Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

News / Dayton & Waitsburg

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  • Blue Mountain Artists Guild monthly show goes virtual

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 9, 2020

    DAYTON-The Blue Mountain Artists Guild has been adorning Dayton's public spaces with their artistic endeavors every month, since the Guild was started by local artist Vivian Eslick McCauley, in 2008. This is how it works: The artists paint according to monthly themes, which are selected for the entire year, usually in November. The current month's theme is hung in the Delany Building, during the Guild's regular business meeting, which takes place on the last Tuesday of each month. The prior mont...

  • Columbia-Walla Walla Fire district #2 commissioners meet

    Tracy Thompson, the Times|Mar 12, 2020

    The Columbia-Walla Walla County Fire District #2 held their monthly meeting last Wednesday. Topics on the agenda included the hiring of a designer for a new, more user friendly website for the district, the announcement of a schedule for training events to be held in Waitsburg, the continuing discussion about the scope of the Fire Chief position, and the completion of the first Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) ‘mini grant.’ Commissioner Randy Charles of Waitsburg, stated that the gra...

  • DW athletic combine meeting focuses on new mascot

    Dave Schreindl, the Times|Mar 5, 2020

    While there were a number of items on the docket for the monthly Dayton-Waitsburg Athletic Combine Committee (DWACC) meeting on Feb. 24, over an hour was spent discussing the recent procedure used in choosing a new team mascot, concluding with the choice of the DW Wolfpack by Dayton and Waitsburg high school student bodies at the Feb. 14 election. The committee chose to put the adoption of the mascot on hold. This came after the high schools had voted for DW Wolfpack and both the Dayton and...

  • Dayton-Waitburg Combine meeting tackles mascots and athletic codes

    Dave Schreindl, the Times|Feb 6, 2020

    DAYTON—The Dayton-Waitsburg Combine Committee met Jan. 27 to discuss mascots and athletic codes as well as go over the new league alignments. Four mascot names have been chosen by the Associated Student Body (ASB) leaders to be considered for adoption: Valley Vikings, Valley Wolfpack, Birddogs, and the Giants. Students and the members of the community have an opportunity to weigh in on the names and even suggest other name possibilities to the two school’s ASBs for their approval. Input for nam...

  • Waitsburg Year in Review

    Tracy Thompson, The Times|Dec 26, 2019

    WAITSBURG-News making events for 2019 began very close to home, the Waitsburg Times', home, that is. The 141-year-old newspaper welcomed its first female owner when Lane Gwinn purchased the paper on January 1, becoming the paper's ninth publisher. News in the valley took a turn for the tragic when Waitsburg resident Leslie Moreno was arrested in the stabbing death of her boyfriend Marcus J. Allesio. She is currently in jail and awaits trial for second-degree murder. Also in January, Columbia...

  • Fire District #2 commissioner's meeting

    the Times|Dec 12, 2019

    In attendance: Randy Farley, Jake Long, Deb Fortner Colter Mohney, Bruce Abbey, Anne Higgins, Randy Charles Old Business An updated Fire Chief job description was approved and will be sent to the District’s attorney for review. The position as written is for a part-time paid position, issues such as vacation pay, and benefits are still to be determined. After the position description is reviewed by the District’s attorney, plans will be made to advertise the position in the very near term. Pre...

  • Church Services and holiday happenings planned

    the Times|Dec 12, 2019

    Waitsburg St. Mark’s Catholic Church at 405 W. 5th in Waitsburg, will have a Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve, Tues. Dec. 24, at 5 PM. Waitsburg Chapel at 320 W. 2nd in Waitsburg (509) 337-6235 Tues. Dec. 24 Christmas Candlelight Service at 6:00 p.m. -- Christmas Eve the Ministerial Association Christmas Celebration Waitsburg Christian Church at 604 Main Street in Waitsburg, WA (509)337-8898 Thurs. Dec. 21 - Women’s worship night 6:30 p.m. Women from the community are welcome to join the women of the church to sing Christmas worship songs. Sat...

  • Friends of the Community Center looking forward

    Michele Smith, the Times|Nov 7, 2019

    DAYTON—The Friends of the Community Center’s President Vicki Zoller said their group should hear by mid-November whether, or not they will be awarded a $20,000 grant from the Wildhorse Foundation. If so there will be money enough to pay for the first phase of the pool feasibility study, she said. She said the organization has been working with architects from Schemata Workshop in Seattle, and they have agreed the $60,000 feasibility study can be done in phases. Zoller said in the first pha...

