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News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • Dayton City Council hears about 2017 All Wheels Weekend

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 18, 2017

    DAYTON-Special guest Bette Lou Crothers spoke about progress for this year's All Wheels Weekend event at last week's Dayton City Council meeting. Crothers showed the council the All Wheel's Weekend T shirt design, which showcases the 1962 Ford Galaxie state patrol car, which won last year's Peoples' Choice Award, along with the 2016 Friday Night Coolest Cruiser winner, which is a 1931 Ford Victoria. Crothers said to expect the usual events at All Wheels Weekend, including the Poker Walk, and the...

  • New exhibits on tap for Boldman House Museum

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 18, 2017

    DAYTON - "We are preparing for Dayton Days. We have an outdoor, old fashioned, fun activity for kids of all ages," said Boldman House Museum Director Sylvia Beuhler. Activities will include two favorites: doing laundry with a washtub and scrubbing board, and making butter in a hand crank jar. There will also be old fashioned tools available for grinding wheat, peeling apples, and shelling corn. Kids will also be invited to plant flower seeds in the garden, Beuhler said. Beuhler said tours of...

  • Dayton Schools Fill Three Positions

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 11, 2017

    DAYTON – The Dayton School District has hired a K-12 school counselor, to start next fall. Susan Stege is a certified school counselor with experience in individual and group counseling, and in working with parents. Stege graduated from the University of Oregon, and Portland State University. She also holds a teaching certificate in Art. She worked in the Chandler Arizona School District from 2002-2015 and is a recent arrival to the Walla Walla Valley. Tracy Pearson is the new wood/ag teacher i...

  • Boldman Family Car Returns to Dayton

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 11, 2017

    DAYTON – The Boldman family's 1934 Chevrolet Master Deluxe, a six-cyclinder, four-door sedan, has returned to Dayton, and has been reunited with its original license plates, car inspection report, and registration paperwork. The car and some of its original items were separated when Gladys Boldman sold the car in 1977. The car was originally purchased on March 28, 1934, by S.A. Boldman, and was driven by him and members of his family, according to Sylvia Beuhler, the Boldman House Museum D...

  • Dayton School Board Addresses Strategic Priorities

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 11, 2017

    DAYTON—Dayton school superintendent Doug Johnson gave a report at last week’s school board meeting about the Dayton School District’s community visioning strategic priorities. He said that all staff will meet in the auditorium after school on May 16 to discuss the strategic priorities, after which public meetings about the top three strategic priorities will be scheduled. Johnson also reported that the district is supporting a book study for all staff and school board members. Based on Carol...

  • County Approves Redistricting

    The Times|May 11, 2017

    Last week, the Columbia County Commissioners approved a plan to shift census block # 25, which is located in Commissioners' Voting Precinct No. 1, to Commissioners' Voting Precinct No. 3, in order to solve a state requirement that precinct boundaries for voting precincts run contiguously. There had been a break between Star and Mustard voting precincts....

  • Dayton Memorial Library May Events

    The Times|May 11, 2017

    DAYTON - Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for weather shifts on Saturday for a short excursion with the Columbia Basin Chapter of the Washington State Native Plant Society for field identification. Darcy Dauble will guide attendees through the identification of local plants and discuss the work that WSNPS is doing tohelp preserve native populations. Participants will meet at the library at 9 a.m. for a presentation before carpooling to a nearby location to perform in-the-field plant identification.. Also this month, the Friends of the...

  • Hospital Board Receives Audit Summary

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 4, 2017

    DAYTON—Tom Dingus, of DZA PLLC, Certified Public Accountants, presented highlights of his unmodified independent auditor’s report for 2016 and highlights from financial indicators to the CCHS Board of Commissioners at their April meeting. “You guys are off to a good start in 2017,” Dingus told the board. Dingus said patient accounts receivable revenue growth doubled in 2016. Net patient service revenue has increased 13% from the previous year, with more patient services provided. Also, purchase services went up 20%, he said. Bad debt and cha...

