Sorted by date Results 701 - 725 of 1895
Dayton Memorial Library 111 S. 3rd Street, Dayton Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs., 12-8 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Storytime: Wed., 10 a.m. Queens of the Conquest: England’s Mid Evil Queens, by Alison Weir (Nonfiction) – The lives of England’s medieval queens were packed with incident—love, intrigue, betrayal, adultery, and warfare—but their stories have been largely obscured by centuries of myth and omission. Now esteemed biographer Alison Weir provides a fresh perspective and restores these women to their rightfu...
DAYTON—At the last CCHS regular board meeting in November, Stephanie Carpenter, RN, COO, spoke about a meeting she attended sponsored by the Aging and Long Term Care and the Alzheimer’s Association at the SonBridge Community Center in College Place. The purpose of the meeting was to learn about a statewide movement that empowers people with memory loss, and their families, and that helps them stay connected in the community. Carpenter said the goal is to plan for a dementia-friendly community in Columbia County. She said that businesses can...
DAYTON--It was confirmed by the BOCC at last week’s regular meeting that County Planner Greg Abramson has been terminated from his job at the County Building and Planning Department, with no reason given. Abramson has been a Senior Planner/Building Inspector for the county since 2015. When asked about the shortage of staff in the Planning Department, Commissioner Norm Passmore said, “We’re working on that.” When fully staffed the Planning and Building Department will have three employees; a director, an assistant and code enforcement officer...
DAYTON – First-year 4-H Robotics Coach Jeanne Walter is pretty proud of her group, and rightfully so! The group of seven kids, age 10-13, from both Dayton and Waitsburg, recently won the Research Award for their project at the First Lego League Regional Tournament in Pasco and will advance to the state competition in Cheney on January 13. The club, named the Venus Flytraps, includes Mikel Vance, Vaughn Walter, Juniper Kerr, Balian Walter, Phinneas Kerr, Hudson Reser and Joshua Reser. Of the 2...
Young Alexis, daughter of Roger Tumbocon and Justin Jaech, enjoyed a visit with Santa (Val Kiefer) at Breakfast with Santa, hosted by the Dayton First Congregational Church on Sat., Dec. 9. The church has been hosting the free breakfasts for over 30 years....
DAYTON—A special meeting was held on Dec. 6 in the school district board room to discuss how the Dayton School District can best meet some newly-identified school facility needs as well as how to finish currently-identified facilities projects. Superintendent Doug Johnson said due to the increasing cost and scope of the projects the current capital project levy falls short of being able to complete all of the projects. “In addition to the projects already on the table, the heating system, district-wide, has become very problematic,” he said....
DAYTON--County Commissioner Merle Jackson would like to express his gratitude to the voters of Columbia County for passing Proposition 1, the one-tenth of one percent county wide sales tax for the purpose of providing for ongoing, stable funding for improvements and maintenance of the radio system and 911 Emergency Services Operations. “It’s gratifying to start on this road of upgrading the equipment,” Jackson said. Replacing the eleven-year-old analog radio console in the county’s dispatc...
DAYTON - The Columbia County Sheriff’s Department has released a statement to the press about an incident that occurred last Tues., Dec. 5, when the Sheriff’s Department received a call from the Dayton School District regarding threats made against the school by a student. The Sheriff’s Department press release stated that Deputy Jeff Jenkins met with Superintendent Doug Johnson and High School Principal Paul Shaber. After determining the threats were credible, Sheriff Rocky Miller and Prosecutor Rea Culwell were asked to join the meeti...
DAYTON-Patricia Sacha is a natural in her new role as the Blue Mountain Station's Market manager. Sacha farmed the garden at the Blue Mountain Station in 2015. Since 2016 she and her husband, David, have been operating Hidden Gardens Farm, supplying microgreens and herbs to the BMS Market and to local restaurants. Sacha said is familiar with what running the market entails. "I used to help Melissa (Weatherford) with packaging products and stocking shelves," she said. "I already know a lot of...
DAYTON-Patients stand to benefit from the addition of three new treatment modalities at Dayton General Hospital, as well as from the enthusiasm of the staff responsible for them. Treatment with acupuncture has been added to the list of services at DGH. Acupuncture Denise Lane has been utilizing her education, from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, Ore., and her experience to give patients another option in treating chronic pain, stress, anxiety and depression. An...
New statewide school funding levy takes effect DAYTON – Property owners take note! Columbia County Assessor Chris Mills wants you to be aware of tax hikes in 2018 when a new statewide levy goes into effect. The purpose of the levy is to fix a state Supreme Court ruling that requires full funding of basic education. Mills discussed current tax collections and the impacts from the new levy when she met with the Board of County Commissioners last week. She said the current State Levy No. 1 collects 1.6 million in tax dollars from Columbia C...
DAYTON - Winter is coming! The City of Dayton would like to take this opportunity to remind and inform the community of applicable codes and standards. The City of Dayton will allow members of the public to store their vehicles on the streets for a maximum of 30 days. This standard is even more important as fall and winter is upon us. Leaves are to be swept up by City Public Works, and allowing this will ensure easy and safe snow removal. Let’s work together to keep long-term vehicles, leaves, snow, and hazardous conditions off of our roads. H...
