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News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • End of Summer Reading Program Celebration

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 18, 2016

    DAYTON—The summer reading program at Dayton Memorial Library came to an end on Aug. 10 with a celebration featuring ice cream sundaes, games, and announcements of winners of the Summer Reading Challenge. Jamie Finch and Sandy Dare each received $75 in Dayton Dollars from the Chamber of Commerce in the Adult category of the Summer Reading Challenge. Quintin Rapoza won in the Young Adult category, Jack Zanger won in the Elementary category, and Mia Paquette was the winner in the Preschool c...

  • 4-H Quilters Ready Their Pieces for the Fair

    Dena Wood, The Times|Aug 11, 2016

    DAYTON-Last week several 4-H youth and their helpers were busily creating hand-tied, log cabin-style lap quilts, decorative throw pillows and matching pillow cases, in anticipation of the 2016 Columbia County fair in September. Head instructor Carla Thorson said that each participant was given an instruction sheet, a shopping list, and a paste-up square, per 4-H regulations, before beginning on them. This year everyone is doing the same size and style," she said. "Next year there will be an...

  • Bill Poolman's Last Harvest

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 11, 2016

    DAYTON--Bill Poolman has been farming and harvesting soft white wheat in Columbia County for the past fifty-two years. But this year will be his last, said his wife Joanne, who posted a heart-felt tribute to him on Facebook last week. "I was not prepared for the impact of watching my husband on his antique MH2 make the final cut, the final dump of wheat into the red Dodge truck, or watch him climb out of said combine, for the very last time. It feels like an era has come to an end," she posted....

  • Dayton Swimmers Compete at Championship Meet

    Ian Smay, The Times|Aug 11, 2016

    COLFAX – Every summer, kids from Dayton and the surrounding areas get the chance to compete against other kids in the Whitman County Swim League. The summer league ends each year with the teams and their members fighting it out for top honors in Colfax, at what is known as the county meet. This year was no different, as the swimmers from Dayton traveled to Colfax on Sunday to showcase their skills one final time for the summer of 2016. Dayton had numerous kids provide strong showings over the w...

  • Council Considers Bond Refinance

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 11, 2016

    DAYTON—Senior Vice President of D/A/Davidson and Bond Underwriter Jim Nelson was on hand at the Aug. 8 city council meeting for a bond financing discussion. The city is looking into refinancing two forty-year USDA loans with revenue refunding bonds in order to take advantage of historically low interest rates. Nelson outlined scenarios for the Phase I loan, 4.25% and Phase 2 Loan, 4.50%, which could each be refinanced at approximately 2.70%, and which could yield a potential net savings of 8...

  • Ready for a Paint Job

    The Times|Aug 11, 2016

    Roy Ramirez, of General Parts and Paint in Walla Walla, presents a $1,000 gift certificate to Dayton's Kari Dingman, who was the winner of the Sponsor's Choice award at this year's All Wheels Weekend in Dayton. The award has been given each year for several years by General Parts and Paint and PPG Auto Refinishing to the owner of a car or truck that is in the process of restoration. Dingman's truck is a 1953 Chevy 3100 pickup. "I need to do some body work to it and repair some rust spots before...

  • Library SRP Wraps Up with Celebration

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 4, 2016

    DAYTON- The summer reading program at Dayton Memorial Library is coming to an end on Aug. 10, as preparations begin for the new school year, according to Vicki Zoller at the library. Zoller said a summer reading program ice cream social is planned for 1 pm. on Aug. 10, and winners of the reading challenge will be announced at that time. Two adults and one child each from several age groups will receive gift certificates. There will also be fun with water balloons, she said. On Mondays this...

  • Elevate your Being at Rey's Roast Coffee

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 4, 2016

    DAYTON-The next time you are in the mood to elevate your being, visit Rey's Roast Coffee on Main Street in Dayton for conversation, and for coffee. On Friday, Regina Weldert, the proprieter of Rey's Roast Coffee, sat down with me for a little tutorial about the growing requirements for coffee beans, and to talk about her career path, from performing fieldwork in fish biology, to offering grateful customers the very best cup of coffee. Weldert said her interest in the science and chemistry of...

