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News / Dayton & Columbia County

Sorted by date  Results 551 - 575 of 1893

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  • DGH Rehab Dept. Has New Hours

    Michele Smith, the Times|Oct 4, 2018

    DAYTON-The Rehabilitation Department at Dayton General Hospital is staying open late to help accommodate customers' schedules. The department is now open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, according to Physical Therapy Assistant Bryce Scott. Scott, along with his partner Jessica Parry, who is also a licensed Physical Therapy Assistant, have been assisting the physical therapists on staff at Dayton General Hospital with an increasing patient load. At the...

  • Voluntary Stewardship Program Approved for Columbia County

    Michele Smith, the Times|Oct 4, 2018

    DAYTON—Columbia County Planning Director Meagan Bailey told County Commissioners last week that the county’s Voluntary Stewardship Plan has been approved by a state technical panel on the Washington State Conservation Commission. VSP is an optional incentive-based program to assist landowners in protecting and enhancing critical areas, while promoting agriculture in the county. It is allowed under the state’s Growth Management Act, with the goal to reduce tension between competing GMA goals related to agricultural viability and protection of cr...

  • Dreams of Outer Space

    Carolyn Henderson, the Times|Oct 4, 2018

    Dreams and goals, by their nature, contain an element of the impossible. If they didn't, they'd be just be ordinary activities we take for granted (although, interestingly, one person's ordinary activities are often another person's dream). For Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, a former teacher who became an astronaut and is now a geologist for a private firm, she knew from a young age that she wanted to be all three. And though the three dreams seem separate, they share an appreciation for science...

  • Sundae + Mr. Goessl Return to Liberty Theater Oct. 12

    the Times|Oct 4, 2018

    DAYTON-Sundae + Mr. Goessl return to the Liberty Theater in Dayton at 7 p.m., on Oct. 12. This premier vintage jazz duo wowed the audience in Dayton when they came to the Liberty Theater in May on the first leg of their most recent national tour. Chris Spector, of the Midwest Record, gave this review: "...Sundae + Mr. Goessl utilize technique, technology and unique instrumentation to give this little band it's big band sound. Mr. Goessl's mesmerizing finger-style guitar dazzles and inspires,...

  • Dayton Candidates' Forum Oct. 4

    the Times|Sep 27, 2018

    DAYTON—The Dayton branch of the American Association of University Women will host a candidates’ forum on Thursday, Oct. 4, from 7 – 9:30 p.m. at the Liberty Theater. Candidates in three contested races in Columbia County have agreed to appear. Columbia County Sheriff: Joe Helm and Jeff Jenkins; Columbia County Commissioner: Charles Amerein and Dain Nysoe; Columbia County Treasurer: Carla Rowe and Cathy Schochet; Candidates for two state legislative races will also appear: State Legislative District Representative Position 1: Bill Jenkin and Ev...

  • Dayton School Board Report

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 27, 2018

    DAYTON—Dayton Elementary Principal Denise Smith and High School Principal Kristina Brown both gave reports during the Dayton School Board meeting last week. Sept. 19 was a late start day, and a trainer for the iReady assessment tool was on hand to help staff with the data, and how to use the software appropriately for assessing students in Reading and Math. Elementary Principal Denise Smith said the first benchmark testing for iReady is complete. “We are starting to dig into the data, to dev...

  • Report from Dayton City Council

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 27, 2018

    DAYTON—City Administrator Trina Cole told the Dayton City Council last week that her staff has been working to tie up “loose ends from the summer,” which includes the Washington Street FEMA project, and continuing work on the proposed water and sewer projects. Work also continues on the 2019 Preliminary Budget, she said. Cole said the city has just been approved for a $211,000 grant from the Regional Transportation Planning Organization, RTPO, for sidewalks on South 3rd Street, from Main Street...

  • Pulp Plant Nearly Complete

    the Times|Sep 27, 2018

    This drone's-eye view shows Columbia Pulp's nearly-completed straw pulp plant along the Snake River near Lyons Ferry. The plant is expected to be fully operational by the end of the year....

