Sorted by date Results 827 - 851 of 1893
There were 60 youth from the Summer Recreation Program, and through the Dayton Memorial Library's Wednesday program for children, at the HomeStreet Bank Parking Lot Party last Wednesday. The children made Homemade windsocks, and had an ice cream party....
DAYTON-Dayton Cut and Wrap is back in business doing mobile slaughter, and is under new ownership. Joe Nyce owned and operated the business with his brother in law Roger Trump since the 1980s, before the Westergreen family came on board with Tucannon Meats in 2006. The business became available in March of this year, and Scott Groom, a butcher from Walla Walla, bought the business from Nyce, and opened shop on June 1. Groom changed the name back to "Dayton Cut and Wrap." "I was here running it,...
DAYTON – This past Saturday saw Dayton's Blue Mountain Station play host to 20 vendors during its fourth annual FoodStock event. The event, which was originally held the same weekend as the famous Woodstock event, was moved after a conflict with a concert in Walla Walla two years ago. The day-long food, beverage, and craft festivities are now held on the same weekend as Dayton High School's Alumni Weekend, to give alumni and families another source for entertainment while in town, said Brad M...
DAYTON--Outdated telecommunication equipment is causing consternation for the staff at the county’s emergency management dispatch center, the sheriff’s office, Fire Districts No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, and ambulance crews. It could be posing a safety issue for county residents as well. Emergency Management Director Lisa Caldwell, Public Works Director Andrew Woods, Fire Chief Jeremy Phinney, Sheriff Rocky Miller, Allan Harris from Fire Dist. No. 1, and Thor Wiegman, from Industrial Com...
DAYTON – The Dayton Swim Team is under new leadership for the first time in a decade, with new Head Coach Jamie Trump taking the reins for the 2017 summer season. The change in coaching occurred after veteran coach Rosy Nechodom retired following the 2016 season. Following many questions and receiving support from various community members and parents, Trump decided to take on the challenge. "People had been asking me if I was going to coach this year," Trump explained. "I decided to go back t...
DAYTON – The Touchet Valley Golf Course has played host to both a women's and a men's league this summer, and will also host tournaments at the end of the summer. The men's league has been held on Thursdays throughout the summer months, and will wrap up in two weeks' time. The league is made up of multiple teams of three golfers each. The women's league follows the same format, but their weekly rounds are held on Monday evenings, and will also wrap up in the coming weeks. Golfers this year h...
DAYTON—Dayton Alumni Weekend will take place the weekend of July 14-16 according to Dell Groom, who graduated from Dayton High School in 1957, and who serves on the Alumni Association Committee as Parade Chairman. On Friday, most of the classes work on their individual floats,” Groom said. On Saturday, an hour before, and during the parade, alumni will be able to register, pay dues, buy raffle tickets or visit on the corner of 2nd Street and Main Street. Money from the dues will go toward sch...
DAYTON – Things are pretty quiet around Dayton's historic Liberty Theater these days – at least when it comes to the air conditioning and heating system. Theater Manager Kirsten Schober says she is thrilled with the newly installed HVAC system that is not only ultra energy-efficient, but also "completely silent." Schober said that when the Touchet Valley Arts Council (TVAC) was formed, the organization agreed to put 5% of ticket revenues into a long-term maintenance fund for planned upg...
Arraignments: Scott E. Watkins, 38, Dayton. Charged with second degree arson, two counts of attempted residential burglary, and third degree malicious mischief. Eyewitnesses allege Watkins attempted to enter two separate residences and tried to burn down a storage tent. In another case, Watkins is charged with third degree assault – substantial pain. Watkins was booked into jail in May where he is alleged to have gotten into a physical altercation with a family member that was already incarcerated. At the time, both parties told police the i...
DAYTON – Dayton’s Blue Mountain Station will be home to a new bake shop starting July 15th when Michelle Swan opens the doors of Mama Swan’s Sweet Treats to the public during the station’s FoodStock event. The shop will feature various baked goods, including: handmade cakes, cupcakes, cookies, cheesecakes, and other specialty deserts. Swan says they will also feature her signature sugar cookies, as well as offering wedding cake services. All of the baking done for the shop will be carried out by Swan herself, and the front-of-house will be ran...
Art students from Dixie, Walla Walla and Dayton took part in a five-hour watercolor workshop held on the grounds of the Boldman House Museum last week. The instructor was Joyce Anderson, a local art teacher from Walla Walla....
The off-leash park is near completion thanks to strong community support DAYTON--Generous donations, grants, and volunteer efforts are paying off for the Friends of the Dayton Dog Park, as their dream of having an off-leash park for dogs is becoming a reality, said Carol Rahn, who is co-captain on the FDDP steering committee, along with Candy Jones. Rahn called the city's donation of land for the park, "a magical gift from heaven". The city also supplied dirt to the site, and the city crew...