  • Transfer Station Work to Begin Next Month

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 28, 2016

    DAYTON—At a special meeting on Monday the Columbia County Commissioners moved to award P.O.W. Contracting, Inc., from Pasco, the contract to build a new county transfer facility. The new station will replace the temporary facility after a fire destroyed most of the necessary operational equipment, and seriously damaged the integrity of the transfer station main building, in July, 2015. P.O.W. submitted the low bid of $633,633.30, and County Engineer Andrew Woods met with the commissioners at t...

  • Michele Smith: Life in Dayton

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 28, 2016

    There was something for all when more than 60 volunteers from the New Old Time Chautauqua came to Columbia County last week. From the community potluck at the Lewis and Clark Trail State Park on Monday night, to the parade and the workshops in the Dayton city park on Tuesday, and to the vaudeville-style program in the Dayton High School auditorium on Tuesday night, the community was engaged in a way it has not been since the last Chautauqua came to Dayton in 1929. On Tuesday, during the day, I...

  • Meet Chief Kaylee Coleman

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 28, 2016

    DAYTON-Ten-year-old Kaylee Coleman, of Dayton, is one of nine children, from around the Walla Walla Valley, taking part in the Walla Walla Area Crime Watch Chief for a Day program. All of the children have been matched up with actual police chiefs, sheriffs, fire chiefs and Washington State Patrol chiefs, and will participate in the Walla Walla National Night Out activities on Aug. 2. Kaylee has been matched with Superintendent Don Holbrook from the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla....

  • Dayton Hosts 40th Annual Alumni Weekend

    Ian Smay, The Times|Jul 21, 2016

    DAYTON – Many alumni from various Dayton High School graduating classes made their way back to Dayton for Alumni Weekend. The annual celebration gives old classmates a chance to meet up and reminisce with high school friends. The weekend started with the alumni parade, which featured floats made by classes celebrating milestone reunions, such as 10th, 20th, or 25th. The parade saw a wide range of classes entered, ranging from classes of the 1950s all the way up to the Class of 2006. The p...

  • Skyline Parts 'In Very Good Hands'

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jul 21, 2016

    DAYTON – When Justin Wendt was a junior at Dayton High School, he spent a few months working an hour a day at Skyline Parts, on Dayton's Main Street, as part of the school's junior internship program. A little more than a decade later, he owns the store. "This is a real testament to Rob Moore and Steve McClean and the internship program they started," said departing store owner Dave Schreck, referring to the two former DHS teachers. Schreck said he was hesitant at first to get involved in the i...

  • Dayton Wins First Home Meet

    Ian Smay, The Times|Jul 21, 2016

    DAYTON – The summer swim team season is underway, with Dayton playing host to its first home meet of the year on July 12th. The three-team meet also played host to Garfield-Palouse-Plummer-Oaksdale and St, John-Endicott-Lacrosse-Washtucna. Dayton finished the meet in first place, with a substantial 425 team points. This gave them the win over SELW, who finished in second with 375.5 team points. GPPO finished in third with 321.5 points total. The swimmers from Dayton had a strong showing in relay events, which helped elevate them to the top spot...

  • Foodstock at Blue Mountain Station

    The Times|Jul 21, 2016

    Blue Mountain Station’s third annual Foodstock celebration added even more fun to an already busy Dayton weekend. Visitors to the Artisan Market enjoyed live music, tie-dying and crafts, food trucks, local and consignment vendors, a bounce house, and face painting....

  • Dayton Council Moves Ahead with Historic District Dissolution

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 14, 2016

    DAYTON—On Monday night the Dayton City Council adopted a resolution to revise the 2016 Historic Preservation Policy Code, and Process Update Project schedule, for the purpose of dissolving the Dayton Register South Side Historic District and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District, as “expeditiously” as possible. A motion to strike the language concerning retaining the historic districts from the resolution was made by council member Delphine Bailey, and seconded by council membe...

