Sorted by date Results 752 - 776 of 1893
Dayton-Drivers will be able to get a wash, wax and shine when the Classy Chassy carwash reopens early next year, according to owner Kyle Anderson. Anderson, who also owns Kyle's Custom Toys & Towing, said he and his crew have been busy putting the finishing touches on the exterior of the building, which is located at the corner of S. Cottonwood and Hwy. 12. Work will begin on the interior as soon as the roof is finished, he said. The carwash will require new plumbing, machines, and vacuums....
DAYTON-Visit Dayton's own version of "Cheers" on October 7 and finally see what is inside the pre-1890s era metal floor safe that has been in Kurt Campbell's possession since he discovered it in the basement of Woody's Bar & Grill 13 thirteen years ago. Campbell's Century Celebration will take place on October 7, when the restaurant opens at 11 a.m. until closing at 1 a.m. Campbell is featuring the art of Kim Bruzas and the soothing tones of Ordinary Men, along with the many eclectic items he ha...
Dayton's new dog park had its grand opening last Tuesday....
Artisan desserts, live music, a free gift, and hot, felted wool – the combination is intriguing enough that it’s worth setting aside the afternoon to check out. Wenaha Gallery in Dayton, Wash., celebrates art and artists Sat., Oct. 7, from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. during the town’s annual Art Walk, part of Dayton’s On Tour and Fall Festival. Five artists will be on site, including Walla Walla felt artist Linnea Keatts, who will demonstrate how to turn wool and silk fibers into wearable and usable art. Keatts is joined by four other regional artists, in...
3 S. 3rd Street, Dayton Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs., 12-8 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Storytime: Wed., 10 a.m. The Chalk Artist, by Allegra Goodman (Fiction) - Collin James is young, creative, and unhappy. A college dropout, he waits tables and spends his free time beautifying the streets of Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his medium of choice: chalk. Collin’s art captivates passersby with its vibrant colors and intricate lines—until the moment he wipes it all away. Nothing in Collin’s life is meant to last. The...
DAYTON- Even little towns can do big things! Dayton and Waitsburg community members pulled together enough popular votes to win the Dayton Boys and Girls Club a $25,000 State Farm Neighborhood Assist national grant. A kick-off celebration is planned for noon on Saturday. State Farm Insurance office representative Samantha Edwards said the Dayton Boys and Girls Club was one of 40 recipients of the award. State Farm agent Bette Lou Crothers entered the Boys and Girls Club, which will be housed in...
DAYTON – On Thurs., Sept. 21, the Pasco Police Department and the Tri-Cities Regional SWAT team combined forces to arrest two men in connection with a shooting that took place in Dayton the day before. According to a Columbia County Sheriff’s Office press release, deputies responded to a 911 call of a shooting in Cameron Court at approximately 8:10 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 20. Upon arrival, deputies found Dayton resident Jason Love, 31, with a gunshot wound to his right upper thigh. Witnesses reported that three males had entered the trailer and...
DAYTON—Dayton on Tour, featuring four events in one, will take place on Sat., Oct. 7. Maps for the annual Dayton Historic Home Tour are available at the Dayton Historical Depot Museum on Saturday, between the hours of 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for the tour which will take place from 1-4 p.m.. Proceeds help support the Dayton Historical Depot Society. “The Historic Home Tours offer the public a rare opportunity to tour beautiful historic private residences in our community,” said Dayto...
People like flowers for many reasons, but one of the more distinctive is that plants don't walk away when you're photographing them. "I like the bold, sculptural shapes of flowers," says Maja Shaw, a Richland watercolor artist who wants viewers of her work to enjoy the beauty of color and shapes based upon the world around them. Shaw is presently showing her work in a month-long Art Event at Wenaha Gallery, with a selection of images encompassing both flowers and local landscapes. "Flowers make...
Story Time for preschoolers is every Wednesday at 10 a.m. Family Story Time and Dinner is on Oct.r 3, at 6 p.m. in the Delany Building The library is celebrating its 80th anniversary with an open house on Oct.16, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Friends of the Dayton Memorial Library will have their Used Book Sale on Fri., Oct. 13, from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., on Sat., Oct. 14, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and on Sun., Oct. 15 from 1-4 p.m.., at 250 East Main St. The Friends of the Dayton Memorial Library will have their monthly meeting on Oct. 18, at 4 pm. ...
DAYTON-School is back in session and the Dayton School District Board of Directors had their first meeting of the new school year last week. All board members were present, with the exception of Dan Andrews, who has resigned from the board. Student enrollment in September was 392 FTE, slightly higher than budgeted, said Superintendent Doug Johnson. Business Manager Paula Moisio said the District had a successful 2016-17 school year and the goal going forward is to make sure reserves stay strong...
DAYTON-Peggy Guiterrez, who is the Drug Free Coordinator Grant Program Director in Columbia County, is retiring. Guiterrez said she was serving as the Prevention Specialist at Blue Mountain Counseling when the Coalition for Youth and Families was encouraged by the state Prevention Services Manager to apply for the Drug Free Communities Grant in 2011. "We applied in 2011 and missed the cut off by two points, so we applied again in 2012 and received the grant on our second attempt," she said....