  • Columbia County Superior Court

    The Times|May 4, 2017

    Arraignments: -Brandon Wayne John, 33, Dayton; charged with first degree unlawful possession of a firearm. Entered a pleas of not guilty. Released on $10,000 personal recognizance bond. Case is continued to May 3 for trial setting. A second case against him for two counts of escape in the first degree was also continued to May 3 for trial setting. Trials Set: -Travis Rogelio Garcia, 30, Dayton; charged with unlawful imprisonmet – dv, coercion – dv, 4th degree assault – dv, possession of methamphetamine and three counts of unlawful posse...

  • History of Depot and Rail Transportation Now Online

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 4, 2017

    DAYTON-Dayton Historic Depot Museum Director Tamara Fritze has spent the last eight months researching the history of the 1881 Oregon Railway and Navigation Company Depot, better known as the Dayton Historic Depot, and looking into the significance of the depot to the local community, from the time it was built in 1881, until 1934, when passenger traffic to the depot ceased. "We as a community should know how important to our town the depot was. It changed the lives of people who lived here," sa...

  • Dayton Plans to Fix Streets

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 4, 2017

    DAYTON--At last week’s Dayton City Council meeting, Howard Boggs and Adam Schmidtgall, with Engineering Firm Anderson Perry & Associates, presented the council with an evaluation of potential design concepts, means of construction, cost estimates and funding sources for several street improvement projects in the city. The engineers discussed North Hill improvements for Whitman and Columbia Avenues, between Front and Willow streets, and Front St., between Whitman and Columbia, which are u...

  • Pacific Power to repower Marengo wind turbines

    Michele Smith, The Times|May 4, 2017

    DAYTON—PacifiCorp, a division of Pacific power, plans upgrades to its existing wind fleet by 2020. Upgrades will include installing larger blades and newer technology in order to increase power production by 20%. Tom Gauntt Communications Representative for PacifiCorp said plans are in the works to repower the wind turbines at two sites in Marengo, in 2018-19. Gauntt said the existing wind turbine blades have a 240 ft. span, and, due to the increased length of the new ones, even longer t...

  • Columbia Co. Considers Flood Control District

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 27, 2017

    DAYTON— City of Dayton Mayor Craig George and County Commissioner Merle Jackson are leading efforts to find out how to go about establishing a flood control district in Columbia County. Guest speaker Kirk Holmes, an engineer with consulting firm PERFEET, spoke to representatives from the city, county, WSDOT, Anderson Perry & Associates, the Army Corp of Engineers, and others at St. Joseph’s Parrish Hall, on April 20, about the steps Kittitas County took to form a Flood Control Zone District, in 2012. Holmes, who is a former Kittitas county eng...

  • Birds on the Dike

    The Times|Apr 27, 2017

    The Blue Mountain Audubon Society and the Dayton Memorial Library hosted a two-hour bird watching hike along the Touchet River on Saturday. Osprey, and Cliff Swallows were frequently sighted....

  • Dayton School Board Discusses Ski Program, Certificated Staff, and Capital Projects

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 27, 2017

    DAYTON--During the Show and Tell portion of last week’s school board meeting, Colonel Bill Bialozor with the JRROTC program at Walla Walla High School spoke about the role JRROTC plays in the lives of students. The goal of ROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens, he said. Bialozor, who emphasized that he is not a recruiter, talked about the pillars of learning, which are; Citizenship in Action, Leadership Theory and Applications, Foundations for Success, Wellness and Fitness a...

  • May Melodrama Will Hit the Liberty Theater Stage, May 12-14

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 27, 2017

    DAYTON – On a dark and stormy night, Purity Dean, a working girl with a secret, seeks shelter form the storm in a Vermont Inn. So begins the very first melodrama to grace the Liberty Theater stage. Pure as the Driven Snow: A Working Girl's Secret, debuts Fri., May 12 and will run through Sun., May 14. Co-directors Bret and Bethany Moser are convinced the audience will roar with laughter as they not only watch – but participate in – the lively, over-the-top production. The Mosers are Liber...