  • Correction

    The Times|Jul 14, 2016

    In last week’s Times we incorrectly stated that, during their June 29 meeting, the Dayton Historic Preservation Commission voted 2-2 on a motion to recommend to the city council to disband the two Dayton residential historic districts. While two members of the commission who were in attendance spoke in favor of making such a recommendation and two spoke against, the motion made was to make no recommendation to the council. That motion passed 3-1. (See above story.) We regret the error....

  • Dayton Hosts New Old Time Chautauqua

    Ian Smay, The Times|Jul 14, 2016

    DAYTON – The Touchet Valley region is the lucky host of the New Old Time Chautauqua on July 18 and 19. The group, also known as NOTC, will be at the Lewis & Clark Trail State Park in between Dayton and Waitsburg. The Chautauqua group follows the social and cultural movements that spawned in New York during the 1870s and experienced great growth until the 1920s. They present many forms of so-called "cultural enrichment," including arts (such as dance and drama), lectures and music. Back in t...

  • Planning Dept. Sees Personnel Changes

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 14, 2016

    DAYTON-The Columbia County Planning Department's problem with being short-staffed hasn't improved in spite of adding a new Planner I/Administrative Assistant to the work force this week. New employee Meagan Bailey began her first day on the job on July 5. Building inspector Jake Davis' last day at the planning department was July 8. Bailey comes to the Columbia County Planning Department newly graduated from the University of Idaho. She has a bachelor of science degree in conservation planning...

  • Superintendent Sets Goals for District

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 14, 2016

    DAYTON—At the regular meeting of the Dayton School District Board of Directors on July 6, Superintendent Doug Johnson outlined some goals for the 2016-17 school year for the Board of Directors. Chief among these was increasing the number of families enrolling in the district and decreasing the number of families enrolling out of the district. Also, by the end of 2016-17 Johnson said that a summit consisting of parents, students, employees and community members will be held to develop a f...

  • Historic Commission Won't Back Dissolving Districts

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jul 7, 2016

    DAYTON – The Dayton Historic Preservation Commission last week met for the first time since property owners in the city’s two residential historic districts voted overwhelmingly to disband those districts. Despite those results, two of the four members present at the June 29 meeting voted against a measure that would have supported the vote results and recommended dissolution of the Southside and Washington Street Historic Districts to the Dayton City Council. With a 2-2 vote, the com...

  • Trails End Taxidermy Provides Top-Class Service

    Ian Smay, The Times|Jul 7, 2016

    DAYTON – During his time in the United States military, Jeff Monyak had a commanding officer that was interested in taxidermy as a hobby. Eventually, Monyak was sent to the east coast in a new role at Boothbay Harbor, Maine. It was in this so called home of "great white-tailed deer," as Monyak described it, that he decided to take up taxidermy himself. "I got my white-tailed deer and decided that I wanted to do the mounting myself," he said. "So I called up my old CO and asked him for d...

  • Dayton Teachers Seek National Certification

    Ian Smay, The Times|Jul 7, 2016

    DAYTON – Teachers from the Dayton School District are in the process of gaining the National Board Certification. "It's the gold standard for educators" said Dayton Middle School English teacher Jeff McCann. "It is the national certification, and it is seen as the most rigorous and prestigious certification for teachers," he said. "You can get certifications for colleges, and even get assessed at the local and state levels, but the National Board is a way of proving that you know your craft well...

  • Hospital Groundbreaking Ceremony

    The Times|Jul 7, 2016

  • DHS Grad to Give Presentation at the Wenaha Gallery

    The Times|Jul 7, 2016

    DAYTON – Kevin Carson, a graduate of the Dayton High School Class of 1976, is a researcher of Pacific Northwest history. He will be at the Wenaha Gallery Saturday, July 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the Dayton Alumni Weekend. Starting at 1 p.m. he will read parts of his latest book, The Wild West Boys, which is a historical fiction story of World War I based upon real stories of the 91st Division stationed in Fort Lewis, which was comprised of many Dayton men. The book talks about the fore...

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