As a person who likes to sew, it always disturbed me that such aficionados are called "sewers," a term that, pronounced a different way, is something no respectable person wants to be called. So when I found the term, "sewist," I was most excited, and when I discovered Dayton sewist Kathy Snow – who makes my own high-amateur efforts look like something, well, a skilled amateur would create – I was even more excited. Snow is a Sewist Supreme, fashioning intricately detailed work that ranges from...
Members of the Walla Walla Choral Society spent Friday afternoon in Dayton singing Christmas Carols at several businesses. They are seen here singing in Rey's Roast Coffee Shop on Main Street. The group will be in Waitsburg on Saturday afternoon during the Hometown Christmas event....
DAYTON – A public hearing for the proposed Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2018-23, the proposed 2018 County Arterial Preservation Program, and the proposed 2018 Annual Construction Program, will be held on Dec. 4, as set by the BOCC in October. County Engineer Andrew Woods said funding has been secured for the first six projects on the TIP. Number one on the TIP list is the South Touchet Road Project, which calls for improving the intersections at Harting Grade Road and Robinette Mo...
DAYTON--Ladies grab your daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends and head out for some fun on Monday, between 5 and 8 p.m., for Dayton's annual Ladies Night Out event. The idea for Ladies Night Out originated at a quilt shop called the Hawthorne Gallery, owned by Patti Eaton. Ladies would stop by the shop for wine and appetizers, and create a wish list for Christmas and for other occasions for family members to fill, said Village Shoppes owner Candy Jones. It has been an annual tradition ever...
DAYTON—There will be a public meeting at 6 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 29 in the Dayton High School auditorium to discuss the DW athletic combine. An update will be given by the combine committee, with a question and answer period to follow. “The committee has agreed upon many parts of the combine, including how to hire coaches, where some of the practices and contests will be held, and how to deal with mascots, name and colors. More work needs to be done as the combine becomes closer to reality for the...
It takes a lot of skill to be controlled yet simultaneously spontaneous. For oil painter Laura Gable, the best place to achieve this is outside, regardless of the weather, as she paints en plein air, the French term for painting outside. "I am currently obsessed with the landscape and light/shadow patterns," the Kennewick artist says. "I like the intimacy of close places and the vastness of large skies." Gable describes art as a form of language, one she developed as a child as a means of...
Wildmans hope new gathering spot will preserve history and create jobs STARBUCK-When Carol and Floyd Wildman open a restaurant in the century-old building at 211 Main Street in Starbuck, they hope to provide a much-needed gathering place and create a few jobs for some local people. Carol Wildman said the building was originally the Starbuck Drug Store and was owned and operated by Vernon Whiting and Son until 1926 when the building was purchased by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was...
Fred White was selected by the Dayton School District Board of Directors to finish Dan Andrews’ term on the Board. White has lived in Columbia County for 34 years and is a project manager for Puget Sound Energy. White’s interests include the DW combine and making sure students have the tools they need to be successful. White is married to Kelly White and is the father of two. His 16-year-old daughter, Kaleigh, is a junior at Dayton High School and his 13 year old son Braedyn is a 7th grader in...
DAYTON-The City of Dayton is known as "The Town that Still Believes" and to celebrate, the Dayton Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the 11th annual Christmas Kickoff, which will take place on Fri., Nov. 24, and on Sat., Nov.25. From early Friday morning, until the end of the day on Saturday, the town will come alive with fun-filled activities for everyone, young and old. This year Santa's workshop will be at 250 E. Main St. from 1 - 5:30 .pm. on Friday, and from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday....
Arraignments: -Travis Rogelio Garcia, 31, Dayton; charged with first degree trafficking in stolen property and second degree possession of stolen property. Court reports state that a Walla Walla detective saw a description of a $3,000 Redline CSl cyclecross bicycle, that was stolen from Prentiss Hall on the Whitman Campus, list for sale for $200 on Facebook, by Garcia. An undercover officer attempted to purchase the bicycle and Garcia was arrested. He is held on $20,000 10% security bond. The new charges also resulted in conditions of release...
DAYTON – The Board of Columbia County Commissioners is in the process of deciding how to fill Director Kim Lyonnais’ position at the county Building and Planning Department after Lyonnais retired from the county two weeks ago. Commissioner Norm Passmore said the BOCC is looking at a couple of ideas, including hiring someone new to replace Lyonnais or just going with the staff already at the department. Passmore emphasized the importance of providing the planning and permitting needs of the cou...
DAYTON-The Dayton Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards banquet last Thursday at the fairgrounds Pavilion. The Chamber's Citizen of the Year Award was presented to Paula Moisio by city councilwoman Kathy Berg. Berg said Moisio had an outpouring of support for her nomination, because of her dedication to the Dayton School District, where she is the business manager, and for her volunteer work with the Blue Mountain Heritage Society and with the American Legion. "It seems every community...
DAYTON--Mayor Craig George presented the budget for 2018 at last week’s council meeting. Changes to the budget are possible pending contract negotiations with the union, he said. Chamber Director Justin Nix presented his third-quarter report to the council. Nix said marketing is working well. An email blast about Christmas Kickoff went out to 40,000 people in Pacific Northwest and there were 970 hits within two days, he said. Bookings at both hotels were made within three days of the blast a...