Dear Editor, Maybe you have been reading in our local paper about the plans being made for our Columbia County Fairgrounds, which includes tearing down one of the large historic buildings, The East GrandStand.This could be just the beginning of removing, piece by piece, our historic fairgrounds.We now have someone working in the area,who has closely inspected the grandstand, and knows what needs to be done to preserve its special significance. He is willing to work with us to do this. There are many other areas of our Fairgrounds that also...

  • River Needs Cleaned Out

    The Times|Oct 19, 2017

    Dear Editor, It’s only common sense that the bottom of the Touchet River needs to be cleaned out along with unclogging two of the three bays of the Preston Street Bridge east of town. It creates a potential dam site that will direct the next high water (flood) through the middle of town and west down Highway 124. The new bridge downstream at the north end of Main Street will be of little use. Built on a delta created by the Touchet River and Coppei Creek, Waitsburg has experienced these raging waters before. We deceive ourselves in relying o...

  • WSU's 4-H Fees 'Unbelievable'

    The Times|Oct 5, 2017

    Dear Editor, President Jimmy Carter stated April 17, 1980; “{4-H} represents unchanging American values in a changing world – values like learning from doing… caring for a community, leadership, integrity. Those things don’t change. And they’re kept alive by young people who are not burdened down with doubt, but have a fresh hope for the future.” I am disappointed in the funding Washington State University has in place to run the 4-H program. A proposed $25-a-year fee for each child is unbelievable in my community of 250 youth, 35 of whom are...

  • Grandstands, Continued

    The Times|Oct 5, 2017

    Dear Editor, Recent variations may change the opinion of Ms. Miller (9/28/17 letter) concerning grandstands, as it did mine. At the 9/12/17 Waitsburg Fairgrounds Committee meeting Mr. Nicely stated the grandstands could be made usable for about $40,000. I asked if that was just labor. Mr. Nicely responded that was the total: parts, labor, permits. As a result, it seemed worth a few more months to explore. I was later told Mr. Nicely said the same thing at the September 20 Waitsburg City Council meeting, except he added “for the first p...

  • 4-H Window Competition

    The Times|Oct 5, 2017

    Dear Editor, The start of October once again starts a new 4-H year! To promote 4-H in the window competition, two groups came together to display what 4-H is in our community, Home Grown Go Wild 4-H and Swine Swaggers. Check it out and let the 4-H office know if you like it or not! We are competing versus Walla Walla Clubs! Thanks for checking out the display at Ten Ton Press! Timothy Daves, Waitsburg President, Home Grown Go Wild 4-H...

  • Salmon Surprise

    The Times|Sep 28, 2017

    Dear Editor, Seven years ago my wife, my dog and I retired to Dayton to escape the increasing chaos in the Tri-cities. I had seen the Salmon Bake posters in years past but never bothered to even read the fine print. (I can’t explain why.) This year a good friend convinced us (as in sold us tickets) to attend. For the unknowing this event occurs annually as a fundraiser for the Waitsburg Lion’s Club. The proceeds go to help people in need in the local community. If you’ve never been, you don’t know what you missed. The food is all excelle...

  • Take Another Look at Grandstands

    The Times|Sep 28, 2017

    Dear Editor, After reading the Fairgrounds Committee article on page 1 and 5 followed by the letter on page 4 in The Times dated September 21 regarding the Waitsburg fairgrounds grandstands, I thought about the imminent demolition of Dayton’s East grandstands. It is my understanding that the demo is scheduled to begin in October. However, I hope our commissioners will decide to postpone this action. I believe Mr. Nicely should be asked to evaluate our grandstands for repair and restoration before it is too late. It seems there is conflicting i...

  • Allow More Time for Waitsburg Fairgrounds

    Sep 21, 2017

    Dear Editor, Previously I wondered how much more time and money should be invested in determining the fate of the Waitsburg Grandstands. The city has taken about a year so far and Randy had to request progress reports several times from the Spokane engineer who, it seemed, wanted more money to expand the scope of the study. Interesting that when informed it was unlikely the city would go for the expensive options it only took the engineer a couple of hours to state “…So tearing it down may be the best solution…” After attending the Fairgro...