  • Trail design workshop generates new ideas

    Tracy Thompson and Michele Smith, the Times|Oct 31, 2019

    For Dayton Resident Joanne Poolman, participating in the Touchet Valley Trail design charrette this past weekend is part of "being a good human." As a resident of this area for 50-some years, she became involved with the trail design process because "I was trying to bring the local element into it. I've been here longer than most, and I don't want our history to be forgotten." Poolman joined other community members, architects from the Washington Chapter of the American Society of Landscape...

  • Public invited to provide input regarding Touchet Valley Trail

    the Times|Oct 24, 2019

    DAYTON—The Touchet Valley Trail Steering Committee, in partnership with the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program, is hosting a design workshop in order to develop early stage design concepts for the trail. The design charrette (workshop) takes place this Saturday, October 26th from 5–7 pm at the Columbia County Fairgrounds Pavilion. A light sandwich dinner will be provided for all who attend. In an email, organizers shared a link to a downloadable summary of...

  • Another year of homecoming hilarity

    Beka Compton, the Times|Oct 24, 2019

    WAITSBURG-Waitsburg High School was busy this past week with homecoming competitions and games. From school decorating contests to plunger races and powderpuff football, it was as wild as it sounds! Sunday afternoon bore witness to a main-floor facelift at the high school, as each class gathered and showed their best school spirit through locker decorating, lots of red, white and black streamers, and a few bottles of window paint. Waitsburg High School was bursting with spirit, with the...

  • The Club in Dayton Looking to Add Services for Waitsburg Students

    Tracy Thompson, The Times|Oct 3, 2019

    DAYTON—The Club is interested in expanding its program to give Waitsburg students the opportunity to attend its after school program. Several Waitsburg students attended the Club’s Summer Program and expressed interest in the ability to attend the after-school program, as well. With enough interest,The Club is hoping to run a one-month trial in collaboration with Columbia County Public Transportation, wherein The Club would cover the cost of bus passes for Waitsburg students. If successful, The Club would make every effort to continue the pro...

  • Touchet Valley Trail Open House in Waitsburg

    Tracy Thompson, The Times|Sep 26, 2019

    The Touchet Valley Trail organizers held a meeting on Monday, September 23 at Waitsburg's City Hall. The meeting's content and delivery closely followed last week's meeting in Dayton (covered below) with a detailed PowerPoint presentation that included information about the genesis of the trail, its benefits, safety issues, planning and engineering, plus results from community surveys. Following the meeting, attendees were directed to various areas in the back of the room for a chance to have...

  • Back Home from 50th Class reunion

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Sep 26, 2019

    Times Business Manager Teeny McMunn recently traveled to her 50th class reunion in Miles City, Montana, this is the second article in a series. I am back home, with almost 2000 miles on my car and half of Montana’s bug population on my grill. I spent Friday and Saturday night in Spokane, and walked the fund -raiser walk Saturday morning. I left Sunday morning, traveling the route I had traveled many times, and it felt as comfortable as an old coat I found in the closet. I stopped at the $10,000...

  • Dayton City Council Update

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 19, 2019

    DAYTON—There was no unfinished or new business at the Dayton City Council meeting last week. The majority of the meeting time was spent addressing a letter written by Dayton residents Chuck and Peggy James about the alleged lack of qualifications of the City’s new Planner, Meagan Bailey, and the allegedly poor conduct of the City’s Administrator, Trina Cole, when Ms. James reached out to her by phone, the first week of September. The James’ letter was published in the Dayton Chronicle on Sept. 12. Councilman Mike Paris said, “I was appalled...

  • New combine Athletic Director looks forward to the season

    Dena Martin, the Times|Sep 5, 2019

    DAYTON/WAITSBURG-Rather than having separate athletic directors for both Dayton and Waitsburg, the athletic combine advisory committee recommended hiring one director to oversee the combine. Both school boards approved the recommendation and Luper was selected and accepeted the position in June. Luper was hired as the Dayton School District Athletic Director in November of 2018. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in physical education and health from the University of Idaho and a Masters...