DAYTON – An outside investigation of an Aug. 9 incident which resulted in Columbia County Reserve Deputy Kenneth Foxe firing a round from his weapon determined that the shot was a justified use of force. On the afternoon of Wed., Aug. 9, Columbia County Dispatched received a call for a welfare check at the Dayton High School baseball field. Reserve Deputy Foxe responded to the call and was confronted by Alonzo Snider, who is a Dayton resident. According to court documents and a sheriff’s off...
by Dayton Code Compliance Officer Clint Atteberry This month’s focus will be on the city streets and alleyways. Alleyways must remain clear to allow for ease of access for not only garbage service but also emergency services such as fire and ambulance. All intersections, including alleys, must have an unimpeded view of the streets. I have also noticed a lot of low hanging trees over our streets. Trees must be kept at least 14 feet above the street and 12 feet above curb. Working on these issues will keep our streets and alleys a...
DAYTON – Members and friends of the Dayton First Congregational Church held a celebration following last Sunday's service to honor the 140th anniversary of the church's founding. The historic Rev. Cushing Eells bell in the church's steeple was rung during worship. The Congregational Church is one of Dayton's first churches. According to a history provided by church officials, a group of Congregationalists began meeting in Dayton in 1877, led by Rev. E.W. Allen, a local farmer. This was only a d...
DAYTON – The Blue Mountain Station will host its third annual Oktoberfest on Sat., Oct. 14 from 11 a.m – 5 p.m. on the station grounds, located at 700 Artisan WAy in Dayton. This year's offerings include some new contests and events. As always, the Dayton Kiwanis will grill up their delicious, locally-sourced bratwurst for just $5. An additional $3 will buy a german potato salad and german cabbage side dish prepared by the BMS Co-op. Another $2 will buy a Warren Orchards apple strudel for desser...
DAYTON – The Dayton Memorial Library will host a Micah and Me Dance party in the Delany Room on Sat. Sept. 23 at 11 a.m. The band is made up of three at-home dads who desire to entertain, educate and empower children from ages 0-7 through the power of music. Over the last several years they have played hundreds of live shows for children across Washington and Oregon. Band members play ukulele, guitar, bass drum and bass guitar while dancing and singing. Each shows runds 45-60 minutes, d...
The weather was warm and skies were blue (rather than filled with smoke) for Dayton's Columbia County Fair & Rodeo last weekend. See more fair photos on the Last Page....
DAYTON – More than 50 people showed up Monday evening for a public hearing held by the Columbia County Planning Commission on the final draft of Columbia County Fairgrounds Facilities Improvement Plan. About a dozen people spoke to the commission and the audience, conveying their hopes and concerns about potential improvements to the fairgrounds facility and Touchet Valley Golf Course near Dayton's west end. Many expressed concerns about horse stall rentals becoming too expensive, and t...
Arraignments: --Alonzo Grant Snicer, 44, Dayton. Charged with third degree assault and resisting arrest. Court documents state that deputy Foxe was dispatched for a welfare check on Aug. 9. When he arrived, Snider allegedly prevented Foxe from exiting his vehicle by holding the door closed. When Foxe exited the vehicle he used a tazer on Snider, then hit him. Foxe then went to the ground and a non-striking bullet was fired from his gun. Witness accounts say that Snider pushed Foxe to the ground while kicking and hitting him. Foxe was treated...
DAYTON – As we head into fall, things are heating up at Dayton's historic Liberty Theater. With a spectacular new musical, film festival, and a visit from a premier musical act, there should be plenty of entertainment to keep everyone happy as the days get shorter and the nights get colder. There is no one else quite like the Doo-Wah Riders; for over 30 years they have been riding their own patch of the musical range throughout the west, building an impressive grass-roots fan base along the w...
DAYTON-Savonnah Henderson has been around art her whole life. Her father, Steve Henderson, is an internationally known fine artist. She has two paternal uncles and one paternal sister who are artists. Her brother Jordan has recently shown his Colombian-trip-inspired wood carvings and charcoal drawings at the Wenaha Gallery, and her father has several of his paintings on display there, now. And Savonnah is now employed at the gallery as a framer and manager-in-training, according to Pat Harri...
DAYTON—Representatives of the Umatilla Confederated Tribes came before the BOCC at last week’s regular meeting to present and discuss a proposed Memorandum of Agreement for the Rainwater Wildlife Area, which, if enacted, would establish a formal working relationship between the tribes and the county. Since 1997 the tribes, in conjunction with the Bonneville Power System, have acquired land in the Rainwater Wildlife Area, of which 10,835 acres lie in Columbia County. The lands have been purchased for the purpose of mitigation for impacts on fis...
Dayton FFA Josilyn Fullerton – FFA Beef Grand Champion Market, FFA Beef Grand Champion Fitting/Showing, FFA Round Robin Fitting/Showing, Overall Round Robin Hayden Woolridge – FFA Beef Reserve Grand Champion Market Katie Patton – FFA Beef Res. Grand Champion Fitting/Showing Alexus Wanlarbkum – FFA Swine Grand Champion Market Rebecca Pellici – FFA Swine Reserve Grand Champion Market Livestock Judging Team – Second place Livestock Judging Individual Placings – Josilyn Fullerton (2nd), Kianna Price (3rd), Ben White (9th), Sidney Andrews (10th...