  • Fairgrounds and Grandstands Possibilities

    The Times|Aug 24, 2017

    Dear Editor, At the risk of having a council member refer to another suggestion as “ugly” let me put forth other possible ideas regarding the fairgrounds & grandstands: What options are there to raise money to save the grandstand? Does the grandstand qualify for some sort of historical help? -If grandstand is demolished could folks bring lawn chairs for the mentioned concerts/events? -If grandstand is demolished create a tiered mound of dirt in its place for those lawn chairs. -If tiered mound is created possibly provide folding chairs for eve...

  • Waitsburg Fairgrounds Grandstand Issues

    Jim Davison, The Times|Aug 17, 2017

    Dear Editor, When the issue of problems with the Waitsburg Fairgrounds grandstand first came up more than a year ago, it was supposed to be easy and inexpensive to determine whether to fix the problems and keep the structure or tear it down. After this much time and thousands of dollars spent on expert opinions, the decision has still not been made to repair or demolish. Are there other options? Portable grandstands were mentioned. Should their cost be added to the cost of demolition to be comparable with rebuilding? What about a pole-building...

  • No More 'Bells and Whistles'

    Donna Murray, The Times|Aug 17, 2017

    Dear Editor, A few years ago Waitsburg was torn up one summer to make Main Street look pretty. Why wasn’t the infrastructure taken care of then? A couple of years later we had a leak on Main Street. Now a bridge needs to be replaced without the necessary funds to do it. How much of the plans are just “bells and whistles?” Heaven forbid it should be practical. I hope we won’t be stuck with more foolishness. Donna Murray Waitsburg...

  • Thank You

    The Times|Aug 10, 2017

    Thank you to all of the fire departments, neighbors, and friends who helped fight and put out our fire. Risking your lives and equipment for us does not go unnoticed. Columbia-Walla Walla Fire. No. 2 did a great job at command. We appreciate all of you. Thanks again. Jack, Guy and Jesse McCaw...

  • Thank You

    Aug 3, 2017

    Howard P Smith Farms would like to thank the six fire departments that responded to help put out the fire that consumed 200 acres of wheat on our property on July 25. We greatly appreciate your help and are grateful that the loss was not more. Sincerely, Howard P. Smith...

  • Dear Editor:

    Jul 13, 2017

    Divided since 9/11 I fear America has gone back to sleep – self satisfied and dead. I think about it every day. What am I living for? Could our unexamined lives not be worth the living? Though I write an unpopular letter I am still warm at age 93. Along with my World War Two friends we agree America should reinstate the military draft to active service for both young men and women. The results would bring discipline, ideological training, how to love another for freedom’s sake that are lacking in this country today. For example: People don...

  • Assessment of Present Evidence is Crucial to Future

    The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    Dear Editor, Waitsburg citizens, across the board, are concerned about the future of the city. Marty Dunn summed up the purpose of the mayor and city council when he told the Times, “The biggest challenge and needs currently facing the city is maintaining our infrastructure.” I particularly enjoyed his humorous conclusion, when he added, “Without having to raise the taxes and fees…” That’s funny; without raising taxes and fees. What a kidder that Marty is. Humor aside, the future revolves around the reality of the present. Only those persons at...

  • Please Don't Compare Names

    Feb 2, 2017

    Dear Editor, My Name is Trump My Great Grandfather, Joner Exary Trump homesteaded with his family at Promise, OR, in 1898, after leaving Raleigh County, West Virginia. He was a leader of the Promise community and well respected. My Grandfather, Green Spencer Trump was a kind and gentle man. He provided for his large family with hard work and diligence. I do not remember ever hearing a harsh or unkind word spoken by him. My Father, Benjamin Leonard Trump was well respected and a leader of the rural Tucannon River valley community. He did anythin...