  • Dayton on Tour Oct. 6

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 27, 2018

    DAYTON—The Dayton Historical Depot Society is inviting you to come out October 6, from 1 to 4 p.m., and take a tour of some of the beautiful historic homes in Dayton. “This year, a select group of four homes, from the late 19th and early 20th centuries has been chosen,” said Dayton Historical Depot Museum Director Tamara Fritze. “The homes showcase excellence in historic preservation and restoration, and creative modern interpretation of diverse architectural styles.” Fritze said the homes on th...

  • Dayton Mayor Craig George to Resign

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 20, 2018

    DAYTON-There is a for sale sign on Kathy and Craig George's lawn on S. 2nd St. in Dayton. Craig George has announced that he will resign his post early next year as Dayton's mayor. He told The Times that he and his wife, Kathy, will be moving to Tucson, Ariz., to enjoy the health benefits of living in a drier climate. He said they are in the process of having a home built in the gated community of Saddle Brooke Ranch, north of Tucson. "This is the first time we have really bought anything for...

  • One-Year Fairgrounds Ban Upheld for Lee Ann Literal

    the Times|Sep 20, 2018

    DAYTON—On a 2-1 vote, the Board of Columbia County Commissioners on Monday upheld a one-year ban from the Columbia County Fairgrounds for Dayton resident Lee Ann Literal, following an administrative hearing. Literal appeared at the hearing with her attorney, Mona Geidl, to address the county’s assertion that she was consuming alcohol during a celebration of life memorial service at the fairgrounds on July 21. County Facilities Maintenance Director Dave Finney imposed the ban on July 23 after two incidents in which Finney claimed Literal was in...

  • Organic, Dynamic Ceramics

    Carolyn Henderson, the Times|Sep 20, 2018

    Long before there were machines, there was – and still is – the human hand. And as miraculous and wonderful machinery is, it does not begin to compare with the creativity of the hand, impelled by the human heart and brain. For Portland potter Dave Raynalds, ceramic plates, platters, and even globes, benefit from the direct interaction of clay and hand. Raynalds specializes in a technique call slab-built ceramics, which involves hand shaping clay – as opposed to using the pottery wheel – into it...

  • Changes in Store at Dayton Library

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 13, 2018

    DAYTON-Are you interested in bird watching, hiking, fishing, geocaching, sewing, canning, or playing the ukulele? Are your children interested in fossils, rocks and minerals, human anatomy, bugs, butterflies, chemistry, forensic, microscopes, or something called Ozobots? All you need is to be is 18 or older and possess a valid library card to participate in a new program at the Dayton Memorial Library called Library of Things. The Library of Things contains kits for children and backpacks for ad...


    the Times|Sep 13, 2018

  • Report from Dayton School Board Meeting

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 13, 2018

    DAYTON—Topics of discussion at last week’s meeting of the Dayton School Board included how to tackle the district’s budget deficit for the 2018-19 school year, as well as a facilities update, athletic combine update and enrollment update. Budget Superintendent Doug Johnson said because budgeted expenditures exceed revenue by $225,000, the district will need to consider implementing cost savings in order to maintain its financial health. Johnson and the Board will take a “deeper dive” at the October 3rd workshop meeting. The elementary and high...

  • The Makings of a Championship Barrel Racer

    Michele Smith, the Times|Sep 13, 2018

    DAYTON-It will take teamwork between Elsie Mann and her horse, and the support of a community of caring people, for this 12-year-old barrel racer to achieve her dream of qualifying for Junior National Finals Rodeo. Mann, of Dayton, and her parents, Jeni Ritchie and Christian Mann, have been working to help her achieve that goal since she climbed aboard her first pony, Annie, at the tender age of 2 ½. It was then that she ran her first barrel race, at the Milton-Freewater Pioneer Posse...