  • Public Hearing Coming on Pot Store

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    DAYTON – Columbia County planning commissioners have received plenty of feedback – mostly negative – in response to the conditional use permit recently filed by Kathy Sali, to open a marijuana store just outside Dayton. A public hearing is planned, though date is yet to be set, to help determine the conditions that will be imposed on the shop. It is to be located at 36711 U.S. Highway 12, just west of the city limits. While many residents would like to see the store banned, Planning Director Kim Lyonnais said that’s not an option. In Septemb...

  • Dealing with Disabilities

    The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    There was a good turn-out at the Developmental Disabilities Services Fair held in the Delaney Room at the Dayton Memorial Library last week. The fair was sponsored by the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network and the goal was to link agencies, caregivers, and the community together in support of developmentally disabled individuals....

  • Monica Mitchelle is Dayton's new After School Program/Drug Free Grant Coordinator

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    DAYTON--Monica Mitchelle is the new Dayton School District After School Program/Drug-Free Grant Coordinator. She is replacing Shakira Bye, who has taken a job with the Dayton Memorial Library. Mitchelle is originally from the small farming community of Condon, Ore., where she was heavily involved in 4-H Youth activities, "my entire life." In 2014 she graduated from Montana State University with a BS in animal science and a minor in agriculture economics. She started her career as a 4-H Youth...

  • Eggs, eggs, everywhere!

    Apr 20, 2017

    Children filled the Dayton City Park to hunt for thousands of colored Easter eggs on Saturday morning. The annual hunt is sponsored by the Dayton Kiwanis Club and Washington Federal Bank....

  • Upcoming at the Library

    The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    DAYTON - On Friday, April 21 the Friends of the Library will host a used book sale, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., and, again, on Sat., April 22, from 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Also on April 21 learn how clouds affect weather and the importance of their role in our climate at an Earth Day Cloud Observation Event at the library at 3:15 p.m. On Sat., April 22, bring water, binoculars, and cameras, and wear comfortable shoes and appropriate apparel, for a two-hour bird watching hike, along the Touchet River dike, with the Blue Mountain Audubon Society. Meet in the...

  • Dayton Street Project On Track for This Summer

    The Times|Apr 20, 2017

    DAYTON—Action was taken at last week’s city council meeting to award the South First Street Reconstruction Contract. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, which was POW Contracting, of Pasco, for an amount not to exceed $1,167,431.32. The project start date is tentatively set for June 1, according to Mayor Craig George. The city council also authorized the transportation improvement board supplement consultant agreement for the construction phase of the South First Street Reconstruction Project with Anderson/Perry & Ass...

  • Chamber Manager Takes New Job in Yakima

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 13, 2017

    DAYTON-Dayton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Andrew Holt has accepted a position with the Downtown Association of Yakima, where he will be tasked with the revitalization and support of that city's downtown area. "The job will be similar to my duties here, as the Main Street contact and coordinator of chamber-sponsored events," Holt said. Holt said that up to now, the position in Yakima has been a half-time position, but he will step in as a full-time manager. "It is an exciting...

  • Columbia County Superior Court

    The Times|Apr 13, 2017

    Arraignments: -Jason Jerome Fox, 35, Kennewick; Charged with 2 counts of violoation of protection order – 2 priors, a Class C felony. He entered a not guilty plea, bond was set at $10,000 and trial setting was scheduled for April 19. -Lonnie Lee Montoya, 37, Dixie; charged with attempting to elude a police vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle, resisting arrest, driving with a suspended license – third degree. He allegedly attempted to elude an officer in a marked vehicle who wanted him to pull over for a traffic infraction. Montoya rep...

  • Making a Clean Sweep

    The Times|Apr 13, 2017

    Dave Elkins at the Dayton Public Works Department took the city's new streetsweeper for a spin last week. The 2008 Elgin Crosswind is mounted on an International 4300 Chassis with Max Force Diesel, according to Public Works Director Jim Costello....

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