Renowned horse trainer, Buck Brannaman, was in Dayton over the weekend, offering Colts, and Horsemanship 1 clinics. Brannaman is known worldwide for his successful training using the vaquero tradition; working with the horse's nature and using an understanding of how horses thing to communicate and train them. Brannaman led a clinic in Aintree, United Kingdom before his Dayton clinic and is in Corvallis, Ore. this week....
DAYTON – Dayton artist Steve Henderson and his wife, Carolyn, were a bit apprehensive when their son, Jordan, announced his desire to visit Colombia. Now that Jordan is home safe-and-sound, his parents can breathe a sigh of relief and take pride and enjoyment in sharing the art Jordan created during his adventure. Steve and Carolyn had bicycled through Colombia 30 years prior, and felt they had little option other than to be encouraging and supportive when their son said he wanted a similar expe...
DAYTON--On June 22, Chief Financial Officer Cheryl Skiffington presented the Columbia County Health System Board of Commissioners with the American Hospital Association and the Washington State Hospital Association positions regarding the U.S. Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, which is the Republican proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The CCHS pays dues to both hospital associations, Skiffington said. “This is not partisan,” she clarified. Skiffington read...
POMEROY—Sharing emergency management services, as a cost-reduction measure, was the topic of discussion when the Columbia County Commissioners and Columbia County Emergency Management Director Lisa Caldwell met with commissioners from Garfield and Asotin counties, the Garfield County Emergency Management Director, two Greater Spokane Area emergency management deputy directors, as well as a representative from the Washington State Military Department, on June 13. The major area of concern for C...
DAYTON – Kids in Dayton are spending their weekdays having fun with their friends, while also learning, at Blue Mountain Counseling's Summer Recreation Program. The program, headed by Prevention Coordinators Laura Tolman and Jennifer Price, has signed up 85 kids so far, and more parents have asked about signing their kids up in the coming weeks, according to Tolman. The day starts at 7:30 a.m., when kids can attend free breakfast in the Dayton Elementary School Multipurpose Room. The meal, w...
DAYTON – Dayton Elementary School Principal Pam Lindsley has accepted a job in the Spokane School District, which is closer to her home and family, Superintendent Doug Johnson said at last week’s school board meeting. She has resigned as of June 30. Johnson said, “I’m going to miss her. She’s done an outstanding job.” Job postings have gone out, and Johnson said he hopes to have a qualified applicant hired by July 10. “I hope I get as lucky, as I did with her,” Johnson said about Lindsley’s cred...
DAYTON – The Dayton Memorial Library has a lot going on in July: *The Kid’s Adventure Program takes place every Wednesday at 2 p.m. Creating an insect aquarium for the library will take place on July 5. Make windsocks at HomeStreet Bank and enjoy a parking lot party on July 12. *Story Time with Miss Carolyn takes place every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. *Create or improve professional resumes and cover letters with local writer Dian Ver Valen on Tuesdays, beginning July 11 through August 1, from 3:00-4:30 pm. *Preregister at the library, or...
Volunteers got started putting up the fence at Dayton's new dog park, located at the south end of Pietryzycki City Park,...
Sunny skies, warm weather, and plenty of participants made for a successful All Wheel's Weekend in Dayton last weekend. See story and more photos on the Last Page....
STARBUCK – The Port of Columbia Commissioners held their monthly meeting on June 14 at Lyons Ferry Marina. Jim MacArthur, who, along with his wife, Angela, operates the marina facility, including campground, restaurant and store, spoke to the commissioners regarding frustrations they are having this year. These include slow progress on repairs to the marina, inability to secure full staffing in the restaurant, and weather that, except for Memorial Day weekend, put a damper on business early in the year. MacArthur called it “the toughest yea...
Arraignments: Michael J. Clark, 32, Cheney; Charged with possession of methamphetamine and driving with license suspended, third degree. Clark was pulled over while driving on Highway 12 and a registration check showed he had a suspended license. The arresting officer allegedly found Clark in possession of a bag with white crystalline substance believed to be methamphetamine. Clark entered a plea of not guilty. Bail was set at $10,000 personal recognizance bond. Darrel Jean Salgado, 22, Dayton. Charged with possession of methamphetamine and...
DAYTON--Tom Schirm's wood carving of a rainbow trout earned second place in the Trout, Salmon and Char category at the World Fish Carving Championship in Peoria, Ill., in May. It also took first place in the subcategory for rainbow trout. His brown trout carving won third place in the miniature category for freshwater fish, and third place overall in the same category, he said. This artform seems to be a natural fit for Schirm, who works as a habitat biologist for the Washington Department of...
DAYTON – A hillside trail being created for hiking and biking behind the Port of Columbia in Dayton is ready for walkers, and may be ready for biking before the end of the summer, says trail creator Doug Hinds. The trail was started earlier this year by Hinds, who works as the local lineman for Pacific Power, and is doing most of the work on the trail himself. Hinds wants to provide people an alternative to the Touchet River Dike and other area paths. "It's for the community and people coming i...