  • Thank You for Support of Schools

    The Times|Nov 17, 2016

    Dear Editor: The Board of Directors and I would like to thank the patrons of Waitsburg School District for acknowledging that “our kids deserve whatever it takes.” It is so gratifying to know that soon our students will be able to learn in classrooms that have improved air quality and provide for a more quiet learning environment. Having an upgraded kitchen will provide for less waste of food due to malfunctioning equipment as well as improve the efficiency and operations of the kitchen. Finally, the field house will not only be a valued and...

  • Board Salaries Should be Frozen

    The Times|Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, Since my announcement in May that I was running for Walla Walla County Commissioner District 2, I have called for continuing the freeze on Commissioner’s salaries. The salary even at the current level is well over the median income for working families in the county. Commissioners do not deserve an increase until the people of the county are doing better. We have county employees who provide valuable services to the public cut back with mandatory furlough days. The Sheriff’s and Prosecutor’s Offices share only 24 hours a week...

  • Support Urged for Randal Son

    The Times|Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, I could talk about when I first met Randal Son, about his family, or his life. I could address his general character. But, that doesn’t give us much indication of his ability to do the job for which we are electing him. While interesting to hear these things, what we need is an example of how Randal Son approaches the problems he is bound to face as Commissioner. Does anyone recall those annual Humane Society fundraisers where Randal Son would spend his November days and nights outside in a dog kennel no matter the weather until e...

  • Support Urged for Randal Son 2

    The Times|Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, This letter is to support the candidacy of Randal Son for County Commissioner in Walla Walla County, Washington. In these changing times, the priorities and issues that affect rural counties have taken on a new significance. Randal is a tireless advocate for rural interests. He has a solid understanding of the interconnected issues involving agriculture, forestry, industry, and water. He has demonstrated his capacity to work for the common good, by bringing information into the open to inform citizens and to promote transparent...

  • Support Urged for Randal Son 3

    Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, I’ve known Randal Son since we attended Whitman College forty years ago. And I have thanked him many times for denying me a loan in 1981 when he was the Director of the Agricultural Development Loan Project. Randal accurately projected my future prospect of success—or the lack there-of—much better than I, saving me much financial pain. Later, I admired his dedication to the Humane Society, especially when generating support by soliciting funds to be freed from 24-hour imprisonment in a kennel stationed outside, subject to all f...

  • Support Urged for Randal Son 4

    Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, I am very new to the Walla Walla area. During the Wheelin’ Walla Walla Weekend event, I met Randal Son. Since I use an electric vehicle for my business, I was very interested in his electric car. What does owning an electric car say about someone? I believe it says they are frugal, innovative, interested in efficiency, concerned about the environment and looking toward the future. All good traits of an elected office holder. But mostly, I was impressed by Randal’s sincerity and what a down-to-earth, decent, friendly person Ran...

  • Support Urged for Kimball

    The Times|Nov 3, 2016

    Dear Editor, Todd Kimball is well qualified for County Commissioner. Todd Kimball has proven leadership skills, extensive educational background, agricultural knowledge, business experience and financial expertise which make him well qualified for the Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 2 position. He is a CPA, farmer and a businessman. Todd Kimball has the needed skills and experience to address the complex county budget. Todd has shown his leadership skills as a president of the Northwest Grain Growers, and while serving on the Walla...

  • Support Urged for Todd Kimball (3)

    The Times|Oct 27, 2016

    Dear Editor, With the November 8th election approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of Walla Walla County for forty-three years, I, along with the rest of the community, have been fortunate to have had fiscally responsible County Commissioners elected to office throughout the years. For example, we presently have individuals in office that have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel...

  • Schools Deserve 'yes' vote

    Oct 27, 2016

    Dear Editor, In Waitsburg, we are fortunate to have a great school system with an accomplished Staff. Please give a “yes” vote for Proposition 1 to maintain and upgrade our facilities. Roger Hevel, M.D. Waitsburg...

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