  • Broughton Building Mural Gets Needed Restoration

    Ken Graham, the Times|Sep 6, 2018

    DAYTON-The mural on the west side of the Broughton Land Co. has received a much-needed restoration, which included repair to the wall and repainting to brighten the mural images. Kennewick mural artist Don Brown is almost finished with the work. He was selected by the Dayton Development Task Force, which raised nearly $10,000 for the project. Much of the funding came from donors to the Task Force's B&O tax incentive program. Brown repaired the stucco and bricks on the lower part of the wall in e...

  • The Old and New West of Tobias Sauer

    Carolyn Henderson|Sep 6, 2018

    Things have changed a bit in the Old West over the last two centuries. While we don't ride horses as much as we did then, we still admire the life of the cowboy, the vast expanse of mountains and prairie, and the wildlife of the area. This is the New West, a subject close to the heart and hands of oil painter Tobias Sauer. Sauer has spent a major portion of his life residing near the route taken by the Lewis and Clark Expedition. "I paint scenes from the West because I love it," says the Coeur...

  • Columbia County Fair: Fun for Young and Old

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 30, 2018

    DAYTON-"Dirty Hands and Country Fans" is the theme of this year's 128th Columbia County Fair. From the opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. on Sept 7 until the fair closes at 5 p.m. on Sept. 9, expect to see a mix of new and traditional activities. "Things are coming together. We have a pretty good team right now," said Fair Board President Matt Johnson. Johnson said a few more reliable volunteers would be welcome, to help with fair activities. "There will be even more variety at this year's fair,"...

  • Lisa Brown in Dayton

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 30, 2018

  • Port to Purchase Building 2 at Blue Mtn. Station

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2018

    DAYTON—During a special meeting last week, Port of Columbia commissioners voted to move forward with purchasing Building No. 2 at Blue Mountain Station in Dayton. Port officials say they have determined that owning the building will assist in the continued development of businesses at the BMS. The Port’s Executive Director, Jennie Dickinson, and private developer Colby Litzenberger have negotiated a purchase price of $264,000. Dickinson said the building was recently appraised at $270,000. Kathryn Witherington, the Port’s Economic Devel...

  • Suzi Tasker to Offer Wholistic Health and Beauty Services

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2018

    DAYTON-Sometimes you have to leave home before you appreciate it. Suzi and Duane Tasker and their 11-year-old son, Noa, did just that, and are now happy to be back in Dayton. The Taskers called Redding Calif. home for ten months, but realized quickly that Redding was not going to be their forever home. After 10 months of "healthy perspective," and a visit to Dayton this spring to ready their home for sale, the couple realized how much they missed living here. "When we came home, we recognized a...

  • Clint Attebery Wears Many Hats in Dayton and Columbia County

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2018

    DAYTON-Clint Atteberry is well into his second year working out of the county Planning and Building Department as the Code Enforcement Officer for both the City of Dayton and Columbia County. Atteberry said he patrols all eight zones in the city, tackling one zone every day, looking for violations of Dayton's municipal code. He also investigates citizen complaints for both the city and county. "It's an ongoing process," said Atteberry. "We're doing everything by the code, and I'm doing as much...

  • Columbia Co. EMS Levy Gets Strong Yes Vote

    Aug 16, 2018

    DAYTON—Preliminary results from the Aug. 7 election showed that the Columbia EMS Levy is passing with just over 71% yes votes. A 60% yes vote is required for passage. Fire District 3 Chief Jeromy Phinney said that although there are still votes out there to count, it is safe to say it is passing. “I’m most happy to have that kind of support from the community. It looked like the precincts in all areas of the county were supportive,” he said. “I think that’s huge. It will help us with our staffing and equipment needs and generate the funds t...

  • Other City Council Business

    Aug 16, 2018

    Authorized Anderson and Perry and Associates, Inc. to complete engineering services associated with Inert Waste Landfill Project. Authorized Change Order No. 1 for the FEMA Street Repairs Project – FEMA portion Authorized Change Order No. 2 for the FEMA Street Repairs Project – City/Seneca portion Authorized Ordinance No. 1937, amending certain sections of Title 11 of the Dayton Municipal Code – Zoning. Planning Director Meagan Bailey referred to this a general housecleaning of the DMC. Authorized Pacific Power to replace all street light...

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